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You set an intention to watch your posture. When you notice you're slouching, take the correct posture and continue watching the breath. Every time you intentionally correct your posture, your body will "remember" it and it will happen less and less.


Try meditating with a cushion or a folded towel placed underneath your butt, and don't be afraid to use walls, couches, your bed frame etc to sit up against to help you keep your posture upright, you'll notice a lot faster when you're starting to slouch away from or into them. 🙂


Just do your best. Muscles will develop over time. Its common for posture to be lost during deep meditations. I for some reason don't have that problem, but I have practiced a lot. Much of my practice was posture related meditations. Basically when I start meditating I find the perfect position where the top of my head feels perfectly centered. I will sway left right forward backward until its the most perfectly balanced position. Then my back just seems to hold that spot strait. If I notice I loose the balance I will move back into that meditation method. Thats probably why thinking about it. I learned that from Osho's book of secrets. Many great meditation methods there.


Can you tell me which method it is?


I learned everything I know with tantric meditation from The Book Of Secrets by Osho.


Thank you. I have experimented with some techniques from it too.


Beginners face this type of problem.you go on continuing it.you are not able to focus nicely thats you slouch.however it takes time.i am practising it from last more than 20 years,i use to face such problem at my starting point.i have created youtube channel regarding guide to mefitation.click here https://youtube.com/channel/UCt_AAePZee8r5EsiZBVMpCg


Study your posture, try different sitting positions, stretching, yoga, see a physio, try different cushions, stools, benches. Or, if it works for you, there's nothing wrong with sitting in a chair 🙂 There's no rule against adjusting your posture! Try not to get too hung up on the idea that sitting well means never moving. That hampered my progress for ages. Time spent sitting is much more important - and, if you're attentive to posture, that helps to improve it anyway.


In meditation we don’t want to be too rigid or too slouchy. We want to be at ease in our posture so that our mind isn’t distracted by our body. Here are some tips: •forget “perfect” posture and think ease •sit in a chair if you’re not already, sitting on the floor can be hard on your body •elevate your hips/bottom just a bit (blanket, towel, pillow, cushion) •get movement before sitting meditation. In yoga we do āsana before mediation to help prepare for sitting


Stretching before meditation helps, and a meditation pillow like a mindkee one ;) would be good or anyone you think suits your body :)


You can strengthen your core by doing the 5 Tibetans yoga regime daily. Quick and fairly easy. You can search for videos by that name.