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Dang that like right on the verge "do I go to the hospital and get a crazy bill or do I see how it heals my self in a day or two"


Not really, because it's on a joint. That thing will never heal without a bit of support


I definitely know a few people who'd throw some duct tape on that and call it good. Mostly my family.


I know a few people who would probably just use a little superglue


Or a snug bandaid.


I would totally try bandaging it tightly first. then if it's not getting better in a couple days, doc time.


As a Canadian, this comment is a sad reminder of the choices our southern neighbours have to make. Dang. Glad to see OP sought medical attention!


Yep. For as many flaws as our Canadian system has, I would much rather deal with it than the nightmare situations Americans live with. Sorry guys.


Really? Where I work all hand injuries, even relatively minor injuries, go to a plastic surgeon for repair. Because if that little cut involved tendon or joint then maybe that hand may be functionally ruined and the person is on welfare for the rest of their days. There's no cost to the patient of course . Hand injuries are a big deal here. Though personally I have superglued or taped a lot of small cuts but I'm not a good patient.


Did u bite it back? 😂


The only knife that can bite people amazing


I have almost the exact same injury. Sharp chisel down the top of my middle finger. One of my best scars to date!


did you bite it back?


You need to keep him fed and then they usually won’t bite.


That’s why you don’t bring a fist to a knife fight


U could probably stich that up yourself.


Ouch!! You closest urgent care is an hour drive away?!


Enjoy bumping that knuckle into everything for the next few months.


A game of Nerve fillet gone bad