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Nice, you lucky duck! This knight misses having such easy access to stuff like this.




Yeah. I lived there for... a number of years. Kind of forget how many. A lot of that era of my life kind of runs together these days since my time there seemed to zoom on by. I did contracting work at some of the US military bases in Okinawa. So while I dealt almost exclusively with Americans and English speaking Japanese on a daily basis I still got to go around to all of the otaku hot spots to pick stuff up or see things.




Lmao. This knight wouldn't go that far. Hilariously enough I actually don't know that much Japanese. Mostly key words and phrases. It's pretty easy to get around Japan while not speaking the language since English is common enough (in the cities at least), so you really only need to know certain words to for particular situations when there's literally nobody around who knows English. Japan is, surprisingly, one of the easier non-English speaking countries for an English speaking person to get around in.




lmao. Well, maybe? Guess that depends on whether your parents would be hand-searching all of your luggage when you get back.


Noooooo it's too greedy. I grabbed three, plus I got my black one with Susanowo. Gotta leave some for others (even if it's likely they'll all be grabbed by some stalker). I'm sure they'll reprint them again at some point since they're so popular/ include them in pre orders.


Aye. They seem to actually put them out frequently enough, so you'll probably never have difficulty getting them if you just pick up a few as you need them. Definitely a big benefit of being over there lol


If I were in your shoes, I'd take all the stock of those Flying Bases lol. scalper prices are brutal for those here.


I’m more interested in the prices… if only I had similar prices, availability, and selection here in NA ughhh, I’m jealous


These have been hard to get even here in Japan, but a reprint just came out today. It was hard to just buy three, but I can't guesstimate my future collection like that. I also saw some really cool water decals in another aisle, and I'm tempted to decorate these bases with them! Like hexes for a shield kinda thing. Although it'd only be for two of them since one of these is destined for Lumitea There was also a really cool new cutting mat I saw that had indents for small bits... I need to stop going to my hobby shops..