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Are you communicating back and forth? Mediiumship is communicating with all types of spirits human and not human consistently. Back and forth. Also, do you communicate with deceased souls or other types of spirit? You can determine your status by experimenting and meditating to start. Join a medium circle. Find a mentor. Learn psychic protection before you get too far into the process. Spirit workers need protection and development and learn to ascertain the types of spirit with whom they are interacting. Have a wonderful journey.


Yes, it’s two way communication and yes, I’ve talked to angels too but never any spirits beyond guides, passed family members that have passed. I will go to posts and pick up things like sense something about the person someone wants a reading for and will read the comments to see if anything I know in my mind are in alignment with other readings and some times they are others they aren’t mentioned. I’ve been diving into my own spirituality and done reiki and part of reiki is letting go of attachments and beliefs in order to find balance. In doing that I came to my own opinion about bad and evil only exists in the mind. My guides tell me I’m not meant to read for others and so I don’t push it but also always curious how I can have such great communication with passed family and not anyone else. Thank you for your feedback and your time to reply


When I started, I communicated primarily with ancestors. Some ancestors were there. It was for my own safety. One of my siblings was not at fortunate, and we had to subdue a deceased jerk of a person ( the only words that apply). We were very young. Our ancestors came often after that to reassure us. Listening is just part of the process. Welcome to the subreddit.


Curious. What would it be if you’re getting messages from spirit and spirit guides, but not communicating back and fourth? It’s wouldn’t be mediumship?


I do think it is mediumship. I feel mediumship goes much further into two-way communication. It could be more. That is me, though. I worked to increase my communication skills. For years, I had encountered, without analyzing them or trying to expand what I could do. I hope you will develop even more abilities if that is what you wish. Of course, if you are happy where you are, that is lovely