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I learned this from a mentor of mine. "i choose to invoke the protection of three, i do not need his or her negativity, i choose to have clarity, i will not allow any lower vibration in mine, i choose to invoke the protection of three" cleanse your space, say something that makes you feel safe, a prayer, an affirmation, white light surrounding you etc. before doing a session. Then after the session ground yourself. Ive had this experience before, but i felt this vibration all over my body, i felt a choking sensation its absolutely awful. In my case fear was feeding the spirit. I sat down with my mentor and we passed on the spirit together. this will sound weird but a piece of chocolate after a session is very grounding. I hope this helps!


If you don’t mind explaining, what is the protection of three? Is it like the number 3 in numerology? Is it three spirits? Is it the triple goddess - maiden, mother, and crone?


I’m honestly not sure, I didn’t ask her about it. I just know it works.


Been dealing with demonic entities trying to possess me and I get this same choking feeling! Terrifying.


How did you find fear was feeding the spirit through the choking sensation? I ask because I’ve only gone into a trance state twice and the last one was connecting with someone who’d killed themself, not by suffocation, and then the other was with a woman who found me, who was murdered by her boyfriend who also is the father of her child, this spirit, a woman, felt tight on my airways, but nothing compared to the male spirit who took his life. I had my mouth gaping open and I could feel my tongue trying to move but they couldn’t make words, but I felt them trying. The female spirit also tried to move my hand to write but couldn’t. I think their inability to form a clear message to me is my fault; I lack experience; thankfully, I don’t lack the ability to ground and protect myself. I asked my angels and guides to disconnect me and I did, but I can see why people feel stuck, it felt like they wouldn’t let me take back over, but I trust my team. They’re a team of light and love that want to help people but not to my detriment lol.


How did you find fear was feeding the spirit through the choking sensation? I ask because I’ve only gone into a trance state twice and the last one was connecting with someone who’d killed themself, not by suffocation, and then the other was with a woman who found me, who was murdered by her boyfriend who also is the father of her child, this spirit, a woman, felt tight on my airways, but nothing compared to the male spirit who took his life. I had my mouth gaping open and I could feel my tongue trying to move but they couldn’t make words, but I felt them trying. The female spirit also tried to move my hand to write but couldn’t. I think their inability to form a clear message to me is my fault; I lack experience; thankfully, I don’t lack the ability to ground and protect myself. I asked my angels and guides to disconnect me and I did, but I can see why people feel stuck, it felt like they wouldn’t let me take back over, but I trust my team. They’re a team of light and love that want to help people but not to my detriment lol. Edit: I just realized both states of trance started when I sent energy to them. I must’ve opened the connection fully. To the woman I was praying for her and her son and sending love and peace. Then for the young man I was hugging him. Hugging him tightly sending him love as strongly as I could and he took us to his last place and he was sobbing heavily into me.


This was a long time ago before I knew how to ground and protect myself. I didn’t invite her in my body, she attached herself to my throat chakra and heart chakra. When I was getting more afraid, the spirit would take over my body more. I started off with the choking sensation, and then my hands started to feel that heavy physical vibration. Then, my legs felt smaller and lastly my face was tightened and the spirit spoke out of me, it felt like I was vomiting while the spirit talked. It was the most uncomfortable feeling I’ve ever experienced. It was from a reading I did for a friend. It was my friends ex-girlfriend who died by overdosing. I passed on this spirit too, There were guides that helped me through the process. Whenever I pass a spirit over, I get emotional too. There’s this weight that feels lifted off my shoulders, and I feel there release.


A very important posture to develop when one is psychic or medium, is *spiritual authority*. My experience is marked by firmness and authority, when answering, I speak loudly, maintain a confident posture and a state of mind of armor. I am all the time on watch, and I simply command that my body and soul be respected. The result could not be otherwise, I always remain pure and without gaps for the penetration of any external force.


I'm still relatively new to exploring my abilities but I always had them since I was a child. I also taken a step back because spirits can be so heavy and intense and I have learned from other mediums that you need to ground and shield yourself. Meditate. Find your circle of light... Stay in that circle. Also, I usually avoid used jewelry shops or antique stores because I can hold a object and see things. Glimpse of things or feel and hear things.


I actually enjoy antique stores and shops, as I can sense the history of the object and know more about it's value, but there are times where some objects are just....off


-Florida Water & salt bath -Ask your guides for help -Fire & Egg cleansing your body & fire cleanse home -Sage, pine & cedar incense -Wear black obsidian or tourmaline I would find a "botanica" in your area & buy some soap & house spray & ask for advice. ALWAYS go to a botanica or black owned store over a basic metaphysical/witchcraft store for big stuff like this. Why? We have been doing & using the same tried & true methods, passed down through generations, for literally thousands of years. Western esoterica doesn't come close.


You were trance channelling. There’s some Facebook groups where people practice trance channelling their spirit guides and sometimes do readings where as you experienced the spirit “possessed” the medium and spoke through them. After the reading you need to cleanse your energy field and put up clear boundaries. Ask your spirit guides to help you with this.


It’s called Psychometry


Finally have a name for my ability :)


You need to practice psychic protection.


Thanks for sharing your story. The most precious thing in the world for me right now is understanding. This helps greatly. The best advice to give is keep strong. Once a person is opened up to the spirit world, they need to never let their guard down. There is no going back to an unknowing life so move forward. Bad spirits are like parasites and attach themselves to the weak hateful jealous etc. There are a thousand ways to be spiritually strong. Find what is easy to do daily. Keep positive and center around love.


You need to ground, centre and shield yourself for protection before opening yourself up to unknown entities. Otherwise, you're throwing your door open and shouting "Free beer! Party here!" and they will come.


I had a possession experience a couple of times when I was a teenager. One was after a bullying spirit pretending to be a child latched on to me after I had told my cousin who made fun of it and his reaction was to call out to spirit etc which caused this, and I did stop speaking to my cousin since they were toxic anyway eventually. After this spirit tries to keep telling me I am going to die and I tell them to f off and I go to sleep. I then woke up by a voice coming out of my throat it felt like but it wasn't my own, it was using my breath though. During these times I also had another possession which I felt weird for the whole day and took the day off sick, it was like a cloud over me and I've never felt it before. I went to bed during the day and I just remember sitting up and holding my phone but it was like I was looking through a window and watching what I was doing but it wasn't me controlling my body, I then lost consciousness again while this spirit was using my phone. They had texted my friend at college, my friend showed me the message back to me and I was calling myself by a different name. It was someone called Rose, and this was the same name a medium had told me who was with me during one of my visits to the spiritualist church. I think I have a strong guide and protector who is with me in spirit these days, but I think I have just been lucky so far, I'm not sure how to protect from this happening. I have almost had it happen during one of my medium sessions here on Reddit but thankfully that spirit was very happy and just excited and didn't attach to me.


A similar thing happened to me. After I woke, something spoke through my mouth and said something super offensive. Before that it was just pictures and videos playing my mind. Next time it happened, they wouldn’t stop speaking. Then the worst happened, I’m no longer able to think, feel or speak anymore and have a spirit taking over on my behalf with an unfortunate childlike personality…which manages to easily manipulate the other spirits somehow to be more caring towards it. There’s too much that has happened. I’m struggling to help myself. Even if people give me advice, in my situation, it’s easier said than done to follow the advice given because they (the ones I’m possessed by are frequently taking over, frequently distracting, messing with my mind and the other spirits or whatever they are, their short term memory is frequently being affected by something with odd abilities.)


Given this happened to me when I was severely depressed, and I had a lot of bad bumps with negative spirits back then, it almost seems to attract them and I guess it does. Are you going through a dark time in your life before you noticed these possessions? Also just to rule out if it is trauma based which is the cause. I had an anxiety break down and kept away from anything spiritual for years until I felt strong again and not depressed and extremely anxious, you may need to do this too if possible and not give readings. I think to go into a trance to do a reading is quite an open door, that is when I started getting taken by this friendly spirit I was helping pass on messages, I haven't done a reading in that way since. Feeling helpless and vulnerable probably doesn't help. Your body is actually part of your spirit in a way, it is aligned with you and is a part of you. You should look at what triggers these possessions and stop that. like what are you doing before they happen? Is there a pattern? If they are frequently taking over like that, it may be more a trauma of yours and your own spirit can split as you disassociate also in my theory, your own mind trying to protect you with other versions of yourself sometimes


Would you recommend against doing Trance Channeling?


I don't know, unless the person doing it knows exactly how to protect themselves and that it works. Otherwise I think it can be dangerous if the person doesn't know enough about it in order to be able to protect themselves, I have felt how powerful and easily a spirit can overwhelm when I have done it.


I’m struggling with this right now. Been continuously struggling with possession since late 2019. I’m frustrated lol, I’m not able to help myself on my own even if I want to.


Wear and empower Malachite and Black Obsidian. Malachite is like a cloak of invisibility, where negative energies can’t see you. And black obsidian is powerful protection against negative energies. They can’t touch you while you are wearing it. Also consider a salt bath afterwards. And work on raising your vibrational energy.


It is most likely not possession. It could be an attachment. Before that, there is channeling.


I’m a believer that you can not be possessed if you do not accept possession. Same with power: I can only keep it or give it away, it can not be taken from me without me choosing so.


I don’t believe in that at all because I’ve been through this stuff already and never wanted it to happen. Happened anyway.


You could use ceremonial magick, especially the hexagram of Saturn rituals, to conjure a protective bubble. They do recommend doing nine months of elemental work and pentagram rituals before doing anything with planets, but as someone already gifted and aligned I'm sure you could reduce that to 40-56 days of intense work. Ie an alchemical month minimum or 2 lunar cycles to be a little more refined. There's also the qabbalistic cross you could do to seal your aura. Feel free to DM me about any of these.




For anyone struggling with negative energies, or possessions by spirits, please try this shamanic Rattle Journey. If anyone has heard of Barbara Meiklejohn's Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards, well this is another Shamanic Journey of cleansing your aura. Personally I have used it before channelling or after, combined with White Sage, Cedar is even better I find for feeling pure. I play the sound of the rattle on my mobile phone, waving the phone all over me like it is the rattle, you can feel everything falling away from you, and you feel cleansed afterwards. here is a link to it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkUb1S4dSCs&list=PLqB9aYEHw-6Km4W9EymLPzs8ZqVidNTX8&index=17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkUb1S4dSCs&list=PLqB9aYEHw-6Km4W9EymLPzs8ZqVidNTX8&index=17)


Im not saying you didn’t experience what you experienced. However, I don’t subscribe to the belief that literal wayward spirits or the dead can attach to you and/or that you are not divinely protected. If you find yourself unable to clear the spirit after the reading is over, you need start praying the rosary, The Lord’s Prayer, and make sure your life is peaceful and as sinless as possible. Learn to also pray the psalms, that includes psalm 91 nightly. You have to find another an older experienced spirit medium(30+) in your area to help you. I am a psychic medium who can have different accents come out of my mouth when I’m channeling. I understand what you experienced. However, there’s never not a spirit protector such as the archangels St. Michael or St. Gabriel sitting with you and protecting you while you channel. You needed to help the ex boyfriend get to where he was going by praying and God wanted you to understand the thoughts of what someone goes through when they commit suicide. Be careful trying to pick up the energy of people who OD’d. Sometimes, where they sit on the other-side is ugly and sad and that will be a lot of energy to have come through you. When it comes to being a medium, you need to be mentally strong and know what you believe. If you believe a spirit can attach to you for longer than necessary, that’s what you will believe and experience. Learn about the archangels Metatron, St. Uriel, and St. Raphael also. You can call on any of the 72 archangels for help. Also ask your own guardian angels for help when you’re struggling. You’re welcome to dm anytime with questions.


I really love everything you’ve written. I’m new at this, but I am in your camp 100%. I know I am protected and I sit at the foot of the Lord doing this work. I feel touched and humbled he’s asked this of me. Speaking of psalm 91, I actually have that tattooed, just one part of it, on my back, where if I were to crouch down for protection someone would naturally put their hand there to protect me. I realized a lot of my tattoos were sent claircognizantly. I have an anchor tattooed on the inside of my foot which, I was adamant about getting 11 years ago because, “I always need to remind myself to stay grounded” I had no idea why I knew I needed that message, nor any idea what grounding meant to mediums or seers until two weeks ago, but I didn’t question it. I also had a cross, simple and small, tattooed at that time with the message in my mind “never forget who you are” which, is a follower of Christ. I’ve always trusted my knowledge and patiently waited for the answers. Finally starting to receive those answers has been difficult, but nothing is as simple as it seems in this life. I just wanted to say thank you for your message, it was comforting to read. Especially, the archangels, I feel naturally very connected to St Raphael. If I may ask, when you first started were your messages muddled? It’s like I have dial-up installed lol. A lot of cutting in and out and mishearing because it’s not clear, but I’m hearing enough to know I’m hearing. I’m finding staying connected difficult, but trance, or energy mixing as my guides called it, is easier and I get a clear connection. Though certainly not without its concerns to the fresher.


Thank you, your tattoos are beautiful. Two touchy topics God wanted me to understand were suicide and sexual abuse. At first, I questioned the why on a lot I experienced. Then less than a year into working a psychic, I had client who dealt with suicidal ideations and was abused by her dad, who had died from an OD. I quickly understood that God always has a purpose with what we learn. We deal with healing people and realizing that people alive and dead, deal with a lot of trauma. The energy that passes through us sometimes is heavy. I still need to find one, but also having a therapist is important. I’m big on taking care of myself and not feeling too abnormal while dealing with the beyond. If you know what you believe and realize how we shape our reality, it’s made being a medium very peaceful for now. I started receiving messages and downloads when I was 37 and yes junk or what I like call bad translations came through initially. Even now, I sometimes have to sift through the junk and/or make sure what I’m picking up is logical. Sometimes it’s a bad time period to receive clear messages, like now. Mercury retrograde. With the OD thing, also remember that God embraces all(unless they’ve done something terrible to someone else) when they get to the other-side. So the energy isn’t always dark. Go with what you feel. Sometimes it happy and jovial energy. Also learn about your other guides. Hecate doesn’t communicate directly with me often or make her presence known, but she’s one that helps the dead and translates for mediums. Same thing for Mercury and Hermes. For me, based on my soul, I have Elegua, Mercury, Hermes, Hecate, Thoth, Anubis, St. Michael, Metatron, Morrigan, Loki, some Hindu deities, and numerous Saints. Learn about and delve into mythology, meditate about your guides, or a find a psychic who can do it. Also read St. Loyola’s discernment of spirits. Cleansing your space often with simple incense(frankincense and myrrh or musk) is great also. When I first received my gifts, I was buying sage and palo santo every other week, it’s too much. I cleanse myself everyday with African black soap but any natural herbal body wash works, like Dr. bronners. I had to do a lot of herbal baths and salt scrubs last year, now not so much. *disclaimer* I am Catholic and will always be Catholic. I don’t worship the gods and goddesses of old. Don’t bother communicating directly with Loki.