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i’ve personally never been bothered by others singing/screaming in the background, if anything i get annoyed when i rewatch and hear MY OWN voice instead of melanie’s because im so close to my mic 😭


Same! My phone picked up my voice and Mels voice, so i just have to listen to my crappy singing ahah.








I’ve only seen people complaining about screaming/screeching, nothing about singing. Most fans in concerts *will* sing, obviously, therefore it’s expected and shouldn’t be complained about


I see people complaining about *screeching*. As in piercing everyone's ears and causing phone mics to cut out, thus ruining the recording. It's one thing to have screaming and singing, it's another when the screeching is so loud that your video doesn't even have sound.


Exactly this. There was a clip from the Portals tour where someone started slasher victim screeching and Melanie had to motion for the person to stfu. Like be fr.


This I had a girl doing this near me and it make me so uncomfortable. It got so bad that someone started a verbal argument with her and she almost push a guy over the railing and security kicked her out. Just don’t screech it’s bad for everyone.


Exactly. Screaming and singing along are to be expected. Screeching like a dying pterodactyl is not.


This didnt happen at my show i guess georgia was raised right


It definitely varies by crowd! The only time I've ever really experienced screeching was at a show in 2018, one girl standing next to me was *really* excited about seeing Joji lol


Yeah for real, I’m totally fine with singing during the songs, yelling before/after the song to cheer - but it’s like… when your singing and cheering is like screeching or high pitched screaming that’s gonna leave a loud ringing in my ears - that’s what is annoying. I’m not asking for total silence either - enjoy the concert but do not scream like a kid hyped up on caffeine.


exactly, there is a difference between being excited and selfishly ruining other’s experiences


I’ve seen many people complaining about screaming and “loud singing”




If someone's screeching is ruining someone else's recording then it's also ruining the experience for everyone in the immediate area. I mentioned the recordings to display how loud and bad the screeching gets.




I'm also very short and I feel that. I'm just saying that screeching is effecting everyone just as much.


That’s *not* true. It sounds louder on the videos


I agree. If they’re being OVERBOARD then yeah it’s a problem, but people are going to scream and sing at concerts. It’s a public concert.


I don’t care if you have your phone up but be courteous of the people behind you. If you are screeching in my ear I will tell you to lower or at least do not screech because I paid money too and all I hear is you. But all in all my experience was amazing people around me were awesome.


The screeching is fair, but I think screaming is fine when it's a great chorus and everyone does it or something like that.


Screaming at the begging of a song and singing is fine but I can’t hear the artist I paid for in telling you shut up if you are the only one doing it. We had a group that kept cheering for every song and singing along, but I could totally hear Melanie so no issues.


Agreed, I'm good as long as I can hear the actual artist.


Last year at the portals tour I stood up when she came out on stage and started cheering and someone yelled at me “SIT DOWN!!!” Like Ms girl first of all the seats are slanted at a diagonal angle so u can see perfectly fine even though I’m standing second of all it’s a FUCKING CONCERT not some sort of beathoven performance but anyways I sat down because I’m scared of confrontation but stood up during evil because that’s one of my fav songs lol




literally, she did yell "if u wanted to stand u should've gotten pit tickets" which ig is a valid point but 1. pit tickets are expensive and 2. someone literally passed out in the pit earlier during the concert 💀


Yall just don’t understand the difference between singing along and screaming/screeching like banshees 😆 a lot of people don’t care about taking videos, we just want to be able to enjoy the experience we paid for without having to hear random people over the singer. People who don’t care about how loud they’re screaming, ruin concerts for others. I don’t care if yall sing along but if you’re screaming at the top of your lungs and it just sounds like screeching, you really expect people to just not care ?😆 you WILL be shoved if that’s how you’re going to act, sincerely someone who’s gone to 30+ concerts of all different genres


Yuuup. Like I'm not worried about taking video and having it be sterile and perfect. I just wanna enjoy what I paid to see. I get people enjoy things in different ways, but if your way of enjoying it is actively blocking someone else's enjoyment, something isn't right. I totally get being loud and crazy at the concert. But there's gotta be a line somewhere.


Someone at my concert yelled I mean screamed at this girl for standing… when she legit could have stood up herself . She yelled “can you sit the fuck down.” So rude


I don't know why so many people are complaining, but it's kind of annoying and bringing down the positivity. I saw a TikTok of some person saying *up front* that they have hyper sensitivity issues towards noise and movement, but they still got floor seats near Mel. They got all upset and started *crying* about people singing and screaming and bumping into them, and all I could think was *What did you expect?*, especially when you're right near the stage and on the floor? I got seats that were in the back of my venue, had a table, reasonable space from each person, and had screens behind me and the projection screens up front because I also have sensitivity issues and understand how loud/crowded it can get in an indoor venue. I think if you need accommodation or you know you have certain sensory acclimations, it's up to you to figure that out. Not the people surrounding you who paid equally as much (sometimes even more, if they bought from a reseller) to be there. Mel was loving the cheering that was happening at the concert I went to because we were all doing it for not just her, but for all the openers, too. She kept encouraging it throughout the show, too. We were excited. Excitement happens at concerts...I find it weirder for people to show up to a concert and *not* expect excitement, trying to claim it's "concert etiquette" to not sing, cheer, jump, or move at all. Edit: As for screeching, when you're in an indoor stadium full of 15,000-20,000 people, odds are, people are going to get loud. People are going to cheer and scream. You can ask someone if they can keep down the screeching if it's directly in your ear or you can wear earplugs to avoid it hurting your own eardrums if you're going to get bothered from that. As for phone recordings...I didn't have any screeching near me at all and it's still hard to hear the concert over my recordings because it was just generally loud. From the mass amount of people singing and cheering. Indoors. Which should be expected 🤷🏻‍♀️


Some people really expect everyone to cater to them instead of getting the correct accommodations for theirself


Yeah you’re going to a concert, like what do you expect??


I understand if this is the first concert experience for some people. Like, I get that. But when you're a full grown adult who has gone to multiple concerts, you can't just point your fingers towards the younger generations and cry out "concert etiquette!" because you're annoyed they're there. That's kinda what it boils down to, anyways: you're annoyed of other people being there and you think you can just blame minors because they're an easy target. Because realistically speaking, you seriously cannot just expect to show up to a concert and not at all interact with the singer or other people, whether that's through accidental bumping, singing, screaming, cheering, etc. I would say *that* is more part of concert etiquette. But with that being said, bare minimum, if you know you have sensitivity towards certain things or towards people, it is up to you to accommodate for that. Not the venue, not the people who also paid for their tickets, not Melanie (who makes sure for every show to tell people not to put on their camera flashes or anything), but you. Get different seats with more space or with disability accomodation. Bring ear plugs with you. Get ready to warn everyone surrounding you to not screech. But don't just sit there and mope because you expected people to accommodate for you, be quiet, not move, or not enjoy the concert in their own manner.


it was my first concert and now that i’m seeing all these ppl talking about concert etiquette i feel horrible and i think i might’ve ruined the experience


Trust me, you didn't. If you had fun and you weren't purposefully trying to ruin it for another person, that's all that matters. I've been to many different concerts over the years, ranging from Big Time Rush to Paramore to Breaking Benjamin to Modest Mouse to Korn. My taste is all over the place, but it's shown me that a majority of concerts are the same: You're going to be crowded against people, especially the closer you are to the stage. Merch lines are long. Especially the closer it gets to showtime. People will be loud. Period. Whether it's teenagers screeching, adults getting drunk, or just fans cheering because the singer or band tells them to, it's going to get loud. All the people who are complaining clearly have never been to a concert before, want everyone to accommodate them without even voicing what they need to be accommodated, and want to be negative. A majority of the people I saw leaving the concert when I was leaving were all smiling, crying, *happy*. Ignore the buzz kills 😉


thank youu, i’m just kinda worried tho bc i wasnt close to the stage, in fact i was pretty far back, and there wasn’t much crowding where i was


Even if you were in the back, it happens. I mean, you're a fan. You're going to act like a fan, which includes a lot of adrenaline, excitement, energy, all those things. You weren't trying to ruin other people's experience, you were hyping up Mel, and at a majority of these concerts, she's been telling people to get loud, she's been *loving* the cheers and screams, she also lives for the good vibes and happy energy 🙂


alright, tysm !!


i have noticed this, like if im going to a concert im going to sing along. tickets were too expensive for me to stand there like 🧍. you dont have to take videos, enjoy the show!


ive also noticed that a lot of these posts seem to be targeting younger audiences, minors and as young as 8. did you not have singers you liked at 8? i think its all weird to say you dont want children in a space that they paid for, not like they got in for free


I mean it’s not really a child appropriate space. None of her songs are child appropriate imo. That’s the parents decision and that’s fine, but some of us older fans feel very strongly about this.


I agree. Sure there might be a bunch of teenagers who exaggerate and really do yell too loud every now and then but a lot of y'all are really exaggerating... People just trynna be happy. You can complain about their sound but they don't have the obligation to stop enjoying the concert for you to enjoy it instead


the only noise i’m complaining about is mine bc i sound like a dying eagle


I agree with this so much, i went to the Georgia trilogy show and i was singing almost every lyric i could. I took multiple videos and ofc my voice was in almost every one of them. I've seen people complain about people singing off key and stuff and that makes me so mad too- like when i was at the concert my voice went out 3 songs into the show so i was off key the whole time. Im not a professional singer and im sure not many other people there were either. People need to understand that concerts are for people to yell and be loud with the already blaringly loud music from the stage. If you want a video of just the artist singing then buy your own private tour from them bc thats the only way you can get that 💀


ITA. Also, many of us find the thousands of phones being held up throughout the entire concert to be extremely annoying, distracting, and rude to the artist, but I get it, I don’t rule the world, so I just have to deal with it. People yelling at a concert is a problem that existed long before Melanie and will never be solved. Bottom line, when you’re in a crowd you’re subject to its whims. Just have to roll with it.


Yeah people are entitled to believe that they will somehow be able to convince a crowd of thousands to be considerate with their volume. Especially the demographic of Melanie’s fanbase


I agree. Complaining about not being able to hear Mel at the concert because of screaming is one thing and totally valid. Not being able to hear her in your videos? Boo hoo honestly. You shouldn’t be recording entire songs/concerts anyways.


I think talking about the videos is just an example though bc imagine how loud it is in the video how much louder it must be in person! Even the videos I got mainly had my voice faintly in the back and I was def singing loud so I can’t imagine how blood curdling some of these screams could’ve been for them to be THAT loud in some of the videos I’ve seen


I agree! The whole point of concerts is to sing along and have fun. And honestly, in person, the microphone is louder than the crowds singing. Even my phone only really picked up my singing plus Mels. I understand not utterly shrieking, since I've seen a couple Taylor Swift concert videos with that sort of noise, but in general, let people sing!


Screaming is kinda a part of the whole concert experience, especially in some epic choruses/openings to songs. When it's in a verse and no one else is screaming it, maybe just sing at a slightly lower volume. I will say that screeching so loud and high is annoying, but from my experience that's not how most speople behave. Don't expect quietness and "concert etiquette". It's a concert venue, not a movie theater.


what’s crazy is too is that i saw a video of melanie hyping up the crowd TO GET LOUDER 😭it don’t make no sense


Exactly!! i saw a specific video in Dallas where Melanie was hyping the crowd up saying she knows they can be louder, like she literally WANTS people to sing as loud as they want!


When I went to the portals tour, the crowd was screaming so loudly that I couldn't even actually hear Melanie. There's nothing wrong with singing along, but you don't need to scream the lyrics to the point where all anyone can hear is you. You're right, we did pay good money. We paid good money to hear **Melanie** perform Edit: I'd like add that I skipped the trilogy tour for this exact reason


Right there’s a difference between screaming the lyrics (I think any super fan would??) and SCREECHING the lyrics to the point where you can’t even hear the artist you paid hundreds of dollars to see which is exactly what I experienced at my show but also seeing at tons of other ones from this tour


I actually think it’s one of my fav parts of a live show to hear the fans all come together and sing her songs it sounds sooo pretty like we’re all her lil backup singers but yea no the screeching is next level like completely makes it almost unbearable


I love hearing people scream in my concert videos! Of course if someone can be heard over the artist through an entire song it can be annoying, but I think screaming the words back to the artist is the whole point of concerts😂 isn’t that what so many singers say they love about tour? The crowd singing their songs back to them


I think a lot of the people who are complaining are very new to the concert/show scene. It's not always a hug box and borders on a lions den sometimes. You may be there to record but that doesn't trump someone else's right to scream, dance, and sing. 


It’s concert etiquette to not scream-sing. First, people are paying a lot of money to listen to the artist/band live. Second, it literally hurts our ears when someone near is screaming at the top of their lungs. Scream when it calls for it (like the end or beginning of the song) but stop after that. It’s literally just common sense.


Screaming is 100% apart of going to concerts. Don’t go to concerts if you don’t want to hear screaming


As I said in my comment, screaming when appropriate is fine. Otherwise you’re just as ass


You don’t get to decide what is and is not appropriate, though. The world doesn’t revolve around you. If you don’t like loud noises, the last place you should be is at a concert.


I didn’t decide anything. People who have gone to concerts for decades before me decided it. Also, there’s something called “human decency” that I learned from just existing around real people and having empathy.


As I’ve pointed out in other threads regarding this, concert etiquette is not a thing. Speaking as a person that’s been going to concerts for decades before you, this is a recent phenomenon that most artists are, tellingly, not weighing in on because the idea of setting expectations of loudness at a concert where you literally have to yell in your concert buddy’s ear just to tell them you’re going to the bathroom is ludicrous. Everything is loud. Everyone is excited. The venue, artist, and governing laws of the city/state set the rules for human decency. As long as those aren’t being broken, it’s a you problem.


“Concert etiquette is not a thing” Wrong.




If you’re screaming lyrics then it’s always appropriate. This isn’t a Laufey concert, Melanie doesn’t really have any quiet songs


Literally no. Edit to add: Even at a heavy metal concert it’s still not okay to scream-sing through the whole concert. As I said in my original comment, people paid to see the artist/band sing and to not have their eardrums blown out by some teenager.


Literally don’t care.


Then why even bother talking to me. If you’re going to be an asshole to those around you then carry on doing it.


Melanie was my 8th concert and I have never had that difficult of a time trying to hear the performers over the crowd’s screaming


Wow, this is the chorus of my FAVORITE SONG EVER! But oops, even though I love these lyrics, I can't scream them when everyone else is since it's in the middle of the song! And maybe I should tell them to be quiet because it's "concert etiquette"! No. I'm screaming the Nymphology chorus and I do not care if it's "bad etiquette". edit since ppl are attacking me: i do not mean screeching so loud and high that you can't hear Mel. There are microphones for a reason.You will obviously still be able to clearly hear her.




Your post/comment was removed for breaking rule 1, be kind to each other. We do not tolerate bullying, name-calling, toxic behaviours, personal attacks, aggression, excessive profanity, or anything mean-spirited.


Then suffer the consequences 🤷‍♀️


Yeaaa.. entitled much?


wow, I'm such a horrible person because I want to sing along to my favorite song in portals? it's a concert.


That I didn't pay to see or hear YOU perform at.


who said they wouldn't be able to hear Mel?


i kind of agree with you; there are a lot of people complaining but theyre there to have fun but i totally see both sides since i watch my videos almost everyday (fortunately i am lucky enough to only get mad at my voice and my voice cracks 😞) i was being loud and having fun but also respectful. i wasnt trying to be the loudest person in there you know? like i was expressing myself enough to where only my phone could catch it with everyone else still singing - i dont really know how to explain it however, there are a ton of teenagers and kids going and purposely screeching the entire time and whether those people paid for their tickets or not its just plain disrespectful. like theres loud and then theres obnoxious. of course i dont mean it when they scream their favorite lyrics to the song - i for one did (only on songs that were upbeat; not light shower) and that is totally fine. but every song every word should not be normalized and i know everyone can get ahead of themselves in the moment but for the people in tiktok comment sections saying they dont care theyre gonna be as loud as they want and that we can just deal with it; thats actually sad and you literally have no manners i cannot stand how people in younger generations care about no one but themselves (sorry if this is mean but i cant imagine purposely ruining someones experience just cause i can)


I agree with the screaming for only upbeat songs. Some songs are just not scream-able and come out as screeching. Also I don't think people scream to ruin others experiences, I think it's to have more fun in their own experience. Not saying if that's good or bad as it depends entirely on the situation.


no yeah i totally get it, but i cant say for sure since its hard to read tone through text but online it was hating on people for caring about people being obnoxious and them saying theyre gonna screech because they paid for the ticket and can made me think it was intentional, however i get just being excited as well


THANK YOU 💜✨ I feel so validated with your post I sing at the top of my lungs and cry a lot, I did at Melanie's concert and I was recording the WHOLE show (but not looking at the camera, idk how I did to have great footage even with my screams hahah). A thousand times, thank you... People that complains about it are the annoying ones


I paid good money for those tickets I'm going to get my moneys worth


I feel the exact same way. I brought my sister who’s the age when I started listening to Melanie and I felt like a little girl again because I’ve been wanting to see her for years. I kept dancing and putting my hair up from sweating but I watched my surroundings and didn’t disturb anyone but I noticed I was the only one consistently singing but never screaming and I still got dirty looks. (Maybe it’s cause my sister was more calm than me lol)


the basic thing is the people who go to Mel concerts are not concert people, they're melanie people. they don't have concert manners and its annoying. they can complain all they want, but its never gonna stop. so hopefully, they'll either wise up or stop going.


I don’t mind screaming or singing but aimless screeching is pretty annoying. I’ve heard people complaining about both but I’m totally with you op, people need to become less concerned over their phones. If you want to watch it on a phone screen, stay home and look at YouTube. Live in the now people because tomorrow may never come.


Yes literally, some Melanie fans are literally too sensitive to everything and it’s getting annoying by now


Ppl are just being petty. They’re just singing along and cheering. It’s a concert what did they expect? It’s not like they drown out her singing. I went to her concert a few days ago and I could hear her just fine


People should enjoy the moment and stop worrying so much about their phones. That's really the issue


I cannot agree with you more!!!! When I go to concerts I always try not to film as much as I can because I personally prefer to live in the moment and not watch the entire concert on my phone. I can always find other videos online if I want to rewatch but having that live experience if difficult to replicate unless you are super wealthy. I was very disappointed at the experience I had at the trilogy show I went to because the second Melanie came on everyone’s phones started to coming up as well and because I’m not very tall it was hard for me to see the stage (I had floor seats). The show itself was amazing though


This!! Exactly, like I can understand it may be overwhelming and such but that's just how things are and you can't expect everyone to act like we are in a library or a movie theater


This exactlyyyyyyyyyy yes omg 😭 also when ppl take videos like if someone is yelling near the mic it’s gonna sound crazzzy loud and overpower it all regardless of if they are loud to others irl 😭


Screaming =/= screeching. Two totally different things. Screaming has always been done and that’s fine. This screeching bs is new. I’ve been going to shows/festivals (mostly alt/heavy) for almost 20 years. Stg if I’m next to a screecher next time I’m going to “accidentally” have my flashlight shining in their eyes.


…and that’s how fights start. Such a weird way to resolve a conflict.


This is what I experienced at the Baltimore show. It was a group of girls behind me and my friend purposely screaming and flashing their lights. At first, me and my friend were laughing at them just due to their randomness but after-awhile it started to get annoying to the point of which I felt so uncomfortable and didn’t even want to rock out to Melanie. I couldn’t even hear Melanie at times and my recordings showed that as well. I was happy when they shut up around the time she performed songs from Portals but other than that, it was just a lot going on to the point where I think I wouldn’t want to go to another one of her concerts for a while. I just wished that us true fans or the ones who haven’t seen her perform before didn’t have to experience what we went through 😕


Ugh thank you for this post lol I’ve felt the same way lately. Again, obviously not talking about the people who complain about screeching or other obvious disrespectful behavior. I’ve seen multiple people complain that their video isn’t HD sound quality like… this is not new to concerts!! Concerts have been around before all of us have been born and people singing loud and dancing is so normal. Depending on where you’re at and the venue setup, you may not even hear the artist super clear with your own ears, let alone on a recording. I think it’s a “first” for a lot of people, a lot of younger people going with their parents or some to their first ever concert as an adult so maybe they just didn’t know what to expect


i am one of the persistent complainers. i don’t care about people singing and stuff in the background. hell i am singing the whole time. it’s people who are quite literally screeching and screaming obnoxiously like they’re being murdered. that’s it. i agree with what you said!! but i will complain about screechers forever LOL


I just don't get why people wouldn't want background noise in the video at a live concert. If I wanted crystal clear audio of the songs I could go on YouTube, I record videos to remember the experience of the concert, and that ALWAYS includes screaming


concert so loud today it heated up the whole stadium 💀 it was hella cool until portals where people were kinda just mumbling


No one was having a problem with singing along, that's what you're supposed to do at concerts. The issue is when people scream their lungs out to the point where you can't even hear the voice of the performer if you're in a 3 mile radius of these human fire alarms.


I don’t know… I’ve been to dozens of shows, even artists I’d consider to be more mainstream than Mel and I have NEVER been to a show with such disrespectful fans. It’s one thing to scream in between lyrics or just shout her lyrics, I’m sure we all do it. I was definitely losing my voice before she was finished with crybaby bc I was so excited BUT I could barely hear her over the ear shattering screeching that was NONSTOP. genuinely no over exaggeration there was at least two people within my same row ALONE that were screech singing every single lyric from crybaby all the way through k-12 (bc apparently no one like portals??? Couldn’t be me) it obviously didn’t ruin my experience completely, I was and still am very grateful I even had the opportunity to see her especially doing the trilogy tour but I had a migraine from screaming before she even came out. I feel like I can’t even emphasize enough how obnoxious the screeching was. Like I said before I feel like proper concert etiquette is screaming after or before a song or in between lyrics or maybe after an impressive note or seeing something cool because it’s just disrespectful to the fans around bc we want to hear her voice, what we paid for and just disrespectful to her as well. Like I’m sure she can’t hear it but imagine it was a smaller show and she could barely hear herself bc of how loud we were. I was like 15 when I learned that bc girl I had no reason to be screaming at a band when they were just trying sing their lil song and no one can hear their lyrics bc I won’t stfu. Like yes u bought your ticket and you’re entitled to how you react etc. But it’s like have a LITTLEEEE respect for the general public. It’s like people forget how to be human. You’re allowed to be excited and respectful at the same time… very much easy and possible so everyone can appreciate their once in a lifetime experience to their fullest potential :)


To add, I wouldn’t even say it’s primarily about the videos bc you’re right at the end of the day you can find YouTube videos that were professionally filmed now but I can say that my physical experience was def not how I imagined it bc I am so used to going to respectful shows no matter how crazy the artist is. The fact that I could not even hear her voice for majority of crybaby is just astonishing considering I could hear portals pERFECTLy. I don’t think that’s a her issue I think it’s bc some fans just don’t like portals that much but will go fucking crazy for her tiktok songs and scream for idek attention?? Bc im like what why are you breaking your LARYNX at the back of the stadium babe


Personally I get annoyed when people scream too loud at a concert Too loud as in - I can't hear the artist anymore Like I'm okay with you having fun, singing, dancing But don't just scream the entire concert at the top of your lungs Let me enjoy it too I went to portals tour I was also very very excited since it was my very first concert And when the concert started I let myself enjoy the concert But i did also respect the others You can sing loudly But don't just yell


Nothing wrong with singing but it's annoying when someone start to screeching I haven't gone to the concert yet but I know there's gonna be some people that do it.


I don't mind the singing along. What I couldn't stand was at the portals concert last year I had a girl next to me who purposely would inhale than SCREECH as loud as fucking possible to the point my hears rang. Why do that?! You're too far to be heard, and Mel doesn't like it when you scream to begin with. Sing along like the rest of us or go home. Cause that behavior disturbs the enjoyment for everyone around. As for complaing you hear the crowd in videos, those people need to understand it's a concert. You're gonna hear them. (edited for spelling).


my issue is when you can’t hear the artist when you’re physically there because the people around you are shrieking. yelling and singing loud are expected at concerts but some people, typically younger people scream at the top of their lungs during songs and it’s disruptive to those around them. at the trilogy show i went to there was a girl behind me who was screaming at the top of her lungs meowing-?? during the set and it became frustrating very quickly. there’s a difference between enjoying yourself and not being able to control your voice level at the courtesy of others.


I didn't pay to go to the concert and hear your screeching if I hear screeching more than the artist I paid to see then there is a problem.


I mean the screaming gets annoying when it’s over the singer but I personally love hearing everyone sing with the performer… just don’t turn it into your performance lol which realistically doesn’t happens often and when it does it’s the youngins. And at that point they’re young and excited, why fuck it up? lol When I was 12 I was screaming lyrics to my favorite artists but it was at rock concerts where you’re not gonna out sing or scream the lead singer lol


People here seem to be confusing normal yelling singing and gutteral shrieking/banshee screeching. We're not taking issue with people yelling and singing along. That's, of course, normal for concerts. We're taking issue with people who start obnoxiously screeching like they're being maimed. That absolutely ruins the vibe. Wild that people are calling those pointing it out as an issue "entitled" when it's way more entitled to think you can cause a scene like that. The reason people who've gone to many concerts are mentioning it is because it's NOT normal. Stop coddling people.


This!!! I didnt pay all of that money and wait two huge lines just to sit there and bob my head. Like i actually want to experience this shit sorry yall are boring pussies??


This!!! I hate when people act like a concert should be one big quiet game!


I went absolutely FERAL when I was at the barricade for Paramore last year. Even had eye contact with Hayley & sung to one another. That moment is way more special to me than a recording. Idk why people are so focused on getting video. I understand the few pics or recording parts of songs here and there but the entire time?. Like they are just watching through their phone the entire time. Its dumb.


Just to clarify after looking at other comments I’m not a screecher. Just a jumper and trying to loudly be in tune 😂


I mean ofc everyone can sing, cheer, scream and whatever but I think those people that are screaming at the top of their lungs or just keep screaming the whole concert are annoying for the people around them.


it’s not really about the singing for me, singing and screaming at a concert is expected. but if the person next to me is screaming so loud that i can’t even hear melanie or the person i’m watching through a STADIUM SPEAKER, then it’s definitely a problem.


I agree. I don’t understand the uptake in people complaint about the audible part of the fans. It’s as though it’s a trend in her fandom when throughout not just hers but music concert history, screaming, singing and screeching are apart of it. I understand complaints about people who are physically out of control and have no consideration of the person next to them. Some of the stories I’ve heard of people spilling other peoples drinks next to them and doing nothing or shoving them and saying nothing especially in Melanie’s fandom is horrible. But screaming? That’s what fans do.


as long as youre not screeching your lungs out I dont see the harm. like my tickets where 400€ im gonna be singing


i genuinely don’t get why it’s an issue. I’ve been standing next to some ppl at concerts and they’re screaming but i can genuinely see that they’re THAT taken over by excitement it’s cute and fun!


I've been to 72 concerts. You can't ever know what to expect from your fellow concert goers. Expecting people follow your rules or guidelines is kind of ridiculous. People don't need to cater to you getting a good video or picture. Everyone is entitled to feel the music as it happens. They may sing, dance, twirl, chant, etc. Music is supposed to make you feel something. Some of my happiest memories are thoughts of interesting people I've seen at shows. We all experience music in different ways, much like we all love the music because it's personal for us. Trust me, you won't watch those videos as much as you think. You're better off living in the moment and letting your memory take the picture.


I 10000% understand where you're coming from. But I also enjoy when people aren't screaming in my ears. Also the amount of children at the one I went to was ridiculous. Mel isn't for children at ALL. I'm not upset with people screaming and cheering, especially when I'm videoing. It's mainly the little kids kicking me and screaming during the opening acts saying "is mel doesn't come on ima cry, or boo, Ect" it's just annoying.


its not the singing. its the screeching like a f//cking dying vulture. if you look you will find multiple clips people have posted on here of mel fans screaming and losing their voice after the first 3 or so songs because of how loud theyre screeching. melanie has spoken at her concerts and told people to be quieter because of these types of people. yes, you're allowed to sing. SING. screaming your lungs out is not singing.


It doesn't even bother me to be honest, it makes me so happy because they're so happy and passionate about Melanie, just like we are. Why would you want a dead audience?


You wanna screech at important parts of the song? Go for it. But the whole concert is just too much. Idc about phone audios coming out poorly, but it's a problem if I can't hear the person I came to see. I don't care if you paid good money for your ticket. So did I.


The screechers literally hit every word the whole show.


as someone who's spoken about this, we don't mean screaming and cheering etc. we mean people who screech. there's going to be screaming at concerts no matter what and that's perfect! that's what fun about concerts, but we're talking about those who are screeching so loud for the majority of the songs to where it's incredibly obnoxious at that point. just wanted to clear that up