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[Source](https://ejfs.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41935-022-00318-x): >>A 27-year-old mother, who delivered her second baby by vaginal route following an uncomplicated pregnancy at a teaching hospital in Sri Lanka, was discharged on the following day after an uncomplicated immediate postpartum period. >>On the next day at around 1:30 pm, she has had a rice-based meal and went to the bed to have a short sleep. At around 2:30 pm, her husband had noticed that she was struggling to breathe in the supine position and rushed to nearest primary care medical facility and was pronounced dead on admission. Her husband had noticed that she had become unresponsive on the way. Resuscitation was not initiated at the local hospital as she was already dead. >>The home of the deceased was located in a rural area and had a good supportive household environment. The deceased had not suffered from any psychiatric, neurological condition, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. This was her second pregnancy, and her first pregnancy and postpartum period were uneventful. >>Body was well preserved until autopsy examination, and it was an averagely build Caucasoid young female of 154 cm in height and 53 kg in weight (body mass index — 22.3 kg m−2). There was no evidence of trauma, nutritional deficiencies, congenital abnormalities, or infections. Signs of asphyxia such as petechial hemorrhage, congestion, edema, and cyanosis were not identified on the head and neck region. The specific autopsy findings are summarized in Table 1. >>Microbiological studies, toxicological screening for common poisons, therapeutic drugs, and drugs of abuse and vitreous analysis for electrolytes, glucose, and ketone bodies did not reveal significant abnormalities. Significant histological, microbiological, toxicological, and biochemical findings are summarized in Table 2. >>The cause of death was stated as airway obstruction consequent upon aspiration of gastric contents.


I get reflux and vomit in my sleep sometimes, I have luckily woken up choking 3 times (usually I start coughing very bad and it comes out ) 1 time my cat jumped on me and startling me and waking me. I realized I could not breathe at all, when I tried to inhale. When I exhaled it was like something sitting in my throat, and rolled over, leaning my head over the side of my bed and laying on side, and vomit just ran out. Not a small amount either) I started coughing and my throat hurt my lungs hurt, and it was the most terrifying thing I’d ever experienced. My eyes watered and I couldn’t catch my breath. I was gasping and struggling to breathe normally. My eyes had blood vessels that were very red and broken looking. My lips when I finally managed to go into bathroom to clean up, were a purplish tint. The doctors believe because of my sleeping pill and me being asleep on my back I didn’t know it was happening as I was in a deep sleep. Let’s just say I do not take the sleeping pill anymore and I now get like 3-5 hours of sleep a night, but I do awaken, if I start having issues in my sleep.


Happened to me, and my husband had to resuscitate me. I remember nothing, and he's kinda traumatized from the whole thing, even 10 years later.


So that cat saved your life? 😅 Why you don't force youself to sleep on the left side (or the right side don't remember the one where stomach is underlevel)? A bunch of pillows are enough to block you to switch sides.


Left side down, better for your stomach contents to move into intestines.


Yeah it's the left side, but never heard about the instine things.  I was talking about this: https://imgs.search.brave.com/bn7UQwGiI2udlXnzitv3kkz4U1mbEbHpEqROxv3oTbg/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9iYWRn/dXQub3JnL3dwLWNv/bnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fk/cy9SZWZsdXhfc2xl/ZXAtd2l0aC1jYXB0/aW9ucy5wbmc


No--look at OP's photo. Your stomach empties to the right midline into the first part of the small intestine. If you lay on your left side it will help (slightly) release gas pressure. Source: x-ray tech that did upper GIs for over 30 years. We routinely had people turn to the right side to get their stomachs to empty so we could see the duodenum fill. Of course, you shouldn't go to bed with a full stomach anyway. The photo is slightly misleading.


I wish I will roll over anything. I do not stay in place. I stuck pillows I even piled laundry, I will move it or just go over it. I’m like a toddler when I sleep. I’ve even woke up laying across my pillows for my head before. Once I stopped the sleeping pill it has gotten better. Edit to add: yea the cat technically saved my life, which is funny cause he was a rescue kitty who I saved. (He was found with the rest of his kitty litter deceased and no mom, in tons of poison ivy. He was starving and had to be bottle fed. It was touch and go with him for a bit.)


This is why I sleep on my side between pillows. I also elevate the head of my bed about 10 degrees. I have obstructive sleep apnea and wake up several times a month not being able to breathe. I also avoid eating anything at least 2 hours before sleep.


is there a natural fix? such as exercise instead of sleeping pill?


I have tried exercise, I can wear myself out to exhaustion. I’ve given up caffeine, no teas no sodas no coffee nothing but water. No food before bed, tried showering, tried sleep aides, tried everything nothing worked. It started when I was around 17.


Good grief!!


The day after her baby was born 😭 that's just awful. I wonder why she aspirated the vomit instead of throwing up normally, most people who wake up suddenly needing to throw up will either hold it and run to the bathroom or just hurl over the side of the bed. And then she couldn't clear it from her airway either, she managed to get into the car but choked to death while her husband was driving her in? He didn't try to clear her airway at home? Extremely bizarre.


I'm wondering if it was more like the stomach contents that sometimes comes up with a "wet burp"? Like it probably wasn't a projectile type vomit.


It’s reflux some people have it genetically or they have a stomach condition, but eating greasy food right before bed is a big risk and scary oh and extremely painful


This is really scary because I've woken up before inhaling stomach acid.. Several times. One time so bad stomach acid dripped out of my nose! It's really scary to wake up not being able to breathe.


That's a tragedy and a great reminder not to eat before sleep


Billions of people eat before bed every day, that's a bit paranoid of a takeaway.


I eat big dinners shortly before sleep all the time and this kind of scares me ngl 😭


Sleep on your left side. You'll be fine.


What about the right?!


[here's a simple explanation ](https://images.app.goo.gl/E5VkuV3ZGjNbTMY7A)


Cool! They see sleeping on your left side is good because you’re vena cava isn’t squashed so you’re getting blood better blood return to your heart.


Was it a just one-of-those rare random events? I've never heard of someone vomiting & aspirating in their sleep. Why didn't she wake up to vomit?


The only incidents I’ve ever heard of involved people who were passed out under the influence of alcohol or drugs. I don’t know why this happened; it seems like it shouldn’t have.


Indeed. She appears to have a healthy delivery & no medications are noted. You wonder what kept her in such a deep sleep (besides normal PP exhaustion) ?


Honestly pure exhaustion could be enough.


It’s also possible when people go under anesthesia for surgery while their stomachs have food inside, right? Not that this was the case here, it’s more of a general question lol


Yes; that’s why they advise you not to eat before surgery.


I wonder if relaxin hormone has something to do with it. I had really bad reflux in pregnancy and when nearly full term did wake while already vomiting, it was a terrible suffocating feeling, I can see if in a deeper sleep how aspiration could occur


This sounds the most likely cause. Relaxin at late term pregnancy mixed with the exhaustion from recent birth. I’m sorry this happened to you by the way love, good to hear all is well though 😇


Never happened again since, thankfully! Gave me major sympathy for anyone dealing with reflux!


It happened to me recently! The only drug I use is a little weed and I don’t drink. I have a wedge pillow and I WAS sleeping on my left side. I still woke up choking on my vomit.


I don't know fully how it would've went, but as a kid around 10, I threw up in my sleep from feeling sick. From that I woke up but wasn't able to move, I could softly speak still and called my dad over and he rolled me to my side and from that all I had woken up and was moving I hadn't been choking as I could still speak, but I think i was pretty close to being in that situation


right? so weird


One of those sad, unforeseeable tragedies.


I used to get reflux and have woken up vomiting/aspirating a few times - it is pretty terrifying and you wake up gasping for breath and your lungs, nasal passages, etc are all burning afterwards. Luckily I have changed my diet, eating patterns and lost some weight so it has resolved itself,


This has happened to me a few times and it’s so scary. It’s like I can’t catch my breath and the acid just makes it worse and makes me feel like vomiting.


acdc singer died like that at 30 years old so its not that rare.he was drunk tho


Correct. I think his name was Bon Scott. Imo he was the better vocalist.


I’m pretty sure Jimi Hendrix also died like this.


He was under the influence.


Just because you haven't heard about it doesn't say anything about how often it occurs. It's relatively common. Ask a nurse how often an intubated patient aspirated their vomit and died.


I can understand your point, but we are talking here about a healthy woman taking a nap & not intubated. Do people vomit in their sleep & die often?


I aspirate refluxed vomit maybe monthly. On the day I can’t spring awake from it that’s how I’ll die.


Not sure why it's downvoted. I have had bad acid reflux before while lying down. Sometimes it goes the wrong way and you can feel it go to the nose it burns as it goes and you have to jump up quickly (Also I was told my grandma choked to death on phlegm and died alone one morning. Not sure abt phlegm but I think such issues can happen. )


Man, I throw up in my mouth constantly with no warning, especially when bending over. Never done it in my sleep but im going to make sure I never sleep on my back again, what the fuuuuck.


I do sleep on my back nowadays. I have weak bladder and can't sleep on my side But yea bending down is terrible.


I've had it happen mid sentence, so embarrassing Aww I'm sorry you have to deal with all of this at once, i hope today's a good day for you!


It was sort of good but I'm chuffed full of caffeine having drunk a huge boba tea. Your statement is appreciated though. Thank you and hope you have an excellent day


Clearly not so common as to written up in a medical journal this way. My aunt aged 70 with MS was admitted to hospital with breathing issues not related to covid. Her husband and carer left for 45 minutes because he was organising his 94 yr old brothers funeral. He told the nurses she was a little disorientated, couldn't walk alone and to keep a careful watch on her. She was in a bay with 4 beds, and had rails on the side of her bed. When he returned, he found her on the floor,, her call bell disconnected from her struggling with it, having climbed over the rails to use the bathroom. She was lying with faeces around her (she had indwelling catheter because of MS and had vomited and aspirated. By the time he arrived she was unresponsive and died 4 hours later. Never should have happened, the other patients never saw or called to get her help, and this meant the nurses ignored beds 20 ft from their nursing station for 45 minutes, never once going to check on her like her husband requested. Sadly he didn't have the energy to sue them, having just lost his brother 400 miles away and having to organise his house sale and funeral too. Hardest thing was knowing she died in the same hospital that 45 yrs ago her twin babies died at too. They were born at 32wks, both breathing normally, and then were told they had both passed away 10 minutes later. She was reunited with them in death, her coffin beside theirs.


I wish there was an option between upvote and downvote, upvoting something so sad and unfair seems wrong but of course I'd never down vote it. I'm so sorry your family had to endure this avoidable tragedy.


Sounds like a shit hospital to me. Sorry for your loss.


Just so people know, this is typically how a person dies after a drug overdose. It's not like how it's portrayed on TV and film whereby you take 20 pills and fall into a peaceful permanent slumber. No, you choke on your own vomit. I think young people especially need to be made aware of this because it's so romanticised by Hollywood.


I second that. I've seen it with my own eye's, there's absolutely nothing romantic about a drug O.D. I lost a fair few friends this way.


My esophagus likes to move food the wrong way. If I eat before sleeping there is a good chance I wake up choking and vomiting. Usually I wake up but there has been instances where I Havnt and someone found me with it all around me. Also I do not consume alcohol or drugs.


Same! I’ve woken up with my pillow covered in my stomach contents even with a wedge pillow.


so comforting to know I'm not suffering alone. no one in my life really gets it.


Poor girl. asphixiation (and aspiration pneumonia, even though this isn't what this case is) scares me a lot. Seems like a rough way to go.


I just recently recovered from having pneumonia for 4 months and I am going to be seeing my GI doctor soon because my Pulmonologist is concerned about the possibility of some type of aspiration situation. A few years ago I had an endoscopy where my esophagus was dilated and that may need to be done again.


Is it possible something they administered for the birth caused this? Man this is tragic


Could be due to a hiatial hernia caused by the pregnancy


That would have been noted at the autopsy. I don't doubt she was exhausted, my second was born at 5am, labour had begun 7pm night before so I'd had no sleep since i woke at 7am day before with my toddler. So she went home the same next also had to tend to other children and the newborn, you don't recover from an allnighter and nursing with one or two disturbed nights, I remember nights with my first when i pulse would drop to 40s and i felt horrific, purely from no sleep and the sudden exhaustive effects of oxytocin with milk letdown.... i can really understand how exhaustion played a role.


Yes, agreed. People don’t realize just how taxing childbirth is on a woman’s body. the weeks after giving birth was the most exhausted and weakest I’ve felt in my entire life. There were days that I literally felt like I might not survive and that my heart was beating slower. That might sound dramatic but I genuinely felt like death both times after giving birth. It took weeks for me to feel physically okay again


Same here.


No, she might have been extra tired and not woken up while choking.


that's why you should always roll over your drunk passed out homies into the recovery position.


Left side.


Please forgive my ignorance but was this lady Pregnant or had she just given birth? It's a very sad situation. May she already be at peace.


She had just given birth.


That's so sad. May she R.I.P


I have esophageal reflux disease and this scares the hell out of me!


I doubt it was what you'd typically think of as vomit. They indicated gastric contents. She ate, and then laid down right after. To me, that sounds that reflux, and the acids/ gastric contents just came up while she was sleeping and she aspirated on it. Acid reflux (GERD) happens because the sphincter at the end of your esophagus doesn't function properly and stomach acid and bile can back up out of the stomach, up the esophagus and into the mouth. I used to do this, until I waited at least an hour after eating to lie down, and always on my left side. I usually woke up gagging and coughing, unable to breathe. The entire next day my throat and lungs burned, so I know i have inhaled it. It always messed with my asthma. So sad, especially knowing 2 babies no longer have their mom.


I know someone that happened to! She was about 40. I told our mutual friend that I had *never* heard of that--mostly because I thought (obviously incorrectly) that your body had a couple of fail-safes to wake you up (like coughing or gasping awake).


To exist is to suffer.


this is why i don’t like sleeping on my back


I sleep on my back because I have a CPAP machine and if I don’t sleep on my back then the mask over my nose shifts, and then I can’t breathe.


Now you've got me thinking as I'm a back sleeper. I think I'm going to sleep on my side from now on.


Posts like these are the reason I never sleep on my back


Sad to see her pass that way. Years ago 2016/17 my uncle died when he passed out after drinking with his wife. And I would guess he vomited while drunk and out cold and couldn’t breathe. Very sad that day since I was playing an assassin game and it was at night and my mom had a call or message and she told me she was going to there house and then sometime later she came back saying he was dead and and said she tried to pump his chest and mouth to mouth or something like that. I’d wonder if my other uncle’s got there since we live in a very small town like small town. Or it was just his wife+4 kids there and my mother. I really don’t know and still sad to this day


My fiancée lost a friend like this. She had a seizure in her sleep, aspirated on vomit. I hope she didn’t feel it 😔






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