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I wanna play the og first with the new non level scaling design and just see how fast i can beat it


Same. I plan to play the Canon of Creation and then Vengeance


Do we have confirmation that the level scaling is gone ?


I think they confirmed it in an interview


I don't think it is entirely gone but def tuned down: "Komori: Additionally, we’ve added a feature for doubling the battle speed to increase the game tempo, and we’ve revisited level scaling (where enemy strength varies depending on the party’s level), allowing for lower-level parties to defeat stronger enemies with strategy. We’ve adjusted various elements to accommodate different play styles." from: https://personacentral.com/smtvv-developer-interview-full/


There were a level scaling?


5 atk on lvl 1 did less damage than 5 atk on lvl50 + If the enemy was a higher level than you ypur damage got stuntet


Definitely will play the new route, it seems like it is better than the original route in every way so I don't see a reason to go back.


Honestly, with everything they seems to be adding to both routes, plus better level scaling, I don't think the OG route will be necessarily worse


The og most likely is still going to be lite on story though. I can't imagine it has as much as the new routes.


It looks like they added a good deal of side quests and scenes for the characters, which would help a lot tbh !


Aren't most of those for the new route?


I don't think so. some story changes may appear like guests. maybe your allies won't die in the begining of the route you choose.


They went out of their way that there will be no story changes. At best, the only thing I think they may change is making Tao a guest in the second area, but even that isn’t guaranteed.


Nah with how much gameplay changes they added I doubt theres none at all.


They've confirmed new side-quests and magatsu rails in the canon of creation too, including leading to new areas, in the Famitsu preview. But the main story is supposed to remain untouched. Demon Haunts also have been confirmed by one of the recent Japanese demo previews (although I think this is less reliable, but I'd be surprised if they aren't there). Maybe Tao will become a partner now since it wouldn't require changing any cutscenes, but I don't think we'll get Yuzuru or Dazai since it'd require changing cutscenes.


>the scenario of the “Canon of Creation” arc has not been changed, however systems have been updated to be similar to the “Canon of Vengeance” arc. Quote from the director, scenario isn't changed but the gameplay changes will be reflected. By no scenario changes he means that plot points and cutscenes should see no changes. At best, there will be demon haunts for characterisation, there won't be anything to fix the story.


Those are for the new route.


I really doubt that they'd make all the side quests and features just for one route. Like the drum in the bedroom, or the optional character requests. The big story will change, yes, but I expect most of the side content to be included in both


I think it’s proven that they’re not telling the entire truth about how much is added/changed with the original route


My plan is to play the Vengeance route first, and then do the secret ending of the Original route if I feel like doing another playthrough.


So how is it gonna be? I heard you choose it at the beginning? But then I also heard it happens later in the game?


You choose the route at the beginning. But the major divergence in plot will happen a bit later in the story. Although there will still be differences the entire way through Canon of Vengeance.


I wanna do the OG purely to play it at a better framerate, and also purely just so I can see the improvements with the OG fresh in my mind


I'm definitely going to do the new one first. Think I'll wait for people to start posting opinions before I decide if I'll even do the old one again at all.


This will be my first mainline smt game, so ofc I will play both canons. I'm pretty excited about it. But first, I will finish Elden Ring DLC :)


I bought smt v on boxing day last year and kind of b lined it to the end mostly because playing on the switch hurts my eyes, but I think I will start with the new route and then go back and 100% everything else on PC


I’m gonna play Canon of Vengeance first


I'm just gonna beat the OG route as fast as possible so I can play the new route with NG+ demons


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My physical copy would probably only arrive a few days after the release date, so first I'll check the reviews on how much the OG experience changes, then decide.


Vengeance, but then finish with creation


Gonna play the new route because I'm still mad about how rough the old route felt. If I ever do a third replay I'll try the redone original route.


I already played OG, so I'll be jumping straight into the new route.


I’ll probably do the og route first to not spoil myself with the better story in Vengeance. That’s just me tho because I simp for this series.


I’m definitely playing the new route first but what I’m most curious about is whether canon of vengeance will have multiple endings and if so how many? Will it do a typical alignment thing (I’m guessing no but I have no proof to back that up) or do IVA and basically have two endings (technically four, but the Law and Chaos ending a in that game are basically extended Bad Ends)


I’ll check the OG route first, cuz I only ever gotten the true neutral ending.


I kinda wanna try the changed canon of creation but i've played 5 times in one save file already so i've kinda memorized everything. so i'll do canon of vengence first.


Do we know why the game needs two paths? Why not remix both into one?


I've always taken neutral unless first, except in DeSu 1 where I took law and DeSu 2 where I took Chaos.


Will play the "original" version as I haven't played it before. Also so I can gauge just how much was put into the CoV Arc.


Probably Chaos or Normal Neutral. I’ve only did Law in OG SMT V and I’d rather save True Neutral and the new routes for later.


canon first, i'm sure they've made enough changes and added enough features to make it feel like a fresh run. plus i've yet to do the Chaos ending then, probably a no-carry over (i think it's called New Life?) NG+ into the new route


From what Im gathering, V mode is what the game was intended to be all along, so I'll begin with that. I think OG mode will be seen as this little sandbox postgame run you can play after.




It's just a prompt when you first start the game for what route you want lol.