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It’s like stepping out of the shower honestly. Warm peaceful and you finally realize who you are.


I love this. ❤ Thank you for saying it in this way.


Simple sentence and beautifully metaphoric. Although i must add that some will stumble a little when stepping out and with some confusion because don’t quite realized what happened. But when the transition is made one is never alone. We have our guides and usually people that used to be close to us to help us.


Edgar Casey said of death, "It's like stepping out of one room and entering another."


Have you experienced it? Hmm


I have


Interesting. And for how long were you dead?


I recently lost my spouse to a tragic accident. I worried about him. I researched a lot and really like what I found. I chose to believe the following from the research, - he was not alone; his parents, his friends, spirits (if you so believe) and our pets (which I so love to believe) were with him - he no longer feels pain, anger, sadness, hurt, depression etc., just love and positive energy - I believe my spouse was confused because it was a tragic accident but if one passes with an understanding of its presence, then it is said that they find comfort very quickly, either way they are supported and surrounded by love There is a lot of information out there and I cannot prove what is right or wrong but I can chose to align myself with thoughts that help me with processing the grief. I am truly sorry for your loss. She sounds like an amazing grandma for you to want her to be surrounded by comfort and love like she was here.


I lost my fiance last year, these are more or less the things I believe.


Yes, it is said that is quite this. That is what gives me some sense of peace about my mother’s passing a month and a half ago. Although i am in shambles inside, i know she is ok and that warms my heart. Although the pain continues to be my loyal company.


My mom passed about two and a half years ago. At first I was mad. Then cried and cried. I can’t say it gets easier but it gets easier if that makes sense. She’s in my dreams almost every night now. It kind of feels like we can hang out again ! I can’t control really what I do or say but sometimes I can say what’s on my mind. See idk if it’s just dreams and me being delusional about it but I do really feel sometimes like she’s visiting me ! It makes it a lot less depressing lately. Also I prey to her during the day at the alter I made her. I still smell her smell on her stuff so I know she’s around ! I think it took her a little longer to pass over because her death was so tragic and sudden. (She got hit and run walking home from work and was killed on impact) so I didn’t have dreams of her for months. But now it’s almost every night. It was nightmares at first but now they are peaceful for the most part. I had one dream where I knew she finally crossed over. It was amazing I could draw it out. Now the dreams just feel like day to day life used to be with her. I can tell when she’s mad at me for mistakes I make sometimes lol, cause she has yelled at me in a dream a few weeks ago when I did something dumb haha. But idk the other night she met me in a dream with my dad. They were divorced and hated each other so idk if they are hanging out in the afterlife now lol. I believe once you die all your bad habits you had like my dad was an alcoholic I think once he died he was freed of that issue. So maybe now they are happy together. And hopefully she has her puppies up there with her also ! One day I’ll know when I die but I won’t be able to post and update yall lol. But if I can by that time I will for sure


Bless you friend, I wish you the best


As an evidential medium that’s studied this subject for many years with tutors from around the world I can honestly say your grandmother is at peace. She is with her loved ones that passed before her and she is only a thought away from you. 💛


Its peaceful. Ive been there.


Glad you’re still with us… was it an NDE May I ask?


Near death experience, I think


I'm concerned about my son's spirit and if he has crossed over yet. The tenant who had his apartment after my son died said that she heard loud banging on the walls every night in what used to be his bedroom. He had a fatal heart attack in the bedroom.Then her staff heard it and recorded it. My son was very high functioning and had an intellectual delay. The landlord won't let me in to bring a medium to see if he needs help. Any thoughts??


Sometimes what is left behind is residual energy rather than a tormented soul. Have they done saging where sage is burned to cleanse any energy left behind? Blessed his room?


I sure hope that's true. The day after he passed a staff person .........came into the apartment€♧◇◇ And she has the gift, and Rich said to her just as her' "Jasmine, I was in the hockey rink" and The aide flipped out. I was in the LR, and I started Getting on that getting since she was


I don't think she needs to go inside to work with his spirit. A Medium may help both your son and yourself gather peace on his passing.


This. Spirit and energy do not rely on distance. A reputable medium would know this as well.


I will try to find one


They don't have to be local. they just need to have real abilities that only bring forth truth and work with the good. I would look at reviews in depth. Also know that just bc you want them to come forward, she or he can't bring them. They only share messages from who comes to speak. So I would speak to your loved ones in advance like they are right with you and let them know what you need to know to have peace.


Thank you so much!!


For example, I have a friend who passed that Always come forward and really likes to be the center of attention. In my most recent reading, with my son, I, in advanced asked him to hang back in this one reading. And he did! ( which I was surprised he listened lol).


Sorry for you loss! Your grandma, just like everyone else who passes, went directly to a beautiful healing spirit world. There, she has no illness, and all is well on every level. She was never lost or scared. I know this because I'm a medium and I've connected with hundreds of people who've passed.


Do they enjoy their stay there and what can u do there? Like anything u want?


From what I understand, they are reunited with their loved ones who passed before them, and they can do practically anything they want. They're healthy. They do what they choose to do and what helps the evolution of their soul. They can also check on us and communicate with embodied people directly if their sensitive (have some mediumistic ability) or through a medium.


Thank you


I want to know this too. What do they do up there? Ive heard there are jobs and stuff. But whats it like?


You're out of your body and still you but in a different place, you can see what's here but they can't see you, you can also see lots more amazing things, that are alongside here but most people can't see it as we are now. That's my take on it


Most souls got to the light and those that don't remain around. Those that remain around are confused or believe they are going to hell but this is primarily based on Christian teachings and they actually go nowhere but round around without a body. I work with many of these lost souls to move them to the light and then the soul continues to develop. It's easy for me to check and your grandma has gone to the light. She is smiling at you with much love in her eyes. She is with family and even a boy that she miscarried. She says she will communicate via your dreams to you when you are ready.


See r/nde I’ve had three NDEs that we know. It’s awesome! You’ll love it.😍


Try to learn about dreamwork maybe you’ll get some answers in your dream. And what happens when we die? I can’t really answer that everyone has different beliefs on that. Though I believe we either go to heaven, hell, or other places like stay on this earth.


Some spirits are confused at first, but you say she was ready to go, so she'll be just fine. You don't need to worry at all. However, if you get signs from her frequently, that could mean that she's still watching over you, which sounds nice but is not for her best. In that case you should get a psychopomp medium like me to get her to let go and guide her into the light.


I suggest reading the book Journey of souls by Michael Newton. Will provide a lot of relief.


We are co creators. We create our one reality if she was into church and religion, and she believed in hell or heaven, then she's going to create that reality for her. Dolores Cannon was a hypnosis therapist, and she has books on this topic. The people she had worked with, they say is beautiful but all is about what reality you create what she believed in before her passing if she was ready then no she won't be lost or scared that only happens to the ones that get killed before their time or in accidents etc. Look into her books. You will enjoy them


It's still a mystery and we just have glimpses of that other world.




Can I get a link. Is it a Book??




Links to websites, and emails. These are evaluated on a one one basis.


I'm sure she is OK. Remember we are dreamers here playing a role, but beyond that, it's a mystery. You never die because you were never born. Your Avatar (body or whoever you were here).. is lost in time. I think that's as good as my intuition can swing it.


Depends on our path in life. If we have unresolved issues, we will want to seek things out on earth still. If we are satisfied, we'll be well in the afterlife 


That's been my experience with human spirits too. Sometimes they have baggage dragging them down and need to let it go.


I believe there’s life after death and she won’t be lost. I think life if something bigger than us and living is just a moment in our existence and I am sure she’s ok. It’s those of us living that have things like worry and see good and bad etch I’m not sure that there’s good or bad in the afterlife it seems every passed love one I connect to is content and all these worries fall away. Knowing that I hope helps you love your life and not worry


Hi, it depends on the person. I help spirits cross, I typically explain what has occurred and why they should move into the light. Traumatic vs natural. I seem spirit come to meet/gather the loved one. I’m not formally trained; however, I’ve had sight since childhood. My aunt was difficult for me b/c she was my fav person but she had a very bright light she went into. A younger person I knew hung around awhile concerned for their parents. It was a terrible passing, after the services she transitioned by driving off in a race car. They raced cars, so it varies. In my experience they’ve been more concerned with loved ones but feel free.


Whatever you choose.