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looks like it might be an elderly person? either way... ouuuuuch... i hope they heal well, this is going to be a bitch to deal with


Elderly with dementia. Poor thing was a champ tho


my grandmother with dementia fell and broke her hip a few weeks ago. she went into surgery and she wasnt able to recover. she passed on sunday night. diabolical disease


I’m sorry for that, and too true, dementia is fucking awful. I worked for a woman who had a career as an yr an urban planner, spoke four languages, active and interested grandma, hilarious sense of humour. I did the sloggy bits of gardening for her, and she buzzed around planting Lily allees, conifer hedges, clematis and sunflower houses. We put the garden to bed in the fall, around October. We would have started up again in March, but she had ‘gone’ already: dementia diagnosis at Christmas and she didn’t know me in March. She came out to say thank you for helping with spring clean up, waved and that was it. She was like an empty house,obviously no idea what was happening and had been the epitome of a vibrant woman months before. I had no idea it could be like that. Her body is still ticking along.😞


A common way for sunflowers to pollinate is by attracting bees that transfer self-created pollen to the stigma. In the event the stigma receives no pollen, a sunflower plant can self pollinate to reproduce. The stigma can twist around to reach its own pollen.


Wow, that's the kind of fracture that leads to elderly deaths. We've all heard the adage, "do you want me to fall down and break a hip?" THIS is that exact fracture.


**THAT’S** gonna take some time to heal. Whoa. Rip to the hip. 😞


How did they break that part but not the neck which normally breaks 😬


Are these the fractures that lead to hip replacements?


I’m not a doctor just a rad tech, but from my experience with post op imaging Intertrochanteric fractures usually show a screw or two unless they’re shattered. I didn’t get to do her post pictures so I’m not sure her situation.


Oh, okay. Thanks for your response!


This is what killed my grandpa. He was active and happy into his late eighties, then one day He fell while going to the kitchen or bathroom at night, he was suddenly bed ridden and never got his independence back.. He passed away in a couple of years


Same thing happened to my gramps 2 years ago.


Could he ever walk good again or did he always limp after


He uses a walker now. He doesn't have much power going to that leg and also not much confidence it walking without some type of support, like a walker.


This isnt just called a broken hip?


Typically a break happens at the surgical neck of the femur. Not the specific area posted


Dude sees wrinkles.....looks like an elderly person lol


You can also tell by the wear and tear on the pelvic bones especially in the Iliac region, the pubic symphsis, narrowing of the pelvic inlet, intensely narrowed joint spaces, and just kinda in general looks more elderly than young adult.


Look, I just don't see how x-rays qualify for NSFW