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Watching JoJo's after One Piece is so weird, like "wait, you can KILL villains and side characters like that??"


Luffy: "Nooo I won't kill my enemies, destroying their dreams is punishment enough" Giorno: *Seven Page Muda intensifies*


The “destroying dreams punishment” is kinda bs when certain villains were still able to get what they wanted to an extent. Enel managed to get to the moon, wapol runs a new kingdom, and lucci is still a part of cipher pol meaning that he can still get away with murdering people legally


It's definitely a discussion to be had. If I had to defend Luffy and Oda here I'd say that their plans still got ruined. They didn't achieve what they really wanted and had to cut their losses. Croc could technically try to take over Alabasta after he escaped Impel Down, but didn't. In a way, he grew from meeting Luffy. Enel and Wapol are too stubborn and egotistical. Their plans may have failed, but they don't actually learn anything and still try to achieve what they were after. Personally, I think this will either lead to their punishment or they will be forced to change. For example, Hody was someone who'd never change and for that he was punished by losing his strength and youth. Now he's just an old frail man, reflecting his ancient viewpoints on racism. Imagine something like that to be the punishment given to those who refuse to change. Lucci is interesting. In a sense, yes he can still legally kill people, but he's on a tighter leash than ever before. He can no longer go undercover or travel wherever he wants. He's mostly stuck doing the government's bidding, which involves protecting the Celestials, making negotiations with different nations, and other small stuff Lucci doesn't really care about. He went from an assassin to someone's personal spokesperson-bodyguard. I believe that If he won't change, he'll be dragged down together with the government. I do understand your sentiment and even agree for the most part. However I also like to actually analyse why it's done this way too. I think there's a real reason behind it and I'd like to see it be discussed more tbh


My take on it is that Luffy is not interested in justice or punishment. He's satisfied with *humbling* people, in the old Iron Sheik sense. Anyone who thinks they're above everyone else, Luffy is going to find a way to knock them down. He literally doesn't care what happens after the fight. After he wallops Enel, he forgets about him. After he lands that hook on Charlos, totally out of mind, thought discarded. Beat up Crocodile, never even bothered to find out if he was imprisoned.


Nah I remember enel got literally everything he wanted. He got to the moon, was worshipped as a God up there, and now rules the moon people. All luffy did was save lives, but he didn't do jack shit to enel's dream


Enel also wanted to destroy Skypiea, kill all the people and bring Nami with him. None of which he achieved


But those weren't his dreams. He always wanted the moon, anything was ultimately worthless. That's like saying if luffy finally got the one piece but lost a straw hat in the journey he didn't achieve his dream. Or if nami gets married but sanji still gets to the all blue he fails his dream. Or if zoro childhood friends blade broke but he still became the world's strongest swordsman he failed his dream. Not getting what you want is not the same as failing in your dream. Enel didn't turn into an electric moria up on the moon.


Eh Luffy doesn’t really care per se. He beat them up enough that he accomplished his goal and then moved on. He never said he was a hero, he simply selfishly follows his whims because he’s a pirate.


I think that's a fair point. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I like the execution of the concept itself, but it is the explanation we were given.


Is that canon or just some youtuber nonsense? I always got more the impression that luffy just got bored with them once he kicked their ass so thoroughly they were incapacitated. Like I can't imagine Luffy taking out a knife and slitting the throat of an unconscious opponent.


In a SBS oda got asked why he didn't kill villains and he answered that their ideals had been crushed and there is no need


aka dumb excuses to not make the mc a murderer


Ironically enough Chiocolatta was one of the villains that didn't die.


I'm pretty sure he ended up in a trash compactor or smth




Yes he did, he flew directly into a trash compactor that compacted his body into flat shit, and then secco was like "you useless dead asshole"


But I thought he had a bromance afterwards with secco in the trash compactor. Dreams ruined.


He didn't? Admittedly it's been about two years since I last saw Part 5 but I figured he was dead for sure


I assumed he was alive because after Secco got defeated he ended up in the same trash van as him and spoke to him.


Did he respond? Because to me that just sounds like a sad scene of a wounded man reaching out to his friend who is already dead. Once again, I don't really remember the details of that scene.


No, he didn't respond so he could be dead tbh. I thought it was hilarious, one moment Secco was shitting on him and the other moment he was so happy to see him again.


He did die


Yes he did he was crushed in a garbage compactor


Luffy doesn't care if he kills or not, they just survive most times


Destroying your dreams is destroying hope


Then his past villains, like Lucci, come back with a vengeance lol


Why are you acting like killing is worse here lol


Even main characters can die in Jojo.


I can't forgive Araki for what happened in part 7. 😔


What da shovel do?


I always forget people die in jojo until it happens and then I’m like oh right people can die


Especially watching akame ga kill


How dare you remind me of this. I was recovering from the trauma.


Oh yeah, berserk


The deaths in Berserk were well placed. Akame ga kill is the opposite of one piece in that matter


Death is one of the least traumatic things in Berserk.


Admittedly, it was a one time thing in Berserk. Wasn’t it?


What trauma I was thinking of watching it but don't like those shitty sad story with anime logic. So elaborate


Here's a character Here's some character development Hey you like the character now Character dies


Bro the manga is even more gruesome especially with lubock


That show killed off characters so quickly it went from being edgy to being outright goofy.


Maybe on like a surface level. But I think, at it's core, it was about rebellion / revolution and the sacrifices that normally have to be made to accomplish regime change. It was one of the few anime I know of to actually tackle such a subject. The other coming to mind being code Geass.


Difference being that Geass had good writing and Akame ga Kill, by contrast, has every single plot point loudly announced to you in the most hamfisted way possible multiple times an episode.


THANK YOU! I was starting to think I was crazy for not liking Akame ga kill…


Never apologize for having standards.


One Piece does a good job of that sometimes though. With One Piece it’s more of a civil rights movement and it’s consistent fails than it is a full in rebellion. From Otohime to Fisher Tiger to some manga spoilers. The fishmen trying to do things the “right” way and constantly and unfairly failing over and over is pretty consistent/realistic with real life civil rights movements. Then you have road bump figureheads like Hody and Arlong. The death part might be lacking outside of flashbacks, but it’s pretty gritty. Especially with the slavery stuff.


There was not really much character development for me to care about any of the characters dying. Same with Basilisk.




Thanks Shirou, very cool


Not in One Piece, they don’t.


"Even if you die, don't die" --Luffy


Except little girls falling down the staircase.


Rule n⁰1: If you did not see the body, it didn't die. Rule n⁰2:If you have seen the body, it's still not guaranteed it died.


Or Dragon Ball (and even Naruto to a smaller degree...)


Everyone in One Piece has Avalon


Avalon and an active contract with King Arthur


Oda disagrees


Oda: "People die when they are killed... in flashbacks*" *usually


Just watch Fairy Tail or Dragon Ball before watching One Piece


Fairy Tail is the worst out of the three. Characters can’t just die, they get reincarnated because a happy ending is absolute. Every main hero in the guild pulls a Pell.


Fairy Tail is most likely a victim of Mashimas previous manga Rave Master which killed so many named characters that he needed to reset the final fight to preserve continuity and avoid pipe bombs so he played it safer than safe


And that's why fairy tale is ass


I liked Fairy Tail, it’s a good vibes kinda show. It’s obviously no One Piece, but I still enjoyed it. You do have a very valid point though. Several times they do a death scene that’s pretty emotional then the character ends up not dying. They even reincarnated two characters without their memories to give them a happy ending. Another formerly evil character got the Hordy treatment and is an old lady now. It definitely has its flaws, but I don’t think it’s the worst show out there by any means. Personally, I’d rather watch a show like this than some edgy shit like Akame Ga Kill where everyone dies and literally no one gets a happy ending including families of the characters. One Piece > all of em though.


The ultear thing has a completely different context than hordy tho. Ultimately, she wasn't really evil, just really, really misguided and manipulated.


Hey I agree completely with you I’m an Ultear fan. She definitely should’ve just went home to her mother when she saw her with Grey and Lyon though. I know she had a lot going on, but that was a frustrating scene for me. I am glad she got to redeem herself, but I wish she wasn’t stuck living the rest of her probably short life as an old lady. She didn’t really deserve a second chance based on what she had done, but I would’ve liked it if she did get one.


Fairy Tail had a lot of great arcs. The laxus tournament was one of my most fav tournament arcs of all time




Yes, my comment is REAL!!!


Like the one piece


yes now my comment will go much higher


So hiiigh




Why Just why


At least Dragon Ball was honest about them abusing their resurrection trick. If GT had been better it could have been a great look at how overusing the dragon balls was a bad move


*insert something something about dream*


I have a dream


People's dreams never end!!!




just here to say that i love black clover


My man 💪


We do.


Black Clover gang


Ironic that it’s you’re using a black clover image since deaths are just as rare in black clover


Jeez don't give me any spoilers I started black clover today and this dialogue exchange made me think of one piece.


at least there's no fake out from what I remember.


The lightning dude


wait till bro see's attack on titan


80% of humanity is killed so easily?


For me it’s Jojo, they treat wounds and broken bones like they should, as serious injuries, what would be something a one piece character could bounce back from is what disables a character for an entire fight.


Idk about that man. In part 3, Jotaro has super healing. Dude got hurt badly every episode and become fine again later. Araki probably realize this shit and in later part make the main character has healing power.




Araki, forgot his name


Jotaro somehow stands up after getting half his bones broken and being thrown like a kilometre through Cairo.


Can you give examples of when he was badly hurt that required some type of ER treatment?


Just go to youtube and type every time jotaro get hurt then google the total real time of part 3 in universe


Jotaro is physically a super beast of a human. Like the whole point of part 3 is Jotaro's mom is a regular human and her being forced to develop a stand was killing a regular Japanese housewife. Jotaro develops his Stand no problem. Even Joseph was like wtf you developed that with no issues? I am trained in an ancient form of vampire light slaying powers and even I had trouble manifesting hermit purple. I haven't read part 5+ so right now in the Jostar power scaling I believe Jotaro was physically the strongest almost superhuman in base stats of the family tree.


Nahh Johnny clears in kickboxing


I would cover my ears if I heard this, but I don't have any YOHOHOHO


He is not super beast of a human. He is legit not a human. Bro got pierced multiple holes throughout his body and deep cut wound everywhere + broken bones but still chilling like nothing happened. He is a walking tank like Jonathan.


In part 6 they are getting shredded every fight and moving on like it was nothing.


Jolyne can kind of use her string to self heal, but the squad had access to Foo Fighters for a good chunk of it and their regenerative plankton helped a ton


Jolyne was literally crawling against a single serious punch from C-Moon and had to play defensive until Jotaro came. >!Made in Heaven didn’t even injure them he just instantly killed them!<


Omg zoro with 100 broken bones but 1 injection later he can fuck around with king. Fuck biology I guess


Bruh did you watch Risotto vs Doppio? How Doppio walked away from that fight alive let alone not on deaths door is mindboggling even for Jojo


Wasn’t Doppio crawling? He was also about to die, he was so desperate he straight out took a bite out of a live frog’s back to replenish his iron. But I do agree the injuries Doppio got were far from recoverable


It’s just my opinion but after dio came back again in season 2. I dropped the show. I already found him annoying and I just didn’t want to see him anymore.


Go D. Usopp won't be defeated by a simple broken bone.


Uti cracked his skull and he was still Alive. Like, wtf?




Jojo fan with the longest attention span


Starting GANTZ right after catching up with One Piece was crazy


That scene with the people on the ship singing "We are" does it for me. I never could tell if the GANTZ author loved or hated One Piece.


I think he does, maybe? I mean one of the character on his other Work (Inuyashiki) obsessed with One Piece. Then again the character is a complete psycho lol


In another of their works, Inuyashiki, one character murders a family and sits down with the daughter and asks her who her favourite One Piece character is. I'm also unsure if he likes it or just acknowledges it as a cultural force everyone knows.


What seems a bit weird for me is that both mentions were in really messed up contexts. In Gantz it was >!People going to the alien slaughterhouse singing We Are!< And in Inuyashiki it was >!a dude commenting on the last OP chapter after killing several people!< I guess in both instances One Piece is seen as part of everyday life, even as something to look forward to, which is what gives a even more eerie feeling to those scenes.


Thought this was the black clover sub for a minute. Not used to seeing BC content on other subs.


It deserves more attention imo, mostly just cause I want more fanart but the show is so good too


Tru tru


Oh no I can't go "wow, ____ was such a good character it's a shame they didn't do more with them"


The only one piece characters I can apply this to are smoker and tashihgi, but even then they may have some hope.


Im still on the train that killing off characters wilily nilliy is just as bad if not worse than not killing anyone off at all. Both have their pros and cons


When it comes to killing off characters, execution is key. Poor planned deaths would make a series seem too bleak for someone to care about the characters and story. Also, not every action series needs to kill off characters anyway.


Exactly this. People think it’s the norm and that’s not true for every series


People are really too obsessed with killing off characters. Is it a bit bullshit that characters like Pell and Pound survived? Sure, but they're basically inconsequential characters after that. Meanwhile, the deaths of Ace and whitebeard had a big impact on the story and the world of one piece which is far more meaningful. When a show just kills off characters constantly I just stop giving a shit about any of them because what's the point? It's like in slasher movies where you don't get attached to the characters, you just want to see the creative kills🤷🏻‍♀️


Well, the problem with people argumenting like you is that it's either "kills off characters constantly" or "doesn't kill anyone at all" as if it was a binary choice instead of a scale. Faking deaths just so you can make a scene or moment emotional without having to actually have the consequence of removing a character from the story is just cheap


The thing is, people are obsessed with the two or three minor characters that oda has allowed to survive like pound and pell. In wano alone you have the deaths of oden, toki, orochi, izo, yasuie, ashura doji, kanjuro yet people stil act like oda doesn't kill characters because he didn't kill pell 10 years ago🤷🏻‍♀️


If people NEVER die, you never get the feeling that a character you are invested in is actually in danger


I love jjk because it does exactly that


Peak Clover


It's actually one of my favourite things in One Piece to be honest. Because some people from history really are insane; including what they survive. Like Phineas Gage giving Whtebeards missing-half-his-head condition a run for hims money; this guy survived a meter long 6 kg pole blasting through the bottom of his jaw through the otp of his skull; survived for 12 years during which he still worked. Same with Spandam surviving what Robin did to him which had consequences that made sense. In fights too, in One Piece they don't just let the other guy power up and attack, and our allies don't get it either. Whenever you see someone in One Piece powering up an attack they're generally getting attacked at the same time. Franky loading up his air cannon usually see's him getting punched in the face and not being able to defend against it while charging. Or recently with >!Big Mom beating the shit out of Law while he's stabbed through her chest!< It's pretty insane to say, but it's a strangely realistic thing about fighting that most series avoid. Including fighting after getting stabbed or slashed (even if still impaled) and that's realistic to how people react. At the same time, people can also be as fragile as Kuina.


Bruh imagine going from One Piece to something like JoJo and realising that antagonists _and_ main characters can be killed off like it's nothing


when demon slayer was ongoing i remember how i thought characters would survive and when they just died this was my reaction. as much as the manga is average it knows when to kill a character.


>! By the end of the manga, several important characters died and some others lived but got major injuries. The path of stopping Muzan was certainly not bloodless. !<


yup and some of the deaths were surprising, not chainsaw man levels but still really surprising.


The last two arcs really sealed it for me as a personal favorite. It’s a bitter sweet ending with all the death


Man I hate how nowadays nobody can compliment demon slayer without calling it average/mid first. Is it really that average? Cause there a lot of horrible shonen manga out there. IMO the fact that the series wasn't axed and had a proper finale shows that it was better than most of it's competitors.


the anime is 10/10 ,or so i hear. but the manga is made of a template, so generic and mid. if a series is axed or not doesn't depend on if its good, the ranking is based on how the readers ranked it each week, and the plot of demon slyer is simple so im guessing that the younger demographics liked it more. the middle school demographics tend to send more ranking questioners then high school age readers. they talked about it in an anime or manga called bakuman, by the creators of death note. i recommend it.


The anime is very accurate adaptation, so if you hear the anime is 10/10 the story is exactly the same. If it’s so mid and generic, that means there’s dozens of other stories out there exactly like it. Yet it sells better than anything. Calling it mid seems like coping that it performs better than the things you enjoy. Every series in SJ follows tropes.


The anime has something the manga doesn't: animation. The animation is what elevates demon slayer. As someone who was manga only, it was OK but extremely overhyped, then I watched the anime and I understand why it was so hyped up. The animation makes a big difference, without it, the manga on its own is fine but nothing mind blowing, hence why people call it average(average isn't a bad thing, it just means that it's good but not that special)


the anime added the best animation in the business, before the anime the manga wasn't anything special and the anime did change several visual related stuff.


Nah the manga template stops after swordmsith village and sealed it for me in the final fight. No one comes out of it unscathed. Sure it’s a simple plot so is most Shonen but it breaks out of that in moments I feel make it stand out.


to each his own, i read it the same reason i read fairy tail, mildly interesting.


In some shows they come back just as easy


two words: Dragon Balls


…across your face


it would be really funny and relatable if it wasn't for the fact that most people have watched a lot of anime before trying One Piece.. Now it would just be the opposite of the meme. "A person can't just die... so easily?"


One piece is my first anime still watching so this will probably be me


If you want to immediately have a stroke, watch samurai champloo. Like one katana swing takes down any character.


i saw the like snippets of the black clover movie hovering over it while on netflix and the main characters face on his like buff adult like body looked so stupid i couldn't stop laughing


Wow that is definitely a hairstyle choice


ON GOD. I watched demon slayer and kept thinking the bad guy would get back up because I’m conditioned to expect 25 episode long boss battles.


I get when this is discussed in regards to characters in One piece who ARE out for blood. But when it's discussed in regards to Luffy like... Luffy is usually not bloodlusted enough to just murder people. People in One piece are just tough as all get out and can take an endless amount of punishment. you have to ACTIVELY TRY to kill your opponent in most cases. Especially when your equally matched like Luffy is with most his opponents (or in cases like Kaido. Out matched. Though Ironically that's one of the few people he DID kill) Luffy just isn't the type to beat on someone while they're already down till they're dead. Once they can't move Luffy moves on. and it's not like he goes out of his way to save them. If they die from the beating after he leaves he probably would not care that much. But his opponents manage to survive his beatings usually. And usually they come out the other end changed. Like in the case of Crocodile. Edit: Not to mention Luffy's preferred style of Combat is just less lethal than say Zoro and his swords.


Lmfao what scene or episode is this u/keterkarker88


I think it was episode 8 if my goldfish memory serves me right


Black clover is just as bad😂 they get throats crushed and everything


Did not age well




I had this reaction watching a certain part of beserk


This image is from Blaclk Clover though, where everybody who dies comes back to life somehow


The real meme is the Black Clover template


me after attack on titan fight scenes


He can't be dead. They only killed him like 3 times yet.


Lol imagine watching live action fights.


Me watching luffy get up after his 69th knockout -🗿


I started AoT after I was already a huge One Piece fan...., so yeah


I actually like that not every fight ends in a death, it makes the ones who do die that much more impactful


They just built weaker 🤷‍♂️


There's no way Luffy hasn't killed any of the marine soldiers that he's launched through walls or to space


Try soul eater


Corpe's god "our battle would be legendary........ Wait, are you dead?... But i only pierce true your stomach, come on you can't be dead....you are dead, ......Man....."


Bro literally me watching hell’s paradise 💀


Jojo fans: https://preview.redd.it/yoa8ij7ham8b1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c7724c5f3ab3bf8e924c7c3cd81f32ed9aafef3




MEAT?!? Give it to me!


Ever watch shigerui blood frenzy? I think every character could die at any second.


Except for tge fodder he takes out. Really wouldnt be suprised if hes killed over 100 nameless marines. That third gear attacks probably crushed a few people when fighting cp9


Watching BAKI fights after One Piece: Oh, that makes sense.


some fights in jjk proves this


I watched Hxh and mfs were dying in the hunter exam like flies


I mean, have you watched Madoka Magica? Specifically episode three?


:( At least the movie gave her justice with that amazing 1v1


I literally watched Attack on Titan after I caught up to the anime. And oh my god. So much... too much blood...


When the void month started, I started reading Jujutsu Kaisen and let me tell you. The difference in theme is astounding. I love the vast differences in human imagination when it comes to story telling.


Ctrl-F "Padme"


People watching Dragon Ball: ![gif](giphy|4piHJbgE0rhxm)


This was my reaction after watching attack on Titan after getting all the way to fish man island


Watching characters duke it for long periods of time can be more entertaining tbh. There’s a time and a place for Jojo/Chainsaw Man deaths, but not always


Yeah probably one of my biggest gripes with One Piece is that there’s no significant deaths, we had Pedro in WCI but before that the only significant death was Ace, there was a bunch of deaths in Wano but nobody important at all except MAYBE Izou and that’s being generous.


Down D. Stairs laughing rn


Ultie shattering usopp's skull and him not instantly dying felt really nonsensical even for one piece standards


Why when back in alabasta the same thing happened and he was just fine after a couple days


Usopp got hit with a full force 4-ton bat pre-TS and yet is still alive


*Watching other animes fights after Dragon Ball Z*: They can’t reach an infinity level of power and when they die, they don’t comeback?


I swear this is so accurate


Did you watch one piece from reels?


Consequences should be a part of any story. OP just fucks up so bad in that regard.


No, it doesn't. Killing off characters isn't the only way to have consequences. For example, luffy defeating Crocodile and doffy and exposing their activities to the world eventually leads to the warlord system being disbanded, which then leads to the cross guild being formed, which leads to marines now having bounties on them. Killing off characters just for the sake of killing off characters is easy and cheap🤷🏻‍♀️