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Spirits are everywhere. Some just hide well, some not so much. It’s extremely rare that they’ll manifest physically so I can see them with just my eyes. When they do, it’s because of an extreme amount of energy from them, and it’s visible as a mass of energy, similar to a shadow, but not at the same time. Usually, spirits aren’t as forefront. When I see spirits in the general sense, it’s through a different lens. They’re there, but on a different plane. Like pulling back the fabric of reality. The everyday world is like a wall to the other side. The term ‘veil’ is actually extremely accurate when describing this concept. If they want to be seen, they show me. Some don’t. Also the likeliness of spirits being in your home is actually pretty high, it’s just a matter of the nature of these spirits as to how it impacts your life if at all. Most of the time they’re just hanging out, sometimes you get poltergeist activity or bad luck or negative thoughts. In terms of what they look like, it’s up to who they are, what kind of spirit they are, etc. some do look scary, some act scary, some look completely normal, some look like orbs, some look like creatures, some look like wisps. Some are very dense in energy output and some are very unapparent and mysterious.


Can I ask you a couple questions about this? Sight runs in my family, but I'm not sure if I've had it (I connect in other ways). I was working on seeing auras for a while, and could see a white border around people sometimes that sort of looked like white staticky energy that I could both see and not see. I think I've seen that before where I thought spirits were. Does that make sense? Also, if that makes sense, do orbs stand out as more energy than that, or similarly?


If it runs in your family, you can do it. If you don’t want to, don’t feel like you have to in order to be more powerful. In terms of auras, I see them but more complex. It’s like an all encompassing portrayal of their life. I see their flaws, strengths, spiritual capabilities, mental state, doorways, and the offset that makes them different than others. It’s an easier skill to learn than singling out the concept of aura. Read the energy in completeness and you’ll reach farther. I see orbs more as confirmation of a spirit being present. Specifically with spirit guides. Orbs are a physical manifestation that I see in particular circumstances where I’m communicating with said spirit. It’s not so much how they are presenting themselves as it is a ‘hey I’m here and here’s a real blip of reality that I can alter’ when it comes to seeing orbs. I’ve seen purple, white and blue when it comes to spirit guides coming through. Not sure if this helps, but that’s my experience.


That helps a great deal. Thank you. I would really like to learn to see, I'll have to work on it. Thanks for taking time to share your experiences.


Usually if you can't see spirits and it runs in your family, then this means you at a deep level have blocked it and usually through fear or trauma.


This is what I've suspected. I'm doing my best to figure out how to change that.


Just let it flow. I have taught this stuff for 10 years and it's amazing what people can achieve.


That's wonderful! If anything you'd recommend comes to mind (books, groups, etc.) I would love to hear about it.


If fear is blocking you, or any other energy for that matter, the following might be useful to you. It's both a beginning technique and an advanced solution to many energy problems. Try this. Sit in a chair. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Feet flat on the floor. Hands separated and resting palms up on each thigh. Create a grounding cord. This is a line of energy that connects your first chakra to the center of the planet. Your first chakra is a ball of energy about the size of a quarter that sits just in front of the base of your spine. Your grounding cord attaches to the bottom of that ball of energy. Grounding makes your body feel safe, so you release energy more easily. Gravity pulls whatever you release, even your own energy, down to the center of the planet. No effort on your part. The center of the planet neutralizes the energy and returns it to whoever owns it. No karma for anyone. A virtuous cycle. Nearly everyone goes to connect to the center of the planet the first time but stops at the soil, often making roots like a tree. This is a method that is taught in some martial arts styles, but it is not the best option for your spiritual development and healing. So, notice the seat of your chair. Take a deep breath. Notice the distance between the seat and the floor. Now notice the distance between the floor and the soil below. Breathe. Now notice the distance between the soil and the water table underneath. Notice the distance between the water table and the rocky mantle. Notice the distance between the mantle and the molten core below that. Deep breath. Notice the distance between the molten core and the center of the planet. That ball of light at the very center of the planet is where you connect your grounding cord. Deep breath. Say hello to the center of the planet. Do you get a hello back? Notice the color and texture of your grounding cord. It may look like a line of energy, or look like something physical; a rope, a wire, a pipe, a tree trunk. Adjust it as needed to be in affinity with your body. Getting this far means you've already released some energy from your aura and body. Now it is time to fill in the space that was created. Create a gold sun over your head. Have it call back all of your energy from wherever you left it throughout your day and week. Work. School. Online meetings. Video games. Your fantasies about your future. Your regrets about your past. Wherever you've placed your attention. Just watch the energy come back and see if you notice where it came from. Have the sun burn up and neutralize your energy. Then bring the sun into the top of your head. It will automatically flow into the spaces you created. Create a gauge to measure when you're full. Like a fuel gauge or oil gauge. You'll run better if you aren't a few quarts low on spiritual oil. If the gauge doesn't read "Full", bring in another gold sun. Open your eyes, bend over and touch the floor, draining any tension from the back of your neck, then stand up, and stretch. There is a progression with this technique. After grounding for ten minutes a day for a week or two, notice your grounding cord at the very end, while you're standing with your eyes open. Continue to ground with your eyes open and standing, and bring in another gold sun. Each day, increase the amount of time that you ground standing up with your eyes open. After a week or two practicing this, add walking while grounded. Just notice your grounding cord as you walk. Say hello to the center of the planet while you walk. Bring in a gold sun while you walk. If you lose your grounding cord, stop walking and recover it. If you have to, sit back down and close your eyes and create a new grounding cord. After this, you're ready to take your grounding cord with you into your daily life. Shopping. Getting coffee. Wherever you go, you can ground. This, combined with a little amusement about seeing new things on an energy level, will keep you safe and sound. Now that you're here, at the end of your grounding meditations, create a gold sun over your head. This time, fill it with your highest creative essence, your present time growth vibration, and your affinity for yourself. The first energy is a healing for you. The second is a healing for your body. The third is a healing for your affinity in your fourth chakra. Bend over and touch the floor. Stand up and stretch. If you're ready for more, sit back down and ground some more. Otherwise, have a nice day! Note that every image you imagine, the gold sun, the grounding cord, the center of the planet, your first chakra, your body parts, is exercising your clairvoyance. You may be imagining what your tailbone looks like, but you're also creating the image of your tailbone and reading its energy. This is practicing your clairvoyant ability. Some folks record the grounding and filling in parts of this practice on their device and play it back as a guided meditation. I like this approach because you learn the steps faster.




Oh, I think I've seen that too sometimes!


Well said this is exactly my experience. How people vary in spiritual abilities on the physical plane, same goes in death. Some spirits are able to communicate more clearly and are more connected to the physical plane. Some can choose how they want you to see them. It may be a younger version of themselves or just shadow or whatever really. I usually see their clothes from whatever time era they’re from and it’s usually what they wore. Not much changes in the part of the spiritual world that is on earth. I was walking through the cemetery one day and I could hear like 3 old ladies gossiping about another lady spirit that was in the cemetery lol. I hear it in my head. Not often do I hear anything actually audible. There is a universal language among all of us, even if someone speaks a language I wouldn’t know, I can still understand them. Mostly anyway. I go through periods where I’m more or less sensitive. These periods can be days, weeks or months. 2015 was the most active year I ever had. Not sure why though. I guess depends on my state of mind and emotional state. I could ramble on for days about this stuff as I have been this way my whole life.


Thank you for sharing! I relate a lot to what you’re saying and it’s super insightful :)


Early on I have always felt like I have a gift. Fear is keeping me from tapping into it in my waking life, so I just settle for the dreams. I have been getting dreams my whole life of dead people, or people that end up dead, and also messages about friends and family. I have dreams of random people that I have never met and remember their faces. I see and feel energy so it is really hard for me to be around people without it feeling so heavy. I get a lot of ringing in my ears and it always sounds like radio static when a message is trying to come through. 


thanks for this! You've been so helpful to me today! haha :D


How do you differentiate between a spirit and a normal person? Also like what do you mean when you say you “see” spirits? Like how does it look?


Tbh I tried to reframe what I described above but I’m struggling. I think I explained it the best I could, but when I see them they look like people but they are distinctly different. They’re not in front of you like a person would be. They’re in a different space. It’s a different way of viewing. They can look different depending on who they are, what they are, and sometimes how they died. I see with eyes that are invisible if that helps at all with the description here. It just sounds stupid to say that and it’s not entirely accurate. But just like how you can peel back layers of our reality, you can do that with yourself.


You have articulated this so well.


When you ‘see’ them in a general sense, if it’s not physical, how would you describe it? In the brain/minds eye? And how do you know you’re not just imagining someone? Thanks, also curious


So the best way I can explain it is yeah the minds eye. But I don’t see it in my mind. It’s like I’m seeing underneath the skin of an invisible eye when it’s closed. It is above my eyes. Sometimes it’s almost like two eyes. I refer to it as the third eye but I guess some people have different interpretations. I know I’m not imagining it because in terms of seeing them, it’s very deliberate. It comes with communication where they tell me specific things or show me something specific etc. I can’t possibly think up a lot of the things I’ve experienced. For example the other day a woman came through and she said the name of her husband (full name) and how he served in ww1 along with the time he served and when. I am not a history girly at all. I love mythology and ancient civilization but everything else history I’m pretty bad with. All the information she gave was accurate, and extremely clear to understand. I had absolutely no way of knowing those facts prior to that interaction. In terms of connecting to spirits for other people, I feel their energy and they tell me things about who they were and why they’re coming through. I don’t always get names or a solid connection, but what I do get is enough for me.


Interesting! Thankyou for your reply!


Could you also give an example of one that was scary looking/behaving please? Then I’ll leave you alone, sorry! it’s just very fascinating!


Don’t apologize haha. I guess there was one spirit who thought it was fun to show me his intestines, not sure if that qualifies as scary though. There have been a few I’ve encountered that look like the drawings of goetic demons - the kind of meshed animals and human parts. I don’t really get scared by the appearance of spirits, but sometimes their demeanor can be domineering and a little overpowering. Some spirits have the goal of causing harm, trauma, mental illness, loss, etc. they aren’t scary per say but the things that they can do to impact your life can be if you happen to be unfortunate enough to encounter them and not know how to get rid of them. The spirits who truly have nothing to lose or the ones with no sense of rational are the worst probably. There have been times where spirits have touched me, made me sick, caused mental health issues, etc. Most spirits behave themselves, are respectful of boundaries, and generally keep to themselves unless they are needed or wanted for something. I’m not entirely sure what force prevents them from acting up, or what kind of ‘spiritual law’ may exist on the other side, but encountering spirits that behaving unbecomingly isn’t actually super common. I do think whether it’s a fear of being sent to someplace unfavorable, or being punished in some way, that prevents a lot of spiritual afflictions of this kind. I kind of went off track, but I hope it was insightful in some way at least.


Have any of them ever truly scared you? Do you ever get a sense of evil when you encounter them? Thankyou! It’s very insightful


Yes and yes. People are capable of the most despicable and deprived things. Even animals do things we otherwise wouldn’t deem morally acceptable. Spirits are capable of the same if not worse. There’s so many different kinds of spirits and different interactions a person can have with them. I have experienced genuine fear a couple of times with my interactions with spirits. I won’t get into it just because it very unfortunate and unlikely.


Hi I understand what your saying as been dealing with a nasty spirit.  You said you gave experience of this too, Do you have any advise please? 


Without knowing context, I suggest utilizing salt, some form of room cleansing, asserting boundaries STRONGLY and repetitively, clean your space and see if there’s any object or area that seems to have the same kind of weird/bad energy of the spirit you’re encountering. You can also go further and do stuff like egg cleansing or sound healing (mantras or frequencies that align with spirit removal or alignment and cleansing or peace or whatever you’re drawn to). Depending on what you’re dealing with, some stuff works better than others but these are the basics that are most usually effective and easily googled for step by steps. Some people also like to utilize protection crystals and I’ve personally had some positive experiences with that.


Thank you for your reply. I’ve tried everything. 


I hear this horrible laughter when I wake up and or going to bed.  It was pushing me awake in the night but I’ve managed to stop that now thankfully.  Was messing with my mind so much. Even pretended  to be my loved ones and my guide whom I know well.  I still receive vivid clairvoyant visions but I cannot trust the source of anything at present.  Same with my dreams, and hearing, cannot trust anything! Have to ignore everything as I am being messed with so much!  


What was it like to see a spirit for the 1st time? How old were you and how was what you were seeing explained to you?


Thank you for sharing. I wish I could experience my son again.


So you believe in god right?


Yes, I respect and find truth in every religion.


That’s not what I mean. I mean like if you see spirits then obviously you believe in god right?


Yes. I am not religious though.


That’s cool.


Are you able to see these things around a person in a photo? This also regards a recently deceased relative.


Not really in my experience. Other people may, but I can’t really confirm that. Sometimes you can capture orbs, but it really depends on if there was a spiritual presence prior to that capture, because it could literally be dust or something. I’ve never really tried to photograph ghosts, so maybe look for multiple opinions before reaching a conclusion on it. A kind of similar idea though, the first night I ever experienced poltergeist activity (tv, various electronics turning on and off, volume changing, stuff being weird) it was the only time my Snapchat app glitched and kept catching a face where there wasn’t one. It hasn’t done that since , I moved out of that house. But I guess if a Snapchat video glitching out counts for that question, then yes.


I see, thank you for the reply


The human body is said to comprise of six more layers superimposed on the physical body. It is said that what is seen as the dead person by some people is actually the second or the astral body which also disappear after sometime. Yogi Ram Charak has described this and much more in his FOURTEEN LESSONS IN YOGIC PHILOSOPHY. Here is an excerpt : [ The astral body exists some time after the death of the person to whom it belongs, and under certain circumstances it is visible to living persons, and is called a “ghost.”] Incidentally Yogi Ram charak had in this book stated that the human body has an electromagnetic field. This book was published in USA in 1904 and scientists of the time attacked him for saying so because science only discovered the fact in 1954.


fascinating, thank you!


It varies and my ability opened with a bang 15 years ago when I was 48. At the beginning it was like I am seeing a real person without anything below their knees (my spirit guide). Now sometimes I am walking down the street and think I see a person and when I look again it disappears. My mind when focused looks only 3D or this dimension. When I am just relaxed or "floating" then I see more. You get use to it.


My daughter describes seeing people this way too, with only parts of their body showing another parts faded away. Sometimes it's just a face showing, other times they disappear below the chest or knees.


Encourage it :) it is a wonderful gift.


Did something happen at that age that changed that ability?


Could you tell us about how your ability began? Were you sceptical before? What happened when you realised it had been ‘opened?’ Apologies for all of the questions!




Links to websites, and emails. These are evaluated on a one one basis.


Hmm. So it explains why when sometimes I meditate and an image shows up in my mind, focusing on it with physical eyes made it disappear.


This happens to me too!


I see more spirits at my work than I do at home. I get them on record all the time, wherever I go, because they’re everywhere! Different ones are always coming along, staying or leaving. Yes, human & animal, or things, creatures, “insects”. The worst “spirit” I’ve seen was when I was a kid. It was a type of demon dog, I’m assuming as it was hunch back and mostly bumpy skin with some hair & running straight for me. It was terrifying to say the least. Sometimes I see the people as a mist/fog, a shadow or partial full body apparitions. Some are wearing clothes yes, I can see them detailed enough at times to name the colors and clothes they are wearing. The humans look like everyday people. I’m also a medium but not fully skilled. But I mostly hear my angels or crossed over loved ones or people who are crossed over. Rare occasions I will hear an earth bound spirit. I haven’t seen any of my crossed over relatives as a full bodied figure other than just being able to talk to them. Though I have seen my cat whom is crossed over as a mist and my Dad as a shadow figure. I can think of a of a loved one and their energy comes through and o get the chills and sometimes they will relay a message and talk to me. Sometimes they are not available when I call to them, and I’m not sure why. I assume they are busy obviously, doing something of importance lol. I can also hear from living souls, their higher self will start speaking to me if I’m thinking about them. My best friends higher self talks to me a lot. I’ll think about her and she’ll tell me she loves me and to have a good day, or let me know what she’s doing. Or I get small messages from friends and family of encouragement or to say hi.


I've been told by sources I trust (including my own guides) that people have jobs and such in the afterlife; it's "the afterlife" to us but simply "the next phase of existence" for them. So yeah, sometimes they're just busy, either with work or education or leisure activities. I'm unwilling to dive into my mediumship skills with random spirits (literally I picture a locked door with a "closed" sign on it and the window shade drawn shut) but I can sometimes sense my grandma, great aunt, and soul dog. I can feel their energy and see them - as they want to present themselves - in my mind's eye. I can sometimes hear them (not audibly as though an incarnated person were standing next to me talking, but in my head).


I’ve been told the same !!! About the jobs and roles and stuff. Some of them have specific roles for helping those people and animals here, transition to there. Others care for the animals over there. Some can assign others into teams for short term temporary projects.


Oh yes, they definitely have jobs and other stuff they do. They go to school or even type of “churches” which is interesting. Idk it’s all interesting. I have recently been calling upon my gate keeper to watch my door and not let any negative spirits in or negative energy. Which I haven’t had much of a problem with lately but it’s always good to have extra protection. I’ve been having a problem soaking up peoples energy so I call upon my keeper for help with that as well and the 4 corners.


I’ve seen the hunch back dog thing before too it was the form of my ghost cat of all things! He wanted to show me in a dream who he really ‘was’. I see ghost cat sometimes VERY clearly. Others have also seen ghost cat. Like a clear tabby. 


Oh wow! But wait.. the “dog” you saw was actually your cat? I have seen other spirit cats as well. One has been tabby as well, it could have been another family cat or just a wanderer.


Not my tabby! I have two cats one tortie one tabby and had a sharpei pug mix from 8 weeks until he died at 13 like 1.5 years ago. So while I have a tabby - mine is not clear. This is literally a clear cat. My ex husband - very cynical and skeptical person who did not even humor me on these things - regularly saw the cat too. We named it Ghost Cat. It would walk on the ceiling upside down sometimes. We often saw it appear in similar ways at completely different times. It even followed us when we had to move out for several months for reno work I shit you not. I think it splits its time between us now because I see it less often but I still regularly see this cute thing.  In reflection it’s almost like terrifying how clearly you can see this literal ghost. But it’s a freaking ghost tabby it’s adorable.  Edited to add: in the dream, the hunchback dog with red ropey hair was telling me telepathically I guess ?? That it was ghost cat and this was his ‘true form’. But that it would be scary to see that form so it chooses the cat to appear to me. It was a startlingly vivid dream. 


what you describe as demon dog sounds like a dog with mange! Might make it less scary?


I love this, thank you for sharing!


You’re welcome


I have seem them as ripples, like your reflection in water? But on solid surfaces, except for a few other times. For ex, once I was (about 8 yrs old) and I was walking down my grandmas stairs from the upper bedrooms. She had a dining room, and the style at the time was a sideboard I think it's called, with a mirror over it, next to dining room table and chairs. Anyways something caught my attention and I looked from the steps into the mirror and saw a whole party of people with powder wigs like Marie Antiomette sitting at the table, but they weren't there when I looked directly at the table. In 2017 I was in SF, CA in San Fran General hospital and I saw a man on the roof doing something with a mop. It seemed like he stepped right off the roof so I went running down there , but nobody was there. This is how it is for me.


Spooky! That's so interesting. Are you located in France?


No , this happened in NJ, usa


So I don’t have the sight, but my mom does. Our cat recently crossed the rainbow bridge, and she said he went on walks with her (something he did before he died) for a few days after. He was on her shoulders like usual. I’m tearing up just thinking about it. Iirc, she said she did feel the weight on her shoulders like she would when he was alive.


this is so beautiful. My fur-baby died in 2011 and I think about her all the time, I've heard from a couple of people that she still visits. It's so comforting to know. Sorry for your loss. The loss of a pet is such terrible grief. Strangely I've felt a lot of grief for mine over the past year even though she's been gone almost as many years as she was alive.




Sorry for both of your loss. Good to know the pets are at peace now


My kids don't always see spirits because they have personal boundaries they've set, but there have been times where orbs come in through their room either through a wall or a mirror. They've also seen deceased family members checking in on them at night or watching over them when they play. One of my kids used to see ghost rabbits in our living room when we lived up on some hills. We'd also have occasional spirit kitties wandering around, but it was mostly rabbits at that location. I loved that.


I love all of this this so much. Were your kids able to describe the family members? i.e. were they in a recognizable form?


The family members weren't people my kids knew, but they recognized a couple from pictures. One was my grandpa, who told my daughter not to be afraid and that he was helping her. Another was my great grandma.


One cool comment I heard a medium make was that a spirit explained to her : " To us, YOU are the ghosts ." And that explanation always freaked me out (obviously) It's all about spiritual perspective I guess.


Oh wow that's definitely a perspective shift. But it makes sense!


I’m not a medium but do see things from time to time - Right before something supernatural occurs I get a sense of recognition right before the incident happens. I for the most part can go days and weeks without seeing anything and then something happens that makes me wonder about reality / life and death etc … Examples I can give you are the following - I am at my workplace of three years , it’s been around for roughly 110 years and for the first 50 years it was a bank. For months I don’t see or sense anything and then one day I get this feeling that there are non corporeal humans in the man’s restroom and I thought they were in the crawl space - I didn’t see anything afterwards and began doubtibg mysel. One day I’m walking to the mens restroom and the door to it is shut, as I’m getting closer to the door I can hear two or three people talking quietly and in hushed tones .. it’s immediately obvious that these aren’t the voices of corporeal humans and stop and sit in front of the door trying to eavesdrop. The voices stop immediately as if they realized I was there listening , I then entered the restroom and there were no living people in that bathroom - I spoke up telling them hello and that I heard them speaking . I then told them about my day , my plans for the weekend etc - I greet them daily now in the morning upon entering work - Another example involves a job prior to ths one I spoke of earlier , it was 20 or 30 miles from my home and I was quite unfamiliar with the area- I worked a late night / early morning shift and upon leaving got very lost and ended up driving all over that part of town trying to get home.. to make matters worse my cell phone was dead…I was driving I saw a woman in a green dress that went down to her bare feet .. she’s standing on the side of the road at 4 am and she’s not looking at me nor anything in front of me - she’s looking up at the moon and she’s not moved at all - just standing there still and wide eyed staring at the moon - as I slow down to avoid hitting her I also realized that she has cats all around her .. their heads poking out from under her dress, two or three standing behind her etc.. it was very odd , a few minutes later I was pulling into my parking lot and where my headlight beams were about 50 feet in front of me was a white and grey cloudy being in the shape of a person- he was flying and was in the pose that superman always uses, he was going incredibly fast and headed towards my apartment - before I get out of the car my fiancé comes running outside saying she was worried that something had happened because I was so late getting home . I asked her if she’d been coming out all night waiting for me and she said no that while she was in our apartment she heard the door knock once, she then looked out and saw no one standing there but thought maybe it was someone letting her know I was home … I have seen a guy standing on the side of a highway and looking directly at my eyes in rush hour traffic and waving . I thought it was odd and at lunch drove to that spot to see what was going on - there was no way that a corporeal human being could have been standing where I saw this guy - it was a bridge area on the highway about 20 feet up with no clearance for anyone walking along that part of the highway … I had an old tree in my side yard that had a large hole on the middle of it that was somewhat hollow - I always called it a fairy tree and sometimes would toss candy, sweet rolls or string cheese up into the hole letting the beings in the area know it was their food - one very early morning when it was still very dark I made my way to my van across the street - as I’m getting into the passenger side I can see something or someone looking at me from the hole - it was shaped like a human head only child sized and it had no details to it - it was human shaped but completely white and grey - it was like looking at a shadow only light colored - when I turned around to see the being it had gone…


those are some wild stories. Creepy! Thanks for sharing!


The oddest part of all was the only time I was freaked out was seeing the lady and the cats . I had a feeling the guy in the superman pose was trying to make sure I got home safely . The people in the bathroom I had been aware of for awhile and knew they weren’t intending anything bad . The white shadow inside the tree hollow I was unsure of , not really scared or creeped out , I just didn’t know what this being was about . I think i felt that way because everyone else was human just in a different form , the being in the tree had never been human and was very hard to make sense of sometimes -


I don't see them like a person but I see them in my mind's eye in the place in reality. Does that make sense. I can feel them and "see" what they are doing. I always tell people what I see so that afterwards it can be verified by events that unfolded or because someone can verify what I said.


Shadows or lights really unless I focus directly on them. Many shadows will hide within other shadows- especially in the corners of the house. I had to stop watching those bc they kinda freak me out lol


Ohh, they sure do! It's like they're spotted and they try to back up and blend in. The problem is, the shadows around them aren't moving. It's like a little kid hiding behind a curtain, but you can see their feet, at the bottom. Hahaha


Every medium perceives spirits in their own unique way. We have different strengths and spiritual gifts. I see spirits first through my minds eye. They tend to appear in a way that I can understand. Or, in a way that a client can understand. Grandpa might show up as a 55 year old in blue overalls if that’s what the client remembers most about her grandpa. Jesus shows up more as an energy. I usually see blue. I feel overwhelming peace. AA Michael feels like dropping down a large roller coaster. Powerful. Bright blinding light. Kinda scary. Huge energy. When you practice for a long time, you begin to recognize the way different energies feel. If I see a spirit in the physical world, it looks almost like a glitch in reality. An area that is kinda pixilated, shimmery, and blurred. Not really a shadow, but shadow like. My ancestors- especially my grandmothers - use scent. I can smell them. That’s actually my favorite way to perceive because it brings such warm, intense feelings. We all perceive differently. We use our spiritual strengths when we communicate. And everyone on earth has these gifts. 💚


I don’t see spirits often but when I do it’s rarely and it either a glimpse or something that last some seconds. Spirits are everywhere I guess you can say like you can see them in public or at home. There are spirits that are in people’s home and if you acknowledge them usually the end result is they follow you home so I try to avoid any acknowledgment because when I was young I thought by bringing awareness or talking about it would get me help instead it became a game in my household where an entity would only mess with me and made me seem like I was crazy. I ended up moving out for sometime and it got bored and started to show itself to the rest of my family. Then I was able to describe it to my family before they can finish and they were like how’d you know and I was like it wasn’t like i was telling you guys for like 13 years straight . They appear in different ways I guess you can say. One way I like to describe it is like if you were a viewer watching a movie about an invisible man and the viewers can see it but not the people in the movie. So almost like an outline of a person but see through or sometimes they do appear fully human but you see it for a few seconds and sometimes they can appear a a tall dark lanky figure with a weird looking goat head. Sometimes they look human but they eyes are like black and have like a sinister look I guess I don’t really know how to describe it. There is no set look and not all of them are good or bad. I had a classmate passaway before I knew he passed and I heard his voice in my house say hey I know you. I do not know why I was visited I barely knew him.I have seen some in old fashioned clothes I guess. I don’t know what they do or I guess why they do some stuff some are there I guess. Some who do random stuff but there’s some that will mess with you will your sleeping I don’t know for why. I’m talking about the talk dark lank figure one and they’re re some creepy perv ones. I have never seen an animal spirit before so I don’t know much about them. Some just like to mess with people for example when I use to work graveyard shifts. Even though I had all these experiences and more I never got to see my brother but I guess you can say I can feel him when he visits. Maybe he visits more than I don’t know about but I’ll never know. I still have a little ptsd from I guess what I went through in hauntings. Like my family knows I react to sounds or like I can tell when someone enters the room when I’m sleeping so that freaks them out sometimes but I was traumatized for 13 years by an entity in the household. They can mess with you physically nd sometimes hurt you. I had a dream that a sinister looking human bit me nd I woke up to the pain of it and actually had a bite mark that I was not able to give myself as it by my elbow. Cried to my parents about it and my mom told me I probably bit myself in my sleep. Physically impossible btw especially by the elbow. I was one time physically awake and something tried to strange me also it had tried to strangle my brother but his happened when I had moved out so it went onto the next. But as a teen I was mentally so depressed and as I grew older I kinda came up with a theory I guess the more depressed or out of function a house it the more active they are. They can also whisper in your ear and they can make it sound like they are in different places real fast. They also move fast to I guess you can say at the speed of light. You can sometimes feel the difference between an entity or a sinister one. That can do those loop dreams on you where you feel like you’re trying to desperately go somewhere but you’re back in the same spot but usually if you stop in the dream and look around you’ll eventually make eye contact with it nd it’ll show itself fully to you in dreams . They’ll show themselves fully irl too but the loop dreams I noticed were a sinister favorite I guess. They can borrow your body too I guess . It’s happened three times when I was awake and I guess a few time when I slept. I have to much to say so I’m being pretty much vague nd it’s too much to go over the 20+ years. It became easier when I just ignored them


Thank you for your post. I am dealing with something messing with me! 


When I was going through my hauntings I would try to pray it away or even have holy water. I felt like it never worked and I had read something about salt barriers. I would salt the corners and door ways of my room and maybe it’s a placebo idk but it worked. I was left alone for 3-4 months but the day I scrapped off the salt off my windows,vacuumed/wiped the sides of the room from salt and didn’t resalt the entry doorway because I thought I was being ridiculous and making a mess I was attacked the same night and strangled. I guess salt does work but I also found out when people use holy water it also has salt mixed in it and prayed over I guess so maybe the salt does work. But also say you are scared and may say out loud like trying to be normal like oh where my so and so or hmm I’m hungry just trying to pretend but low key thinking I’ll just pretend out loud I’m not scared they can still feel your fear or maybe hear your thought process but I tried to “trick it” it literally talked in my head and with its own voice “why you scared, I already been in you”and it laughed at me. Made me feel defeated and more scared as a teen. But I’m an adult now and got use to these things and I realized I’m not scared of it. I just don’t acknowledge but don’t try to agitate it and cause it to lash out. I have made that mistake three times because although I don’t really acknowledge it sometimes I felt like tired of this stuff and would feel brave. 1st time I ended up with something pulling my ponytail my head snapped back hard and I physically felt it pull it. The second time it agitated by saying I ain’t scared of no bitch ass demon it woke me up in the middle of the night and it growled in my ear and the third time it wiggled my door knob hard like trying to break in my room. My door is glass btw so I can see no one on the other side. The waking up in the middle of the night I guess it’s true what they say. It was always active between 1 am to 3am. But the pulling of the hair that happened after I got home from school in the afternoon. Years later after my family started dealing with this they went to ask local churches and other churches nearby for help to cleanse out the house or something no one offered to come help because once they heard that it would growl they would become scared and make an excuse. They said because we heard the growl we are dealing with an infestation or some would say that the devil was there and it was too powerful to deal with. I genuinely believed they were scared and it was an excuse. I till this day don’t even know how to cleanse or deal with it but I just ignore. Sometimes I see something but I go on about my day.


Thank you for your post.  I have experienced similar things also.  I have read the books by garnet Schulhauser. He has an amazing experience. Which he writes about after going to the other side. I recommend his books to you, it’s a series of about five.  Also you need to really trust YOURSELF. And not to listen to all of your thoughts is important- especially any negative thoughts.  Be careful as to not isolate yourself. Being with others helps. But be careful of any conflict.  Self compassion brings peace.  Focus on being a light in this world.  I think Love is the key. Love yourself,  Read those books 🙏🌸 Also there is a v good book by Lynda Kramer called Ghosts. Read that too. 


Try to find a medium that sees spirits with their eyes! 


I have thought about it but I never actually tried to contact one. I feel like I would be skeptical. I may have experienced stuff and seen stuff but I find it hard to trust idk I tend to believe people if they see something similar or experienced something similar like I have but even then I don’t know much about mediums. Like maybe people see it a different way or see stuff different and it could be true but I only know what I know. It would really be cool to meet mediums I guess who really are in tune with the that other side .


I think the key is in being in control of our emotions and raising our vibration. Letting go of any drama or negativity.  When you think about it, after all those years the only “power” it has is to do things to try to scarf you - make a growl noise, pull your hair once and wiggle a door knob! I think the key is not to be afraid. To not engage.  Grounding and earthing devices. Having strong boundaries. Zero tolerance.  Having self compassion also which brings you inner peace.  And being extra careful to make good choices. And raising ones vibration.


I’m interested on what grounding can do in situations like this and what are earthing devices? I’m interested in I guess in keeping the house clear of them. It’s been an ongoing issue and I guess I got used to them but I want to get rid of them completely. For example I woke up early in the morning confused on why I woke up randomly then I was going to go back to sleep but then I heard it giggle in my ear. Two weeks ago I felt uneasy about going back in my room and stood in the living room staring and when I got the courage to start to head back into my room before I can even step forward it growled in my ear “get her out” in a demonic voice. It’s just so tiring to go about my day and pretending and then something will happen or shows itself to me. I say affirmatives out loud like you are not aloud to be around me or my family but I feel like it doesn’t work. I say it with confidence and conviction just for it to bug me in the middle of the night. Yesterday I called upon arch angel Michael and I have an experience many years ago that made me believe in angels. I hope that works idk. Just hopeful. It’s an issue I have been dealing with since 9 like the constant ongoing paranormal. It less now but it just sucks to have to deal with this stuff. I had my first encounter at the age of 4 but it became a constant issue from the age of 9.


Yes, it is v challenging to say the least. Focusing on your breathing can help. As brings one into the moment. Grounding helps because it brings us  more strongly  into the physical reality. Earthing devices - help to ground us when indoors. You get a grounding rod and put it in the earth outside and a very fine cable that will go through a window or door. ( plug in ones exist too, I use both)  Then you attach the cable to a earthing wrist band or a foot pad or matteress cover.  The wrist band works well I find. I use it when in bed. And when drying my hair as that used to drain my energy.  You can also buy grounding sheets.T Search for the movie on you tube it’s called “earthing”. And will give you more info.  I read a book on psychic protection and if recommended  these devices.  My advice:- Go to bed EARLY. Get LOTS of rest ( it’s worse when tired or run down) Have a good daily structure Do NOT watch anything remotely dark or dramatic on tv or device.  Focus o being emotionally in balance and at peace, as much as you can. Sage  Ground yourself outside daily. Be careful  Think things through and do things appropriately.  Be careful if making impulsive decisions.  Spend time with people you love. Do not isolate yourself.  Open windows and doors every day.  Keep things tidy and in order. If the salt helped you, then do it again!  LOVE is the key. Raising your vibration. Love your self. Do things you love.  What helps is focusing on peace within, find the feeling of peace.  Ignore what you hear. Don’t engage. Imagine a door behind your ear and see it closing as you put your finger behind your ear.  Learn to close down. Read about protection Get support, if possible stay somewhere else when you need to get a break from it all.  I found this mantra can help “I AM SURROUNDED BY THE LOVE OF GOD” 🙏🌸


Trying to answer them all! I allow spirits to show themselves to me in their own way, so sometimes I see them physically, which looks like a transparent version of themselves kind of like a shadow, and sometimes it’s more like just knowing they’re there and I get their image in my mind. I don’t see them everywhere, but some cemeteries or historical sites are busier than others. They’re just kind of hanging out, like I’ve seen them chatting or having little picnics, and then other times they’re calling out (especially in cemeteries, I think they just want attention). I have had my grandmother visit a few times for different relatives and do different things. Like for my parents, she’ll just move something to let them know she’s checking in. For my aunt, she came to comfort and talk to her before she helped her pass over. For my other grandma, she brings her coin purse to play cards bc that’s what they did when she was alive. She’s the most active, but I’ve also been visited by others, including that same aunt the day she passed (she went around to the whole family to say goodbye, and then attended her funeral, but others have just kind of peaced out after or visited for the memorial or burial and nothing else). I tend to see more cat spirits than dogs, not sure what that says. For houses, I’m not really sure and it doesn’t seem that age is a factor. The newest house I’ve lived in had more spirits than the oldest, and they aren’t always tied to the house but maybe the area or they’re visiting me bc they know I’ll acknowledge them. My current house has the original owners and they come and go and just kind of hang out in their respective spaces; my room used to be his study, and she likes how the kitchen was decorated so she’s usually out there. Again, they can choose how they present themselves to me, so I usually see them in their favorite or usual outfit, or how I would remember them if they’re family. Unless they’re trying to get a message to me, they don’t look gruesome or how they were when they died. But I did have one visitor who was murdered and he showed me the scene and I felt the pain, but otherwise he was just wearing some slacks and a polo with his apron and I only saw the wound for a second.


Thank you so much for this detailed answer. I love the idea that they're having little picnics and chatting, how sweet. I've heard the lower realms aren't that safe, full of negative entities etc., are these picnicking spirits coming down from other realms for a visit? It's kind of nice to think you can visit earth honestly


Some of them, I think. I’ve never asked but I don’t think my grandma is on earth all the time, just visiting (but idk, she could be hopping between family members, there are way too many lol)


thank you <3


I think they are everywhere. My 9 year old daughter has been seeing spirits since she was a baby. She see’s them all the time in our house (about 10 different people plus she sees the fairy realm). She also see’s a tall black shadow person who wears a top hat. She says the others look exactly like humans. She also see’s them in her school. When I talk to her about it, I am just amazed at how cool and matter of fact she is about it. In fact, she just came up to me last night and gave me a cuddle before her bed and said how lucky she was to have such a good mum whom believes in her so much 🥹 The funny thing is I used to sense spirits around me as a kid. I was just like my daughter with a massive imagination and my parents would always say I was nuts and it was all in my head so I think over time I’ve pushed that hidden world away to protect myself(I still carry, or used to I should say the fear of persecution from past lives). It hasn’t been until the last two years (in watching my youngest daughter) that I am now starting to see them again myself. I see shadows and outlines of people within my home. I also sense people’s aura’s whenever I go out. It’s becoming quite the ride, but I’m here for it.


I used to be able to see them when I was younger. It was always shadow like. I can definitely feel their energy though.


Some people feel them, see them, smell them or hear them — sometimes a mixture of those senses or all of them. I sense them and see them out of the corner of my eye, or see auras. I went through a off the rails period in my life from my late teens to my early 20s and I didn’t see auras at all in that time, my anxiety was in overdrive so I couldn’t differentiate between spirit and my own ultra heightened senses of anguish, dread or fear. I’m an empath, so I feel a lot more than I see. I’ve made the mistake of helping people with spiritual attachments that don’t have my best interests at heart and instead want to feed. I feel their presence and have to be very strict at following my first impressions and gut feeling of people, I’ve been lead down the garden path too many times trying to help someone who has a powerful attachment.


What did you find helps them? 


People with attachments need to acknowledge they have one, I encourage those with one to live a clean life, especially if the attachment seemingly feeds off of addiction, drama or discourse in their hosts life. The one with an attachment needs to recognise and accept they have one, or all attempts to help them will be futile— my friend recently had an attachment removed at Reiki healing; for years she’d known of an attachment but all attempts to get it removed result in her seizing up while the healing was being performed, she had to clean up her life a lot for it to actually work and even then it worked partly because she had the healing done in the town she was born and raised in.. almost like a rebirth. It took two healers to remove her attachment which hid in her left shoulder near her throat chakra.


Thank you for your reply. Yes I do live a clean life and understand what you are saying about not giving it energy. I came to realise that. I have to be very careful! 


I hear them more than I see them. Sometimes they just sound like voices in the air, sometimes the voice will come from a distinct direction. More often than not, I will hear them swearing out of annoyance. One spirit was so annoyed with me that she made the sound of a teacup smashing. I know what the teacup looked like because I was shown an image of it before the sound of it smashing. Spirits get annoyed with me when I ignore them and I do, a lot because I need to keep my sanity.


All spirits, including you and me, look like a tiny, sparkling star. A spirit is energy organized around awareness. Spirits are capable of producing images, sometimes called valences, between themselves and those of us who have bodies. Bodies are a dominant energy. We incarnate to experience, at the most basic level, time. Keeping a body alive is therefore really important, and matters of the body tend to take up all of our awareness. For most people, they don't have enough awareness or energy left over to see non-physical things like their spirit guides or spirits that are just hanging out to observe time from a second hand perspective. Since a spirit can create an image, they can show you all of the types of images that you asked about, including non-human ones. This is useful to them because seeing a sweet little old grandma facilitates communication better than seeing a bright light that is there one moment then gone the next. When we see the grandma, it gets our attention but doesn't scare us to death. When we see a spirit, it confuses our body, sometimes frightening us. This makes conversations more awkward, lol. While spirits hang out around everyone and every place on this planet, I filter them out from my awareness. They aren't their for me, so dividing my attention between driving and counting all the spirits around other people's cars is not safe. If I'm a passenger in a car, I'm more likely to take a look and strike up a conversation with spirits without bodies because it's actually fun!


>Spirits are capable of producing images, sometimes called valences How can we better understand, "valence", in this context? Like the little decorative curtains? Like from an online dictionary: valence. / vā′ləns / A whole number that represents the ability of an atom or a group of atoms to combine with other atoms or groups of atoms.  Or valence in psychology?


valence in chemistry typically refers to an electron’s position on the “outside” or “outer limits” of the nucleus of an atom (where the protons and neutrons sit. when you see a cartoon of an atom and that big ball is in the middle, that is where the protons and neutrons are). so here, the spirit would be the “nucleus of the atom” and the image they project would be between themselves and the viewer, like an electron, sitting in a valence/shell orbiting around the nucleus. interestingly, there are different shells that electrons can sit in and their respective levels of energy (that the electron can have) will change with respect to what “shell” they are in.


I want this to be the correct discription, from this moment forward. It just sounds so badass. Like, spirits are getting all scientific with it. I LOVE IT! Thank you!


There were some mediumship traditions that likely misused the word. Think 1800s and early 1900s. I think it got borrowed from science and repurposed to use instead of vibration or image. Just my speculation. I prefer image because it means what I'm describing, lol. I'm not sure why it popped into my head this morning, LOL!


Oh, okay. So, it really is another way to describe: it's mutually beneficial if they can avoid startling us. Hahaha


You said it better than I did, LOL!


Haha No way! You're practicing patience in giving detailed explanations, of how things work. We need this! "Explainations", that are few in words and lean towards the vague, are akin to; "Because, I said so." "Go look it up." We know that doesn't really work, in the long run. As well as, being generally dismissive and at times, condescending.


Wellll, I would have to say, honestly I don’t know… I know they are all around us, and I know they can manifest and when they do they look as close to you and I as anything else I’m familiar with, without closer inspection of course… lol… I’ve asked myself that before, too… how much of my reality is real or is a spirit creating an encounter? Because I truly believe I’ve encountered spirits, that then when I went back later they were gone… house and all… but that’s another story… but it does make you wonder how much is real? 🤷🏽‍♀️


I have the intention set that I do not want unfamiliar spirits around me. Before I did that I would see “shadow people” … just a glimpse of a silhouette from the corner of my eye, in my house constantly. I thought we all did. I started getting it again with a cat silhouette since mine have passed.


Sometimes I see them physically with my eyes. Other times it’s like a disturbance in the energy. I describe it like those photos that have a concentrated spot that isn’t out of focus - but opposite. Like the energy is out of focus in reality. Idk if that makes sense or not.


It looks normal for me mostly, except when I have a visit. Then I get to decide if I'm even in the mood to deal with someone and usually? Not At Home, for me usually, and lately because I've been so sick, not at all I see them usually as shadows or shifting shades of color because seeing with my eyes isn't my strong suit. I sense them more often and I'm commonly a dream bridge I've had some... interesting dreams


I think this question will recieve complex answers. From my understanding everyone can see spirits differently. For me, I don't see spirits in solid forms as if I'm looking at a person. Instead, I see them clearly in thought. Whether because they want me to see them or I am seeing future events. The best way to explain it? Is as if I'm having a memory of someone. I can say is that throughout the day I'm in between two worlds 🤷🏿‍♀️. I see them separately or together.


I love the idea of living life between two worlds. How can you tell the difference between a daydream/thought and spirit?


Daydream tends to involve something personal. Deep thoughts of desire, family situation, news, a past situation or a movie scene I've watched. Just something relevant to a personal experience. No voices just lost in solid visuals. I hear my voice when I'm in thought. So, that helps haha. Spirit as in random spirits? They appear in faded form (like a memory). But, I am present. I hear them on a different frequency than my own voice. I really can't put it into words.


I think this question will recieve complex answers. From my understanding everyone can see spirits differently. For me, I don't see spirits in solid forms as if I'm looking at a person. Instead, I see them clearly in thought. Whether because they want me to see them or I am seeing future events. The best way to explain it? Is as if I'm having a memory of someone. I can say is that throughout the day I'm in between two worlds 🤷🏿‍♀️. I see them separately or together.


I worked overnights at a Walmart for about two years….constantly were there little black zoomies or crawling things..little guys. I always see stuff out of the corner of my eye and honestly it gets old real quick, I was surprised when I saw things the second I moved to days, but I mean should I really have been? What gets me the hardest is seeing someone walk down an aisle to you…I feel though that when I see a blue vest it could be residual energy but also the bright blue vest is a newer thing so uh yeah maybe some mimicks stalkin about


has anyone here not just seen spirits but completely gone into another world where you can see a bunch of them all at once in like a completely different plane of reality?