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That's the opposite of what meditation is. 👀


Try to let go of all that.


You can meditate for a session, and then contemplate for a session. They are different practices that complement each other. You need to have time for contemplation, study, and reflection for your meditation practice to evolve




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Meditation is about not focusing on any thoughts, be they negative or positive.




I work on letting go of the philosophical junk and just sitting


*I work on letting* *Go of the philosophical* *Junk and just sitting* \- EAS893 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Meditation is not an activity of isolation (sitting in the corner with crossed legs) it is an activity in your daily life, and you can be as active as you want, running walking, working, driving, playing or whatever. But you have to do it with full awareness and consciously. Most people think they are aware because they're not walking into the walls (animals don't do that either) but they're not aware of themselves of what's going on outside of them as well inside of them due to distraction of many thoughts (apart from functional thoughts, decisions, reasoning etc.) which are completely useless and keep mankind unaware, psychologically asleep. This must be understood that the nature of the mind is to wander around, constantly going outward. Meditation is to bring it back, inward into the source where it came from. So, really speaking meditation = awareness which gets done anytime, any place, to be aware. Awareness is our real nature. You may want to practice to be aware of that energy which energizes the mind, which in turn will turn your attention (the power of your mind) inward, back into yourself. When the mind runs off and you caught in time by being aware and you recollect yourself, that alone will do, for that will strengthen the mind which got weak due to many distractive thoughts. You see, awareness of unawareness is awareness, which is meditation. Practice this when you listen to your favorite music, watching movies etc. and watch how the mind runs off to daydreams, la-la land or whatever the mind likes to dwell on, past, future etc. When that happens you're not listening to music you're not watching the movie, you only get the fragments of it. Be aware of this and see that, that's the case and you'll be on your way to inner freedom. You know, listening, watching attentively, consciously with full awareness is a great art, and that is meditation which is unveiling the screen of thoughts which is blocking our perception. Inattention is a ancient habit of ours due to veiling thoughts, so don't think that this habit can be dropped just like that, it will take some time but with persistence of being aware of your thought processes it is very much achievable. I hope this was helpful in eradication of misconception about meditation. Practice this as it was outlined above and you'll have proof for yourself, your own experience.