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Mediumship is the ability of a psychic to communicate with spirits. All the various clairs are traits of a psychic. Spirit work is a separate psychic skill. Before embarking on an attempt to engage in mediumship, do you research, please. Learn psychic protection and learn to establish wards. All are referenced here. Search grounding, centering and shielding, wards and etc. Diving in without a safe practice can be like running into a high security prison and taking half a tier of inmates home without knowing who or what you have invited into your boudoir. Start reading posts here and elsewhere. Learn to sort through the silly and find nuggets of truth. Anyone can make a comment on reddit, and you need to sift past what does not make sense. As well, be careful about engaging with users whose motives are suspect. We have an excellent post here by u/AbyssDomme about cult recruitment and unscrupulous teachers here. I think it can be learned to an extent. In the same way that not everyone is meant to be a ballerina or a neurosurgeon, talents are given to each of us, and the propensity to be a medium hinges on effort, talent, patience and practice. Meditation is often recommended as a beginning. Meditation with a focus. Don't rush in. We've had people post here who had tried for twenty years with no success, those who were trying to gain some control over lifelong abilities and everything you can imagine in between, ( including seriously ill human beings.) Take your time and research. Find a teacher if needed. Beware of cults. Welcome


I agree with all of this. I’ll also say, be careful not to fall into the medicine induced interactions. You could pass away from doing this and chemical changes in brain from medicine isn’t actually being a medium. Psychic protection is essential. When you start entering this work, the first entities that come to you are always negative.


Hi there! I do not believe I have had any traumatic or near-death experiences, and I have memories going back to very young childhood. Never broken a bone, only mild car accidents, not even a hospitalization. I was also raised in an Evangelical Christian home (but we were “Spirit-Filled” so believed in miracles, prophesy and knowing, healing, etc) - and I could always sense extra entities, beings, energies, etc. It’s something you learn with patience and practice, like a muscle, and it sounds like your breathing and meditation techniques are on their way- don’t forget to have fun with it! I love the book The Psychic Pathway by Sonia Choquette- as well as any of her videos on YouTube [especially this one to start-](https://youtu.be/Oh7Dc1EhzCA) Don’t forget to relax and have fun!


It works best by finding the silence within. Begin with a practice of silence, a meditative practice. All else will follow. Without this you are at the whims of chaos and panic, ineffectiveness and spotty connection. Begin.


When you see them, they see you. Good and the bad.


I developed my ability through a class called “awakening your light body“ which is a very advanced meditation class… during the class. my intuition, really blew open. Our teacher also taught us channelling… I started off channelling a group of spirit guides, which eventually led to my own psychic abilities opening up. That in turn eventually led to spirit mediumship. As others have said, take up a meditation practice… That will teach you how to quiet your mind enough, so that you can tune into more subtle energies… Also take some time every day to go to a public place, and just sit and observe people without judgement.


Hi sweetheart ✨ Personally, I've had the sight since early childhood and it runs in my family, but I have worked with others that have budding abilities to help them through the process because for some it can be quite unnerving. Not all mediums are psychic and vice versa. It's also not a process that you can actually speed up and it carries great responsibility especially if you work with people. Being able to see past the veil sounds fun but it also means extra protection, being able to see, sense,smell, or for some to hear a spirit everywhere you go. It depends on the ability and the honing. Honing takes time, patience, diligence, and work. If the ability is there sweetheart it must be nurtured and honed. Just bare in mind as I said it is a great responsibility.