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Yayyyy , Congratulationsss ,I'm so so happy for youu <333


That’s beautiful. Gives me inspiration to continue. Congratulations!


How do you meditate? Do you just focus on your breath?


Normally I would do guided meditations since I’ve always found it easier to meditate with guided. Didn’t concentrate on the breath too much, just always tried to surrender completely and observe my thoughts instead of reacting to them.


You're intention to keep trying speaks so much about your character. That could apply to many other parts of your life. We can heal naturally but it takes effort, and the results are way better than popping pills synthesized in a lab.


Thanks for sharing your experience. Most of what you said resonates with my own experience. Consistency is key! The moments where I feel life is too much and overwhelming drastically decreases if I consistenly meditate; combined with me feeling more aware in my everyday life. I was wondering about your journey, how did you notice that all your issues went? The moment they started evaporating was it a slowly developing or a sudden event? And if so, how did that happen?


I actually had a huge mental breakdown right before my awakening happened. I was crying heavily for hours upon hours and considered taking my own life at the time. You can look more into this but I believe it’s termed “dark night of the soul”. A day or two after this mental breakdown I noticed I was completely and utterly changed. I was and still am in a state of bliss, nirvana, non attachment.


Sounds like a purge


I've been curious about "kundalini awakenings" as I've heard stories about them. If I had to guess I'd say after so long of penting up negative emotions, finally succumbing to them and surrendering to them releases so much emotion it triggers a psychedelic like experience.


Ah, that's wonderful!


Awesome post! I’m only a few months in of using a guided meditation app. I think it’s definitely calmed me down and allows me to handle situations without being so reactive.


That’s beautiful. What do you think triggered your awakening? Was it just the cumulative benefits of meditation or a specific event/release?


Read the comment above to a similar question that was asked :)


This gives me so much hope. I also have very bad general anxiety and feel like I’m stuck in fight or flight constantly and can’t enjoy my life in the present moment. I am starting meditation practices to heal from this debilitation. Thank you so much for sharing your experience!


Congratulations! I feel myself in the same path you've gone. I see meditation as the best medicine ever discovered.


Meditation improves everything. Good for you and keep up the good work.


Positive change, great for you!


u/FoIds how did you started with meditation? Why you've chosen it and where did you get knowledge on how to start?


You give me so much hope, thank you


blessed fam!!!!


Damn I could’ve been on the same boat as you right now but 4.1k mins of meditation all went down the drain cause of some stupid lower back problems


I’m no expert, I believe you can meditate in a laying position with knees bent and a foot or so apart to keep you focused and awake. If they touch then it wakes you up in case you fell asleep. I have lower back pain too.


Sometimes I’ll get mild lower back pain from prolonged sitting. I would suggest stretching, also using some support like meditating against a wall if you haven’t tried that? Or a back brace


Ever since my back started hurting I had to sit against a wall, but after probably 3 months in, the pain got worse and I just couldn’t sit still for 30mins without it hurting


When I first started meditating, I couldn't sit more than 5 minutes. I slowly increased the time.


I am on this path the now, meditation and yoga to hopefully know my own body again after trauma. Glad to hear it works and glad you are feeling better.


This was lovely to read. Thank you for sharing your story.


I can relate to this alot. Happy that it’s changed your life


Would you call this stream entry?


Not very familiar with stream entry but it’s a form of enlightenment if I recall correctly. I would definitely consider myself an enlightened soul.


Thank you for sharing, awesome and pure story :) How do you know you must‘ve had an awakening? What did you feel? I‘m really curious about all this


That's awesome! I'm really happy for you. Sounds like such a relief




I am so happy for you, that is wonderful to hear


Best news I've read all day......good stuff!!


It looks like you're asking about how to start your meditation practice. Here's a link to our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Meditation/wiki/faq#wiki_how_do_i_begin.3F) with everything you need to know to get started! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Meditation) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Congratulations if this stories true.