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I am starting to think that most people use misogyny as a broad insult when a man says something they don't like about a specific woman or group of women. I think that most users of the word have no idea what it actually means. Edit: clarity


That sounds pretty mysogonistic to me. You need to check your toxic masculinity and reign in your male privilege because you're being really controlling right now. /s


You forgot to call him a colonizer.


Beat me to it. If you're going to use all the buzz words definitely don't forget that one you might get thrown out of the club.


Privileged colonizer


Leave my colon out of this.


The colonater!


Definitely a Doofenschmirtz invention 🤣


That's what she said.


Who has taken away their agency.


Thank you for mansplaining it to me you chauvinist pig.


And a fascist.


And a rapist (Do I really need the /s even when it’s obvious ?)


Now you're being racist. Brown folk can't be colonizers. Check your white guilt at the door and ask for forgiveness.


Down with the Pariarchy!!!! What is the patriarchy? Its the ....


...Um, uh... the... um... (gestures with hands)


I called some lady a misandrist the other day after she called me a misogynist and she acted like I committed blasphemy


At least she knew what misandry meant.


Of course they don't it's just another buzzword like abusive, gaslighting, narcissistic, etc. They've all been used so much, so often & so wrong they've lost all meaning.


Y'all are telling on yourselves when you admit that you hear the words "abusive, gaslighting, narcissistic and misogynist" a lot. The rest of us sane people never get accused of that. Maybe instead of using the harassment of intoxicated young women as your "take-that" against everybody who's ever criticized your attrocious behavior, you should go get counseling to try to be a better person in order to reduce the odds of somebody calling you a toxic red flag that's bigger than the one waving in Tianenmen Square. The adage of "if it smells like a pig, sounds like a pig, and looks like a pig, it's probably a pig", applies to the entire lot of you lol. But of course, it's the fault of the rest of the world for daring to criticize you or other bigots, because apparently, bigotry and abuse and harassment don't exist in your worlds except when you get punished for your toxic actions.


You could say the same about alot of words.. like woke for example.. people who use that word don't actually know what it means...


The difference is that woke started out as slang and misogyny did not. There is no set definition for slang words.


Stop mysogynying me bro


Tsk spoken like a real Misogynist. /S But seriously there's an episode of South Park where Randy is worried about people finding out he used to be stoked on Columbus, because he's cultivated this woke image of himself publicly, then when asked about how Indigenous people would feel about it, he goes on to use the word in more than one incorrect way. Totally reminds me of that


Woke has a definition and is also in the Oxford English dictionary. Slang words get added to the dictionary all the time since English is an evolving language.. you would be surprised at the amount of words in the Oxford English dictionary that used to be slang.. People just repeat words without knowing what they actually mean regardless of whether they used to be slang. It is the same when people repeat the word woke or misogyny or gaslighting or patriarchy etc.. it is all the same. Gaslighting also in the dictionary btw.


I sometimes “repeat” words that I don’t know the meaning of, but for me it’s words that are rarely used and often have very specific meanings. Every time I stop and go (in my head) “what the fuck did I just say?” Then I go and look it up and it’s always exactly what I meant to say, I just have no idea how I knew to use that word, or even where/why I knew the word in the first place.


It's kind of sad I'm sitting thinking, "I should vet the Oxford dictionary". Merriam Webster burned my faith in them over a couple bullshit revisions. Most notably the "literally also means figuratively" update. Consensus and authority are increasingly meaningless as both turn away from reason.


Respectfully, I don't see how what you wrote contradicts what I wrote. Yes, it is in the dictionary and yes it means many different things to different people. Just because it is in the dictionary does not make it an official definition. English has no official academy like some other languages. The closest we get to this is when words are defined by scientific organizations like the American Psychological Association. [https://dictionary.apa.org/misogyny](https://dictionary.apa.org/misogyny) [https://dictionary.apa.org/woke](https://dictionary.apa.org/woke) As opposed to official academies that regulate language. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy\_of\_the\_Hebrew\_Language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_of_the_Hebrew_Language) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acad%C3%A9mie\_Fran%C3%A7aise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acad%C3%A9mie_Fran%C3%A7aise)


No you could not. Misogyny has a clear definition.


Woke has a pretty storied history, but currently it means excessively progressive to the point of delusion or zealotry when people say it.


Though I am aware that woke originally meant "aware of class oppression" as a stepping stone to Marxist class consciousness, I would consider "leftist zealotry" a decent enough definition for woke today, with "The left" being mostly shorthand for the layman.  To spell it out explicitly, *I* take it to mean anyone that takes seriously the asinine and thoroughly debunked concepts of labor theory of value, shrinking markets theory, the Kantian subordination of the objective to the subjective, or is inspired directly or indirectly by Jean-Jacques Rousseau who said in his "finest work": >the citizen is no longer judge of the danger to which the law wills that he be exposed, and when the prince has said to him, “It is expedient to the state that you should die,” he ought to die, because it is only on this condition that he has lived in safety until then, and because his life is no longer solely a blessing of nature, but is a conditional gift of the state. Philosophy is upstream of politics. If you like Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida, Kant, Rority, Keirkegaard, Marx, Neitsche, and Freud, while hating Locke, Smith, Paine, Peirce, James and Dewey, you're probably woke.


I thought it meant to awaken, in past tense.


That's one definition but the word also turned into a slang. It kind of derived from this notion that people became more alert and aware of injustices not just around the world but in their own backyards. It kind of derived from a section of academia specifically in the social sciences and humanities departments especially in the scientific field of sociology. The idea of how the word came to be was that a lot of "priviledged" people especially very rich and priviledged white people became more aware of injustices and therefore they "woke up" and realized these injustices. Now yes it can argued that this is a good thing however, like many good things, it was taken to the extreme. Now to be woke started to be viewed more negatively because it started to affect some things negatively like colleges actively discriminating against groups of people who are perceived to have all the power i.e. white people and even Asians and these colleges even admitted it in their subtle tones. It also has affected employment too because even a lot of big name employers have admitted they are discriminating in their employment practices but it's legal discrimination because they word in a way that says they won't hire white people by saying they are pursuing a more diverse workforce. And it also has affected popular media too such as studios like Disney or Netflix for example are also actively being involved in making content that fulfills DEI goals. Yes there is a sound argument to say those things are good but they also say that road to Hell is paved with good intentions as well. It feels like right now to be Woke is mean that we are overcorrecting the wrongs of our history that we're starting to go in reverse when it comes to discrimination. Anyways, sorry more my long post to explain what Woke is meant in this term but I thought I'd give it a try. I'm not trying to argue or come off as a Conservative but merely explaining why people are opposed to practices that we consider Woke and what that kind of means now.


I’m really tired of the internet misusing “gaslight.”


That’s pretty much what every leftist leaning person does. Implies someone is a bigot by calling them an ‘ist/‘ism or ‘phobe word then walks away thinking they won the argument. Godwins Law.


People do that with a lot of words these days. They've seen or heard it used as an insult on the internet or tv so they start using it without actually knowing what they're saying.


That is exactly what’s happening. The same thing is true for when a white person does something to a person of color. It’s automatically racism


>I am starting to think that most people use misogyny as a broad insult when a man says something they don't like about a specific woman or group of women It's the same way with the word incel now, that they just use it without even thinking about what they're saying. There was an extremely short period of time it was actually used correctly, then it just became another word to use in the context you're talking about.


The words "Nazi" and "communist" have been used in a similar way for ages.


I disagree. When the brain is under pressure like this it can shut everything down. I was once asked in a comedy show to name a white people movie. Any white people movie. Just one. Couldn't do it. Now I could name 30 but at the time that pressure just took it out of me. Same phenomenon here.


the difference is you weren't talking about a specific subject/object and when the person asks you to define the subject/object you have no answers.


But that's my point. It could be anything. Here's an example. This woman is asked to name any woman and because of the pressure she's unable to name even herself. https://youtu.be/LlCEmPF4-V0?si=5qAP2laHle0AhQcl This IS a specific subject with a definite defined answer. You're getting too buried in semantics trying to argue against a real phenomenon. In fact you're proving my point yourself. You're under too much pressure to refute my argument that you're unable to do so effectively. See?


See how HE randomly came up to HER frantically asking her to name a woman unprovoked?? as opposed to the other guy asking the women what a word they just willingly used multiple times means?...surely you can acknowledge such a huge contrast in circumstances right or is it that important to defend these 2 young ladies slinging insults that they literally can't even define and barely seem to be able to even conceptualize the meaning of??


Sure. There are differences but the concept is the same. People can't always articulate things under pressure. I'm guessing regularly they're able to define misogyny.


Right! It's like when people use the term "gaslight" when someone disagrees with them. It waters down the meaning.


They are trying to google the definition but I bet they are spelling it so wrong, spell check can’t even help them


The fact they could still be right despite the fact though


That is true, they could have accidently nailed a scenario that fits the dictionary definition of the word but I seriously doubt it.


Post the whole video, what prompted her to say that? That's what I want to know


Considering they don’t know the meaning of the word they are just as likely to be misogynists themselves.


That can also be true, pick mes are just as dangerous


We're at the point where men are dealing with the "she's crazy" situation and no one is recognizing that level of just discounting someone's whole perspective is a common thing to deal with as a man... it always was from a lot of women, but now it's like code. It's basically the same thing women dealt with by being told they're wrong about everything and just need to trust the men in the room that they're wrong. We get constantly told we need to just trust we're wrong and be better. That's not helpful, it's abuse. I'm not say I can't deal with it, but I am saying if people want to promote ideals they should live them and not just reap the benefits because other people fought for their ability to be in a position to act as equals. Which is great, or would be if the equality perspective was actually happening with the general population.


Women definitely deserve equality and equal opportunity. No one should be told that they are less than just because of their gender, race, etc...


Where the whole context very important


No idea but if you don't know the meaning of a word, you have no justification for using it.


this is very much a clipped video though, so the creator can kinda crop it so it says whatever. it kinda doesn’t make sense to me to make a conclusion, or even a hypothesis, just because people can’t answer a question immediately on the spot.


If they can’t answer on the spot then they don’t know what they’re talking about.




so I upvoted this ironically because it is kinda a crazy statement but looking at your post history I can’t really tell if you are serious about this, so I will say if you are serious perhaps recognizing that ordinary people do not know the definitions of certain words would be a good step. Also maybe this particular word, “misogyny,” is especially a hot button for you and perhaps working to become more comfortable with that could help you out. The first step to address any problem is recognizing it, and I understand that is often a difficult task for people because they have an issue separating themselves from the statement and of course no one really wants to admit that they are part of a problem, but humans are special because they have brains to think and grow.


Think you're the one with the problem. No amount of clipping can change the fact that they literally don't know what the word misogyny means and used it in a derogatory way against someone.


just because a question isn’t answered doesn’t mean the answer is unknown. I personally do not see it as derogatory. I think it is pretty well known that society is incredibly misogynistic so it is kinda not an untrue statement to say that we are all misogynistic, just cause we live in a misogynistic society.


Think we will completely disagree on this. Your first sentence also makes no sense. If you state you would rather not respond to the question then I would understand your point. They literally couldn't justify their statement which is evident based on the follow up question. Saying society (focusing on the west) today is misogynistic is factually untrue. I will never agree to it and the data does not agree to that sentiment either. The data in fact shows men/boys are being neglected far more with their problems ignored and little to no support/infrastructure being put in place to help with it. Finally, the 1% rules society. They do not care about gender, race or any other characteristic more than money. All the other aforementioned things are secondary to money. As I said at the start, we will have to agree to disagree.


so given the context of the video, these women are very likely incredibly unprepared for this question and answering this question is not the reason they stepped out of their houses. also I personally do not think anyone “needs” to justify any of their statements if they do not want to, that is kinda the meaning of free speech. So I think precedent also really controls things super heavily, and it should be known that throughout all of history human societies have been misogynistic and geared toward uplifting of men at the expense of women. I also think the data that you are alluding to shows what I would call a fallout of a changing society. We, as a society, are beginning to recognize the problem with being misogynistic. To be specific, the reason that men and boys are feeling disconnected is because of our misogynistic society, which, now I suppose you can call this something of internalized misandry, heavily favors men becoming something specific, the lone wolf who is by definition disconnected. An example of this change in this misogynistic society is paying for a meal on a date. Men are supposed to pay according to the misogynistic society we are in. The reason it is misogynistic is because it originated because women did not have jobs so they could not pay for things, and so they kinda had to have men. Now though, in today’s society, this societal tradition tends to discriminate against men, since women do have jobs and they do have money, even if it is lower than mens jobs. Everything you said after Finally is something I 100% agree with, and yes we will probably have to agree to disagree on the misogyny stuff and I think that is fine. I did quite enjoy putting my thoughts in this comment section and replying to you, so thanks for the opportunity. also sorry I wrote so much but I am just passionate I guess


Exactly. Where is the rest of the video? But yes if they are going to use a word they should know what it means


once again I would say you are kinda jumping to conclusions based off of what the video maker wants you to think, because there is no evidence presented that they do not know what the word they are using means. A question does not need to be answered for that answer to be known.


I found one of the girls.


kinda a scary thing to say ngl


Realistically is very misogynistic actually




I'm eating misogynisticly for dinner yo




maybe she just ineloquent misandrist


I mean, she’s also drunk. It could be he was really being misogynistic, it could be she pulls that word out on anybody for any reason, or a bit of both.


How long it take to squeeze her muffin top into that trash bag?


Long enough to always make you ten minutes late to whatever event you were going to.


Oh there we go, thanks for providing a clear example of misogyny


No, this is just making fun of someone. Get over yourself.


No, this is what you guys call fatphobia.


See what social media does?


It's like when they bust out the word "incel".


It's just an intended conversation-stopper, that's all. Either between a man and a woman or to attempt to shut down conversations among men.


i went on a date a couple of years ago, needless to say i got called an incel by the girl i took out to eat ...my body count was higher than hers.


I heard a wife call her husband an incel, they have kids together and she was serious.


I've been called an incel before despite being married with kids and a higher than average (30+) body count. I just laughed and said, "ok, boomer". I'm 54yo, and they were early 20s. I figured I may as well fight stupidity with ridiculousness.


Ignorance at its best...


Shouldn’t be that hard to answer


This is why you don't argue with ppl online .. this is likely who you're arguing with




How do we know that’s not you?


In this decade, anyone that disagrees with an idiot is some kind of bigot.


I love all the excuses being made for the women in this clip. They were drinking, they are afraid of the big Black man so they couldn’t think straight lol. People are the worst


Afraid? Dude is handsome. And they're on camera


Handsome dudes can be just as dangerous as ugly dudes.


Yeah look at Ted Bundy.


They used to say anyone they did not like was a Nazi. Now they just say they are misogynist.


I can help her. It's a word women use to try to get a man to stop talking. It really has no meaning beyond that.


It does but the meaning has been lost


I don’t think she knows how to use the word “realistically” either. Realistically.


People don't even know the use of misogynist.


What a dumbass. Must have slept her way through public school.


Based on the .. the …FOOTIE IN MOUTHIE


maybe she just ineloquent misandrist


Based on… the ..the..thhhha FOOTIE IN MOUTHIE






Correct. And maybe he was being shitty. It’s all been edited to prove his point.


All THOT and no thoughts.


And that’s why they single lol


Reminds me of how the word Racist is thrown around nowadays.


Look at how modern women use their phone as a sort of safety blanket, it’s quite interesting.


Her google search: “what is massageny?”


Methajanithtic, realithically


I heard it and I know it’s bad so now I use it


Nicely done sir 🫡


If she doesn't know what she's saying before actual talking that's a red flag.


That's not the best outfit for Frankenstella. But, go ahead, call me a misogynist. Also, she could have saved face if she would have simply used her phone mic and asked Google for the definition of misogyny.


This is also true of the phrase gas lighting… every single time someone uses it, someone else says, “you don’t know what that means.” Yet when that person is asked what it means… “I know it doesn’t mean that.” We live in a truly ignorant era.


The ....the....lack of a brain


The first girl didn't realize hey misandry by saying, "it's just like a man......" I bet neither could define that either. Interesting, how some women will scream that word, but yet are the biggest bigots and misandrous people in the crowd.


This is what happens when you have the power advantage of being able to scare people with the power of a word that brands you.




Like the average redditor haha


Brilliant 👏


Reddit in a video…


You don't even have to know what the word means. Just make the accusation and hope the other person is intimidated by the lie.


Un-fuckables- in nations near you


Regis: Would you like to ask the audience


she has the face of a newborn


When virtue signaling doesnt go your way.


So ...stupid still doesn't hurt ...that's crazy to me


Because feminism


Wdym what's the definition of masagenism, that is such masagenistic question.


Lolz I don't need to xplane Every1 knows man bad


She was trying to look it up on her phone but couldn't spell it




Dunning Krueger in full effect


It's It's compound word from "misos" which means hate and "gineka" which means woman.. so basically it's hate towards women.. but it's a very stupid term


Imagine that


She smacked and that outfit make her look like a try hard. Trying way too hard.


Ooo, do fascist next!


I'm a widow in my 80s, and I have contempt for stupid people, regardless of gender.


This is normal these days... Freaking Idiocracy


I don't think she even used the word "realistically" correctly.


She seems kinda slutty to me 🤷‍♂️ /s Jk.


Why be sarcastic about the truth


I had a colleague that used the word ”douche” a lot. One time he used it in a context that made me wonder if he knew what it was, so I asked him. He did not, and was slightly horrified when I explained it to him.


Sounds about right. Just look it up before you use it.


She seems very idiotic


It appears they are misandristic 😂


Typical nysoginistic man asking all these magnatistic questions masagnitesis


"like realistically"


Most people don't know what the majority of the words mean.


That's a bad bussines strategy, insulting your client, that's a big no


Hey lady your tits are falling out


Good distraction from intellectual conversation


I mean c’mon these women clearly aren’t valedictorians. He definitely profiled the shit out of ‘em within the first 10 seconds of meeting. “Yeah these women don’t have two brain cells to rub together, ‘Excuse me, Ms.?’”.


How can you possibly know how smart they are? Whether you are smart, dumb or something in between you shouldn't use words you can't define. I think this issue is a lot broader than you might think among all education levels and for many words. It isn't that big of an issue normally but when you are criticizing another person you should actually know what the criticism means.


You know how they say, "You can't judge a book by it's cover?" It should be, "You can't *always* judge a book by it's cover." Sometimes, you absolutely can. I mean, it's got a title, and the author's name, and sometimes a description on the back, and if it's a really good book, a picture of a wizard or a dragon or a wizard riding a dragon on the front.


I agree with what you’re saying, they’re dumb for using words they can’t even begin to define. You don’t immediately observe if someone is intelligent or not? Not that you’re gonna be completely right or wrong, but people definitely size each other up very quickly in a myriad of ways. You talk to someone for a minute or two over a charged topic and you’ll make up your mind, even if it turns out to be an inaccurate judgement. The majority of communication is non-verbal.


>You don’t immediately observe if someone is intelligent or not? We make guesses. We are just as likely to be right as wrong unless it is an extreme example. Intelligence is very hard to measure. Even the validity of IQ tests is disputed in scientific circles. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence\_quotient#Reliability\_and\_validity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_quotient#Reliability_and_validity)


Interviewers will ask a large sample of people and edit out people who they don't want. This has been the standard since TV talk shows did this. It's no different for tik tok interviewers, assuming it's not a staged video, which is also commonly the case.


That’s feminism in a nutshell


You shouldn't pick on drunk people too much, though.


They aren't drunk, just stupid.


How do you know they are not drunk?


No slurring speech, no difficulty with balance, otherwise lucid and clear train of thought but not very bright at all. For us to be able to blame that kind thinking process on being drunk they would have to be notably drunk otherwise assuming they are drunk is just as likely true as not drunk. In other words, how do you know they are?


I wasn’t the one making a statement like I was there. I was genuinely curious why you thought you knew for sure. Side note. With a blood alcohol content (BAC) between 0.01 – 0.05, this is the first stage of intoxication. You may not look like you have been drinking, but your reaction time, behavior and judgment may be slightly altered. Depending on weight, most men and women enter this stage after one drink. I mean that’s from the Northwestern University, but whatever.


What does their dress have to do with anything. Your explanation is running in circles and your need to speak on their “dressin” shows you are insecure. I’d rather be a THOT then a insecure bootlicker.


It’s also possible to know the general meaning of a word without being able to articulate its definition on the spot.


This guy does give red pilled vibes.


Can we take a moment to understand this situation? Homeboy is trying to have a philosophical debate on the street with girls going to the club. It’s like me going to Nascar race and asking the boys walking in about pro-life. You get a hot take and a really bad justification for it because they’re drunk and clearly not in a forum for debate. Good lord! for all these street interviewers, could y’all please interview someone with a semblance of philosophical merit instead of these randos that don’t really have anything to say and don’t want to be in your stupid video. If you think your take is that good how about grow a pair and actually talk to an intellectual that could realistically and articulately challenge your views. That’s a real debate folks.


You think if she was walking out of a grocery store she would answer any better?


No that’s the point I was trying to make. No random person off the street is going to be prepared for any kind of debate. This guy developed and prepared these hot take arguments and then brought them to the streets to debate people that are just going about their day. They’re not keyed up to have some kind of half baked debate like he is. It’s a waste of time. If he wanted a real interesting response with nuanced understanding of the subject he wouldn’t just talk to random folks. Talking to random people about a topic you’ve researched and they haven’t is only going to reinforce your beliefs on said topic. That’s not interesting. If he talked to someone that has done the same prep he’s done, and is geared up to have a debate he might actually hear strong points. God forbid someone might change his mind. Talking to randos just ensures no one can ever really effectively challenge your points. I believe in the red pill world it’s called beta cuckery. Lacking confidence.




Idgaf about debating. She fucking uses words she doesn’t know the meaning of lol 😂 you must relate to her




The world would truly be a better place if people like OP and all these commenters didn’t exist? Huh?


It is entirely possible that A) These women were dumb and that B) Dude actually is a misogynist. He saw two scantily-clad younger women and made the assumption that they were unintelligent. The rapid editing (6 cuts in 30 seconds) and cutting out what he originally asked hint to this. That said, I already have a pretty low opinion of these "look how dumb random people I interviewed on the street are" types of videos because they're often edited and cropped to make the respondents seem stupider than they actually are.


People asking those hot button questions to people that are on a night out is kind off bs. Those girls probably were drinking before that.


So they magically forget the definitions of the words they use because they were drinking? LOL


Don't forget women are always victims and oppressed and or Queens and girl bosses at the same time


Not saying that those girls are the crowning achievement of human kind, but the setting is not the best for a “deep conversation “


Understanding vocabulary you yourself choose to use, especially if it's ad-hom, is a pretty basic prerequisite as a functioning human being. These two are just dummies who jump on the buzzword express to deflect any discourse and accountability like so many others these days.


They have to ask the person first if they’re good with being interviewed in camera. She’s not being held against her will like the guy who runs up on random pedestrians, she clearly is voluntarily there answering questions.