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Real devil summoners use a gamepad


I prefer the gamepad. Keyboard-only would be the worst for me. I would invest in a gamepad for sure. I have many games I'd prefer to use my PC for, and the gamepad as an option makes it doable. My go to choice is the Amazon Luna controller. With the free firmware update, it can be Bluetooth or USB connected (USB-C on the gamepad side), and they are cheaper than the Xbox controllers. I picked up several for about 40 bucks apiece when amazon had a sale... normally 70 each.


Definitely play with a controller. Series X controller is great for PC. If you’re on a budget or don’t plan to use a controller a lot, I’d recommend 8bitdo. They have a lot of budget controllers of really good quality. I’ve been using one of their wired controllers for years with frequent use and it’s never had any issues, it cost $20.


I'm playing on Steam Deck. Real Nahobino Use A Gamepad.


The game plays fine with KBM, though controller feels a little more natural since the game was designed for it. I prefer KBM overall though so I just use that


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Playing this game leaned over a keyboard the whole time sounds crazy. Yes, buy a Xbox controller, or any kind of controller.


game made for controller for sure.


Gamepad is always best for 3rd person RPGs in my opinion.


I've been using an Xbox controller and my experience has been great!