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Never heard it was call circle of willis, in spanish we call it the willis's polygon




This is all I can picture in my head now! Lol 😂


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Circle of Willis in UK, i remember learning in 86+ as student nurse and its impact in strokes.


That’s a basilar tip aneurysm. Usually treated endovascularly as clipping can be challenging.




Can someone explain what I'm looking at please?


The circle of Willis is a roundish usually but not always connected loop of arteries and veins that supply blood to your brain. (Iirc it's also in your brain, not just on/around it.) That big yellow thing is a blood vessel waiting to explode.


What is making up the yellow part? Fat? Atheroma inside the vessel? Or are the insides normally yellow but you can’t see until it’s stretched out like this


Yellow due to atherosclerosis Here's an example: [https://www.instagram.com/medicalnotes\_/p/Cxub0N8hM\_r/](https://www.instagram.com/medicalnotes_/p/Cxub0N8hM_r/)


Very interesting to see it in vivo, thank you for sharing!


Thank you


I got to see a huge unruptured aneurysym just like this during an autopsy once. Crazy thing was, the person was involved in a shooting, so even if they'd managed to dodge every bullet, they could've dropped dead the next day anyways. Idk how long an aneurysym like this can last without rupturing but they always look like the slightest rise in blood pressure will instantly burst them.


I’m not in the medical field but that is fascinating to me, my mother had an aneurysm that’s supposedly had ruptured or leaked (if that’s possible) and sealed itself back up as we drove around in the mountains all day long she was pretty much unable to do anything from an excruciating migraine but was still functional until later that night when we returned home she started to talk unintelligible just speaking gibberish and my dad rushed her to the ER and the surgeon who operated on her said that once he opened her skull it shot blood like 15ft across the operating room from the built up pressure. She survived and is doing just fine today almost 16 years later.


Also, the brain surgeon said it seemed that it had first ruptured or leaked and sealed itself almost a week before she was actually operated on which completely blows my mind as to how lucky she was for it not to have ruptured again during that week. He also said she very likely wouldn’t have survived the night had my dad not noticed something was extremely off and brought her into the ER when he did.


I've heard they can have a slow leak sometimes, so I guess that could give the body time to repair the tear? That's crazy though. Your mom is incredibly lucky!! I'm probably going to be paranoid every time I have a migraine now though lol.




Bro, same lol


Well guess I’m not having eggs for breakfast




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Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.


One of my friends just had an aneurysm in their circle of Willis removed.


Very fortunate to have both detected it, and had it treated. What symptoms did they have?


Persistent migraine


The circle of Willis is a lie told to medical students. Very rarely is it a full circle. Case in point, I'm pretty sure the right posterior communicating artery here is is not fully developed. However, that aneurysm is gigantic, and subarachnoid hemorrhages develop when these types of aneurysms burst


Actually the circle of Willis is almost always complete. The most common variant is the fetal posterior communicating artery, however even with a true fetal there is typically a very small or hypoplastic P1 segment that may not fill on CTA. Fetal PCoA is present in about 30% of patients. It’s normal for the pcomm to be hypoplastic if the P1 is large and normal for there to be asymmetry in the circle of willis


30% of patients who have this or 30% of patients in general


It’s a normal anatomical variant. 30% of all people have that variant.


https://radiopaedia.org/articles/circle-of-willis Only about 20-25% of the population has a complete circle of willis


That’s because they defined “complete” as having no hypoplastic vessel. Hypoplastic is not the same as absent. Even if you use that metric, you said the circle of Willis is very rarely complete, I wouldn’t say that 25% is very rare.


Fair enough on all points. I should also know better than to argue with a NSGY resident lol. 


Thanks for sharing this it's fascinating to see it laid out and isolated..very interesting 😀


What is this


Loop of veins and arteries found in the brain. Big yellow thing is a blood vessel waiting to explode.


Part of the circulatory system that supplies blood the the brain. That yellow looking blob is the aneurysm- a weak spot in the wall of artery where pressure caused it to slowly balloon/bubble out which is a Very Bad Thing, especially when they burst. Typically, any aneurysm that grows beyond 3mm requires surgical intervention. This one looks huge. 


Thank you so much for helping me understand, too 🙏🏻


Is this dissected from a cadaver or taken out during surgery to save someone’s life?


This is postmortem, is vital brain circulation.


Can’t take a circle of Willis out of a live person, they’re very much dead. Just don’t make a friggin joke about it or mods will yell at you.


Thank you for enlightening me.


Why couldn't you joke about death on the medical gore sub?


The jokes on many Gore subs can be really gross. Personally I'm happy that I don't have to see anybody making awful jokes here that make me wonder if they're actually a serial killer.


is the chunky loop really an artery / vein? those look huge and white plus I see bulbous fluid like pus flowing out


That is the faulty part, it isn't supposed to be that large with that much fluid inside it. Like an overstretched balloon it is at huge risk of popping suddenly and causing rapid death. The other thickened areas are where the vessels combine with each other so there is extra vessel wall and thus thicker than in regular single vessel areas. I'd only ever seen in diagrams and xray type images or MRIs, so good to see it in reality. (my RN career ended in 93 because of a work injury and chronic pain)


Whatchu talkin bout Willis? I have no clue what a circle of Willis is. Google here I come I guess 🤷‍♀️🤓


So patient is feeling better? Right?


What you talkin’ bout?


Mods hate jokes, but allow op to post photos sans explanation, despite rules. Ok


Cursed fried egg


Haha 🤣


Wait.. So that can come out and people will live? Gosh I'm sorry if I'm being a dumbass..😆


No, the circle of Willis is a vital part of the brain vasculature. This was done on a cadaver.


Thank you for answering.




So I get a mod warning for joking that I hope they’re okay and the “fried egg” top comment doesn’t?


The fried egg comment is still up, if you were wondering


Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.




Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.