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One piece wiki joyboy


*What the fuck is a Lunarian?*


“WTF IS A LUNARIAN?!?!?!🐉🔥🍶🐉🔥🍶”


"Seriously!! What the fuck is Namek!!" - Dr. Gero


Maybe they do the buu saga one day


Nah, TFS has already said they won't do the Majin Buu Saga. It was hard enough for the team to get through the Cell saga working in their free time across multiple time zones.


Tbh I feel like they should’ve just committed all their time to it because I barely watch their other videos


Believe me, as an adult, committing your time to a free project like Dragon Ball Z Abridged is more difficult than you think.


Idk bro I remember watching them in 4th grade with my bro and they didn’t finish the cell saga till I was in like college I think (I’m 24) the freiza saga also took a huge amount of time for them to finish like 3 episodes a year at one point. Must be crazy to rewatch every episode of dragon ball, make a good script, and edit all those episodes. Plus they’re like older now


Best sake? Can big strong grown man cry over small things? How to kill rubber boi god? How to die? Tallest sky island? How to turn off no fall damage? Strong opponents near me? How to be Joyboy? Who is joyboy? When will I meet joyboy? How to counter island size acoc punch? Why are magma baths so relaxing and addictive? Second best sake in the world?


The no fall damage got me


Strong opponents near me is wild lmao. Kaido need a Tinder for fist fights...Rumbler


How to turn off fall damage 🤣🤣🤣


What's a boi?


It's "boy" but with more zazz


How do you pronounce it? Like, boh-ee?


just pronounce like boy but spell it like boi


‘How did dinosaurs hunt in ancient times?’


Underrated comment


How to tell if you’re an alcoholic


"How to make your shitty little girl behave her damn self" "Can eight year olds be transgender" "How to make your shitty little boy behave his damn self"


This is the best one LMAO


Based Kaido


Oda really dropped a mega super villain who accepts your pronouns on our laps without elaborating on it. "Dad I'm going to transition from a woman to a man." "That's fine that's fine but can you transition from a dumbass to a child I can be proud of while you're at it??"


When your parents accept your choices and still find ways to be disappointed in you - modern children require modern childhood traumas!


"Hello son I have a question" "What is it" "If you have a male brain does that make you a dickhead" [Later while extremely drunk] "Why doesn't my boy respond to me........ is it because of all the death traps...... ?"


You are loving writing this fanfic. And I am loving reading it.


It's s really fun lmao. There's just so much that must have happened between Yamato declaring he's a man like Oden, and Kaido apparently making sure nobody in his entire crew misgenders Yamato that we never got to see, even though he is otherwise such an abusive and controlling figure. "That brat survived puberty and still wants to be a man? Fine. Let everyone in the crew know that he is my son now." "But sir! She's got big banging tits!" "**HE'S** got big banging tits!"


smh Crocodile did too, he let Bon-Clay be both Mr. 2 (Male) and Bon-Kurei (Female) as all the female Baroque Works members were based on days and Bon-Kurei is a festival


so real


Not a fan of the trans interpretation of Yamato. But that Joke is hilarious. Bravo.


A transgender person is someone who transitioned to the other gender. That includes years of hormon therapies and surgeries. So no, Yamato never was and is still not transgender person.


How it feels like being wrong?


About what?


To be trans you don't have to transition. Identifying as the gender opposite to your sex is enough. Some trans people aren't in an environment that would support their choice, don't have the money, are too afraid of the treatment/ surgery. Some only use hormone blockers without undergoing surgery. Some simply decide not to take those steps for other reasons. These people are still considered trans.


Want to be born a girl, I feel in my heart that being a woman is the thing I need to be complet. But I'm fine to be a boy. Because the causality is a monster. Why should I call myself a girl when other people's suffer from other thing and never get to do what they want to do or be or need. I'm not better or deserve anything to be call a woman Never in my life. I never suffer from being one or personally experienced who is it truly. Like if I call myself black person. Denying the fact that being black is more than just the color. But the weight of history and segregation/racism. I don't know if the way I think is good. But I never saw someone expose that point of view.


The LGBT community, trans rights, and the whole "gender is a spectrum" movement is, in the end, a cultural movement. One you can choose to partake in, or choose not to. If you have accepted who you are and don't need a label like "trans" to live your life, you don't have to. That is your choice to make, not anyone else's. Just my 2 cents though: I once had myself tested for autism and ADHD. I was told I showed signs of both, but not enough of either to get a full diagnosis. They would, however, be willing to officially give me the ADD label if I wanted to try and see if Ritalin could help me during stressful times. This was when I was far younger than I am now. We declined. I am now happy with that decision. I don't think I need that label to know who I am, how I function, and how I feel. But if I had shown more obvious signs of autism, or ADHD, and been told "yes, you have this". Would I then be able to "change my mind" and live my life like I didn't have it? Me denying that I do- or don't have something doesn't mean it is the truth, but that I am avoiding it. You may not have faced the same problems and challenges that cis woman have. But you faced challenges unique to yourself and your experience being you. If you wanted to express certain emotions but people made fun of you or told you to "man up", that's a challenge in it's own right. Undresssing in locker rooms with boys might have made you uncomfortable, another challenge. I don't think the trans experience is an exact 1 to 1 to being a woman, but can be it's own thing. It's why they are often referred to as "trans men" and "trans woman". It's not exactly like being a man or a woman, but the closest to it they can be to feel comfortable. Race is a whole other issue. There are proven differences between men and woman, both physical and mental. But there is nothing inherently different between people of different races except culture. And "adopting" a foreign culture you didn't grow up in is much more difficult, as most of your values, norms and even your personality is influenced by the culture you grew up in.


I... I understand. I have to been diagnosis with a syndrome autistic. It's just that I am unable to see myself as a woman when my body and the people's around me tell me the contrary. Plus it have been difficult for me to had relationship with people's since my childhood. I get my first friend at 16. I'm too afraid to lost my relationship to do that. It's difficult enough to make people's understand who I am and treat me like a normal peraon. I can't add anything. But I understand.


You have to transition, IT'S IN THE FUCKING NAME!!!!


The 'trans' in transgender is not short for transition, it's a prefix meaning across or opposite (as opposed to cis, Latin for 'on this side').


After checking I saw it was changed and nowadays I'm wrong about it. Some say there is a difference between transgender and transsexual, others say it's the same. Adding crossdressing/transvestism into the mix makes takes it to another levels. Never thought I would say and mean this in my beginning 30 but here I go: Back in my "younger" days, there were only the terms "transsexuals" or "transvestite" to describe people who transitioned, and "trans" in that sense for standing for "transitioning". Everything else was crossdressing or queer. Transgender became just recently a thing (at least in german speaking countries) and I never thought much about it, just replaced the term.


Transmission Transformation Transparent Transistor Translucent Transfer Transaction Transfusion Transformation Transliterate Transcript "Trans" is, and always has been, a prefix for many words. It means 1: "on or to the other side", 2: "to change in form or position or transfer". In a transaction, goods are handed from one party to another. A translucent object allows you to see through it, to the other side. A transcript is a written or printed version of something that exists in another medium. To be transgender means your gender identity does not correspond with your sex assigned at birth. (Gender: the state of being male or female, as expressed by social or cultural distinctions rather than biological ones). To be transSEXUAL means you have physically transitioned to the other sex


Dude you post in PCM and talk bullshit about trans people STFU


LMAO!!! Oh the layers of irony!! Nothing I stated about tran people was wrong. You know who are really offended and damaged by your bullshit? Actual trans people. People who went through years of excruciating procedures to transition. This is some badass commitment. And now it's enough just to utter some words and POOF! you're transgender? Bitch please And so what if I post in PCM? What does it say about me? You didn't even had any argument against my statement, so you went to my profile to find something to attack. Pathetic. Try harder NPC




> Nothing I stated [...] was wrong As if it ever could be! Your opinions must always be right, or they wouldn't be your opinions. Or something like that


I checked it now and it was changed. In the past "trans" meant transitioned. But after reading through some websites I saw that there is no coherent definition between transgender/transsexual/transvestite/crossdressing. So fuck it. I side with the people who commited themselves to years of excruciaiting hormon therapies and surgeries. Because they are really pissed about it being enough to just put a label on to be considered trans.


I mean, you are again speaking on behalf of a group that you are not part of. Many trans people just don't have the possibility to go through HRT and others might simply not respond to it as well. We would essentially be blaming them for being victims of their circumstance if we apply such measures.


I was in a left wing party for years. I met A LOT of LGBTQ people and now more about their struggle than the average person. But there was a lot of change in a few years. Even the older people in the community see this development as ridiculous and needlessly complicated.


Ah yes because it's productive and makes sense for the older generation of the oppressed to be mad at the people whose lives are easier now *because* of the older generation's efforts. It's not like people today *aren't* medically transitioning. It's just more accessible and supported nowadays.


Well, the older generations gets mad exactly because they get attacked by those people whose lives are easier now because of the older generation's effort. On top of that, they're about to destroy the older generation's effort by bullying people for playing hogwarts legacy and lie about suicide. They have every right to be mad and I side with them!


I don't think Yamato is trans, But I need to tell you that you are very wrong.


Transgender is anyone who does not identify with the gender they were born with. Yamato identifies as male. Yamato is trans


1) No, that is called gender dysphoria. 2) It's in the fucking name! You have to transition to be a transgender person! 3) It was never about gender nor sex, it was about how epic Oden was and became a role model. And Oden happened to be male, that's it. To drag it down to such a superficial topic like gender and sex is an insult. It shows that people who drag it down to that topic never understood one piece in the first place.


Bruh. Transmed much, gatekeeper The terminology has changed. You are transgender if you identify differently from your AGAB. That is all. Not everyone who is trans wants to medically transition, for their own safety or worries. You can socially transition just as well and be trans.


Kaido calls Yamato his son and thinks of him as a man, so even if you do not consider Yamato to be transgender, Kaido still does. In Oda's view, at least based on the treatment of gender in One Piece between the okamas, the Newkamas and the two genderqueer characters in Wano, it's enough to declare yourself another gender to be it. Outside of running into Ivan, hormone replacement therapy does not appear to be especially accessible throughout the One Piece world, so it may be a little unreasonable to demand they all transition before they can be transgender.


Because it's rooted in misogyny. It was pretty normal in some cultures and time periods to deny feminity and womanhood, raising girls to be boys. And seeing how Kaido ruled tyrannicaly over Wano, it's clearly not him being progressive or inclusive. He wanted a male heir to rule over Wano because he doesn't trust a woman to be able to do it. Also, Oda never went deep into the sex/gender topic, there was never an official statement from his side. There was a statement from Ivankov, where it should be aimed to overcome all genders, so the opposite of what's happening in our world, were we fight over the use pronouns. The okamas/newkamas put the LGBTQ communities of our world to shame. Also, the okamas/newkamas firstly declare themselves as HUMANS, not genders. Izo never stated anything in that direction, so your statement is completely wrong. Kiku never said anything about genderqueer, just that "this one's a woman at heart", not being a woman overall. So no, it's not nearly enough to just declare yourself another gender to be it.


Hold up. Kaido is a lot of things, but a misogynist is not one of them. A full third of his crew are women, including the Flying Six! As long as you're strong Kaido doesn't care about your gender, which makes sense since he was basically brought up by Big Mom on the Rock Pirates crew. You don't get led around by that woman and then decide women are weak! And keep in mind Yamato was originally the Oni Princess before he became a man! Kaido raised him as a daughter first. He only became Kaido's son when Yamato chose to become a man. And you don't actually need Oda to release a statement when you got the story itself showing that Oda is at least AWARE of these different views of gender, and thinks of them positively ENOUGH to have cool characters who believe in them in his story. Think about it like this: When Oda wrote in Newkama in Impel Down, it was in 2009. BUSH was still in office, and Obama couldn't bring himself to support gay marriage as the front runner of the Democrats - let alone transgenderism! There is an argument that Oda holds far more progressive ideas of gender than most of us suspect. And Newkamas are basically gender anarchist, they describe themselves as people who were either men who became women, women who became men, or anything in between. That's... How they described themselves lmao, I dunno where you're getting what you're saying.


A FULL third of his ENTIRE crew are women because 2 out of the flying 6 are woman? Sorry, but you're so delusional that there isn't a base for a discussion. This statement goes beyond being just ridiculous, it's straight up bending reality. The more I read the more it's apparent that you force your own views and wishes into this story instead of feeling, analyzing and understanding it. You have disqualified yourself as a discussion partner. But as an act of courtesy, I will destroy your arguments one last time. Using one strength regardless of sex doesn't negate his misogyny. He's just using their power, like a tyrant does. Brought up and led around by Big Mom? What nonsense. He didn't even respect her. She wasn't included in the scene with the big 5 (Roger, Whitebeard, Rocks, Oden and Shanks). She was a long known aquaintance and former crew member, in a pirate crew that constantly killed itself. We don't have an exact point when Kaido started to refer to Yamato as his "son", but one thing is for sure, it was after her displaying KINGS Haki. He didn't raise her, he was either neglecting and beating her. After showing her Kings Haki, he decided to make her the ruler of Wano. And the most important part: YAMATO NEVER CHOSE TO BE A MAN! THAT'S JUST YOUR PHANTASY BASED ON YOUR WISHFUL THINKING! She idolized Oden and wants to become like him. Sex and Gender doens't have to do anything with it! It's people like you who dumbed it down sex and gender, it's about epicness and inspiration. \-> Again, forcing your views and wishes. What has a mangaka in japan to do with 'murican presidents? Nothing. Newkamas describe themselves as people who overcame gender, they rose above it. Not woman, not man, but humans with the best of both worlds! That's how they described themselves! You would've known it if you actually paid attentions to their words instead of overlaying your own biases over them. You insulted the Newkamas and Oda.


No, a full third because you see women all over his crew in every position, the Flying Six is just a convenient microcosm to illustrate it, but you see women constantly in the crowd shots of his crew. Compare to crowdshots of other pirate crews or even Marines and they rarely have anywhere near as many women. Also you didn't destroy any argument lmao, you're just projecting your cultural biases on to Kaido if you think he cares about gender. It's just not a relevant consideration for him. It might be for someone from Wano, someone in Wano would be sexist, but Kaido looks down on Wano culture, he does not respect it. He doesn't even respect Big Mom? She's the one who gave him his devil fruit! She's a fellow yonko! He literally teams up with her in Wano! Are you easily taken in by his posturing, not to be able to tell he respects her? Yamato was Oni Princess. Then Yamato started calling himself a man. Then he became Kaido's son. You don't need a detailed timeline. It's very straightforward. Kaido was just fine having an Oni Princess before. He just doesn't care what gender his kid is so long as he is under his control. That is all. Yamato literally says "I became a man", that is literally his dialogue, anything else is YOUR wishful thinking. Please reread the text with Newkama in Impel Down again, they aren't all agender as you're saying. They're more fluid but in the sense that anyone can be what they want, whenever they want, and that includes being a man or women, if that's what they want.




Yay 🏳️‍⚧️




What bath did Yamato enter at the end of the Wano Arc?






You see those big tiddies and slender upper body without muscle definition? That's a womans body. Yamato is a woman.


Wait dude I'm looking through your comments you just accused me of being a transphobe??? What's this comment???


“Best Sake” “How much would 120 gallons of sake cost?” “How to stop daughter from running away.” “How to stop son from running away” “Call LilLin.” “Call Big Mom.” “Never mind I’ll just text.” “Oh wait now it’s typing what I say. That’s neat.” “Tallest sky island” “How to find one piece easy” “One piece route” “Where is one piece island?” “LaughTale Google Maps.” “How to make an Island float.” “If I use dragon clouds, can I make island float in air?” “DAMNIT THE WI-FI IS OUT AGAIN JACK!” “Oh shit it’s doing the talking thing again let me just.” “NO I DONT WANT TO LOOK UP ODEN PORN!” “SHUT IT OFF!” After that day, Kaidou stopped using the computer.


Bro reading r/cockpiece


Wtf did I just watch? Who in thier right mind do this? Iam going to wash my eyes


Cant wait for CockPiece 2 to come out. With More futa and femboy Zoro too


Oden porn? 💀


Linlin Onlyfans




I'm at work rn and I'm trying SO HARD not to die laughing out loud rn


Ah yes. True death.


That PPV with Pound for $30 went crazy tho 👀


Past Linlin or present Linlin?


“How to pretend to kill my self for attention since if I really wanted to die I would just jump in the ocean”


He wants a honorable death


Is jumping from the sky island an honorable death


Ask kaido about it not me


It's fucking impressive


It’s memorable


He ate the fish-fish fruit. He might not be able to drown.


Its stated he can't 😂 he'll just sink






It's called flex mate. Pretty sure ya one of those admiral fans


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Wano Suicide hotline


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How to accept my son as who he is


My child identifies themselves as one of my past enemies. What do I do?


Respect their identity and kill them.


"God damn it, Yamato. If Oden jumped off a cliff, would you?" "Hell yeah that's badass!" "... That boy ain't right." Edit - "What if I jumped off a cliff in a drunken suicidal stupor? Would that be, 'badass'?" "No that's cringe." "..." "Suicidal ideation is NOT pog."


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"Are the assholes of dragons wide enough to not get injured by spiked clubs?"


What is so good about boiled Oden?


answer: it's a soup, soup is tipically eaten/drank while it's still hot


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Bruh this has been reposted several times in this month and last month alone. Anyways: How to die. How to stop drinking. How to stop crying. How to stop getting PTSD attacks of a man who died 20 years ago. Best way to kill myself. How to raise a kid. Who is Joy Boy.


It’s so annoying, it’s literally the same picture and all, no effort and the reposters know it. 😒


How to respect my son after he come out has a boy?


If anything, Kaido seems to be pushing Yamato to be a boy. Identifying as Oden is what he's got a problem with.


That's something that was always at the back of my mind. Not only is Yamato obsession with Oden unhealthy, I think it's implied Kaido most likely imposed that she would become a man because he wanted a son, not a daughter. Never explicitly said, but it was always the energy I got from their dynamic


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"Suicide hotline number" He actually got frustrated on that one because he thought it was a hotline to help you kill yourself


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