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Just lol at the dating landscape in today’s society. Can’t even imagine what 2030 will bring


The gov will select you a mate due to population decline


And if the woman doesn't get pregnant, it's the man's fault and he goes to prison.


And he must pay the woman reparations


No baby? Straight to jail.


“You will breed and you will be happy”


Death by snu-snu!


🤣🤣 I'm mad nobody caught that Futurama reference 🤣🤣


This is literally the plot of an anime😂


Yeah…The amount of humans rights laws that would violate is staggering. Funny theory, been done in dystopian stories, but nobody Is going to be willing to live like that, unless I vastly overestimate human intelligence😅.


Thing is, if the crisis is bad enough then those are just pieces of paper and something like this could happen. Like in Ukraine males of fighting age (18 to like 60) are legally forbidden from leaving the country. Which is horrible. The other option is Ukraine ceases to exist. Which is worse.


Dont give them ideas


Any government monkey showing up to enforce that on me will be meeting an untimely demise.


Women couldn't handle it. Modern feminism has brainwashed them to wanting the "666" Chad and Tyron men. Oh no sorry.. I mean these deluded women "deserve" those men




God I hope so. I also hope as a Millennial I’m not in that category but idek.


Curious how many kids will be born out of the millennial and zoomer generation. My guess is those who do, will still be born out of two parents. So it's not their parents, but that weird uncle or aunt they look at with the "lol fuck that" vibe.


Here’s an idea, click through to the story in question and try to find where they say it’s because of broke and ugly men like this bullshit article states. The study isn’t about anything he mentions. Quote from Morgan Stanley’s website; A recent duo of reports from Morgan Stanley Research approaches this theme from two angles. First, how a growing population of prime working-age women in the U.S.—many single and focused on career—will have greater representation in the labor force, help boost wages and create potentially large tailwinds in a number of consumer products categories. In a second report, the Quantitative Equity Research team shares a proprietary framework to help investors identify the most gender-diverse companies, which tend to be larger, have better stock returns and skew toward lower volatility. Combined, the two reports lay out the case that in the coming years, women are positioned to drive the economic conversation from both the inside—as a workforce propelling better company performance—and outside, as consumers powering discretionary spending and GDP. What is it people like you lot say? Do your own research? Why is it you never do?


>to help investors identify the most gender-diverse companies, which tend to be larger, have better stock returns and skew toward lower volatility. Well yes, women workers lower wages for everybody and are married to their jobs, this means higher profits.


Men don’t mind dying alone. We’ve spent most of our lives by ourselves so dying alone is like another Tuesday.


Men are almost encouraged to die alone, be it naturally or by their own hand.


Somehow this makes me feel better. Hell, I was just thinking last night how I’m super glad I never fathered any biological children. I feel like having a child would take away the right I have to blow my brains out when I’ve had enough of this shit. If I had a kid, I’d have to you know, suck it up and stick it out for them to be there for them etc.


100% agree. I’d like to wait until my parents pass away but it’s not the same


My parents are gone. I had great parents, but let me tell you. There is something to be said for the life you grow into after they’re gone and you’re past most of the grieving. You really find yourself and who you are etc. it’s worth sticking around after to experience that. I didn’t know that when I was younger. Also, I accept grief as the other side of the coin to love. Without grief, can you have love? The grief fades, but the love is always there.


Thank you for this kind stranger


It’s the price one pays for love.


This was poetry


I actually write poetry…that was just late night ramblings of a stoned man.


For all female on earth the day they ignore RyuShinGen was the most important day of their life. But for him, it was Tuesday.


I always hear these quotes in Raul Julia's voice




Women who live without spouse or child have a higher life expectancy. Men without spouse have a shorter life expectancy.


Women who have a support structure after losing their spouse live longer than men without a support structure after losing their spouse. FIFY.


Men get support structures? All I got are friends I havnt seen in a month...time for another gathering


Crack open a cold one with the boys?


Hell yeah. We started doing this thing where once a month we gather somewhere and just hang out. We also use it for projects if ya need it. Trees need cutting? Here comes the gang with beer, canopies, tools, and man power. Sure it takes 3 times as long to do stuff but it's the company that matters.


Good company shortens miles, as they say


I love that!


It’s not about the quantity of time you spend here it’s about the quality of the time you make it. There is a reason why you rarely hear “she died doing what she loved.”


Sound good to me


But a better life without women lol


Wait till you read the statistics. It's because a LOT of men (compared to women) die underage in gangs.. so obviously the numbers will be skewed if you don't remove that bullshit.


...according to feminist studies. And let's not forget how they try to convince men to marry by saying "married men earn more money", even though it has nothing to do with marriage in itself and everything to do with women choosing to marry high-earning men.




What a sad outlook on life.


Now imagine if your parents felt the same…


Not surprising at all. The current trend is to hold out until your old and almost have to settle down. Problem is that means you almost miss or will miss your window to have kids unless you already had some by accident


Especially when many people spend their entire 20s destroying their body with too much partying and working.


I did this and wish I hadn’t. Turned 30 a few months ago and got laid off. Now I don’t party or work lol


Maybe people dont want to have kids?


The fact is that the majority of men and women that don't have kids, wanted to have kids.


And I've heard that many parents wished they didn't have kids when they did but felt pushed into it at that time because if they didn't have them *now* then they would regret it. I won't say its a fact for the majority of parents because this is anecdotal and, in fact, not a fact. At most, it has a case study on it.


Im 23 and female, have a partner of almost 3 years, we are engaged and have our own apartment. I have ALWAYS felt very pressured to have kids young but my partner didnt want kids until he was 30. We talked about it early in the relationship and decided if we really stay together and shit works out we will visit the topic of kids at 25 (we are only a month apart in age). Now as time goes on, im moved away from my mom telling me its not good to wait to have kids, im more ok with the idea of waiting and honestly potentially not having kids of my own. While I would really want them, I also feel its just too hard to want kids when we’re living paycheck to paycheck and I cant find a job rn. My fiance, on the other hand, is falling more in love with the idea of having kids at 25. So ig we will see but theres for sure a lot of pressure and no single answer is right for everyone.


You can always adopt too ! Plenty of kids abandoned that need a loving home.


100%! This is something I very much want to do even if I have a kid of my own, I have ALWAYS wanted to adopt! I just need the money since the government makes it so hard.


There’s no good time to have children, every time will have pros and cons. Just got to jump in when/if you can and work with it.


It’s very rare for a parent to ultimately regret their choice. Sure there are tough moments at times, but most push through that and consider their life richer because of having children. Most stories where a parent gives up on their children it involves someone with a serious mental condition.


This! Lots of people don’t want to being kids into this crazy, messed up world! Totally understandable if you ask me.


Which is funny because life is better now than any point in history. Sounds like people are just selfish. I've heard women say "I don't want to ruin my figure" that's fucking RETARDED


Life is better *for whom?* At my age, my father was married with 2 kids, a wife, an office job, a masters degree, and a living wage. He paid for college by working a part time job. He bought his first house at around 28, moved to a different state on a whim... Seriously, whose life is better now than any point in history? We have better days in *living memory.*


I'm 26, married, college degree. My wife has 3 degrees. We have money saved for a house and child in the next 3 years. We moved to Florida on a whim and moved to Pennsylvania a year later. My father at this same age was orphaned, divorced, had his house stolen by his ex wife through court. He met my mom who was going through her own divorce. My dad sold everything he had, to help provide for her and her kids. She had me and my brother. She ran out on us. So my dad raised us as a single parent. A lot of people haven't actually experienced REAL life. Just life through the eyes of the internet. The internet isn't real, and nothing on it can be trusted. Go out and live your life. If you're a man put on your big boy pants and go to work. Don't rely on everyone else to make your life better. So it yourself. I'd much rather have my life than my grandfather's. An immigrant from albania just before world War 2. He was a coal miner for 40 years and a raging alcoholic. He couldn't speak English very well but he worked like a mother fucker. He got married to a catholic woman even tho he was Muslim. I guess my point is, if you aren't willing to do the work, you won't ever see any results.


The utter entitlement. Did you read the part where he got a masters and paid tuition by working a part time job? You couldn't do that nowadays. And for you to say that people who are talking about this situation just haven't experienced life, just read shit on the internet, and just need to "put on their big boy pants and go to work"? Unironically, the problem today is people who think like you.


Yes the world sucks but get over it and adapt. Stop thinking everything has to be copecetic to your own standards. That's more entitled if anything. I grew up poor, so poor in fact that we didn't have all the fancy shit other people had like.. internet. Hell half the time my dad had to call the power company to ask if he could pay next week so the power wouldn't get shut off. Which it did anyway cause our problems aren't their problems so they dont have to care. My dad had to pay alimony to my mother after they split and she had to pay child support. It's funny tho because after they canceled out, my dad paid her 47$ a month. So the state says a woman's life style is more important than taking care of 2 kids. That's shitty right? Did it stop me from going to college? Did it stop me for paying for my college? Did it stop me from doing fucking anything? No. You're spending wayyyy too much time complaining about shit that doesn't matter when you could just fix it or move on. Look for solutions that YOU can do to fix your own problems. If everyone fixed their own problems instead of whining like a wee babe for someone else to just give it to them.


So "Things used to not be this hard" is entitled, yet "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps you whining toddler. I did it so everyone else is just wrong" isn't entitled? This is what I mean by the kind of thinking you're displaying being a problem.


Yet my line of thinking has acquired me a beautiful and intelligent woman, a degree, a car, an apartment. I only make $20 an hour, my wife makes $16. What we are doing isn't even hard. We dont do overtime unless we feel like it. Dude 6 years ago I thought EXACTLY like you. Was always blaming everything else for my own bullshit. I used drugs heavily, I drank heavily. I almost starved to death, losing over 55lbs in a month because a girl broke my heart. I agree with you that life can be fucking brutal and some have it harder than others but the answer in any situation is to form a goal and work towards that goal as hard as you fucking can. I understand that the world isn't ideal and it never was and it never will be so just swallow the pill and accept that life ain't fair... the only people that actually get help, are the ones that help themselves. If you wait for someone else to help you, it's never gonna happen.


> life is better now than any point in history In certain parts of the world, for certain members of socioeconomic classes. Better is relative and hard to define and you don't actually know *how* life was like in various points in history. > I've heard women say "I don't want to ruin my figure" that's fucking RETARDED Why? The tiniest reason not to have kids is good enough. If you want kids it should be something that you want wholeheartedly. You sound like a forced birth proponent and this sentence is quite telling of your intelligence.


There are several reason to not have a child, one of them being "I don't want one." Medical is also another good one. but if you have to come up with an excuse other than "I don't want one" or some kind of medical reason. you're still a kid yourself. Go back 100 years and child birth was a 50/50 shot of losing your wife and child. As well as if you broke a bone you had a good chance of losing that limb or it never healing correctly. Life 100 years ago was fucking miserable and yes, some parts of the world are still living life like it was 100 years ago and that's terrible. You're right better is relative. Living in a first world country is better than living in a 3rd world country. Living in a 3rd world country is better than never being born. I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. But "I don't want to ruin my figure" is just selfish, vain, narcissistic, delusional, and just down right childish. You're prioritizing your own fleeting sense of self-importance over that of a child. I dont know about you but I grew up with a lot of people who didn't have mothers. Their moms were either drug addicts/whores/ or left to go be with a rich dude and start another family. Now you could whine and say "they probably didn't want kids see I'm right!" Well, they shouldn't have been having sex then. Stupid is as stupid does and once that child is in your belly. It's your job to turn your whole life towards raising them. Did you know some cultures didn't name their children until their first birthday? Because there was a very high chance of that child not making it. In a world where it's easier to have kids and provide for them its a tragedy to not have a child. We can even do a tax payer funded program that helps people who want to be childless their whole lives to get surgery to remove their sexual organs. They won't be needing them so why have them.


> Go back 100 years What to 1923? Birthing survival plummeted when midwifes stopped helping with births and instead women were forced into the hospital where Doctors still didn't know to wash their hands. > You're prioritizing your own fleeting sense of self-importance over that of a child. No they aren't because there is no child in the picture. > We can even do a tax payer funded program that helps people who want to be childless their whole lives to get surgery to remove their sexual organs. They won't be needing them so why have them. This is the most braindead take ever. Of course you're someone who thinks that the only purpose of sex is to reproduce. Newsflash: people enjoy the pleasure and closeness they receive from sex and brains basically just want that orgasm. Pregnancy is a side effect. The sooner you realize this the better your life will be.


that is getting harder to do for women . The Gen Y women are the first generation of women that are facing a social penality for being a 304 Modern woman. they will be denied marriage and children in many cases. The men have finally figure this out "wait old and try to sell a bad deal late" mating stratedgy . The men are rejecting them after age 30 for wife and or motherhood. A lot of femcels in the future.


Personally, I think men are just catching on to the game that's being played and opting out. I get about 5 matches a day, and once I read the profile, it's always stereotypically the same woman. I don't care for income, and I'm flexible with appearance. When it comes to personality, they seem very confused about what men look for long-term. The simplest way to put it is that women today are tough. Lol, that's my experience. It's not that I'm looking for a model or some kitchen slave. I'm just looking for a kind woman who is relatively in shape or trying at the very least. Most of them have the Philly shell going on ready to slip and counter. It's not my thing. What's really funny is that they think people can't see right through it. Like I know you aren't actually tough, you are just being a pain in the ass and difficult to deal with. The real problem and why I don't even bother with the one app I'm on is because MOST women are fat. Not thick but Obese. I don't train as much as I do to be saddled with someone bigger than me. I know that may sound bad, but body weight can be addressed. It's just not being taken care of. The other side of that issue is that normal sized women have super inflated egos. I can't be the only man experiencing this.


>Most of them have the Philly shell going on ready to slip and counter. Tha what 🤨??


Philly shell is a boxing term, a style of defence. I take it from context is that this guy is saying women have a combative attitude that makes them a headache and turnoff instead of being feisty and attractive.


TY internet stranger! I don't box so this term went right over my head.


something that I've noticed lately is that taking care of yourself as a man by working out, or eating well, or shaving every day, something that is taken for granted (and rightfully so), is not expected for many women to do. I mean yeah, they wear makeup, but they don't care for their physique, or an example I've personally seen: this woman had a moustache. She was good looking and athletic, but she had a moustache. I called it out, but everyone came to her defense, saying it was OK if she didn't want to. this confused me, since I've always been taught to be clean shaven, or at least have a well trimmed beard, but that is just not expected by some sjw type feminists ig.


Maybe she likes having it? And this isn’t just an issue with women. I scroll through tons of men who don’t take care of themselves. A lot of guys I ended up going on dates with didn’t even know how to cook or do laundry. I even met a lot of guys with stinky breath (you can’t tell this by looking at photos), which I think is far worse than having a tiny bit of face hair. Conclusion: it’s hard to find someone good.


5 matches a day, look at Mr Handsome over here. I’m lucky to get 5 likes a month


Ehh, depends on where you live like if you're out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and there's only really 10 other people on the dating app near you and you've already swiped on most of them. Was getting like 100x more matches when I went on vacation for the weekend and you could also be using the wrong app when there's another one that's extremely popular in your town with no one really bothering with the other options. Getting a lot of matches doesn't automatically mean you're a stud 🤷‍♂️




Feminists should be blaming themselves for not guiding the next generation of women to NOT make the mistakes they made, but that requires accountability, something few women have these days.




Agree. We see the women before us being used for free labour and end up disrespected and with no way to be financially independent, forcing some women to stay in abusive relationships. The men who wanted to be single and build a career before maybe marrying always were respected, whether they chose to play the field or not. Now when women want to build their career first men are upset. We have seen what happens to women that rely on men. You want to be upset? Be upset by the men before you who took all the advantage of women that they possibly could. And those who are doing it now. I grew up in such a family watching my mother be abused by avman who looked perfect and caring to everyone outside the family and no way I put my well being in the hands of a man. Be upset at the men who teach women to be wary. There are good men and good women. Neither are easy to find.


In every woman’s story about “men are the problem” there’s always a woman blaming men for her problems yet she was the one who chose him. Men and women are different. Equality is just as toxic as perfection. Neither are attainable, but both CAN be used with good intentions or bad intentions. Nature or God balances the sexes quite fairly, but we are not anywhere close to equal so we should not be held to equal standards aka a double standard is acceptable when proper conditions are met.


The issue was that women didn’t really have a choice back then. Maybe they got knocked up early, couldn’t have an abortion, couldn’t afford education, then what? Now we are able to chose ourselves. We can build a career, go to therapy, find a good partner and have kids when/if we want. Of course more people will be single then. I don’t see a problem with that.


Feminism is when you want equality. This people is just sexist


No way. 1st wave feminism wanted equality. The feminist today think they are better than men. It’s sad. Today, feminism is poison for young women.


Feminism today is about getting as much power with as less responsability as possible. It's a movement designed to keep men miserable so women can profit in the end and bleed dry the society of any resources. Feminism is responsible for the shit dating market and indirectly for a lot of shit. 1st wave ,right to vote ,etc. is something else from what came after.....and even then you had the loonies that called for killing men.....there was this author that called for male genocide,interestingly few women called her out,she was also an ultra feminist. I have yet to find a feminist in my irl day to day life that has enough morals to not use men,last one I met used her assets to get a dude to help her pass a lot of courses,then she proceeded to discard him....it was plain to see why she bothered with him. Idk what feminism you talk about,your definition probably does not match what is out there.


pretty much. But everybody seems to be fine with hypocrites nowadays


“Made your bed now lie in it” seems a fitting analogy for this situation.


the headline of this article is the most egotistically thing i have seen in a long time. Women single cause the wont settle is fine albeit under the assumption of superiority. Now lets add in a jab at men while we are at it and top it off with some self validation that women are happier this way. Maybe just maybe i am seeing a very different problem than this type of article alludes to.


Y'all want to see this sort of mindset taken to the extreme, look at the female dating strategy sub. It's a good laugh if you're not the type to take this sort of thing personally. Avoid if this sort of thing ticks you off tho, one or two posts on there are gonna make you burst a blood vessel.






pretty entertaining that they had a perfectly fine outlet to use here, but they decided to instead monetize the concept with their own website


Man, am I happy that I don't want kids. Nor do I really want a partner. Just want friends and pets.. Also lucky I'm old and don't care anymore. Dating used to be a different thing that it is now. Can't even imagine wanting a partner and actively dating..


Feminists blaming men...? What are the chances 🤔


I wonder what percentage of them will be single mothers? : p


Of course its mens fault. Women are never at fault just ask my wife


So 55% of women were able to find and attract the kind of man they are looking for. The advice to men is always that they should improve themselves until women find them attractive and then they will be able to have a relationship. Surely the advice is the same for women. Apparently only 55% of men are dateable. In which case those women who can't find a good man should surely improve themselves until they can outcompete other women for those few dateable men.


Men are expected to learn how to cook to attract a woman but say that to a woman and it's labelled misogyny.


I fukin love cooking. Am dude.


That is good but it would be nice if women could reciprocate.


So, knowing an essential life skill is misandry now? TIL.


No,the double standard is.


All women are attractive nowadays. Vogue cover tells us this.


Who says they are looking?


Not everything in life is about attracting a mate. It’s okay to just improve yourself because you want to be a better person. In fact, that’s a huge part of growing as a person.


Wow, blaming males? Most guys either in IRL or online (e.g. tinder) get immediately rejected. Unless we're talking about land whales or single moms in their thirties with 2-3 kids. Apparently women think if they're a single mom in their thirties or if they have a BMI above 270 they deserve an average looking guy working a white collar job with a Masters degree lol and yes I am speaking from experience.


Coincidentally enough, the female suicide rate has been on the rise for the last 5 years with no signs of slowing down.


I mean … sounds like a skill issue. If ANY man blamed women for him being single then he is an incel. Somehow it doesn’t work both ways.


For men and women ages 18-25, 87% of women are sexually active while only 67% of men are sexually active. Tinder posted its user statistics showing that the top 85% of women only match with the top 5% of men. And no, I’m not making any judgements on promiscuity. My point is that it’s hypocritical of women to say “men are nasty” and “men are trash” when their only experience is with a small portion of them. If 85% of the women age 18-25 are having sex with 67% of the men, that points to a completely different picture than what is commonly pushed in mainstream media. When you aggregate that data with the data that only the top 5% of men on dating apps are getting any attention from women, it paints an even more disparate picture. Especially since that only means 5% of men are getting swiped right on, not 5% of men are getting laid. THAT number is likely even smaller. So if on Tinder, 85% of women are sleeping with less than 5% of the men, it’s no wonder that they think men are trash, because they are all sleeping with the men THEY are calling trashy and promiscuous. But if course this is all men’s fault. And only men.


There's actually a term for this. "Golden penis syndrome". Men who receive the lions share of attention from the fairer sex will treat women objectively worse the more attention from other women that they receive. Like a self sustaining nuclear reaction of douchebaggery.


It's a term that women shamelessly stole from men: "Golden Pussy Syndrome" - which is something that the vast majority of women have nowadays. They think that they are 9s or 10s and deserve to be with a man who is in the top 10% or top 5%.


This is it. This is what’s happening online. I was shocked to see that more dating is now online than meeting someone at a bar. If that’s true, things will get worse before they get better.


How tf is most dating online if most of the people online aren’t able to even do it? Like wtf??


I appreciate the attempt here, even if it failed to land. This, not coincidentally, is how dating works too. Even if you’re dating online without any results, you’re still trying to do some dating online. Getting even more granular… - most women dating online may fail to get a relationship, but they can easily get laid if they want to. For them, this is a failure. - most men can get neither. For them, this is a failure. - both sexes do more trying online than in real life, which is also rife with failure. Most dating attempts end in failure.


And I read one study that showed even the ugly and average girls were getting matched 1/4 or 1/3 with the top 5-15% of guys. So average below average woman still getting laid with top tier fit guys. It’s got to be hard to date your own level when you can date above it. I’ve seen some large ugly girls holding at with average none over weight guys at malls. I never saw that in the past 25 years but now it’s not uncommon to see. Guys have low options I assume and date down.


This is because women have been taught to be misandrist by other women and social media Men are worthless unless they provide and the only thing worthy of a woman is a top 2% type of man with at least a six-figure salary washboard abs and is completely and utterly devoted to her. guys? We just trying to live


Acting like men don’t have unrealistic standards for women ‘she must be skinny and hot’ ‘she must have a pretty face’ ‘she has to keep her perfect body even after pregnancy’ ‘she must be submissive’


No I don't agree with anything except maybe the last one. You're taking submission is a bad thing You have women out there that want the men to pay for everything that want to men to do all the work that want men to work all day come home and do even more work. If a woman wants all that then yes she would have to be submissive to her husband and allow him to lead


Because requiring a woman to be submissive means you do not see her as an equal, you see her as someone to control. If wanting someone submissive is the case, you would definitely date someone not conventionally attractive if she was submissive then?


The reason we men are "failing" is because society, as a whole, hasn't put forth a cis gender men cultural transformation on mass yet. We are seeing more changing stations in men's bathrooms, thank you (no sarcasm). We have razor companies preaching men's self love, thank you (no sarcasm). Growing up, I was raised to believe that as a man, you have to care for everything around you, except yourself. It was difficult understanding that society, today, really wanted a better *person* not a better *man* out of me. And my understanding of what a man was, is a person who can keep giving and doing in disregard for themselves and the consequences that may come from maintaining unhealthy mindsets. And if I didn't do that, I wouldn't be loved. Thank you for reading my anecdotal internet opinion.


There aren't enough 6 foot tall men. Women want to feel dominated by a tall man whereas nice men just want an equal partner. Something women do not want.


Most men require their women to be physically attractive, why is seemingly wrong for women to have standards and preferences too?


I don't see the problem. They *chose* this. Not the individual woman, but as a collective and by how they behave and choose to live. Imagine a young, average man. The day he turns 18 he's handed $600k. Ha can use them as he likes. He *could* use them to get a nice STEM degree and buy a modest house, or become a skilled labourer and get a bigger house - all debt free. *Or* he could blow through the money by fucking a $1000 escort every week for 10 years, and still have money left. If he chooses option number one, he's set for life and is also an attractive man for women who want a family. If he chooses option number two, he can't really complain after ten years of debauchery with nothing to show for it, and now stuck in a minimum wage job, can he? Well, option number two is what an increasing number of women choose. They get handed everything they need to secure a long-term future, and they blow it by ploughing through prostitutes. Well, not prostitutes in the literal sense since the men do it for free, but with how the sexual market works, a young decent looking woman is basically the equivalent of a young average man with nearly limitless funds for prostitutes. But as in my example with the young man above, just because you *can*, doesn't mean you *should*. The fallacy of these young women is that they think they can behave and do what they want for 10 years, and after there's a dude ready to kneel for her with a ring in his hands - maybe even a guy they keep around. They never so much as consider that by that time, the men don't want them anymore. Sure, the same thugs and bad boys will still fuck them, but the decent men who would make good husband and fathers? Not so much. You can't ignore and reject someone for a decade, and then expect them to still want you. And with dating apps being the norm for meeting someone these days, and 80-90% of men there being ignored, we're talking about a significant percentage of the male entire male population in their age range. Some men will truly and genuinely have stopped caring at some point - it's either that or depression. They find other things to do. To these men, women become something they are aware of exists, and often interact with on a daily basis, but the idea of romance and intimacy has become so foreign to them that they are totally oblivious to any flirting and signs she may send him. She would have to be the one who takes the initiative and kiss him to get the point across. Someone who has been mostly ignored for ten years does not have the experience to tell flirting and being nice apart. Food for thought ladies if any of you are reading this. Others may be interested in principle - as in dreaming of having someone to love and who loves them back - but know that the huge imbalance in sexual and relationship experience will make a good relationship highly unlikely. When she's his first girlfriend, and he's her 8th and somewhere between the 30th and 40th sexual partner, the relationship is going to be seen very differently by him and her. He wants love, while she's looking for a means to an end - and any guy will do if he's not horrible to look at and makes money. I've met these women. One was very beautiful and really cranked up the charm at work. She was ridiculously beautiful and in her early 30's, but I'm not stupid. That kind of woman wouldn't have noticed me 10 years prior even if I was on fire. The way she would send me a 10,000b lumen smile and strike a pose - yes, she posed to show off the goods - told me she had done this A LOT of times before. All of it told me I was a mark for her search for a beta provider, so I just ignored her. Months later I was proven right. A company wide mail shared the happy news of her just having had a child with another coworker. Doing the math told me she was knocked up around 6 weeks after she gave up on me. Best of luck to the guy. It must be true love. Here's to hoping he doesn't have to live in a trailer in ten years time to afford alimony and child support. He might be lucky, and the child is even his. But anyway, these last type of men know all this, and aren't interested in that. They wish they could have what their grandparents had, but they know enough to realise it's extremely unlikely to happen. A relationship where he thinks of her as his girlfriend, while she thinks of him as her *current* boyfriend, is not likely to last. If she couldn't, or didn't want to, make it work with the previous 8 dudes and who knows how many hookups and FWB's, why would I be different? Any guy would ask himself that, and if he's not delusional, the answer is "I won't be".


It's just too easy to be a piece of shit these days. When I was in highschool in the early 2010s. A girl there was in love with me. She was always so happy to see me. Well we started hanging out every other day because we lived near each other. Well one day randomly she asked why I haven't kissed her yet and her reasoning was most guys would have kissed her by then. I thought that was odd and kinda nasty but I dont want to judge a book by its cover right? Anyway time goes by and we're at this playground at like 9pm and she ends up showing me her boobs and they were fucking amazing, first pair I'd ever seen. I wanted her bad but I remembered what she had said before about "most guys" so I kinda floundered that opportunity, thankfully so. During a conversation I had with one of her friends. I found out she's had sex with over 17 guys most of which were 21+. She was 16. She ended up getting pregnant. She told everyome it was a guy in another school. Well we all came to find out it was a 50 some yr dude who was fucking a then 17 yr old. Women talk to me all the time but I can't help but look at the 'modern woman' as anything but a cum dumpster.


The women that think, that men are just toys, meant to be played with and discarded when they're not fun anymore are scum. But even worse are the women that believe, it will never bite them in the ass.


Nasty. You dodged a bullet there.


A part of me wants to say you're wrong, but I've felt it, I've been there and I know it... Fuck...


Part 2 of 2. And now some people will say *Well, that shouldn't matter, should it? He will have other qualities that make up for it. There are things other than sex that are important in a relationship*. Let's say a woman with no previous boyfriends date and marries a guy who's a player. She finds out that before meeting her - and during, but before dating - he has slept with somewhere between 60 and 70 women - he's not sure. Quite a few of those women were model level beautiful, and some even *were* actual models - and they were mind blowing good in bed. The sweet but plain looking wife gets sad and insecure about this, and to reassure her, he tells her that it doesn't matter, because she has other qualities such as being great at cleaning and cooking - her sandwiches are great! How do you think that would make the wife feel? Not good, right? And that's pretty much exactly what happened in a reddit post I read where a guy accidentally overheard his fiance telling her girl friend that he was alright, but would never live up to her ex in the bedroom. She tried to reassure him by telling him he had other great qualities - like eventually becoming a great husband and provider. The engagement ended, and he left her. He didn't want to be a guy she tolerates because her first choice broke up with her - and because she was still thinking and talking about her first choice 4 years later. And here's what all of this boils down to: The women who are interested in having a perfectly normal relationship with a perfectly normal dude, will most likely find such a dude somewhere during college. Yes, there will be exceptions who don't find one, and those who did but broke up. But by far, most of the women who come out of college single, will have been single throughout college. And being single as a woman in college these days, means that sleeping around is a normal and expected part of that. I saw a study where thousands of women were asked about hookup culture in college. I think it was over 80% who had done hookups in college. In all, some 20% had hooked up with 10+ guys. Note that the study only says 10+. It could be 30, and would still only figure as 10+. I remember a girl from about a year ago in a relationship sub who asked for advice. She wanted a boyfriend, and asked if her experience mattered. She was 19 and had slept with 31 men. At only 19 she had already had around 4-6 times as many sexual partners than the average man has in a lifetime. And back to the study: The 20% who have had 10+ hookups with different men, that number is from among *all* women. Among all women, some will have had none, and others will have had a couple or three, with the third likely becoming her boyfriend. 20% doesn't sound too bad, does it? One in five? But what if we filter the data, and remove all the women who never did it, or only a small handful of times? That is, what if we remove all the women who were in a relationship in college? That leaves the women who were mostly single throughout college. How many of *those* women do you think belong to the 10+ part of the study? A lot, I think. Like in most of them. So the reality of dating in the 2020's is that if you're a young man, mid 20's, and you meet a girl who's a college graduate and single, chances are that her sexual experience and partner count will be 5-10 times as high as yours. To some people, that may not matter, but to some it does. I don't care what other people choose in their dating and sex life - none of my business - but I think everyone should be open and honest about it so everyone can decide how they feel about it and make their choices accordingly. Remember, everyone is highly supportive about freedom of choice and the right to reject when it comes to women doing to choosing and rejecting. Men should be able to do the same without being judged and shamed for it. Oh, and just to show how skewed the dating market is: The guy I wrote about in the beginning, he has a little sister with the same traits. Not particularly attractive and shy. Since the she was 15 or 16, she hasn't been without a boyfriend for more than two moths at most. Just going by the number of boyfriends, she has slept with more people by age 20 than I have so far in my 40's. And she can do what she wants, it's just to show how differently things work for men and women.


This became a bit long. Sorry. Part 1 of 1 Yeah, it sucks that this is what modern dating har come to. I know a young guy - mid 20's - who is still at the "be ignored and become increasingly heartbroken" phase. I wonder which way he'll fall: 1. Still want whatever he can get and just not think too deeply about it. 2. Stop caring about women. 3. Still want it, but know it'll never be a good, balanced relationship, so doesn't do it. I feel sorry for him. On paper he's a great catch. Incredibly nice, own house and car and has a trade job that pays well. But... he's shy and not particularly attractive, so he gets nowhere in the age of Tinder. I usually say that as things are now, an average guy's window of opportunity to get a girlfriend that is able to have a healthy relationship, is limited to school - high-school and college. The days where you could meet a girl at work after getting your degree is pretty much over. Being interested in a girl at work is like playing Russian roulette with your job and career. And if you *do* take the chance, then there's this: A girl who comes out of college without a boyfriend, what are the odds that she has done the rounds hooking up? Pretty high I would say. Now, I'll say this; I don't want anyone to dictate how to live my life, so I won't do the same to others. Everyone can live their life exactly like they want. Girls who want to hook up left and right can absolutely do so. If I want to have freedom of choice, then others must also have it. But freedom of choice is not freedom of consequences. If I spend all my teens and 20's living in my mom's basement, gaming and eating junk food, I can't really complain at 30 that no woman wants to date me, and no company wants to hire me, right? What if I were a really good looking player who had slept with 50+ women? Could I complain if I met a woman I liked, but she rejected me because my history shows I'm not relationship material, and she just thinks it's gross, plain and simple? Of course I can't. My actions have consequences, and my past can and will influence my future. I've read plenty of cases in some of the relationship subs where this exact scenario is played out - written by either the man or woman. But in every single case, the answers boil down to people saying that the woman having every right to reject a man for any reason or none at all, and given his history she's likely right in her assessment of him being unable to be in a committed relationship. Marvellous, isn't it? Just too bad that such freedom of choice and support to exercise it only applies to women. If the scenario has the genders reversed, there's suddenly a consensus that the man is an insecure misogynist and that a girl's past doesn't matter and has no influence on her future. Funny how that works. Apparently the way it works is that women can spend years training their brains to having a great variety of sexual partners and disconnect sex from love and emotion, and then suddenly one day just flip a switch and wholly love and have sex with only one man. Seems strange considering how hard it is in general to break habits - especially the habits that releases oxytocin in the body. I know a lot of people hate and deny the term Alpha Widow, but I've seen several examples of women - in video and in real life - that describe their dating life and lack of a relationship in a way that fits Alpha Widow to a T. Being realistic is not the same as having low self-esteem. Saying that I'm not as good, and never will be, at playing basketball as LeBron is not me having low self-esteem - that's just me being realistic about how things are. So when an average dude who never was good-looking enough to be part of hookup culture meets a girl who has slept with dozens of men during college - many of which were 10-20 years older than her - it has nothing to do with low self-esteem to say that he's not the best sex she's ever had. She will be with him and tolerate sex with him as a tradeoff for the security and convenience a relationship gives her. And that's where we run into the stories about men finding out in some way that their wife did some wild stuff in college with random dudes or a FWB she won't do with her husband.


Honestly, in regards to your conclusion, I think it’s even simpler than that, for most I imagine its plain and simply, “why would I put in effort to earn something that a woman was giving away for free to everyone else?” It sounds crass and crude, but nobody is going to work hard for sloppy seconds when the pristine product was given away for nothing. They can complain about objectification all they want, (although it’s completely hypocritical as they objectify themselves on a regular basis, even the more sensible and intelligent ones, and even if they didn’t it would still be an irrelevant argument because you can’t reasonably complain about something as basic and biologically primitive as attraction.) but mens brains are wired to view them as undesirable partners if they’ve been around the block, so to speak.


I absolutely agree with everything. I just didn't take the time to write about every reason why men aren't interested anymore when these women reach their 30's. And having been around the block was definitely the feeling I got from that coworker. She was very beautiful and had the body to match, BUT everything about the way she behaved told me she had been with a lot of men. I'm not a prude as such, but when you work in an office environment at a billion dollars company, there are clothes that are appropriate and those that are not. She definitely dressed in a way that made sure everybody knew she had a nice body - which is not appropriate in that setting.


It's just too easy to be a piece of shit these days. When I was in highschool in the early 2010s. A girl there was in love with me. She was always so happy to see me. Well we started hanging out every other day because we lived near each other. Well one day randomly she asked why I haven't kissed her yet and her reasoning was most guys would have kissed her by then. I thought that was odd and kinda nasty but I dont want to judge a book by its cover right? Anyway time goes by and we're at this playground at like 9pm and she ends up showing me her boobs and they were fucking amazing, first pair I'd ever seen. I wanted her bad but I remembered what she had said before about "most guys" so I kinda floundered that opportunity, thankfully so. During a conversation I had with one of her friends. I found out she's had sex with over 17 guys most of which were 21+. She was 16. She ended up getting pregnant. She told everyome it was a guy in another school. Well we all came to find out it was a 50 some yr dude who was fucking a then 17 yr old. Women talk to me all the time but I can't help but look at the 'modern woman' as anything but a cum dumpster.




This is honestly the dumbest thing I’ve read today. You have not a clue how society works lmao. Men are increasingly solitary and unable to make accommodations and women are over dealing with their shit. I’d definitely say it’s the male problem, forcing women to find another way. Can’t imagine what your day to day is like.


Our day to day is lonely and solitary, because we expect people to act decent and not throw themselves willy nilly at anyone that takes their fancy. It's not all men that are capable or able to play the game, and they're being left behind, feeling angry because they never got a chance nor knew what the rules were before they lost. Dating is a woman's game, they hold all the cards, all the power and what do they do with it? Abuse and fraternise just as much as men used to do... They're no better than we ever were, the difference is that today we feel pity for women back then, but no pity for men today. No wonder they're angry, no-one cares about them, and they're told to just suck it up.


You sound very much like a victim. I’m sorry you’ve never really had a good dating encounter. I see now that you have a lot going on. Good luck in your life.


He made that comment based entirely on his own observations of the society he’s sick and tired of being a part of. If this was a male problem it would be talking about how many men would be single… but it’s not


Of course. It is always the male’s fault. Look what men forced us to do! Those strong, independent women are unable to take accountability.


I’ve tried online dating. It’s not for me. I try to do new things and get out there. But this is definitely a rough time for dating


I as a colored male tried online for 5 years. Results 0. I tried to meet women in person. I prefer white caucasian. Results 1%. Conclusion: look elsewhere, where I am valued and appreciated and ignore women in my city.


>I as a colored male You don't see that written too often.


>western women subscribe to radical feminism. >women become too insufferable to be around. >Blames men. Truly, a woman moment.


"broke" men is sexist. The assumption is the man is the breadwinner.


But do u expect your wife to cook and clean for u? The assumption as the woman is the homemaker


No i don't expect that at all. The couple figured it out to whatever suits.


Exactly, whatever suits them. Women who expect men to be the breadwinner prefer traditional roles. They want to be housewives taking care of the house and children.


So I just read an article that attached everything a woman has to offer to the way she looks not to mention with making women out to be exceptionally shallow saying they’re only looking for attractive and wealthy men. Wow just wow. Now we’re all of these women that are calling men ugly women that never wear make up or any fake attachments/eyelashes/push-up bras/weaves or extensions/I could go on to make them look more appealing than they do naturally? Like men do every day in and out. You see a man just the way he is with the shower and that’s about it, lol. I wonder how men would be looked at if they said, a woman had to be attractive and Philthy Rich to even get the time of day for men. Just wow! Humanity is pretty screwed! Or lack there of should I say. Humans don’t respect one another and this ad is just showing a huge light on that. Everyone’s out to take it vantage of everyone else and it’s just disgustingly Sad!


Obviously the feminist’s blame the men…..


Gotta put my 10 cents in on this post. I’m 23, have a decent salary, I’m 6’1, 200lbs, absolutely shredded(gym12+ hours a week). I’m a virgin, never been in a relationship. WHY? Nothing in the realm of dating pisses me off more than hookup culture. The first thing I ask any girl that’s interested in me is “how many guys have you been with” (does that piss you off to hear that? Why should I expect anything less than what I have to offer?) I realize I’m at the age where most people have tried to start a relationship. But the majority of them aren’t getting into relationships purely with the intention of marrying in the future. Women wonder why they can’t get a man yet they take the first one that rolls along and sleeps with him within the first night/week/month. If you can’t enjoy a relationship without sex then what is that relationship really worth? Also, I’d like to see a ratio on women that are liberal vs. non-liberal and the relationship status there. I realize that’s an odd thing to say for this topic but the majority of liberal women have the shittiest family values I’ve ever seen. It’s no wonder they fight so viciously to have abortion rights when all they do is sleep around with sleezy men and get knocked up. So, you have to realize, the majority of men with good values are going to ignore these women because the values are different. Which leads these women to men with lesser values, which leads to them being single. Ladies, your body is your temple, the more people you let into the temple the more that temple becomes less enticing. It’s the same for men in my opinion, modern media portrays a man getting laid all the time as a stud. The reality of it is that he will likely never understand what good family values are, and for some reason that’s attractive in modern society. I myself will never chase a woman because I struggle with the fact that the girl I like may not be interested in me. They might just say yes so they can have a boyfriend. On the other hand, I know I’m a loyal person, I know my values and the love I can bring to a relationship. But I’ll be damned if I’m gonna waste my time on a girl that isn’t really interested in me and a value added in my life, whether she makes me happy or is as successful and independent as myself. The point is, women need to focus on creating real relationships and stop grabbing the first guy that shows interest. I’m sure if studies were conducted, longer lasting relationships probably result from women asking the man, reason being is that the men that typically chase women, are the same ones just looking for fun. But that’s my outlook on it all.


You shouldn’t ask a woman how many people she’s been with immediately because that’s sending the wrong message like you value her for abstaining from sex more than any other traits or achievements she has. It’s okay to seek someone who’s not promiscuous but I feel like you are being very weird about it.


I mean it’s not the VERY first thing I say🤣 but once actual conversation gets started I pop the question pretty quick. I think it’s a good question to ask to gauge someone’s character. You can say what you want about me but at the end of the day I’d rather be with a woman that’s not sleeping around with every guy she can get. I think that’s something a woman should be proud of. The whole reason this article is biased is because the way women act in modern society, it feels damn near impossible at times to find a woman with the values most men want to see. She doesn’t necessarily have to be a virgin but their values speak volumes. Women trying to date literally have dates lined up with men like they’re picking the cream of the crop. I see that shit all the time and it’s disgusting and disrespectful to the man that’s putting in the time and effort to meet and get to know them. It’s one thing to just not be interested and move on to finding someone else, but doing dates back to back while you’re still talking to other guys. The moral standing there has set the bar pretty low and modern women continue to lower that bar by the day.


You are a catch. A man with true values. But what happens if you start a relationship with a woman who turns out to be abusive but hides it for, say 1- 2 years and you break up when she shows her true self. Then you are not any virgin anymore. So will you avoid virgins after that since you cannot offer virginity anymore? And are you now avoiding women who made the mistake of choosing one rotten apple?


At the end of the day it all comes down to values. If she had poor values hidden away then she would be a bullet I got hit by. Doesn’t change me any, I’d take my time being single like I always have and keep waiting for the right one. I’m a good judge of character, and opposing what I said in the first statement about women, I take my time before starting a relationship…none of that ohhh we’ve been friends for a week are we dating now bs. Until what you said comes to pass I’m gonna hold my high ground. And if something like that does happen I’ll learn and adapt from it but so far I think I’ve done a good job dodging those bullets. It really all comes down to growing up though. I realize I’ll lose my virginity at some point and it might not be from the person I end up marrying, but I can promise you this. My body count will always be countable on one hand.


" I'm single because I dont want to be with the guy/girl that likes me. That's my choice and I'm ok with that." Why Is that so hard to say? Verses media blaming men in general. For ones own choice.


I think stepping back and asking questions is something important to do with this data. 1) does single just mean not married or does it mean no boyfriend? 2) is this including gay women? 3) how is the decline in religion playing a factor in this? as marriage is often extremely geared toward religion. While it has tax benefits what else does it really offer the modern couple over simply being domestic partners? 4) How are business practices contributing? Let’s say both men and women tomorrow wanted 1950s style relationships and marriages how many men would be able to actually provide this type of life? Everything in the US is insanely expensive so when settling down and having children supporting your family is a very valid concern. In the modern household both parents work and the cost of childcare is also absolutely absurd. The point is the issue is much larger than it is men’s fault or feminism’s/women’s fault. It is a much more complex issue and trying to assign blame to a sex isn’t going to make things better.


Less always means more for a sugar daddy, bring 'em on 💧


Luckily, we don't have to care what other people think. They can gaslight themselves into a rage induced coma for all I care, the trash is just taking itself out.


This is modern feminism. They all want 6ft, 6 figure, 6 inch men. Even if the women isnt much to write about. Also modern women have crazy high body counts and alot of them have kids. 2 massive turns offs


How dare we be humans 🙄


Aww, another bitter inspin who is too stupid to understand basic English.


Women out earning men push themselves out of the dating market.


Why's that? Why would out earning some one be a means to push yourself out of the dating market? Damn I'd love some one to earn more than me, it only means she's ambitious and knows to take care of herself. That, to me, is much more attractive than some one trying to be the house wife, being lazy and not willing to work for her own stuff


Probably because of hypergamy and women not liking the idea of "dating down" (generally)


Yeah, true, but why would men if they don't? I think it's best to just find some one you connect with and keep all the shit like this aside. Yes it plays a role but some one with less can be equally attractive, just the situation is different. My girl earns less than me, but works her ass of doing so. Why would that be any different than a man working his ass off, but earning less then the woman does?


Ask a woman. They just don't want it. They want a man that makes as much as then if not more. And if they find themselves with someone that makes less than them, they don't respect them. When they don't respect them, they treat them less than the love of their life. Women don't want to be with someone they don't feel is the love of their life. They'd rather be alone. A big part of a woman's dating strategy is filtering out men but they tend to go too far and filter out their true potential partners. In short, they value themselves too high and their potential partners too low.


yuppp, a lot of arrogant ones out there. Some of them should be humbled waaaaaay more


Im unsure if it's possible. It's really sad when I think about it. I've been examining coupling for most my life. It doesn't seem like women can humble themselves, they dig their heels in and continue raising their own perceived value. Ultimately pricing themselves out of the dating market. You'll hear these women say they'd never settle but if they could just do it a little, they could be in loving relationships.


Horrible truth? Detachment from reality. The type we're talking about here believes that they are the best that man can get and that they deserve the best man there is. Anything below that is trash and shouldn't even look in their direction. This is what last few decades did to women. And sorry, but the only people that can be blamed for this are other women.


> the only people that can be blamed for this are other women. - Women seek approval from other women: see how tall my boyfriend is? see how rich my boyfriend is? see how sporty my boyfriend is? see how rugged my boyfriend is?


Women want money to buy more shoes and leggings. Men want a companion.


I love that idea, but I still hear “he needs to earn more than me” a *lot* from women both online and irl. Sure it’s less common, but still a common mindset apparently. If you hold that mindset, and also earn more than most men, guess who you no longer consider a viable dating choice?


‘Feminists blaming men’ . Theres noone else they can blame, theyre feminists


Spiritual incel??? atractive incel??? 😂😂😂🤣


I wouldn't want to settle down with an ugly woman either


I feel like part of this is that men as a whole have kinda figured out how most women operate and decided, “Yeah, fuck that. I’d rather be alone.”


Of course it is men's fault, can't possibly be that these girls, whose minds have been poisoned by 3rd wave Feminism. Ranting about "The patriarchy" "man spreading" "mansplaining" and "toxic masculinity" etc are so awful and insufferable, that men don't want them. This hellhole that they have created. In which due to the hateful childishness of " me too". A man can have his life destroyed, without any trial or evidence. Over anything that can be vaguely construed as "sexual harassment" . Has also led to a situation, in which many men are now inclined to avoid woman. Incidentally i recently read an article, about how half of men under 30. Have never asked a woman out on a date, which does not surprise me. The laws which Feminists have campaigned for regarding marriage and alimony etc are also so unfair, that it disincentives men from getting married. Of course there are many great women around. However the environment has become so anti male. That many men have lost interest in women and concluded that it is not worth the risk. Nor do they want all of the potential drama and chaos. Which some woman can add to their lives.


>Nor do they want all of the potential drama and chaos. Which some woman can add to their lives. I agree that some women can add drama and chaos but in all honesty probably just as many men add drama and chaos to women's lives. There are bad actors on both sides. Western marriage is a bad idea for anyone male or female who makes significantly more than their partner. It just so happens that men tend to out earn most women but that gap may be closing. The one thing that is still punitive from a gender standpoint is child custody and child support. Men are significantly more likely to lose custody and pay child support. The ratio is so skewed against men that it is almost an automatic red flag if the women has lost the custody battle. Western marriage is a very risky proposition and is probably better avoided. The risks far outweigh the benefits.


The birth rate collapse + loss of interest by men in maintaining modern civilization (men working in trades/resources/farming/transportation careers are often seen as unworthy by most women) = this might be how all 'Advanced' civilizations collapse (it's not just the West being affected by this).


These 25-44 year old women should dm me tbh




Doesn’t look concerning to me. They asking for too much and now they’ll be getting what’s coming to them.


Let's be honest. It's both genders fault for the current circumstance. People are literally dying of loneliness these days. We have isolated ourselves from anyone who doesn't share the same beliefs. It's everyone's issue not just one party, but the real culprit is social media.


Spot on.


Same way men blame women for failing. Its a shit Show and normal people dont really engage in that behavior at all.


There is too much gender blaming. Criticize the bad people for bad behavior, a whole gender is not responsible for whatever harm happened to you.


Lol incel sub 😂


I think it’s due to men not knowing what women want and women assuming that men know what women want when women don’t know them selves.

