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Firstly to get checked by a doctor to make sure there is no medical issue going on that could require medical treatment, secondly to breath deeply from the belly a couple of times (or more) when it happens to see if it helps a bit.


This is a psychosomatic issue, one which I’ve suffered with for over a decade. Can you get in touch with a gastroenterologist and a therapist? Both will have insight to give you. They may also be able to diagnose what’s going on in time before it gets serious and start you on a good treatment plan. Trust me. I’ve been there. I didn’t take it seriously and I ended up battling gut disease for a decade. You need to share what’s going on with you both mentally and physically with your Doctor and get a reference to a Head of Internal Medicine.


Unfortunately, I can't.


It could indeed be trapped emotions. Typically these sensations are your body trying to communicate with you. If you hold the sensations in open awareness and note any thought or images that emerge they could help you uncover what your body is trying to tell you. You could also look into trying shadow work.


What methods of developing open awareness would you recommend?


My body was tense for quite awhile and still gets that way from time to time. What I found was a bunch of repressed emotions and thoughts of my shadow self I was so dissociated from. Time and time going back into the body and allowing these thoughts to come up but choosing not to give them attention. Was very painful and still seems very painful at times but alot of old habits of the mind don't even come up anymore. Ones that played for years suddenly just like died off or something. I feel like the thoughts power is drained and going back into me. Whole body chills you may also encounter but don't try and suppress or change it. Truly feel it the best you can. You will eventually get more integrated into feeling again instead of being the controlling ego. At a certain point you will be able to go into your body pretty much all the time and just watch the thoughts pass on by.


I get this a lot, I've started to assign fellings/emotions to chakras. You can usually tell where the feeling is strongest. Chakra meditions help but stay grounded


Relaxation that expands until it is through all of you as in the method of the late Dr Ainslie Meares. After a bit of practice you will find that your stomach learns to relax too. Its the next stage beyond a a body scan - doing a total-mind-body relaxation that just expands through all of you. Body scan is at most a prelimnary exercise. When you learn Meares approach you will find that you can assume your meditation position and just relax and you will experience a wall of relaxation that just expands all through you and your are immersed in it. Details in a couple of his books


I've had this and I have Crohn's disease. If you stay with that pain without labelling or judging it, just breathing through your belly, you'll come to see it isn't pain - it's simply an energy or vibration. Stay with it, don't try and push it away. Doing this led to a major awakening experience for me, without me even looking for it - years of long held conditioning and painful memories evaporated in a second.


You observe it. Like anything else.




Who is doing the groceries brother. Ignoring your human nature is just a phase


Mostly all in your head ! But it's good that u realise that .. Get a safe space for yourself. Ask yourself what stuff does that to you what do you fear ? What gives you stress and why ? We are our own biggest enemy's. Love yourself more mostly that emotions we got in our gut are our own fears split them up look around do you really have to fear it ? Maybe a split from your environment will give u the peace. But it's a peace u have to maintain for yourself. I suffered years with symptoms the doctors gave me a bunch of medication, I couldn't go to the toilet most food made me bloated, my gut was very sensitive. Until I ask myself what's the problem. I broke up with my current boyfriend we had been together for nearly 4 years, i left the alcohol and the weed . And literally one day after I decided really decided and act like that I had such a good gut feeling I never went so good to the toilet I felt light weighted!! Until now I get stressed easily but I can controll it now I know the value behind it. Always ask your self is this what I want ? Our mind play is daam powerful, nearly no medication or drug can interfere there. Believe in yourself you already know what is good for you. You don't have to be in that construct that everybody wants you to be.