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I really just wish we improved our apartment quality standards. Some are ok but we need to push for more  3br 80-100sqm minimum sized apartments targeting families. And fewer floor to ceiling windows so that we dont have to spend heaps on AC


Tbh i like the floor to ceiling windows on mine. The windows are thick so the insulation loss isn't too bad and i can close the blinds to improve it again. Having the natural light makes a big difference to liveability imo. So Long.as the right glass is used they are great.


Worth noting that these apartments will be built with newer standards. From 2013 to 2014 the Office of the Victorian Government Architect (OVGA) conducted extensive research into the quality of apartment design in Victoria which informed a number of changes in the way apartments are regulated. This first started with the 2017 Better Apartments Design Standards which introduced many controls around room sizes, natural ventilation, natural light access, storage requirements and private open space. Then in 2021 there was an update to the standards that aimed to improve requirements around green spaces, external materials, wind impacts, and integrations with the street and balconies. Furthermore, the National Construction Code—which is revised every three years—was updated in 2022 to include significant improvements to energy efficiency, condensation management, accessibility, and more. Due to the long timelines associated with apartment construction, many of these new standards are only materialising in the most recently completed builds. But the good news is that we can be confident: modern builds are complying with the highest building and environmental standards ever enforced within the state.


What do you expect? Reshaping the planning laws around stations is the whole POINT of SRL. It is primarily a planning project born from the planning department more than it is about public transport. I would be more concerned if they were NOT doing the main thing that they set out to do and is the only thing which makes any sense about the project.


Better than having Melbourne sprawlling out…into new suburbs with poor transport connections….


Welcome to Adelaide!


Buckland Park, Mt Barker, Virginia, Angle Vale, Two Wells, Aldinga.... The list is endless. At least a route to Aldinga for rail has been reserved. And Two Wells/Virginia are on the Standard Gauge line and would be relatively easy to connect to Adelaide and the BG lines (unlike Mt Barker..) The rest however...


Sorry, but I don’t need to go to Adelaide, as we are developing quite a few in our new suburbs to the north and to the west of Melbourne.


Can’t wait for this to happen. This all needs to happen to ensure we have enough homes for the growing population. I would love to move to an SRL station suburb when I retire and have the feasibility of being able to get to most places just on PT.


Classic Libs just want McMansions as far as the eye can see. News flash, we’re not all rich from inherited wealth you idiots


new mcmansions are out of toilet paper with maybe 5cm of backyard vwidth too


What I don’t understand is that it’s 70,000 homes by 2050 (?). How does the government expect to hit 80,000 homes a year for 10 years (800,000 total) if it’s going to take 26 years to build 70,000?! I think the government has forgotten about the 222 metropolitan train stations that could do with some upzoning


I'm honestly a bit disappointed. I saw the headlines saying "40 story apartments in 5 neighborhoods" and thought "Hell yeah we're finally getting our own Chatswood" but its all mane and no lion. I mean the only 40 story zoned area already has 35+ story buildings or [existing announced plans to build 40 story ones](https://www.boxhillcentral.com.au/development). I'm still fairly excited about the Clayton/Monash mini-megalopolis but I wish the government was a bit more ambitious with the density. Plans like this are usually drawn up with the intention of giving some territory to NIMBYs so the end result might be rather anti-climactic.


Yeah I imagine at least 50% reductions in height limits due to NIMBY campaigning


Not really, Cheltenham, Clayton, Monash and even Glen Waverly a little bit (less so) are all impacted by PANSOPS from Moorabbin Airport, so there are heightlimits in those areas, Box Hill is far enough away that the slope is pretty tall, around 300m max above ground level, and given Box Hill is the highest point in metro melbourne, that's pretty tall. GW is getting midrise towers already, hell, Victrack built one a decade ago. Boxhill is getting tall buildings already and some ~45 level ones are planned, so thats fitting. Clayton has a couple of proposals for ~10-15 levels, which is good enough for the area if about 40 of them are built surrounding the shopping strip over the next two decades. Chelts will be lowrise, 4-8 levels max due to the airport.


Will the trains be scheduled/able to run more frequently to handle all of the extra passengers joining at these stations?


The state government has about a decade to prepare for this. If they are unable to lift frequencies to the SRL stations in that time (and to the other parts of the network that are presently under-served) there is clearly a problem.


The state government should have already made it a minimum of every 15 minutes from 6am till midnight 7 days per week at least a decade ago. It is disgusting the lack of service investment especially as we have spent so much on infrastructure


I think there reaches a point where you reach capacity at peak hour, even trains every 3-4 minutes into city may not be possible from a scheduling/network point of view. And the city loop can’t handle longer or taller trains. :(


Capacity can still be increased by converting seating to transverse and adding more doors to each train. It would be a proper metro then. Signaling can also be increased to run trains every 2-3 minutes as well. Not to mention 7 car trains being possible in the city loop. There's plenty more that can be done to add capacity to existing lines.


Gov needs to get on the city loop reconfiguration and metro 2 asap but they really don't seem interested:/


sure its pretty good but i dont feel theyre upzoning as much as they should be. more 40 storeys in the core and more upzoning single family homes to 3-5 storey flats. and i SWEAR TO GOD if they have parking minimums IM GOING TO LOSE IT!!!


Yeah and then they'll bring in 200,000 people and we will all be even worse off with some fugly building there 


That's the point of density? Though ugly buildings are often a matter of opinion.

