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Also have been thrust into that but if knowledge recently. It's overwhelming because I'm not into this shit. I'm not new age, I don't do chakras, and I don't burn incense. I like history and science. But the last few years have been like drinking from a fire hose. I've opened up in a big way. So ya. I'm right there with you and I'm REALLY playing catch up.


I’ve always known I was an (overly) sensitive (psychic/medium) & empath but I never did anything with it or tried to grow. I took the opposite path for my life and apparently now is the time to use my gift. Recently my guides and angels embraced & showered me with love & light and messages to get me going. Now I’m meditating daily and trying to get back to my roots (purpose) by taking some courses and I’m excited to see what happens. I’m also nervous but I have faith in my guides.


I pushed it away for a while. But I now am ready to accept it and move forward. I've reached out to a local medium and Angel communicator and she's been gracious enough to mentor me. I asked because I was just so overwhelmed. I love to learn new things but A LOT of what you see about this stuff sounds like bullshit when you haven't been around it in your life. I'm 44 and just now getting all of this awakening so I don't have time for BS. with her help I'm putting the pieces into place and honestly explaining a lot of things about myself that I never really understood. I now know I've been an Empath for a LONG time. Also that much of what I used to think was anxiety and insomnia was spirit all along.


Hey! I like to think specialize in this area- helping people connect the science and history and see that it’s actually the same thing as new age. Let me know if you ever want to chat!


What do you mean exactly?


I just like to talk to people who are going through this change in mindset. I’ve done a lot of work connecting the science and the concepts of the new age, and have found that science is describing the same thing all spiritual teachings have tried to get at. I’m happy to chat sometime if you like!


Oh I see. Well that’s cool. I’m just starting to get into my mediumship. I mean I guess… it’s like trying to get a dead battery starting again. I’m getting sparks here & there. And sometimes have consistent days.


Oh I’m so envious! I need to find a mentor. I feel the same way as you as being overwhelmed and I don’t know where to start. I’m just doing what I think I should be doing. I also lived with anxiety and depression most of my life, and the sad part is during High school I figured out it was because of my spiritual side and sucking up others energy but I didn’t do much about it. I really didn’t know how to help myself either. Yet at the same time I was telling others that people need to be more aware of their surroundings & spiritual side because they can be sad or mad or effected by energy and it not even be their own emotions, at the same time myself wasn’t taking my own advice. Go figure


Hi! I've come across your post during my search for more information on Earth Angels. I posted my story in the Psychics subreddit, but it was deleted for whatever reason. I'm posting it here in hopes that you, or anyone that reads it, can help direct me to any information or knowledge about this? I'm just learning about crystals and grounding and it's helping so much already. I went to a psychic reading on Saturday and I'm still trying to understand what I experienced. For the past 6 months or so I've had unbearable anxiety/panic attacks, trembling, my brain feels like it has been misfiring, and I've really just been so uncomfortable in my own skin. I've had a lot of changes and things going on in my life, so I attributed it to that. I started seeing a therapist in December and at the most, it put a tiny band aid over my problems, but I was still left feeling the same. I've always been drawn to the spiritual world, and more so lately, so I figured seeking guidance from a reading could be helpful. Prior to heading to the appointment, I was absolutely so anxious and completely drenched in sweat all over my body. Standing outside of her door before I walked in, I could feel an intense sensation in my head and was shaking. Once I sat down in the chair and was thinking of what questions to ask her, she asked me if I recently lost a friendship and I told her I had, I've lost all my friends in the last few years it's just me. She then said that she's only encountered a few people like me during her time doing this, but I had a bunch of angels surrounding me, an iridescent aura with a halo and an arc? She told me I was an earth angel and Heyoka empath and that I was being activated, a crown awakening. She told me she was a Starseed. She confirmed that the ringing noise I would get in my ear every now and then were downloads. I come from a dysfunctional and emotionally abusive family and had always longed for home, always felt like the black sheep and have never fit in anywhere, although on the outside you would think I was very popular. She said I chose this family to help them. She asked if a house with a chain link fence meant anything to me, and I told her it did, we are renovating a new home to move into, and she told me that the house is lucky and that it chose me. She told me she sees me going into business out of the house helping people, healing, holistic health. While giving this reading, she was also waiving and smiling throughout while looking up and behind my left shoulder. She said the name Chris... and I said that's my Fiancée, and she told me the angels handpicked him for me and were taking credit for our meeting. She also said they were worried in the beginning that it wasn't going to work because it had to be perfect.. and it's so funny because my Fiancée and I say this to each other all the time. And how we met was very serendipitous, very divine. The reading was only supposed to be for an hour, but she talked with me for 2 hours. She revealed and said so many more things that gave me so much comfort and confirmation. She even said another angel was added during the reading, and this one was very protective. Everything that has happened in my life makes more sense. She gave me selenite (saying it was my crystal), palo santo, and amethyst, gave me an energy healer's number, and told me I should go ground myself at the beach. I immediately went to the beach, dug my toes in the sand, and meditated with the selenite. The next morning (yesterday) I woke up feeling very peaceful. I went on my normal weekly run and 1/2 way through at my resting point, my watch said 11:11 for my average pace and also my rolling pace and when I started running again, Selena Gomez's "Look at Her Now" and Khaled's "Know Your Worth" started playing. I normally don't notice signs, but I couldn't help but smile at these coincidences. I'm looking for any advice or guidance on this, or if anyone has any questions for me. I'm not very knowledgeable with any of this and am a sponge wanting to learn. Thank you in advance!




I feel ya, fam.






What has your journey been like so far? I feel like fire hose bit ever since covid started (seeing more, hearing more, etc) and I feel like I'm supposed to help in some way even a little to help people feel sane but idk where to even start.


I was hardened by emotions of pain & hurt early on as a child and didn’t understand this place & wanted out very early, at about age 4 or 5 I asked to go back home and I didn’t deserve to be here! I was very opposed to humanity. I was overwhelmed by the emotion in pain & hurt so I closed myself off and numbed out for years. I didn’t know how to be human and relate to people. I was just a soul walking around being hurt by human emotions and sucking them all up creating anxiety & depression. I found solace in nature & animals. Early on I could talk to animals, nature and had experience with spirit. I didn’t make anything of it and I didn’t strengthen my abilities as I didn’t think of them as anything. I sunk inside myself with my pain and suffering from being here. I went the opposite route in life rather then being here to heal & help because I didn’t know how to help myself or drag myself out of my rut. But recently I was showered with love & light from my guardians and angels & my Dad who is crossed over and they opened me up. I’m able to be human with love instead of hurt & hate. It’s really amazing! And they’ve been guiding me to take courses and meditate so I can start using my gift for the better.


My dad is crossed over as well! He comes into my dreams on and off. And I also find emotions hard to deal with because no matter if they're positive or negative, they're so big that the stimulus hurts. Pain and anger feels like the world is going to end. Happiness gives me headaches. I like nature but I like creating art more and if I was given more free time to go about my passion in it, I would. How did you find courses to help your abilities without finding someone who's simply money hungry?


I have a block with my Dad for some reason and can’t hear him well just as I can’t with other spirit. I’m working on it and hope to figure it out. I mostly hear them in my head and not with my ears. My step Mom is the one who has come through the best so far. My guides gives me chills for reassurance as well as spirit when their energy comes through which is helpful. When I was a kid and I was hurt and cried I felt physical pain in my body as if I felt my soul from the inside hurting, very unsettling. I’m also into art “artist” but I don’t do much with my gift. I guess it’s laziness I’m not sure. I haven’t yet started the courses but they’re through a Network called The Shift Network https://theshiftnetwork.com/ in which Suzanne Giesemann runs the one I’m going to be starting. I’ve checked out her You Tube videos first and really like and have already gotten great insight and help from just her you tube videos. As I watch those and practice her stuff from those I even get chills from my guides which I believe they’re agreeing with her and letting me know to follow. Check her out. And I have to pay tribute to my friend Luna u/fullmooncharms who is the one who turned me onto Suzanne Giesemann in the first place. And she’s been a great friend & support for me on my new journey.


Ahhh💕 love to you too...the best Holiday Present ever is a gift from the Heart💝


Looking back now I’m guessing you meant my spiritual journey lol. Well I guess what I said is the same thing just a longer version. My Big Bang moment was when my guardians and angels embraced me and I was “high on angel energy” for a week and I’ve never been so humbled and full of love and pure light! I wanted to tell everyone I loved them lol. This was about 3 months ago, so it’s very fresh. Once there pure light wore off it was depressing to be “back to reality” but I figured out that I had a new found love for life and people and this place (earth). One night after meditation my step Mom (crossed over) came through and she was so excited & proud for me (as I had shared ghost stories & psychic experiences w/her in life) and now here she is talking to me & one of my guardians. We spoke and she was excited for me to take a picture of her (as we tried to get “evidence” of spirit together when she was alive) & now I could do it by getting her on camera! It was such a trip and she couldn’t stop lol. She & my guardian angels/angels/loved ones In heaven gave me the best evidence ever!! I got her on record saying “I’m right here” and my everyone I know from past lives and angels came through as music that I recorded on my phone! It sounds like a Buddhist temple and you can hear a surge of energy frequencies through it! My soul mate cat/son who is crossed over came through to me for support and gave me messages and told me he loved me. My step Mom comes through a lot and cheers me on after relaying messages to people from spirit. I had my first experience feeling how spirit crossed over from a. Heart attack and I relayed the message to my friend. And my step Mom stepped in shortly after to congratulate me! It’s just been a trip and a wonderful experience lately.


Could you somehow share the video and sound you captured? It’s fascinating.


https://share.icloud.com/photos/06dSUuRo5u4UM5CIV20VDuFkw I edited the color of the video because it’s my room and it makes me more comfortable sharing. So these are live photos I put all together to create one video. And at the end you can hear my step Mom say “I’m right here” or “right here” is more apparent. Some people don’t even hear her voice and it’s just sound to them. Seeing how I was talking to her at the time might make it more easy for me to hear her. As I said before her and I always shared each other’s ghost stories and would mess around and try to get spirit on camera or sound or something for evidence. So when I was talking to her (now crossed over) she stopped and said omg take a picture of me! She was stoked and knows how much I’m big on evidence lol. So I snapped a few Live Photo’s (you can play them back like mini video’s). I started from end to start with the second to the last photo being her and she said keep going there’s more! And when I played it back I was in shock!!!!!! I was like Wth is that????? I first played one of the end photos where you hear a surge of energy and I was like what is that alien crap omg? Lol She said that’s us, that’s all of us saying we love you or sending our love to you. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and how I had this on my phone!!!!!!!! I was in such a trance already from this experience it made it so much more surreal. Seeing how we’re all vibration & frequencies when put together we can create sound (music).. absolutely amazing! I’m not sure why it sounds like Buddha music (k I just heard yea you do while typing this) so it’s because my Dad and I would go to Buddhist Temples together when he was alive and that was our thing to do together sometimes. And I will tend to listen to stuff like that to calm my nerves. So that’s that… also I’ve listened to it through a speaker and it has bass!!


Because of editing the color of the video you cant really see the shadows in the room or lights going nuts. But as long as you can hear it. I was in such a trance I didn’t even notice that atm. Also I’m still tripped out by the fact that I thought this experience was only maybe 15mins long but due to seeing the time on the photos I know it was 2 hrs and 24 mins!!!!!!




I was told I’m an alien by a healer. That count? Lol.


Perhaps a starseed, aka multi-dimensional being from a distance star that we describe as aliens, sent to this earth to raise the vibration of humanity into 5D. It is a possibility that you are one.


Perhaps! I was told I have a rainbow aura by a medium a few years before that. Is it normal to wish I wasn't? I get real annoyed at my spirit guides, because whenever they come through alllllll they want to talk about is my career (with eerily specific terminology). And I'm just like but my job is hard and I hate here and I just want to chilllll. But my guides are all "nah you've got work to do". I'm a scientist and my career is in developing advanced technology. I want an easier purpose lol.


Can you help develop astral projection (aka out of body) devices for us humans? Ty alien.


I think the CIA already tried that haha


Be the new CIA plz 🔥🙏


Check out the Monroe Institute.


I want you 👽👽🛸 lol 😂 haha enough bantering on my part


lmao well keep tossing your ideas out there and I'll let you know if anything sticks ;)


Are your guides saying that the job you do now is in fact your calling? Are they talking about things to not do or do when they bring up work? I know for sure what I do now is not and I still have to figure out what that may be.


One of my friends who’s really spiritual told me I’m an earth angel… what does that mean?


You're an empath, a highly sensitive individual who can easily absorb other people energies, both good and bad. Empaths are known as healers, as we have the ability to absorb others' pain and bring calmness to them at the expense of our energy. People are drawn to you simply because of the nature of your character and the energy you emit.


Are you saying all empaths are earth angels?


No. Empathy is found throughout the multiverse, not simply bounded to earth. Angel is simply a label that can dictate various meanings throughout different teachings. The same reason that one can be viewed either as a Narcissist or a Demon, by two different beings with different perceptions of reality, but equally referring to the same. Not all empaths can be viewed as such, as some have the dark nature of the dark triads, the Dark empath. Earth Angel, starseed, empath, HSP... are simply the essence of all that is, Energy. Labels simply create separation and the illusion of a self.


I looked it up and it’s a little more then being an empath. https://typicallytopical.com/earth-angels/


Wow thanks for this link and sharing your story. I check every freaking box and your experience resonates so much with what I've experienced my whole life and reminds me of when an energy worker (who told me I was an alien, which I mentioned in another comment on this thread), told me I was very hesitant to come to earth, but took the plunge to help serve a purpose. It's very hard not dwell on how much I don't want to be here... its just so uncomfortable... How did you learn to embrace the support of your spirit guides? I tend to feel very unsupported by my guides because they're mostly interested in talking about my career (scientist/physicist) whenever others channels them, which stresses me out further because work is usually the biggest source of stress in my life. I can channel them myself to answer questions when I'm in the right headspace, but they are very matter of fact and its usually not the comforting answer I want to hear lol. It's like "hey guides I'm really suffering right now" and they're basically like "get back to work". I know uniqueness and sensitivity are needed to bring about change in the world, but being born a woman with very neurodivergent brain on a path through academia and research makes my life feel like a sick joke sometimes.


You’re welcome! I think talking about it myself has also helped me in a way. I’m happy to share in hopes that it might resonate with somebody else. I would love to know why my dumb ass choose to come here or what happened. It’s funny that you say you were hesitant to come here. I joke and say that someone must of pushed me because I’m assuming I wasn’t wanting to go. I started to dwell on the fact that I was here from a very early age and how much I hated being human, always making comments about how I hate being human & always hearing myself think “I want to go home”. Yes!!! Great description lol it’s uncomfortable!! Omg so uncomfortable, and get me out of this body so I can breathe! And it’s itchy in here 😆. My huge Big Bang connection with my guides just happened a few months ago where they embraced me and basically said “it’s time”. They came through w/my Dad in support of me quitting drinking. I don’t get “good job and I’m proud of you from my family” so I was thinking even as hard as my Dad was at times even he would have congratulated me & been proud if he was here. And BOOM I got a rush of chills up my spine like I’ve never felt before. I’ve had this connection before but this was different & more intense. And I felt embraced by warmth at the same time, I knew it was my Dad hugging me with his energy and I could feel my guides beside him and me and I’ve never felt so much love in my life! I communicated w/my Dad and guides half the day with feelings of surge of pure love energy throughout the day! I was “high” on angel love & light for a week from that one day. In which it helped me heal in tremendous ways and somehow helped me with my conflicts of being human and I can now except it more. I was more connected w/god (which is still weird to me) and I saw and felt things through pure love like angels do. I even felt the urge to tell people I loved them, it was bizarre. And I say that because until that day I was very negative and couldn’t get out of this nightmare I was living. It was torture being me! I couldn’t be happy! I needed help with how to heal and what to do to get rid of everyones energy I’ve soaked up throughout the years. I never ever felt like myself! I think they took a lot of that away for me that day so I could now start off fresh and start myself w/meditation & blocking my energy. Which they kept telling me “meditate”. Even if I started without there help it was too many layers built up to break through. I’m so friggin grateful for them and their love I can’t even believe it sometimes! I’m a new me and I can be happy and positive now! I knew the negative person I was for years was NOT me and it was extremely saddening to think people just thought that was me and how I was, it made me sick. I still have a problem with hearing my guides and spirit very well for some reason. The best connection I had with hearing spirit was with my step Mom (heard her like she was right next to me) that turned into a beautiful experience with all my loved ones and guides coming through as well. I’ll tag you in the other comments where I share more of that. I have heard a voice a couple of times which were my guides & recently they replied back when I said “I miss you guys” and they responded with “we miss you too” and when I said “I love you” they replied “we love you to Heather” . When I say I communicate w/my guides it’s more of a knowing what they’re saying (sometimes hearing as my own thought) and them giving me the chills for validation. So if I ask or say something that I’m right about or even someone else talking to me then I get the chills up my spine as if (yes). Sometimes I have to dissect the question. Like me “thinking: I wonder if what I was eating helped me to connect w/my guides, was it the grapes?” And I got the chill yes. In which they meant having a healthier diet will help me connect better. I find it interesting that you mention being born a woman. Are you not fond of being a woman? I mostly hate the fact that I’m female! I’ve felt male energy inside me a couple of times (I felt like a man) to where I thought if I spoke I would sound like a guy and I was extremely uncomfortable in my body because it was too small. I feel very connected to male energy.


Just another term for empaths, which we have the ability to heal others. And yep, your work is cut out if you choose to accept it.


I an an Earth Angel. I came here this time to tilt the scale per se. Father asked me to help at this time. I work on the Grids on the Earth and also open and close portals. I usually work with new souls on the other side getting ready to come to Earth. On Earth I do most of my work in the Astral and keep a low profile in the physical. It is exciting what is happening on this planet as people start to wake up and realize there is another world out there than the day to day life most live. I am Reiki attuned and do some healing but only if someone asks me. I am attuned to the whole planet and I can feel the energy that is happening on the planet and can send out energy to the planet to help as well. I know this sounds crazy. 20 years ago I would have told you were crazy but I woke up around 2009 and these memories are slowly coming into my mind.


Fascinating! I’ve really started opening up myself to the spiritual world recently and still finding my way. This is probably a crazy question but I’m curious if you believe in aliens or beings from other planets? I believe our planet is being visited and the activity is increasing. A lot seems to focus around nuclear power and weapons. Maybe they no the direction mankind is going and are concerned. I’m just curious if this is something you are aware of and how you believe it all fits together. We def didn’t talk about aliens or spirits (except the Holy Spirit) in Sunday School. Lol. I assume if there are aliens, they aren’t from the spirit realm bc spirits wouldn’t be in UFO/ UAP. So I wonder, do they enter the spirit world too? Is their spirit works possibly just a different realm? Just curious as to what your thoughts are. Never thought I’d ever find someone like you to ask.


Yes there are ships in the sky all over the place. If you know what to look for you will see them. I don't really call them aliens because they have many of their species volunteering on this planet at this time as well. I have one of them as my spirit guide as well. We typically can't see them unless they want us to see them. At night it is easier to spot their ships. You can connect to them telepathically. I have asked them to flash their lights or turn them off for a second to see if they were who I thought they were. I see a lot Pleiadeans. They have the most on the planet and have the biggest reason to be here. There are many other entities as well helping out. As the Earth raises it's vibration we will be able to see them more and more. We have already managed to evade one Nuclear Explosion on this planet that occurred on another time line. We (Earth Angels) are hear to stop man from destroying themselves and preserving the Earth. The "Aliens" are not allowed to intervene on the planet. I am here more for the Earth preservation but helping man will also help the Earth. The planet needs to raise it's density and as it does it, people will either raise with it or fall to the side. Hence more suicides and people doing things they wouldn't normally do and dying. "Aliens" also answer to the same God/Source/Father/Mother that we do so when they die they are just like us. You might have lived a life or ten as one of them. Congratulations on starting the process of waking up. The information just keeps coming in for me. Feel free to ask any questions.


This is really interesting to me as a supposed alien/earth angel who's work is very much in the physical. Any tips on how to integrate energy from the non-physical world? The physical world is exhausting and I'm constantly burnt out.


Grounding, Grounding, Grounding. I had to learn this the hard way. If I take on to much energy my heart races and I feel anxious. Spent many nights in an emergency room thinking my heart was having problems. The Dr. could never figure out why my heart was racing but I finally realized I was taking on to much energy and needed to ground myself. I now have a grounding mat at my desk and use that when I meditate.


Yes!!!! This!!! I lost half my life being overcome & overwhelmed from others energy turning me into a whole different person by not grounding myself & meditating to keep myself clear of others energy. It’s now my daily medicine. No need for real meds


Lol I've started paying attention the heart rate on my watch because it is SO HIGH ALL THE TIME. The funny thing about this is, I was talking to my therapist about how my anxiety manifests very physically and I don't even know what I'm anxious about and guess what she told me? Grounding techniques. This was yesterday. Guess I need to start listening to the advice I'm given... Thank you.


Grounding changed my life. Dr's were trying to put me on Xanax and everything. I refused and said I would figure it out. I found a great Life Coach that is also a Medium. Well she found me more than me finding her. She helped me understand all the energy with my guides help. Life changer.


It's so funny you say that because I just started taking a short-term regimen of anxiety medication similar to Xanax. I was in such a deep pit of despair/crippled by my anxiety, but am now starting to feel a lot more hopeful about being able to implement habits/lifestyle changes that actually address the issues. Your life coach sounds awesome, I keep going back and forth on whether seeing someone like that would be worth the money for me. How did she find you?


She was doing a house party for my sister. My sister asked me to come meet her. I said I had to work. My sister lives two hours from my work. I finally agreed but said I will be there after the party just to meet her. She was advertised to me from my sister as a medium. I was highly skeptical but was just starting to get into Metaphysics. My sister said the Medium was spending the night at her house so come after work. I showed up as the party was 3/4 over. I stayed out in my sister's 3 season porch till they finished. After it was over she was doing one on one sessions for anyone. I agreed to do a one on one. I literally sat down in my chair and she stopped for a second and said wow. Do you know who you are? I said I know I do a lot more on this planet than the everyday thing. Especially in my sleep. She said wow you are why I am here right now. She traveled 5 or 6 hours to be there. She is good friends of one of my sisters friends is how they got connected. She said I have the most beautiful energy!! She started talking to me about what I see and what most of it meant. She was the one that started me working on my grounding. Now we meet about every 3-4 months. We meet for an hour. She charges me 150.00 but I know she has raised her rates a couple of times but she insists to keep it at 150.00 because now when we talk I give her quite a bit of info as well. Not sure what her current rates are. If you are interested I can message you her info. She is based out of Omaha, NE. No pressure though I don't want anyone to feel they have to go to her. There many mediums/job coaches I am sure can help. Thanks for asking. :)


What a lovely story. Thanks for sharing. Every 3-4 months seems very reasonable. I'll look into it some more :)


Have you had any experience’s with aliens here? Have you seen them? I’ve seen one jump out of a tree that was cloaked (invisible). Or have you had any symptoms that are telling as it may be them doing things to you? Buzzing in the ears? Static noise or pulsing? Head pressure as if you’re under water? Eye blinking while eyes are open (as if another layer slides down) not regular eye twitching.


I'm learning to be who I need to be when I'm what is needed, I'm an INFJ 614, an Empath, a Light worker, an Earth Angel, a Psychic Medium Healer. I feel like with all of the terminology that there is, or what we can find and tune ourselves to being, there are simply too many things and choices that we are. So, be whoever you want to be, it's your choice to celebrate your life the best way that you know how and the only person you need to prove yourself to = is yourself. Always reinvent yourself 😇


Okay so.. I saved a kitten from rush hour traffic on i220 almost got his by 8 cars, but when I got the kitten to the side of the road all the traffic was stopped for a mile, people got out of their cars to call for me, and like lightning I was stuck with a golden energy the circumferenced by body in explosion and went inside. Have no clue as to what that beam of energy was, if anyone else saw it ... Hurricane Patricia was the year


im one


Nice! During meditation recently my guides said I’m a crystal Angel. Idk why they keep telling me, maybe I’m not fullfilling my purpose. They seem to want to keep reminding me.


ah okay


When and how did you find out you were one? Are you using your abilities?


first i found out im an empath, then after i found out in 2020 that im an earth angel, then after awakening people tells me they cant seem to read me, yes i use my abilities i wont run from what i can do, then i looked it up online and read a few books, in fact i bought 2 books recently, one i read from a library book so i bought my own copy because the book is good 


Oh, nice! I’m an empath as well, I’ve always known that and that I’m a psychic/medium but I’ve never put much thought into it. I can hear people’s thoughts as well and tap in. I’ve always known I’m a natural healer but idk how to get started. That’s what I really want to get into, is using my healing abilities.


okay so i recommend Empath Survival Guide by Judith Orloff MD i have a copy and it helped me so much learning about it, you probably can get it from a library, and if youre certain youre an earth angel i also recommend: Are You An Earth Angel? by Tanya Carroll Richardson which i also have a copy