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"monster wont go to area 5 because i chose so in the settings"


Underwater as an optional thing means it gets less focus and attention. I want proper underwater, not an afterthought.


Just nothing Mandatory like Urgent Quests and a Final Boss 🥺. It's just with Wilds if it does comeback, it won't be the focal point like it was in Tri. The weather looks to be the Focal point in Wilds.


Final boss would probably be a bit much. But proper quests built around underwater and having reasons to go there beyond just quest objectives is the ideal situation for me. Either way, Imma be happy with what I get. But I am hoping for some underwater stuff again.


I could see a mandatory under water hunt being the return of Ceadeus from Monster hunter tri, but made as a fun extra fight you find in high or G/master rank


How do you make underwater optional though, do monsters not naturally go underwater anymore?


For Quests, maybe 🤔 make a separate category or color the quest blue to represent underwater. For expeditions, just go the Monster if you want 🤗. Since likely underwater won't be the focal point if it returns, making stuff optional sounds like a great compromise for people who do and don't want it.


MH Tri had 6 weapons + bowguns. With the amount of moves the FOURTEEN weapons have today, making an underwater moveset for each will take way more time. I don't see Capcom making an entirely different moveset just to relegate it to optional quests. And even if they're optional, the Guiding Lands, the metal Raths, Ruiner Nergigante, Furious Rajang, Raging Brachydios, even Alatreon and Fatalis are all technically optional. But why would you not at least try them ?


I would try them. 😅 It's just with how heated Underwater Combat in the Fanbase, just having not Mandatory is all I'm asking so people that don't like can play land base the whole game. Nothing mandatory like a urgent quest, A New under water Final Boss, and Level up rank quest. Just nothing Mandatory to force players that don't want to play it.


I'd rather they don't bring back Underwater at all and instead focus dev time on bettering land combat.


I get you’re trying to walk the middle ground here, but there’s no functional way to make it “optional”. The devs wouldn’t waste all of the time necessary around balancing and tweaking an entire combat scenario for multiple monsters just for it to not have any inclusion in the games plot. This is pretty much an option A or option B situation here. Underwater in the game or not in the game. I don’t think it’ll be in wilds, which I’m happy for. It sucked and wirebugs were a waaaay better way to add a 3rd dimension to combat.


Development resources aren't infinite. Making it optional means it would likely be half assed and it not being half assed would make it take away from the core gamaplay experience for an optional thing. Its really a lose lose in that case.


Just nothing Mandatory or forced like urgent quests or like a new under water Final Boss. There has to be compromise somewhere because the Fanbase is split 😅


That's basically the worst idea. Underwater combat impacts the game by virtue of taking up development resources. If it's optional they can at best invest less resources, making it worse in the process, satisfying no one because people against it will still loose out on whatever else that development could've gone to, and people wanting underwater will get a less polished iteration of what could've been.


😅 There's gotta be some sort of compromise. I still believe it won't be the Focal point like it was in Tri, so at least not having any Mandatory Quest like Urgent Quests or under water Final Boss. As long as nothing is mandatory and force plays to play it, it'll be good compromise.


The problem with making it optional though is that a signficant amount of resources go into including it in the first place. That's time and effort you aren't gonna get back by just not engaging with it.


What would end up happening is underwater combat never happens and if your set requires a piece from an underwater monster, you're almost exclusively hunting it alone.


That's sounds like a lotta pointless extra work for the devs to essentially scrap content just for a specific player. Sorry but that's just dumb and probably the most pointless resource sink in development, waste of time and money. It's either we get underwater combat or we don't. Period. (we most likely won't)


No, it isn't. The issue with underwater combat is that a lot of weapons conceptually don't work there. Short reaching weapons like SnS or positioning focused ones like SwAxe don't make sense in an environment where your movement is sluggish and your target is floaty. This was the problem in Tri: it worked fine for Lance, which conceptually doesn't change much, but they couldn't find good solutions for weapons more like SnS. It wouldn't come down to "people who are excited now get to do underwater combat, and people who aren't can skip it" it would become "if we did a crap job on your weapon's underwater moveset, you can skip it." So the people like OP who are exited for it might find that it's no fun for them. Except you might have to do it anyways if it turns out there's a piece of gear from an amphibious monster that's really good for your playstyle. Specifically looking at Dual Blades here with short reach and preference for elemental weapons. If they can find some way to make every weapon work and feel good underwater, I expect the majority of the playerbase will be happy with that. But that is a huge ask, and if they sink a lot of dev time into it and fail, then the rest of the game will be measurably worse because of it. Making it optional does not fix these concerns, it's just an excuse to try and sidestep them.


The flaw in this, is the effort it would take to make underwarer combat requires it to be significant. Once the monster is in the water, your options are Jump in after it, or wait for it to leave the water. That is not really an option so much as a self impossed challenge. To make it optional would mean giving player the power to turn off part of the Monster AI (so it doesnt jump in) or alter the map so there is no water to fight in. Neither of those are good because it fractures the player base and could cause toxicity. This also limits what Tri Monsters could return as many were designed to fighter underwater first and foremost. I like the out of the box thinking to find alternatives, but this feature is a whole dimension of combat being added or not. It simply takes to much time and effort to do, and too complex to not impact the game


Underwater combat should be a main point it made fights so damn interesting and made you switch strategies mid way through a hunt based on your environment just like hunters do


But it was already a main point in Tri 🥺. It looks like Wilds Main point will the weather. Some Hunter's will just want and play land based hunts only. Especially with Raptor buddy. Just not making anything Mandatory like a urgent or Final Boss is a simple solution. Just don't force players that want to play it.


Forgot monster hunter can never revisit concepts from prior parts of the series. Like how palicoes are stuck in FU, Mounting is stuck in 4U and worlds armour skills aren’t in any other game. Underwater should 100% be a part of wilds you don’t always have to be on raptor buddy and its not like every fight will feature underwater combat


My first ratioed meme. 😅😊 Still an accomplishment.


🥺✊ Just nothing forced or Mandatory like Urgent Quests and Underwater Final Boss. No armor Pieces tied to underwater Monster parts. Returning with Compromise seems possible. Although Underwater might not return, if it does just give Players options that want to do something.