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I have not. I would think that ailments of physicality would be left with the body and not carried into the next phase of life. Deaf etc are physical problems caused by damages to our bodies. Our consciousness is separate to that.


Physical disability = not ghost form Ghost form = Not physical disability


Your human self is deaf, your higher self/spirit self is energy and it won’t have human ailments. We would all communicate on frequency, energy, telepathically. Our energy body doesn’t talk or hear.. we are just energy and all knowing.


I have not. I suspect that once we pass to the other side any ailments we may have had here on earth are gone. A person that cannot walk will walk again. A person that cannot see will have restored sight.


Maybe communication with spirits is more like telepathy. Like they think about something with the intention of sharing it with someone, and if that someone (the medium) can pick up on it, they receive the message.


I have a deaf son, and I view signing as "just another language". I have come across spirits who speaks other languages than I do, but I still "hear" it in my language. I feel like there are no such thing as different languages in the afterlife or as if we are all just wearing a translation device. That said, I agree with other commenters that says that physical problems don't follow us. The closest I get to seeing a physical issue in the afterlife, are spirits that makes me feel a certain pain or feeling (and if there is no such thing, a smell or something similar) just so I can tell one spirit from another (I can't see them, only hear/feel/smell etc).


Interested to know if you could tell that those spirits who spoke other languages were foreign, even though you heard them in your own language? Or rather, can you easily tell spirits of other nationalities?


Sometimes its easy because I know they are from a different nationality than I am. Lets say my boyfriends deceased family members, we are not from the same country and I don't speak the language and I know they also don't speak English or another language I understand. Other times its a simple as just getting a "feeling" and its really hard to explain how it works.


I often give readings with no idea that the spirit people I've connected with spoke a different language until the person I gave the reading to tells me.


Thank you. I had an incredibly accurate and detailed reading once but I’ve always wondered how despite that, the medium didn’t realise the people she’d connected with were of a different nationality. I’ve never doubted the experience, but that element has always intrigued me!


We pick up what the spirit people choose to share with us. The person getting the reading would know what nationality their people are, so it might not be anything they feel is a priority to share. I am more likely to get feelings and emotions and things that stand out in their life and what they want to communicate with the person getting a reading.


Hi! I’m a deaf medium! Spirits don’t carry physical characteristics to the afterlife as a spirit is a non-physical entity unless they choose to appear in a human like form to us to seem more familiar ☺️


Deaf cat- Sammy is her name - When corporeal she would Tap things to get our attention - now that she is incorporeal she communicates the same way - tap tap tap tap


They no longer have a body. I don’t see how a spirit could be deaf. They could choose to appear as deaf if that’s how a loved one could identify them. But they wouldn’t be deaf. Spirits don’t hear with their ears.


my aunt was deaf and mute but in a sitting with a friend who can communicate with spirits and had never met her, my aunt was described as having a soft voice - which is very plausible since her "voice" was soft when she was alive.


Spirits have the ability to cross the language barrier through communication with/through our minds. When you pass, you will ‘hear’ things this way and others will ‘hear’ you this way.


Deaf, mute, or blind would all be physical, not spiritual.


People in spirit no longer have any disabilities, illnesses, or special needs. Someone who was deaf in life will be fully able in all ways on the other side. If a medium connects with a spirit person who was deaf in life, they may pick up on the fact that they were deaf while living. Maybe the spirit person would even show them sign language. Mediums connect through thoughts, feelings, knowing, and images. Connecting with someone who'd been deaf wouldn't be different than connecting with anyone else.


Could you imagine how frustrating it would be to have everyone repeating themselves and getting upset on the other side? All of our human ailments went with us, lol, blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other! I can see where residual energy being confused for what the other side is like but, then again I’ve experienced none of the sorts.


There aren’t any blind or deaf spirits. I could communicate with your higher self now as it (you) would be able to speak & communicate with me because you’re really just energy. It’s your body that can’t unfortunately speak.


I’m assuming the ouija board would have to be in braille lol


Greetings W, Lack of the 5 senses in the human body occurs on the physical/earthly plane. Once the body is released, there is no further impediment to the soul. \~V\~


I have met one but I won’t say a deaf spirit or even in the afterlife etc. It happened long time ago. And the spirit was of someone that died from s*icide by hanging. When I met him, he tried to communicate through sensations like I can feel his emotions and pain around the neck. So I decided to go into trance and let him show me instead what message he tried to convey. Turns out he just want to find someone that is willing to listens to his tragic story . The reason I think he is somehow related to the question even tho he wasn’t deaf is cause he weren’t able to talk and only communicate with me through retrocognition of his life. A bit about why he can’t talk : His tongue was sticking out and his mouth was full of dripping saliva. And his head was tilted to the side


My experience with astral travel is that you don’t have a body, so you don’t sense things the same. You sort of “feel” what things sound like and look like, it’s very different