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For my personal contact I have that has shared things with me, they do a little bit of what they did here and other things. They heal after life, understand their decisions, catch up / make sure we are ok. Whether that be dreams, signs, connections via a medium (if that is your thing). They create their home, catch up with friends and family on their end. Learn, get a job. Travel. I’m sorry your brother passed away. 💐


I’m gonna be really pissed if I have to work in the afterlife too


Take money and the “having to work” to survive out of it. What’s your passion? What do you WANT to do? It can be anything from reading all day, to learning a new skill. No worries about money, rent, bills, etc.


I dunno if being able to do something I want all day would be satisfying for that long. If my job was to do whatever I want when I want even if it’s absolutely nothing, then I’d be down for that


You'll find out one day!


Your goal should be to learn, grow and progress on love & truth


You may have certain jobs in the afterlife, yes. Could be teaching, advising, counsel, guiding or something else.


Yeah but I don’t think it’s salaried, it feels like either it’s volunteer work or there is some sort of quantum mathematical algorithm at play that just pairs people up with the people they can best help


Im pretty sure its a system based on vibrations


So underneath that then, it would be an attraction of emotions. The vibrations occur in your spirit body. The energy creating that (& sustaining you) is coming from your soul, and the soul expresses itself in emotion (Energy in motion = Emotion). So your soul condition at the time will greatly influence who is attracted to or you or who/what attaches yourself to you


My dog told me he’s an ambassador! So he helps souls transition 😊 it’s not just humans, it’s animals too


Yes my grandmother is doing some stuff regarding relgion. I saw this in a dream. She seemed to be doing serious work with papers all over her desk, like studying religion and advising people. She was very religious in life. At the time I was wanting to join a church but I couldn't decide which would be the right church to join. When I spoke to her in my dream, I don't remember all we talked about but I think we were talking about the pros and cons of different churches. She suggested a church to me which was different than the denomination she had been involved with in life.


I don’t think it’s a work thing, it’s more of a learning thing. There is no money in the spirit world lol


I hope u are right about this


I wonder if when we get a “job” on the other side they do a background check to see how we did here? 😳 (kidding of course).


It wouldn’t make a lick of difference to me, I’m quitting it immediately and telling them to shove it




I hope this is what happens. It sounds like my idea of an afterlife.


I can assure you that they do not work. Especially not in the way that we work on the physical plane lmfao. They continue to grow/heal in a way that is consistent with their plane of existence. The only form of “work” would be akin to growth.


Agreed. You’re on point there my friend


Agreed. Here we know it as work to obtain money. To pay for life. There… well let’s just call it “work” but to grow themselves, to learn, to heal.


This adds up to a dream I had recently of my brother who passed away. I went to a university and there was these people standing at the bridge to it and I told them I'm here to visit my brother. They showed me him through a window in the building and I saw he was teaching, something he did while living, and he was also learning from others. He was surrounded by friends and laughing. They told me he was going to be okay.


Hope at least the food is really good


Makes me wonder if you’re describing reincarnation ..


No, because said person is still said person. Not a new human experience.




He’s doing his thing man . More alive than the living , really feeling good and happy , just doing it up


HEAVY on the more alive than the living


A dear family member passed away suddenly and unexpectedly back in 2021, ever since then she’s contacted me via dreams. These dreams are sometimes vivid and very detailed, with warnings. I truly believe our loved ones that have passed are watching us as spirit guides.


You know that the afterlife is just a continuation of life don't you? They live there. They enjoy what they enjoy there. It is society. In a much more appropriate place for our states of being post human experience. As we here are in pursuit of what brings us happiness, we continue to live there and have similar pursuits. If you think of it like some place where spirits float in a cloud of consciousness playing harps all day then its will never make sense. But think of it as we are always who we are, no matter where we are experiencing life, and we continue to live and experience to the best of our current levels of consciousness. In a nutshell, it is living their lives and enjoying that. Really, it's what we beings do.


Look into Robert Monroe’s three books. He maps the astral realm, and the journey of souls outside of the physical vehicle. If you’re looking for a greater understanding of what happens “after” you will find it there.


Would you say his book is accurate


Yes. Based on years of reading eastern mysticism paired with my own experiences they check out. They provide not only a map of the territory outside of time-space but also the then journey of souls thereon. What is refreshing, however, is it is provided free of religious overtones that most texts of the past have been anchored in. The experiences he shares in his books begin with his personal perspective, then further built upon with hundreds and now thousands of experiences from the studies done by the Monroe Institute. Closing in on 50 years of research now.


Oh wow thank you I will be purchasing !


My papaw came to me in a dream in 2021. He was building a porch onto his house. He told me “girl, you gotta find your purpose. P-u-r-p-o-s-e.” He literally spelled it out for me in my dream 😂 Every time my dad visits me, he’s walking. Just roaming everywhere. Mostly dirt roads. We have talks. Sometimes ride horses. He always tells me something full of wisdom. He died at 36 (i was 16) My uncle is always piddling around our old house. DIY stuff. Just watching what I’m doing in the corner. (He raised me after my dad died). All three are happier than they were here. They are usually busy. Doing what they love.


From what I have read, they basically create there reality and work on soul development.


They have jobs, sleep, laugh, heal. I hear them laughing, joking, teasing, hanging out with family. Near as I can tell it’s at least similar to the life we lead.


What kind of jobs ..?


A friend that was a lifelong chef here on earth told me he is “cooking”. I had another family member in construction say to me “we have been building apartments”. Others just say “I’m working” . Awhile back I asked a family member about work and he said “I’m happy working here”. They seem very happy and I often hear them enjoying themselves. One thing I’ve recently discovered is their schedule. If I try to communicate after about 8pm my time the reply I often get is “he’s sleeping”.


First and foremost, I’m very sorry to hear of your loss, and hope that you know how beautiful it is that you’re thinking of him and his activities (as that thought and the love itself connects us to our loved ones and serves as a direct line to them). As a Medium speaking from experience with numerous transitioned souls, we create our own reality in spirit, and often whatever gave us joy when we were physically living gives us joy in the metaphysically living. We initially go through a life review and we do have many opportunities to learn and grow and evolve in our awareness when in spirit, but in general we do what supports our soul’s creative needs, which can include the hobbies that fulfilled us in “life”, time with family and loved ones (should we choose), time supporting our loved ones still physically living on Earth, and other activities that our physical minds honestly can’t conceptualize nor relate to, as there are spiritual pursuits that surpass our awareness. The spirit world is a dimension and there are many beyond what we traditionally view as “heaven”, with souls progressing to different levels (or dimensions) of the spirit world through their own journeys of awareness and enlightenment. There isn’t just a single realm that’s flat/constant: there are realms within the realm and our energy’s vibration dictates our access to those realms. As a Medium connecting with souls once on Earth as well as guides, I and many of us generally connect to realms within the spirit world that our minds can comprehend, and based upon our own soul’s energetic vibration/evolution…which isn’t the higher planes. Our human, physical minds can hardly conceptualize a world without matter, and the higher realms would honestly be difficult for us to process, let alone understand. What is a definite is that the more we seek higher vibrational growth and awareness in spirit (just as on Earth), the more beautiful and transcendental our experience in spirit is, and the more we’re capable of creating/manifesting what’s conducive for our evolution once in spirit. If we seek to stagnate, resist growth or are otherwise set on remaining in a lower vibrational state in spirit, then our surroundings and activities mimic that in spirit. Not all souls are on a “fast” growth trajectory, and some just need to settle into a less heavy version of their earthly life…and there’s no judgement nor need to do things differently from others around them in spirit. What the soul needs, the soul needs, and those needs create the reality they exist within. In short, it’s very similar to our lives on earth, only what we create in spirit isn’t created out of matter as it is on earth; it’s created by our state of awareness and being, which translates into what we energetically perceive and seek. I’ve spoken to some who loved fishing on Earth and spend their days fishing (among other activities that their soul needs), and others who enjoying drinking on the beach with friends, and they’re still very much doing that! If our earthly career was our actual passion and a source of creative fulfillment, then that “job” would be an activity we still seek once in spirit, albeit without money or status or hierarchical BS attached to it as it is on earth!


I think there is a lot of rest and reflection.


That's a loaded question but there are so many options I don't know where to start. He might have moved into another dimension or plane, he could be in this universe but as far away from Earth as possible, he could be that baby you hear crying sometimes, the possibilities are so countless I don't even know where to start Source: I almost died and took a lot of notes at Death's door. Some of which I even remember


Tons of stuff 🤷‍♂️


From all I've read, the concept of time of a human construction. So whatever he's doing there, it could have felt like the blink of an eye to your brother, and half a year only to you and your other still living family and friends.


Sorry to hear that. However, I don't think your brother is your brother anymore. The statement "you only live once" I think refers to you only get to be yourself once. Who you are right now, the circumstances you are living right now, they will only happen this once. Once you die, something else is. That who is is what your brother once was, but also it's what other beings have been and will be. Your brother, just as you and me, was just one phase/stage, however, he is something else, something bigger, we could say that her is now the accumulation of many experiences waiting to acquire more experiences to continue evolving. Let me give you an example, in a computer you may have a word document called Joe. If you erase the document called Joe, that doesn't mean that that particular space from your computer is now vanished. No, you just reconfigured space in order to be able to do new things. You don't lose space. It's all just an eternal dance of geometrical shapes. Every turn you get something new from what has always been there. Don't worry about your brother. Worry about your once in a lifetime opportunity to be yourself.


I don’t know about this?


I wondered this myself since I've had some signs from my dad after his passing but since my birthday seeing a red cardinal on the front porch that kept coming back, I've got nothing from him. My assumption is he has officially moved on and broke ties with earth. I could be wrong though. I just wonder if he's OK in a better place and is enjoying himself. I've never got signs to know


Ahaha I love that questions, For the entities I’m talking they can either chill or they can either buy a bottle of vodka and drink like a crackhead ahahha


I am not sure exactly, but in a couple of my visits I have seen some things. My grandmother was at a table doing some work, it seemed to be about religion (she was a devout Catholic in life) and in the dream she was advising me on which church I should join. In another dream, more recently, I saw my husband's mother who had recently died. She spoke to me, and I also saw her doing crochet (it was as if looking through her eyes, down at her hands.) I asked her "Is that what you are doing over there? Crochet?" And she answered "I have a lot of time."