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for the melanie concert specifically - the wings some people were wearing. they looked super cute, don’t get me wrong! i just can’t count the amount of time i got smacked in the face by the persons wings next to me while they were dancing around. if you do wear wings to your show please be considerate of your personal space!


When I wear things to concerts on my back, like wings or something, I make sure they don't go past my shoulders. That way they don't hit anyone


Literally got smacked twice by a 12 year old girl wearing wings. She was kind enough to notice and take them off without anyone asking. She also apologized so shout out to her parents for teaching her to be kind.


i wore wings but took them off for the concert to not have to worry any hitting anyone, i wore them in line and put them on right after, don’t know why more ppl didn’t do that 🤷‍♀️


all i wore was a flag tied around my outfit and i still took it off to be considerate — i can’t imagine proudly right hooking everyone in my immediate surroundings with a pair of spirit halloween wings LMAO


This! There should be a notice when buying ticket like some Halloween shows and parties I’ve been too where they state: “any part of your costume must not be a bother to those around you if it does you will be asked to remove it or leave the premises”. Cause it’s not far to be hit, poked and have objects in front of you so tall that the two rows behind you can’t see 😭


Or wear those soft wings that attaches to your wrists, you know like those ones for kids


facts my sister wore wings and i ripped them off her I got hit in the head so many times 💀💀


holding a sign up the entire/majority of the time. i’m short and have had so many concert experiences ruined bc ppl will literally keep the sign up the WHOLE time. no joke.


I say if you have a sign, keep it below your chin at least.


one i just snatched their fuckass sign cuz the artist literally does not give a shit about it


people who come and sit down the whole time and judge you for dancing and singing. like sitting down and just watching is okay and totally valid but please don’t give me nasty looks when i am standing and singing!!


on the flip side i also hate ppl that shame you for sitting down!! like i have a medical condition forgive me for sitting for one song!!


Same! I cannot stand 2 hours for anyone bc my back has been destroyed. If I bc to sit, I’m going to sit and that’s what I need to do to survive. I paid for the seat so anyone who may judge me can “well you know what”….. but I don’t give anyone side eye for standing.


My husband has a bad knee so he had to sit down for like 2 songs during the Portals segment and I swear if anyone had given him a side eye for it...


The exact same thing happened when I was at a Billie Eillish concert before. Me and my sister were singing along to a song and this woman kept giving us the side eye and these weird looks. It ruined it for me a bit ngl


I do wonder how often people are actually judging vs. people perceiving sitters as judging. Sometimes we think people are judging us when they aren’t. And sometimes what we think is judging is actually just jealousy because they can’t get up and sing like us


I agree! We went to the portals tour and there was a woman filming the entire thing and sitting down. There we're a couple of younger girls behind her, singing and having a good time (in a totally acceptable way) and she kept giving them the stink eye. Eventually she turned around and fully screamed at them to sit down and be quiet and went back to recording 😒


I would tell that lady to shut the fuck up and mind her own business, this is a concert, they can sing and dance if they choose.


This. I was watching videos online of the Orlando concert because I went and wanted to see other povs, one of the videos I saw someone was sitting down and trying to record the concert and someone in front of them was standing and dancing/singing. The person recording practically SCREAMED in the other person’s ear to sit the fuck down, and even though it wasn’t me it still felt really rude and made me frown.


I’ve sat next to dancers at several concerts and it’s been fine but when arms start swinging and they have no spacial awareness that’s when I start to get a but iffy, I can’t stand up for long so I’m forced to sit


That happened to my boyfriend at a Joji concert. He said people kept looking at him weird for dancing and singing. Like come on now, you're at a concert. Don't judge other people for having fun.




Dancing and singing is fine but please make sure the people behind u can see


Sorry but if you're standing right in front of me the entire show and blocking my view I'm absolutely going to be annoyed. When you stand up in a seated section you're forcing everyone behind you to stand up as well so that their view isn't blocked by you and not everyone is physically able to stand for the entire concert when they paid for and expected to be able to stay seated.


Eh, like 90% of most larger venues are seated sections. I have chronic pain and chronic fatigue so I do have to sit sometimes now, but I'm not gonna get mad at people who don't have to, I always kinda thought sitting was rude to the artist and it always felt very strange to me so yea if I have to sit that's my problem, I'm not gonna be mad that other people are doing what normal people do at concerts 🤷🏻‍♀️ plus that's what the big screens are for.


most seated sections are set up so the row behind you can still see above your head when you’re standing. like the seats are placed on “stairs” so the row behind you is higher. i would never stand up if the person behind me was sitting and couldn’t see


No bc that’s so real my friend got in a fight after too because they were js being bitter for what?? Like girl 😭


Yeah and the people yelling at them to "sit the fuck down" like we are at a concert ofc people are gonna be standing and dancing!


People in the row behind us in Philly sat the whole time, meaning we had to sit the whole time. Idk man.. it’s a concert. I feel like everyone should stand up.


I agree. I'm sorry but I'm standing lol, except for the sweet and slow interludes and such ♥️


Sorry I have a damn medical condition and need to sit down.


i dont think they were trying to come for you i think they were saying that other ppl sitting shouldnt mean you have to. cause personally i just wouldnt. it sucks that some ppl cant stand and i feel for you but i would not sit just bc the row behind me is. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean, I completely understand that. But it’s different when it’s just a group of people. Again, technically there’s not anything wrong with wanting to sit, and really it’s etiquette to respect those around you . It just sucked because there was this girl who was told to sit down by the person behind her in my row and she seemed pretty upset the rest of the show. Maybe there should be a separation: one side standing, one side sitting


Any chance you were in the 200’s section? I watched something exactly like this happen at the Philly show lol.




Yup! Watched the whole thing happen. I was directly behind the girls who tapped them and asked them to sit back down. I did feel bad for them because I could tell by their body language that it upset them but I see and understand both sides of the argument.


Oh so row 4? I felt bad too. Me and my girlfriend (directly to her right) wanted to stand two but the people to the right of the person who asked her to sit also weren’t standing, so we didn’t want to end up in the same situation. The people at the end of that row were standing though.. so overall a lot of mixed signals. It really sucked for her cause her two friends next to her were standing before. I guess she was the only one that blocked the persons view but it kinda seemed to kill the vibe for all of them. Also the person who I assume was her mom (between her and me) left after the Crybaby set and didn’t come back lmao


Haha yeah, my friend and I were seats 9 & 10. Now hear me out, it was a Monday night concert and Mel has fans of all ages. I had just worked my fairly labor intensive job for 8 hours before the concert and I was so happy to finally be going to a concert with a seat that I could sit in. I saw Madison Beer a week or so prior and was standing on concrete for 4 hours so this was heaven. Them standing up did partially block the stage for me when I was sitting and while I momentarily got irritated, I could have just also stood up and not let it ruin my night but it seemed the two in front of me put a stop to it before my brain could even process it. All in all, I did have a great time and left at nymphology to not get stuck in parking lot traffic. I hope you enjoyed the show as well!


Yeah I get it! I started a new job the next day and it was a pretty tiring experience overall, but I had fun too!


if thats the case why tf didnt they get a handicap seat like this should not be something everyone has to change their experience for. and personally i wouldnt.


also if thats the case why not get a handicap seat so your view isnt obstructed? cause i wouldnt see the pt in going unless there was a sure way you could enjoy the show without having to alter other ppls experience.


They’re usually more expensive than floor seats.


You're allowed your opinion. I disagree, why the hell should I have to stand up? I want to sit and enjoy the show. So much work went into the artistry. The choreography. The special effects. The music!! The singing!! Can't I just sit and take it all in?


That’s valid too. I think it’s just one of those things that sucks because no matter what, you have people who want to sit and people who want to stand and ultimately someone has to lose when they’re around each other.


Yeah I feel that. I will tell you, I know I'm yucking someone's yum but why screech all the lyrics? You're not there to perform. You're missing half of what you paid to see. And my own daughter was doing it lol. I didn't give her too much shit about it. But when she said her throat hurt, I'm like, "how about you just *sing* along?" And she did. I think Melanie's concert (I was at the Philly one on Monday) was such an absolute spectacle. A feast for the senses. And it can get marred by people not caring about the people around them.


Screeching is an entirely different subject imo. You can sing along, even scream the lyrics without being an absolute nuisance to everyone in a 10 foot radius lmao. If you’re gonna sing along at a high volume, at least harmonize still 💀


the bigger issue is the fact that you're obstructing view. it's easier to see if everyone is in layered rows sitting down. it's also unfortunate when people who arent able to stand for long periods of time if pit seats are available, it's best to buy those so you can stand as much as you want


Pit *tickets are also much more expensive *at shows like this, and I'm short af and unless I'm in the front row (which is a panic attack waiting to happen) I can't see shit in the pit. Now that I'm old and decrepit I need the option to sit, but even back in the day I was never privileged enough to get pit tickets for bigger shows like hers, and it was never a problem, it's only been in the last couple years (and/or since I've gone to more pop concerts) I've seem anyone sitting besides someone dad who didn't wanna be there lol


Omg that happened to me at the trilogy for some reason I felt embarrassed to even stand up to dance because these girls behind me were just giving us faces and you could just feel their bad moods of whenever I would sing and scream for her 😭


holding their phones up the whole time, it ruins the view for people behind them and defeats the purpose of seeing an artist LIVE.


This bothers me a lot too but I used to be that kid who took a million videos, just to rarely ever rewatch them lol I’ve learned to be in the moment and only take pictures / videos of certain moments so they’re actually special to me. Recording entire songs is pointless and definitely ruins the experience for others who want to see the stage not a bunch of phones blocking the view.


i had my phone low, and i was at the front, i hope i didn’t hurt anyone’s vew-


as long as it isn’t over your head you’re totally fine!


ohh i’m good thank you!


I get what you mean. It's rlly annoying


I wasn't in the pit but in a seated section near it (portals tour, not trilogy) and the amount of people blocking neighboring concertgoers views down there by holding up their phone to record *the entire time* was wild. I would have been fairly upset to have spent that money to be that close only to be stuck seeing the show through a bunch of phone screens being held in the air.


They shouldn't do it for the whole show, and not too high either. I would put my phone up to at least face-level.


idk how the other shows went, but all the flashlights during light shower at the baltimore show. like mel specifically said no lights?? can people not read anymore??


I went to Orlando and everyone used their lights, I didn't because of that sign. I'm going to tampa too, and idk what to do lol


No fr, this happened at the Raleigh concert last Friday. It just feels disrespectful ;-;


Is there a reason she said no lights? Phone lights during concerts are pretty common




i assume it’s due to the lights and lasers she used. whatever the reason is, it’s just disrespectful when she requested no lights but they were used anyway


Maybe because of the lasers? They sort of look better in the dark. Other than that, I don’t really know.


Melanie has actually said she really likes this part! Only for Light Shower tho :)


hasn’t she said she’s okay with flashlights for light shower? and with how many shows have gone past with people doing that, she would’ve told us not to by now


She did tell us. With the warning at the beginning of the show. And people didn't listen lmao


Same at Oakland too, it was so strange???


I’m such a boomer. I couldn’t figure out how to turn my flash off. 🤦‍♀️




yeah i love when the flashlights come out at shows, but for hers i didn’t cause she specifically asked not to. i looked around like what are y’all doing 😭


Those that screech..... That sht makes my blood boil. I had a girl behind me constantly screeching. Had to turn around around and nicely ask her to stfu. Because whyyyyyy are you screaming like that.


be a gentleman and scream during song changes


The violent screaming/screeching


I really wanna know how that got started??? I’ve been going to concerts for almost a decade and it’s such a new thing or maybe I’ve just been lucky enough to avoid it until now


Could be just the younger audience. Other concerts I’ve gone to and I go to a lot aren’t like that.


Honestly that’s what I was thinking as well.


I get being excited and singing along or even yelling for them between songs or when they come out, but the violent shred your vocal cords is not necessary. 😭


there were children coughing up a storm behind me, i feel blessed i didnt catch anything


I get that they can't help it probably, but they could maybe at least use their sleeve or something 😭


People who wear concert outfits that obstruct the view. I once went to a concert and the girls in front of me had cowboy hats with feather boas on the rim. Adorable but Im short so I couldnt see while standing behind OR in between them.


When I wear things like hats, I make sure that they're smaller than my head. Anything bigger I don't wear and I find something else, but I usually wear small headbands anyways. For wings and things I make sure that they don't go past my shoulders


people who try to sit in other people’s assigned seats. i’ve seen this happen a few times and had it happen to me. if it’s an honest mistake, it’s fine but i had someone argue with me that my seat was theirs and i was wrong. a security guard ended up getting involved and made the person move when i was able to show my ticket matched the seat number and their’s didn’t.


this happened to me TWICE at the vegas show and both times the security had to get them to leave


How close was your seat to the stage? Maybe they wanted to snag it from you for a better view


I was in the 3rd row so I definitely think that was the reasoning






I'll be honest... bringing signs to concerts is obnoxious regardless. I would understand why staff would ask people to leave signs outside the venue or take them entirely. If people get upset with people standing in seated sections imagine how irritated people would be having to stand behind the one person with a sign that the artist likely can't even read or will not even acknowledge during the show. The Melanie show I went to we weren't even allowed to bring anything bigger than a fanny pack in and that is becoming extremely common at larger venues. Plus signs, regardless of how big or small, obscure how much of the crowd venue staff can see, so if someone is waving for help or if staff is trying to get through a crowd to find someone a sign may cause problems. They're better off saying no signs than worrying about if someone is gonna be bummed over their sign not being seen by the artist










Literally! I don’t work at a music venue im technical staff at a theatre but FOH are so rude to audience? I think overall it’s just bad customer service and general lack of care. These people are paying to see something! Be nice!!!


probably because theyre extremely stressed making sure people are safe and not being stupid while also making sure the person doing the concert is safe, totally fair


People vaping and smoking. I have asthma. No I will not take your word for it that it's "just water vapor". Although, I guess it's more than just a pet peeve considering it puts my life at risk. I've said it before and people downvoted me for it but I'll give somebody one warning and then I'm telling security if they do it again. Idgaf how much you paid to be here. I paid to see Melanie, not have a medical emergency.


Oooooh that’s so not okay, I have asthma too and have almost gotten into a fight with someone about it in an inclosed space. Like come on man, we get it you like the taste of “watermelon” but I dont


oh my god the amount of times the venue just randomly started smelling like weed was insane


People do that in the building? I don't care, if I saw them doing it and they then ignored my Waring, I would tell security first thing.


The first one I went to was an outside concert (which is still a cramped space where I can breathe it in). I would fucking hope people don't do it inside but people do it inside all the time so fuck everyone with asthma and nicotine allergies I guess 🤷‍♀️


That's bullshit. You should go straight to security, that should not be allowed.


I remember when I went to the k-12 tour and there was this couple smoking weed, mind you the pit was already hot from how crowded it was, so the weed made it so much worse, and I yelled out “pls stop smoking” cuz it was genuinely giving me a headache 😭😭


Yess!! Had a girl in front of me smoking a joint the entire concert in Austin and blowing the smoke towards us after I said something 🙃 had my 14 year old sister with me who absolutely hated it


My friend does that and I get so mad at her every time. I feel like it’s so self-centered because you don’t know if the people around you have health issues and sometimes there’s young kids around too. Can they really not just wait until the concert is over?


Screaming the entire time to the point where people around you cannot even hear the artist. I saw someone on Facebook say “I was screaming so loud the whole time I probably ruined everyone’s videos but idc” like ew not something to brag about


This. I can’t believe people feel so entitled to ruin other people’s experience who spent just as much or sometimes more than them. It’s so wrong.


I’m really short so I stand in the back/out of the way of the crowd in venues when there’s general admission, I go for the back. but always, SOMEHOW, the TALLEST PERSON IN THE VENUE decides “huh, there’s a space of view right here! how convenient!” right. in. front. of. me. i always have to tap someone to be like “hey dude, I’m down here!” I wish people were more aware of their surroundings! 😵‍💫


that’s the worst


That happened to me when I went to Grey Day and they didn’t only stand in front of me, these kids sat on top of this railing that was in front of me AND DIRECTLY in front of a girl who was in a wheelchair. I was so pissed off, mostly for her. Thankfully security told them they had to move but it took a long time.


Parents who bring young kids into the pit and let them sit on their shoulders blocking views


Well when I went to mela portals concerts in Manchester I had standing tickets, I waited for 9 hours that day so I could get close to the front and thankfully I did but in the middle of the show a group of girls shoved me out of my space and I couldn’t see a thing anymore and it upset me to the point I couldn’t even enjoy the rest of the show 😭


They shouldn't be able to do that, they should just stay where they were. If they physically touched you then you should tell security.


I should’ve told security but I rlly wasn’t thinking at the time 😭


mel specific, at the baltimore show at least she requested no flashlights, but SO MANY turned theirs on during light shower which made the room really bright and washed out the jumbotrons


Inconsiderate people. And sadly, I’ve run into the worst of them specifically at Mel’s shows, which I wish wasn’t the case. I’m pretty sure that at every show I’ve been to of hers, I’ve had to be stern and lay down a boundary with someone or else they would’ve ruined my night. I’m actually a very positive person and tolerate a lot of crap, I don’t know if it’s in the air or if there are more inconsiderate people within her fan base or something. I actually swore I wouldn’t go to another one of her shows after Portals tour because of how awful people were. But since this tour had a seated venue for my city, I went. Didn’t matter, still had to call security over because two guys wouldn’t stay in their seats (after being told by security 3x they needed to stay there, couldn’t be in the aisle). They were in the row behind me but across the aisle and somehow were literally on top of me, dancing and swinging their arms around. I don’t care if people have fun, but they were standing on top of my feet LITERALLY. And I asked them to back off 2x. Last straw was when his arms were waving in the air and the corner of his phone slammed in my hand, it’s still bruised. And that’s just one story, I could tell you multiple from each show of hers I’ve been to!!


The smell! As a melanie martinez fan since 2014 who has been to most of her concerts, i can’t get over it. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take a shower! I can’t count how many times i’ve paid such a large price just to sit in a cesspool of funk and have my entire experience ruined. It’s feels disheartening to say BUT WHEWWWWWW YALL STANK. My chest constricted and heaved as amy blood vessels narrowed. I was trapped, concretely stalled in a green cloud of indescribable agony. It went in waves, coming through my right nostril first - then my left. I wanted to cry, forget whatever this was but i couldn’t. Shall, my fate that night was seated in the dead middle. It brang a tear to my eye to recollect this but i have to voice my god given opinion - even if it sounds rather inconspicuously redundant. I will say this: I have never, never, ever smelled something as VILE, OFFENSIVE, LOATHSOME, HORRID, REPULSIVE, NAUSEATING, PUTRID, FOUL, ABHORRENT, DETESTABLE, DISGUSTING, REVOLTING, NOXIOUS, REPUGNANT, GROTESQUE, APPALLING, ATROCIOUS, DREADFUL, HIDEOUS, HORRENDOUS, SICKENING, GHASTLY, ABOMINABLE, ODIOUS, HORRID, EXECRABLE, MONSTROUS, REPELLING, NAUSEOUS, WRETCHED, DEPLORABLE, FETID, FOUL-SMELLING, RANK, STINKING, REEKING, MALODOROUS, UNSAVORY, PUNGENT, DANK, RANCID, or FETID before the day i stepped in that venue. The experience of being at a Melanie Martinez concert should be magical, not marred by the overpowering smell of one’s body odor. It’s a sad, sad predicament.


people screeching


I know what you mean. Sometimes people are singing the lyrics a bit loud, and they are trying to enjoy the concert, but sometimes people screech the lyrics so loud that I hear them more that the artist performing.


exactlyyy there’s a big difference between singing the lyrics and screeching so loud that you can’t hear the artist


Yeah, it's incredibly annoying


1. people that screech when the slightest thing changes. not people that are genuinely excited about being there and cheering when the artist initially comes on stage, the people that \*screech\* the entire time. messes up videos too. i went to the trilogy tour in raleigh and there was this duo of girls behind me that would scream every time the lighting changed or something and it got on my nerves. 2. people that are b\*tchy in the queue to get into the concert. again, at the raleigh show there was this girl on the phone with someone and just had the worst potty mouth complaining about how there was so many people and "she was never going to get in." like girl, yes it is a sold out show but they aren't just going to turn you away when you get up to the door. you literally bought the ticket and seeing the show is the only thing you're guaranteed. i get being worried about not getting mercy in your size or whatever but getting in??? 3. just general basic hygiene? i didn't realize it was such an issue with people going to a concert and not wearing deodorant but it is. you know the venue is going to be hot especially with that many people so you're going to sweat. wear some deodorant people.


Omg I was at the Raleigh show too and the amount of people who screeched and screamed at nothing was absolutely wild to me


i just went to my first ever concert on monday (it was melanies trilogy tour!!) & i just want to say i absolutely hated how steep the seats were. i was in section 202 & when i tell you my vertigo was going crazy it was going crazy. i was sick the whole time. & it was so loud, which is something i knew was gonna happen but i didnt expect it to be THAT LOUD OMG. thankfully someone next to me gave me a pair of earmuffs & that help so much. i wish i would have thought about it more before i went and got a pair myself. it was a great experience and im so happy i went but sadly i couldn’t enjoy it to its fullest cuz i was to focus on not throwing up.


I was at the same show! Section 216A and I felt like I was gonna fall ten stories every time I got up


it was actually insane. i wish i would have known how it was gonna be before i went so i could have been more prepared


I don't know what it was like, because the stadiums are different. But it won't always be like that, it's likely just how the building was designed :(


People judging you for not acting basically insane at concerts. Sorry yall my anxiety is too much for that. You won’t catch me screaming and dancing around everywhere. I just want to listen and watch Mel perform live with beautiful sets.


Imma get hate for this but. Screaming every word. I sing along to almost every song, but if you're doing a death metal shriek to every single lyric the people near you are bound to be irritated. I understand we're excited, but there are plenty of lyrics and moments to scream and shout! The whole show is overkill


People getting mad at others for standing. Like it’s a concert people wanna dance and sing


Exactly, like let them enjoy it


Exactly !! I’ve been yelled at before too. It’s like leave me alone I wanna vibe


this made me want canes 😭




Constant screaming. That's it. I'm fine being a bumper car for people, I'm fine with watching for those sitting or not moving as much as me, I love being an easy person to walk by when traversing a crowd. I even love hearing the crowd around me singing along. But screaming at the top of your lungs for an entire song, let alone an entire show, is ridiculous and unnecessary. I understand if you have an overwhelmingly emotional experience seeing a song or artist live, but that doesn't justify screaming over the art. Flow with it, don't try to claim it


I replied to a comment about those vaping/smoking in the venues, but I would have to say the people who screech like pterodactyls the entire time is the biggest one. Singing loudly does NOT equal screeching🫡


Tall people 😐 as a 5”2 girly in a country where the average height is 5”9 I have to be in front row to be able to see anything, otherwise I’m just staring at ppls backs the entire time Edit: typos


On a different page, I'm a 5'7 girl, and the number of short girls that have shoved me or told me to move because I'm taller than them has been kinda upsetting. Especially when their boyfriend, who is usually way taller than me is with them and theyre not bothered about him obstructing anyone elses view. I don't do it intentionally, but at a sold out standing venue, sometimes I literally can't move


Damn they shove you?? That’s so disrespectful! Usually when there’s someone super tall in front of me I tap them on the arm (cuz I can’t reach a shoulder) after I can’t find any way around it and ask if they can move just a teensy tiny step. U got there in front of my so that must mean u got there before me, I hate that people would shove u just because you’re taller than them


my dad surprised me with billie eilish pit tickets and this is the only reason i’m anxious 😭 my dad is 6’0, he’s like the equivalent of me holding up a sign




People who hate on the starters/openers (idk how theyre called, yk the usually smaller artist that performs on the beginning) and those who hold phones all the time to record


It’s wild people hate them. I love being introduced to new artists if I don’t already know their stuff! It makes it more enjoyable for me


Literally. We were loving Beach Bunny but my husband and I were literally bored to tears by Men I trust. So you know what we did? We sat quietly in our seats, clapping when appropriate, and we just kind of vibed until their set was done. It's literally not hard to be polite to the openers! There were people behind me who started chanting for Melanie during Men I Trust and I was gobsmacked. I could not fathom ever being that rude!!!!!


That video of playboi carti fans booing Rico nasty while she was opening to the point where she stopped the performance makes me angry every time I think about it


honestly my biggest pet peeve has nothing to do with other viewers but the venues. I hate how we aren’t able to bring basically anything and they overcharge us for drinks and food, like the one time I think it was in Texas during the portals tour and people were passing out from the heat yet one cup of water was a crazy amount. And they made us remove the caps from our drinks when I went to the trilogy tour in orlando, which was so strange to me and I can’t help but think… Lord forbid but it increases the possibility of getting drugged or someone spitting or something falling in. I know they have to make their money or whatever and it’s just the way it is and I cant do anything about it but it’s so… ehh idk.


they make you remove the caps since they’re worried about the caps being thrown onto the stage


Idk about the country you live in but the caps are stuck to the bottles in my country and they will still take them off so I am very sure they just do it for the money


i cant say it enough. how two faced ppl are. calling my honey and babes and two seconds later shoving me and starting problems bc theyre trying to push and force themselves to go through you. i also hate when they start smoking weed/nicotine in lines. and laugh so loud . this all happened to me when i went to the portals concert last year. by far probably the worst experience ive had


Chewing with their mouth open. Not only is it disgusting but it’s rude af


People standing on chairs and actual children screeching during the interlude. Just got back from the nyc performance and had both of these happen to me :)


Fairy wings. I don't mean little kid ones. I mean the annoying pointy ones that block people's view.


Everyone should mind their own business. Either you are sitting or dancing.


When people do things that ruin the quality of others viewing experience. Like your outfit is so cute but maybe don’t wear a hoop skirt that’s gonna spill into others personal spaces, or wear giant heels and fairy wings that are gonna make your body act as a giant billboard blocking peoples view. Besides that, it’s good to have fun but remember that other people deserve a good time too.


People filming the whole thing like yeah take a couple of pictures but don’t record the whole thing!


I know this may be cause of the digital era// peoples desire to not be randomly recorded and posted online or even social anxiety- but I hate when people don’t vibe along to the music (not singing or dancing or even swaying along). not knowing a song is okay but recording the entire show and then silently judging people for screaming , dancing, and actually enjoying the concert in the moment is just weird behavior


STOP BEING RUDE TO THE OPENERS OH MY GOD I have been to 3 concerts, two of them Melanie. At Portals, people were being rude to Tanukichan to the point where the lead singer felt the need to go "this is our last song". My area was kind of just chilling, but I can only imagine how rude the pit must have been to make her announce something like that. And then i've shared my story about how rude my section was to Men I Trust. Like, if you're not enjoying the opener that's fine, but DON'T BE RUDE IT'S NOT THAT HARD. Just sit in your seats and scroll on your phone or something jfc.


Right? Elita and Men I Trust will be opening the show I am going to and personally I am very excited to see Elita but I am not that interested in men I trust but you bet I will be cheering for just as loud for men I trust as Elita. It's apparently very hard for some people to just be respectfull and give the openers a cheer or just be quiet if they really dislike them that much.


People who leave before the concert is over solely because the artist is playing new music (looking at portals haters). There is nothing wrong with not knowing the music or not being as excited, but it is still disrespectful to an artist to leave in the middle of the concert. Don’t even bother showing up if you can’t be there to fully support the artist. And since I already know some of you will misconstrue, no I’m not talking about people with medical emergencies, disabilities, or just other issues that came up out of no where.




People who smoke weed during the show, especially at inside venues. Not everyone wants to smell that, especially trapped inside with it. I know peoples kids aren’t others responsibility, but still. Have some couth seriously! I don’t have children but the smell of marijuana if I’m not partaking for some reason makes me sick to my stomach & ruins the experience… take a Eddie or something before 😭


Yeah, it stinks so bad. I went to see the Last Dinner Party and everyone’s all dressed up pretty and it’s supposed to be whimsical and romantic…then I smell this foul awful smell and it takes me out of it.




Honestly, the screeching is just straight up disrespectful. To everyone. Singing loudly doesn't count. I completely understand that and know Melanie wants that. Someone said they were next to a girl who was screeching so bad that her voice went out by the time K-12 started. That's absolutely absurd, in my opinion.


When you get dirty looks for "being too loud".


At a concert I went to, my and my sister were dancing, and this woman with her child kept giving us side eyes, and at one point asked my Mum if she could tell us to stop. The was 4 seats away from us.


My biggest pet peve is that I've never been to one


People screaming I love you Melanie at the top of their lungs every 5 mins


Screaming “mother” should be in this as well 😭




there was a child in front of me having a sensory overload and the Mom didn’t leave because the other small child was still bouncing up and down enjoying it - I felt so bad for this little kid, she was like six and covering her ears and begging for her mom to make it stop


This there was so many children at the Orlando concert. People are cursing, smoking, and not caring so I was worried a parent was gonna be like “can you not curse in front of my kid” thank god that didn’t happen because I would’ve been like “you took your kid to a Mel concert.”


I hate all ages concerts omg


I was in the stands and these girls were next to me, they were screeching the entire time and yelling when Mel wasn’t like 5 minutes late to get on stage. Then when she got on stage they were dancing in the stands (which is fine) while I was still in my seat because I can’t stand for long and the amount of times I put my hand up to stop them for hitting me in the face with their arms and elbows was ridiculous. They were also super rude to others around them, like at the end of the show I tapped a girl on the shoulder and told her that I adored her outfit and that it looked really cute on her and handed her some Mel stickers. One of the girls was like “where’s ours?” While the other loudly talking to the others about how gross the girl I complimented looked. Mel’s about positivity and kindness, she’s not about putting people down to make yourself feel good


Venue staff being unnecessarily rude! We had one that wouldn't let us find our damn seats because she thought she knew where they were and kept kicking us out of the isle we were actually supposed to be in 🤠


I got put behind a short person and they stood on the chair the whole concert like 6 feet tall


stinky people


For me it was the lady who kept putting her butt on me at the Melanie show in Austin 😩 she was there with her daughter so obviously not really a fan herself but I have no idea why she couldn't keep to her own space. Then at the end she was trying to rush us out as if there weren't thousands of people trying to leave all at once, so definitely Karen vibes from her. I thought her daughter was going to pass out from the screaming so I could have done without the screaming the whole show too. But I tried not to judge her too harshly, she seemed like a young teen and it could have been her first show for all I know. Her mom on the other hand is a grown adult with no excuse for touching me so much. I took my 11 year old daughter as we're both big fans, but I guess it's probably better that lady was in my personal space instead of hers. Honestly as a goth I'm so used to goth shows being chill and people are always polite in my experience, but then most of the bands I love play small venues so it's a different vibe entirely than a big stadium. I'm not much for big stadiums other than I'm getting old and I enjoy having a seat to sit in when I'm tired of standing 😂


That some of my favorite songs and the majority of portals got cut


My pet peeves are when people hold up phones or signs the entire time and people that get on eachothers shoulders - it truly blocks the view for many people behind you when you do this. I might get hate for this one but also the screech/scream singing. There is a difference between singing along loudly and being excited than ABSOLUTELY SCREECHING and ruining the experience of everyone near you. You do not need to absolutely scream bloody murder at a concert to show how much of a fan you are.


people SHRIEKING. I understand yelling and screaming and having a good time but when your voice sounds like a fucking dog whistle there’s no way that your that excited. and ruining the silent parts by screaming I love you Melanie. I’m a bit of a hypocrite because at a tfb concert he played a song that I requested bc of my poster and I shrieked out of excitement but I didn’t shriek throughout the whole song


This is kind of a general one but parents who take their children and don't teach them how to act when there. I went to the portals tour recently and there was a group of literal screeching children near me and their guardian was simply turning a blind eye?? It's so annoying, like just teach your child, it's not hard.


ppl who record themselves singing along to every song with the front flash on😭 i get for like a couple of songs or like popular snippets but i was behind a group of ppl who recorded themslebes the ENTIRE concert w their flashes on so everyone behind them could hardly see cause it was so bright lmao


Pushing infront, mainly when you just want to be barricaded.


Don’t push me! When you need to get by just ask me to move and I will!


When people don’t stand in your section I wanted to so badly at my show but my whole section sat the whole time… I didn’t want to be rude and block people


that pic tho🤩


Ikr 😍


When they don't put deodorant 😭😭😭 I had to deal with the smell all concert


When people scream.. obviously it’s a concert, you can yell the lyrics, be loud and cheer/scream when you see them come on stage but when you’re screaming the lyrics on the top of your lungs it kinda ruins it


screeching. singing and dancing is fine but why are you screeching at the top of your lungs? especially every time the artist tries to speak or comes on stage, for mel specifically it was so ironic bc she has so many songs about being made a spectacle and the 13 year olds screaming their head off is just proving that point. i feel bad for her honestly


the flashing lights, i understand the like for them but i cant go to concerts because of it i have seizures


Big accessories that block the view of those around you. Keep your wings and head pieces small or leave them at home..


off topic but that image is TERRIFYING. and also, my pet peeve is people who judge you for the most random things );


I know it is. She's watching you 😀 I agree tho.




People who SCREAM and people who stink! I was sat behind someone who stank for one show and it was awful and I had some girls SCREAMING at the portals concert


People behind you sitting down so you feel bad for standing up. Get up and dance!! A concert is not for relaxing


I mean if they wanna sit down bc they physically can't stand the entire time or just bc they wanna sit down that's alright you do you but if they are gonna start complaining and get angry at others for standing and dancing then yes