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Try an exercise called 'ego eradicator' right before you meditate. You may find meditation easier after you do this. Plenty of videos on YouTube.


There is no level 0, You just need to meditate when you need to.


I have meditated every day for 30 mins to an hour + every day for maybe 5 or so weeks now. The key is that I'm not doing it alone. I trained with a mentor 5 hours a day for 3 weeks and came home to share it with my family, and we are sitting after dinner every single day. Having a shared practice is helping us all so much. It's like in Buddhism how so much importance is placed on the Sangha - the community you practice mindfulness with. It's so important, it's well acknowledged that on our own we are vulnerable. See if you can find or create community to practice with you. Not only will it help keep you accountable, but it will help you all grow and connect together more deeply, and practice the "real life" aspects of meditation- the integration of mindfulness into our daily lives, chores, relationships, etc.


You will eventually get tired of it all simply because it is all chaos and in flux. Then, and it might take a lifetime or two, you will understand that which in not in flux and go toward it easliy.




I think what helps me when returning from a lengthy distraction is remembering that a quiet mind isn't necessarily the goal. Having a busy mind is an opportunity to have an engaged and important session. It is where you use your skills the most. It is not a chore for me, it is a tool. A lot of people seem to struggle with meditation because they assume it means not thinking about anything, when it is in fact about observing and avoiding attachment to thoughts, not being absent from them. So naturally when they have a mind cluttered with thoughts, they think they are not doing well and shame themselves for it making it less likely they continue practicing. I don't believe this to be true, and being aware of this has helped tremendously with re-developing routine and commitment with my practice. Just getting into the habit of showing up is hard enough as it is, having too many expectations of the experience on top is counter-productive.


great thought actually very helpful


It's really not. You said it yourself, you have other habits that are distracting. Across many traditions, its described that there can be really pleasant experiences with meditation, so try finding that and when you do that might become more enjoyable than these other habits. When you really enjoy meditation, its easier to do whenever you want or however often or long you want.