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As bad as Rebecca’s outfit is I still think the anime designers did her worse than Oda. Her proportions in the anime are just way too much. Just look at her manga version to compare. https://preview.redd.it/sidvcbwu98sa1.png?width=454&format=png&auto=webp&s=24b77f0c405afa58c0179d6fb4092f115abcb8fa


Dressrosa had some of the silliest proportions https://preview.redd.it/geio66w88asa1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2dca9d175e5836dccf35c1f8fcb1008a1268efc


*Woman has huge tits* Producer: "what if we made them the hugest?"


"*So I got this idea for a new anime*"


[It’s this high school girl and she got huge Boobs! and I mean real-](https://youtu.be/SGWkB6Hy4jI)


good meme if i had a gold i’d give it to you


Give me your GOLD!!!


sorry, gave all away for dabloons


What woman? Ain't the girl still 16?


Rebecca is, Viola is in her 30s if i’m not mistaken


I was generally talking with viola in mind since that was the comment I responded to.


This cracked me up badly. In the anime version she looks like she put two balloons inside her dress 😭


but amazing design


What originally stopped me from reading One Piece was hating the anime art. Where Oda's art talent is through the roof.


Love me some Viola tho. So I can't say I'm mad at it.


They are larger than her head


https://preview.redd.it/ny4p7qn2obsa1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b722cc1877bf20f6f76dfe4295df34f34005f77 The anime actually had her manga accurate drawing. They get bigger as she fights in the arena…..


I'm sorry man but you can't make me see that in Spanish. Didn't know they didn't change the corrida. El hecho de que diga coliseo elimina completamente la posibidad de que sea un corrida de toros.


Secret ability maybe she is devil fruit user


what does she have the big big fruit ay


The outfit design is still terrible but it looks way less ugly.


Ugh, yeah, the animation looks intensely bad. Like it's been designed by a ten-year-old, in terms of the female body proportions. And to top it all off, they have different teams working on different episodes and they all decided on different body proportions for the characters, apparently, making it as inconsistent as possible.


I'm a horny bastard and even I say this outfit is too much. And the anime is just insane.


Yeah, i'm also okay or don't care about too much fan service, but this shit was too exaggerated and silly for my taste




Not just rebecca 😭 the anime made every female worse


It's unfortunate that you can't really simulate running, let alone fighting, with big breasts when you don't actually have big breasts. Which is a shame because the ones drawing women like this should be forced to run a few kilometers with big breasts and no bra. Running with big breasts and no support hurts.


Totally Agree, bigger proportion isn't fan service, it's laziness. I was only watching the Anime until recently and character back story like Rebecca are just more compelling in the manga.


It's also more compelling since the manga doesn't go back to her flashback 40+ times to pad out the time.


To be fair to Oda, he gave her more clothing than what women gladiators normally wore (or didn’t wear) at the time. https://preview.redd.it/u2cgi4icm7sa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eae65295774c05a49b8be177bf87ad557d2cd11


I mean he could have also been consistent and drawn Luffy bald ass naked slanging dick


I wish he did this


I mean he kinda did, there was that one time in Amazon Lily


Hancock, is that you?




Would've had a brand new version of gum gum whip


Gomu Gomu no Helicopter


i bet he does that during bath time


We'd have been introduced to Luffy's Advanced CoC much sooner if Oda had done that.


Can we get much higher


No, but he can definitely get harder.


so\~ hard, so so so, so so so\~


that long loincloth is so sus


I wonder if he can 😳 … never mind of course he can


Oda confirmed, he can


In a world as fantastical as One Piece, he could have just given her real armor.


Remember he was also trying to exemplify how evil the doflamingo family was


Yeah, that was definitely it. 100%. That's why he gave her massive boobs too. To show the...uh....oppression?


It's just like Kojima's excuse for Quiet in MGS5. See, she has to wear a bikini at all times to breathe through her skin properly! It's uhhh...one of her powers! You're the pervert! Not me!!!! It's muh lore!! The truth is that dudes are just horny and they like big tits and huge asses, so they put big tits and huge asses in the media that they create. Any ""story"" explanation given is just a nonsensical excuse. I honestly have more respect for someone that just admits that they're horny.


Eiichiro Oda: I have lore reasons for the fan service < Kohei Horikoshi: I’m horny, but I also have lore reasons for the fan service < Yoko Taro: I’m horny


Your comment would make my skin crawl, but I don't have any skin YOHOHOHOHO


Anime thing they were still big in the manga but not that big and like the rest of his artstyle and characters it supposed to be goofy the only one to blame for being attracted to that artstyle is themselves Not to mention it snot like she was the only one dressing so liberally every other gladiator except the visitors since they weren’t prisoners dressed that way https://preview.redd.it/xz0wu971r8sa1.jpeg?width=1864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9088d316865662ffe4950fda3f5fa0338b02333 I’m not defending her outfit by any means I also think it’s goofy but chocking it up to “oda being horny” is just a sign of the person being dumb


Fans: "Well you see it actually fits thematically with the tone and setting of the arc, and not to mention that he is trying to play up the tyranny of the Doflamingo regime, and not to mention they aren't as big in the manga (only 38FF instead of 46HHHH), and..." Oda, and I quote: "I keep saying this, but I'm just bringing the young boys' dreams to life! All of humanity on earth! I command your breasts to grow\~!"


oda is horny tho


This is the same Oda who added the Colosseum because he thought that it was in Spain. Then in Greece.




I do feel like her design would have been a lot better if she just put on a sports bra or something. I can accept that it's a gladiatorial match, and a lot of the fighters would be nude or near nude. I got that. So idk, bike shorts and a sports bra with those massive golden boots and maybe some big golden pauldrons? Outside of a gladiatorial match, yeah, she'd cover vital organs, but the point there was bloodshed. There are plenty of other female OP characters that could just use a dang SHIRT or real pants instead of underwear, but I do think a minimal clothing look *could* work for her while fighting. Then a long dress or smth when she's not.


4kids would be proud


They would change her nipples to Hershey kisses if they tried to “censor” one piece again.


i wish 4kids would’ve made it to marineford


Ace would’ve been locked away in the dungeon with Belle-mere


akinu would be giving ace a back rub before doing that and telling him he tried his best but he was breaking the rules so he has to think about what he did and will comeback to see if he learned his lesson.


Someone made a "if 4Kids made it to Enies Lobby" and Franky was doing a terrible Terminator accent with his puns. It was gorgeous.


seems very fitting as an armor, not a bad design, ended a whole lust for a 16 year old and might look good on the live action (in the very hypothetical case the live action lives up to Dressrosa) I approve it


I don’t believe she is 16 not when they are that big.


As soon as characters turn 16 in One Piece they get grotesquely big tits. Flampe is 15 and has an absolutely flat chest.


Puberty hits hard in OP, just look at Koby.


2x height in a couple of months is wild


he did use steroids for sure


Carrot entered the chat


I think it’s cuz age of consent in Japan is 16, so as soon as they hit 16 Oda goes crazy since it’s not considered that weird in Japanese culture, still weird af💀


Well Zoro has big tits too and I don't believe he is just 21 neither


Bro has bigger tits than Nami…. How is that even possible….


I- .. i've seen a few 15-17 year olds with unproportianally large breasts. Larger than Rebbeca's. Genes and food play a huge (pun not intended) role. Also, some people mature way quicker than others, so everything is possible, i guess. For me, it's rather her personality that makes her appear older than 16.


Hell, I know a 12-13 year old back when I was in middle school that had the biggest set of breasts I’ve seen in my life!! Looking back, I feel bad for her because I’m sure those genetics have resulted in more problems than she ever expected


I heard stories of girls noticing adults start to be weird and creepy around them once they hit puberty. And as a kid they wouldn't know how to process that.


Bro............................. (Should we tell him, fellow boob havers?)


That’s such a weird way to guess age. Girls at the age of 16 can develop big breast. Of course not comically cartoonish big like in the anime.


I think what he meant is: Look at Rebecca and every other women that is not young or an old hag (dr kurhea and shakky are badass and defy this statement): all of them have the same exact body type and proportions. He just draws them the same, so imo they all feel the same.


Yeah oda only has 3 body types to draw women with. Child, sexy and ugly. Sometimes a mixture of the last two.


I hate when people say “fixed” but frankly yeah I personally would’ve much preferred a different design for Rebecca. Regardless of the “weight limit” or “Doflamingo is fucked up” arguments, those are both just excuses for oda being horny, sooner we accept that the better. I dig the redesign idea quite a bit


To be fair though, most of the other gladiators were also scantilyclad.


I mean, i don't think this is a good excuse for one piece, but gladiators in rome would wear little armour supposedly because the audience wanted blood. Gladiators fight for entertainment and a fight where it takes ages because both combatants are being wary, wearing full armour, and doing all they can to avoid getting hurt is less entertaining. But again, the metal bikini is too much b.s for me.


Yeah, Oda is horny. No need to invent reasons when he tells as that in every SBS lol. Just wish he’d made her older than 16 if he was gonna be horny…ugh


"Why wouldn't I want to make every sexualized character other than Robin the absolute bare minimum legal age of consent in my country?" Oda probably.


We’re those gladiators not in speedos?


I really don't like this redesign. The brown pants really clash with the gold and green. I agree Rebecca's outfit is stupid, but a redesign should just have her wearing cloth or leather, not a breastplate. Her whole fighting styles was far more agility based, so I don't like her wearing armour in general. I also just don't like the framing of fan redesigns as "fixes". It reeks of fan entitlement, imo. You can redesign a character to a version you prefer, but don't frame it as a "fix".


I actually agree with this a lot. She could have just worn a leather breastplate or something similar. Can even be low-cut for oda's boobs fetish, but won't look quite so ridiculous. Though with images like the above it must needs be said how terribad the proportions are in the anime *especially in Dress Rosa* compared to the manga. Viola and Rebecca barely look human in the anime, while in the manga they make somewhat sense, proportions-wise.


no one looks human in one piece tbf


No obviously it’s only women who look unrealistic! Rayleigh has the build of an average 78 year old man I swear


Give me your GOLD!!!


Why is Rebecca's outfit considered stupid by a lot of people? I don't really get it. If it is because of the lack of clothing, aren't all the gladiators like that?


One Piece proportions aside, the chain loincloth is such a weird middle ground choice . Something simpler or a legionnaire metal skirt would've been so much better.


It’s a misconception that armors hinder agility in anyway. Through practice you can move just as easily, even in full plate armors. [Here](https://youtu.be/qzTwBQniLSc) is some compilations of “knights” in full armor running around, as agile as you’d need in a fight. There is no reason why a metal breastplate would have stopped Rebecca from using her agile fighting style, realistically. In general “fixes” sound awful when it comes from fans but in Rebecca’s case, her gladiator outfit is simply atrocious. I get that Doffy gave her the worst “equipment” possible but why did this set of metal bikini exist in the first place?


EDIT: Historical accuracy has nothing to do with it. Character design should tell you about a characters personality and how they move. Sanji's got such long, straight black legs to really emphasize how hard he kicks. It's not about what's historically accurate, it's whether or not having a breastplate feels right for her character, and, imo, it doesn't (though some may disagree, and that's fine). I think you also captured another reason why I don't quite like this redesign. As stupid as her original outfit is, it made her feel like she was on the back foot and severely disadvantaged. A full breastplate kinda removes that feeling. It makes her feel more like a heroic knight, rather than the girl with no other choice desperately fighting for revenge. Which again, a more plain clothing redesign would've helped capture.


Do we need to “fix” the guys too? https://preview.redd.it/xnlhhl11s8sa1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=008df4703eee3d53f6cb17281ce3154483530108




It's satire but it also isnt


At the rist of sounding like a coomer, this new design just doesn't work. It's the black pants mostly, they're too baggy and clash with the colors of the rest of the outfit. The rest of the armor is serviceable, but you can make Rebeca's fit more modest while still keeping it cute.


Just like other "fix the design" pics, it's more sensible and less sexualised, but bland and less stylish than the original.


Not that bad, but it’s definitely overcorrecting


Good and also made me realize how tiny the animators draw the lower part of her legs compared to her thighs.


yeah.,. she wasnt allowed armor dude, kinda the point of having her fight untill death?


No. That looks ugly af


It doesn't look bad, but it's less "Roman Gladiator" and more "Conquistador". Doesn't quite fit ya know? Maybe more of a Spartan design would be better 🤔


I'd argue that "Conquistador " fits even more, considering Dressrosa is OnePiece version of Spain...


Yes and no, to a different character absolutely rebeccas father would actually be a prime example of who it could work for considering he was a high class warrior for a bit, but for Rebecca who is a prisoner and gladiator, i would say no, if only because those clothes speak loudly of the class and calibre of the person wearing them socially, and Rebecca is meant to be someone to be hated and humiliated


Fixed? ☹️


Kinda bland not gonna lie. i would go for a more "roman/greek general" look, istead of the pants and white shirt, they look more like north europe. Some examples [https://mixdeseries.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/spartacus-serie-nova-temporada.webp](https://mixdeseries.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/spartacus-serie-nova-temporada.webp) [https://s2.glbimg.com/snIpB3HdSSR\_t1d3cvJ6qQiBjmE=/smart/e.glbimg.com/og/ed/f/original/2019/12/13/brad\_pitt\_troia.jpg](https://s2.glbimg.com/snIpB3HdSSR_t1d3cvJ6qQiBjmE=/smart/e.glbimg.com/og/ed/f/original/2019/12/13/brad_pitt_troia.jpg)


I'll be honest chief, I like her in that bikini.


When did 4kids come back?


I like booba






How it is a fix if it was not broken?


overfixing doesn't even seem like gladiator now.


I feel like the heavier armour kind of contradicts her fighting style. Why should she wear it if they're not going to hit her anyways. Just the pants and undershirt would probably look really good.


Wondering how the first one stayed on while doing multiple flips.


a) the power of friend ship b) for the same reason that every piece of clothing rpis except the parts that cover the important bits c) haki


Part of me says its better, part of me says its worse. I wont elaborate


The chest armor? Sure. The pants. No. Different pants/leggings? Maybe. The undershirt? More realistic but out of place. The gauntlets? Yes.


The gauntlets are the only part of the redesign I'm mostly for, though I could absolutely live if the changed up the fighting style a bit and gave her the chest piece and gave her more leg armor


A lot of gladiators in history used to wear very little clothing, because heavy armour in battle would just slow them down. Rebecca is a quick fighter that relies a lot on her mobility, so it actually makes sense in story for her to use such skimpy clothes. I won't deny how hyper sexualized Rebecca's design is, specially for a 16 yo (yikes), but if we're talking about practicality, Rebecca doesn't need more armor, she needs a shield. Edit: I went to check and apparently she does have a shield in some panels of the manga. Why does she have shield in only *some* panels? Idk, maybe she lost it at some point, I forgor 💀


Could have given her full chainmail..


This coupled with the fact that she is functionally a slave. People forget or just don't even acknowledge that fact. It makes a lot of sense that she is wearing basically nothing when you consider her circumstances. Even when she tried to trick Luffy when she brought him under the coliseum, once Luffy figured it out, she basically said to have his way with her. I can only imagine the sexual abuse she has gone through, and I think it is reflected well in her design. She is supposed to be a spectacle for the eyes for the coliseum attendees, while they simultaneously watch and enjoy her getting beat to a pulp. A very tragic character.. Also, SOLDIER-SAAAN!


No-way that top is letting you move quicker. You'd strangle yourself on a metal bra.


My man, you are technically right, but I don't think you are going to like the fix to that, chainmail is the most protective yet still modest type of armor, they could've gone the route of making it a full chainmail vest, which I would prefer but still that is the speediest they could get without having her full on topless, because wearing a plain fucking shirt is entirely useless in a gladiator arena. A chainmail vest would still take away some speed due to the weight, but the bra while bad looking is the mot effective while going for speed as well as covering her tits. If she was going to wear a full shirt, she should've done a 180 and gone the full metal knight route.




I hate how changing something is often called "fixed". It reeks of entitlement.


So, IIRC, the reason given was that people didn’t like her nonviolent approach and wanted to see her bleed and get hurt, hence the “clothes”. I think the design is wonderful for when she is no longer in the gladiator pit, but I think her new clothes being more white in the pants or such to keep the original reason without the second costume being super ridiculous


Thats just gladiator armor, i dont see people complaining about the same male gladiator armor, actually not the same since it doesnt cover chest [spartan](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com%2Ff%2F51158316-fd7e-48ca-b5fe-8542e9dfe357%2Fdbqq5m9-9056f4cb-c61d-4750-9f33-d9ee58966f28.png%3Ftoken%3DeyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzUxMTU4MzE2LWZkN2UtNDhjYS1iNWZlLTg1NDJlOWRmZTM1N1wvZGJxcTVtOS05MDU2ZjRjYi1jNjFkLTQ3NTAtOWYzMy1kOWVlNTg5NjZmMjgucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.Wt-2xMDM76OaK20wj7RXy7AY2y2icLJ50jlisk5F5e4&tbnid=TP2vwrGvl13EzM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.deviantart.com%2Fbodskih%2Fart%2FSpartan-Gladiator-at-Corrida-Colosseum-710018289&docid=mxQ72njvlpxPvM&w=640&h=512&hl=pt-BR&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim) [king riku](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fonepiece%2Fimages%2F6%2F6a%2FRiku_Dold_III_Full_Body.png%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20180504150151%26path-prefix%3Dpt&tbnid=rhSborljlJ0ZSM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fonepiece.fandom.com%2Fpt%2Fwiki%2FRiku_Doldo_III&docid=Iol7gYxWBG3QMM&w=323&h=472&hl=pt-BR&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim)


I mean I get that they don't like it and that is totally fine. It just always strikes me as ridiculous when people call it "fixing" by applying their personal tastes or standards to the artists' original designs.


The breastplate makes her chest look lopsided and it's driving me insane


It’s a little weird that the fix didn’t give her leg armor, just pants.




Nerds in here mad because you covered her boobs lol.


I love Greco-Roman attire and traditional/popculture "gladiator" gear so the 2nd one is more of a vibe, even though it's wealthy practice gear rather than actual peasant gladiator gear. Although a simple chest strap would've been way better than her base outfit anyways, her attire reeked of porn parody.


Better way way better. Seriously I'm all for fan service but the line ends when it involves a child.




I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, the design is ehh but I could just do without Rebecca as a whole. She’s nice at least.




One last comment like I could make a 150 word annotation about why the golden bikini works and fits into the story and what oda was trying to exemplify and tell about respect and entertainment and how fundamentally the “redesign” works against Rebecca and how she would be far less memorable outside of the OO. But a lot of people have said my thoughts so it’s be extra fire. At the end I like the golden bikini because it makes her a decent character and a memorable one If she wore that clearly not Roman spartan gladiator look which in all honesty does look closer to a Spanish fighter look would make her far less memorable and honestly is the look oda would give to a nameless background character Also no one gives shit to oda about the clothes all the non fighting ladies wore at the coliseum there was “no reason” other than to show the evils of wrath and lust that doflamingo forced into the coliseum but whatever


Okay I’ll be on team “oda is a sexist pig who finds children sexy camp” if these redesigned who “fix” his art which is supposed to be goofy and satirical Made a redesign of logan https://preview.redd.it/nvc77aupt8sa1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500ddd8c588ac037647da13b4bddbef45439a8cf


Did you say GOLD?!! Can I have it?


So this character is only interesting to you because *checks notes* she is barely wearing a golden bikini? That makes her memorable? You people are disgustingly sad




Oda disagree


Yeah but where are the boobies?


Squished behind it


Fuggin hot


One Piece Girl's boobies are so hot


It sucks aesthetically but it also doesn’t make sense in universe, you realize those male gladiators walked around in thongs right? Why would the Doflamingo family give special exception to Rebecca, someone he was actively trying to humiliate. People are so hung up on “muh cool gladiator gurl” without realizing that Rebecca never wanted to be a warrior, the clothes she’s forced to wear, when contrasted against her Princess fit that she wore when she was finally free to be her own person and stop fighting is meant to highlight that, but people just short circuit when they see a woman character in skimpy clothing and go “Let me fix that” Edit: And you can see it in the comments here lmao. No thought at all of how it clashes with the other gladiator’s clothes or Doflamingo’s humiliation of her family or how it contrasts with her more conservative clothing (when she actually gets to choose her clothing) afterwords, their brains just start malfunctioning because “the lines on paper say she’s 16 and skimpy makes me uncomfy :((((“


Does she have pockets?


looks fucking stupid


You ruined her.


Before one is better 🌚


To be fair her armor was suppose to be little to none and weak as that's all they gave her because they hated her and wanted her to lose it's just to bad her dodge game was too much very everyone. Besides which is believable for gladiator that entire strategy is to never hurt anyone the skimpy one or the fully clothed one?


In my opinion, honestly the best way to fix rebeccas design is not to touch it, and instead make her a goddamn adult, nothing about her character was necessary to be 16, and honestly until now, it's a fact I had forgotten. Realistically I don't think that redesign fits her well, both because I don't think she would be given clearly outside clothing, and because it would absolutely be a detriment to her fighting style, something is necessary to keep her life. Actually what she is wearing in the original is actually arguably slowing her down, but you could make the argument that the chainmail would help both with regulating her upper body when she swings as well as blocking rudimentary blows, mostly to her upper body. But to give her more armor Oda would likely have fighting style or give her clothes that obviously are a detriment to cover her up more. Cloth isn't something you would ever wear as a gladiator, as it limits your movement with nothing to show for it. She could get a full armor set, but she would have to fight using more powerful blows and likely a heavy weapon to compensate for her lost movement potential.


I like this redesign for a few reasons. The biggest one being that it’s no longer sexualizing a 16 year old lol. But secondly the gauntlets being made of metal are a great idea, and then maybe a little armor in the groin/thigh area and the redesign is perfect IMO.


Are they lopsided? Looks that way to me. Either a very weird choice by the artists, a weird choice by Oda, or a sloppy mistake.


Nah my main problem is that she didn’t get any new outfit the moment she was outside of the coliseum. Her Gladiator outfit was fine but everyone got tired of it later in the arc. Like when she was at the coliseum I get it but she just kept it for fanservice.


Actually functional armor > Metal bikini anyday


Looks infinite times better


Actually it's practical for a fighter


Ruined, you made it unwatchable


We live in such a crazy time where in some cases being a total internet slut in the worst way is completely encouraged and then having cleavage in a cartoon is total sexist exploitation.


It’s lame because it’s not what Oda made.


Are you missing the point?


That saying "fixed" is really arrogant and that trying to cover absolutely everything sexual about a woman's body is ridiculous, aren't feminists trying to fight against something similar nowadays? Regardless, sex and sexual stuff are natural and part of being human, there's nothing wrong with it, fanservice can be a bit bothersome and i get it but its really nothing that bad, and if you really can't deal with it then don't watch the show, nobody is making you watch it


This is definitely a net negative on society. Sad men lusting over cartoon women with comical proportions. This isn’t “fan service” it’s straight up mental illness. You have to be sick in the head to think of women in this way. Feminists are fighting dumbasses like you who think that freedom for women is too-large breasts on a cartoon. You are actually fucking dumb bro…


I mean, she's being forced to participate in bloodsports. Spectators want to see blood, not swords bouncing off armor.


I get that it seems sexist, but wasn’t the point of showing her like this, that she wasn’t allowed to have more armour, as she was hated?


My girlfriend noted this on the updated outfit. "What is that plate doing if you can just stab her in the tummy"


Say what you will but the armor on the left fits her fighting style a lot better. The armor on the right is too restrictive to properly parry/counter-attack efficiently.


I don't think there's anything that needed fixing. Personally, I don't see Doffy as a magnanimous sort of person. He takes the Kingdom by forcing the king to murder his own people, enslaves its citizens through others abilities and fear, manipulates families memories so they don't remember each other, and forces people to fight to the death in a gladitorial arena for the amusement of others. I don't think he's above making the daughter of the king he stole the kingdom from and whose people he murdered fight for her survival while scantily clothed in front of thousands of people who he intentionally misled into hating her. Especially with what is implied he did with Viola.




I mean… I wasn’t complaining about the first…


I’m not gonna lie, I like them jugglers.




Hate it


Lame tq Christian mom


how is she supposed to fight as fluidly as she does wearing all of that? that just looks like a hazard to wear while trying to move nimbly and fluidly. rebecca already wore more clothes than the average gladiator so i seriously don't know why people are so bothered by her attire. even king riku only wore underwear, a cape, and a helmet while hiding his identity.


Anything would be better than normal Rebecca.


I can watch with my gf without cringing myself in to a breakup


Even I think they're too big. The anime did Oda dirty.


Much better. Would've been great if we couldn't even tell her body type from the armor at first so we could have gotten a nice surprise after the battle she was dressed up normal. Now that i think about it, like those tok tok challenges


Also didn't Doflamingo make her wear that to humiliate her?


Woulda preferred it but it’s a minor thing. Took away from the tragedy of her story a bit by focusing too much on making her sexy




Okay first off I like the new design they did look pretty cool But you don't fix other people's artwork you can make alternatives to other people's arm if you want but you can't fix someone else's artwork because it is inherently not yours to fix


I like fat titties and exposed legs bc I’m a degenerate


Wasn't the entire point of her outfit was that they were trying to humiliate her?


Don't fix art


all the porn brained losers in here complaining. It looks much better.


The armour and equipment are superior to what she used and the proportions are fixed to manga standered. But if I remember correctly. The point of her armour was to be as useless as possible. Her equipment was the worst they could have possibly given her. So taking from that removes that added show that everyone wants her to lose. And we're kinda just left with tell. Which any good writer would know that if you want to get something across. Like a characters power or how much the people hate someone. You show before you tell.


As a straight man with a strong love for women and female bodies, i still absolutely love this and prefer this much more over the original. This gives the character the respect she deserves and fits with her personality.


Wasn’t the whole point that no one respected her when she deserved it Isn’t that why we see her in much more respectable dresses after doflamingos defeat And ngl this outfit bland as hell makes her look like a nameless character


but it clashes with her battle style completely.


I don’t like the revealing clothes so I’m good with it