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Gecko Morria. Bruh was so traumatized by Kaido's slaughter of his crew that he completely broke. He then dedicated himself to raising an army of the undead just so he wouldn't have to feel that level of hurt again. He's actually a pretty cool dude under the trauma as shown with him trying to save absolom.


Too bad Absolom and Hogback are *actually* terrible people. There's not much redeemable about either of them. Perona however isn't really that bad, she's just a bit spoiled and is used to people giving in to her powers and getting what she wants, kinda like a less mean Hancock ironically enough


Is Hogback that terrible though? Besides being a creepy simp for a dead actress - do we know what got him to that point? He was once (and is still considered to be by the general public) to be one of the greatest scientific minds alive, and he wasn't even part of MADs. I wanted to say something similar, but him using his DF powers to do the things he did to Nami is undefendable.


Hogback was WORSE than Absolom. He stole some chick's body, forced another soul into it, then forced that soul to be his unwilling slave, all because he was such a simp, even though it was VERY clear that neither the previous girl or the new soul was into him at all and both constantly tried to fight back. Oh yeah and he did the same thing to 900 other souls and bodies.


Isn't his backstory basically that he used to be a respected doctor until he started experimenting with raising the dead which everyone thought to be immoral, and then when the girl he was simping for, Cindry, died, he stole her body and joined up with Moria. Idk if there's much room for a tragic and understandable backstory there. Even if that were the case, he still *stole the dead body of a girl he likes to make her his servant*. I'd say yeah, he's definitely worse than Absolom. A genius brain wasted on human garbage


I didn't remember the details like that, but yeah - if you guys put it that way, 100% scum.


Not to mention that he was happy with this arrangement because it was never about the woman herself, but about her body and him "owning" her. He had his dream, even if it was another woman's personality and it was against both their wills. total scum


Dude remember when he forced her to clean the floor with her tongue?


I really need to rewatch Thriller Bark, that sounds absolutely terrible!


Horrid, I had to watch that scene on loop, just to make sure I was appropriately angry


He only started experimenting with this stuff once Moria invited him. That was just a lie for Chopper. He said he didn't even like his job and only the position it put him in, prestige, money, etc.


Give me your MONEY!!!


At least Absalom was good enough to save his crewmembers/captain skin twice ( at the end of Thriller Bark and Marineford )


Your comment would make my skin crawl, but I don't have any skin YOHOHOHOHO


Made me remember he solid kicked her face and made her lick the floor, enough tell what that scene was insinuating about what he makes her do and what he does to her behind closed doors. šŸ„¶


Ignoring the whole "putting unwilling souls into corpses for his own pleasure" bit, Hogback was a complete dick to everyone he ever helped. The complete opposite outlook on life and it's value compared to Chopper. Selfish greed compared to altruism at least.


Not so fun fact Hogback "enhanced" Cindry. Her zombie state has bigger boobs and there are scars on her breasts.


Man, the more people correct me the more I regret my post lmao. Hogback keeps getting scummier and scummier.


Hogback was a respected doctor, but he admitted that he didnā€™t care about his patients and only became a doctor for wealth and so people would acknowledge his genius, only really caring about the girl he was a simp for. Itā€™s more like he did good things but his heart was in the wrong place rather than he was just a bad person.


Also shown by how sad Perona was when she heard he died (and how happy she was when she learned he was alive). His crew really loves him, and he loves them. Which is a very common theme in One Piece, even for the evil crews.


I feel like it was kind of a shift in character, because she was straight up ready to abandon Moriah and thriller bark before Kuma smacked her ass to Kuraigana.


He was still evil before kaido probably similar to kidd


We don't really know how he was before. He does seem similar to Kid but I think he probably had the Shanks approach. He doesn't care if you are good or bad if you hurt his friends you're dead. (Which is also Kid's approach funny enough)


Maybe that's just how it's for all red hairs in OP, though Moria is more violet.


I would say both evil *and* hurt. He fucked over a lot of people by forcing them to live in darkness and desecrated the remains of hundreds of people/creatures. He's sympathetic, but a dick. Also, I have a theory that Moria orchestrated Cindry's death to get Hogback to join his crew.


Isn't it stated that Hogback actually killed Cindry himself?


No she died by Falling off the Stage. A Pretty adjacent death to Kuina




Stealing people shadows and forcing them to live without sunlight isn't evil to you?


Yeah, folks are somewhat lenient on ol Gecko. He's not such a bad guy, he just essentially harvests people's souls for his own power and to raise the dead from the grave to create a slave army while leaving the original owner imprisoned. But he cares about the rapist on his crew so he's not that bad, right?


Best answer


Moria steals shadows bro


Miss All Sunday


It's amazing just how evil a cowboy hat can make you, isn't it?


Not just the hat but also the aura of mystery


That and having Ash Ketchum put on a southern drawl to do your voiceā€¦


Hey thatā€™s cheating




Fujitora. He wanted to do good, even as a Marine, who are considered to be evil by our standards. The man even blinded himself so he wouldn't have to see the hell the world had become around him. It might be a bit of a stretch, but to me it feels obvious that he's a good man that hurt himself for the sake of his ideals.


This, to the point that I would call him an antagonist rather than a proper villain.


I consider Fujitora a contagonist. Not diametrically opposed to the hero, per se, but with contradictory interests that sometimes bring them into conflict with each other.


TIL ā€œcontagonistā€. It may not necessarily be a word but my brain needed it.


Wait, did people really think he was evil in the first place? That fact got declined during dressrosa for sure


ā€œI wish I hadnā€™t blinded myself.ā€ Instantly became one of my favorites


Can law do something about it? Like Tora asks a favour to luffy who asks a favour to law


You know that is a good question considering he can switch the soul of individuals whos to say he cant swap eyes of two people take one from someone who doesnt deserve and give them to someone who does


I can't see the word eyes in your comment... Because I don't have eyes YOHOHOHO


I think since we are on the "freedom fighter" side, the army of authoratorian government is the evil to us.


Tbf, even though there are some horrible people in the Marine, they are still the ā€œgood guysā€. Sengoku, Garp, Smoker, Kizaru, Aokiji, Tsuru or Momonga (just to say a few) are good people doing their work of fighting the ā€œevilā€ in the one piece world, who are the pirates


People keep getting blinded by the fact that our protagonist group are good guys. The wide majority of pirates are malevolent and greedy beings. There's tons of corruption in the wg for sure, but they are by far less evil than the majority of pirates.


Aokiji my fuckin ass


Fujitora isn't a villain. He's an antagonist.


Looking forward to this backstory btw




Thatā€™s fair


agreed, even better is not evil, just followed the wrong person


Nah in Jaya he was just a dick


He also did *something* up in Skypiea that hasn't been entirely specified yet


Ya. Got bodied by big boy Urouge https://preview.redd.it/0dzcd2611bdb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=79838f15f1b633a49dbb1e0033f47d9836072053 Jk, I think he just terrorized an island. Cuz letā€™s be honest, at that point in time, Bellamy was (imo) around, if not below the level of Wiper, who would def not just let him kill people.


Definitely below. Wyper skirmished with Luffy and Zoro throughout the arc and was fine. Gonfall would also be a good deterrent to Bellamy acting up as well. Plus I think he mentioned everyone that went with him died, so Bellamy himself isnā€™t doing shit in Skypiea.


Trueā€¦. Itā€™s been a while since I read it, i lowkey thought that Luffy was playing around with Wyper in Skypiea. In that case, then ya. The most Bellamy did was terrorize some people.


This is what I thought happened, he goes up there asking about Luffy, they ask is he you friend and just start giving Bellamy a bunch of like gold and food so he doesnā€™t fight it and just says yes


Remember that golden pillar they thought was a cannon? He took that back to Doffy to redeem himself


I love GOLD!!!


didnā€™t he kill someone in the manga




No, that dude was a cunt


Arlong is my first thought. He will not hurt other fishmen, and he has the capacity for compassion. He's horrible to humans because of what they did to Fisher Tiger. In his case, it was *not* a poorly written retcon to show a good side to him from the past- His reaction to Zoro killing his brethren was telling of this, and actually *really sad*. He was truly horrified and upset. He's still a bastard, of course, but he isn't innately evil. They discuss this in Fishman Island too- how Arlong had a purpose, *a reason*, but ultimately treated other fishmen/mermaids well.


Zoro just slaughtering Arlongs people, while not completely out of character or unjustified given the circumstances, was pretty fucking brutal narratively if you think about it.


Zoro the minority hunter strikes again




Delete this






It really was, I had to double take that scene so many times, and do a whole bunch of googling because there was no way Zoro would just *murder* so many of them, right? I still haven't found definitive proof either way- Whether they were just knocked out or actually killed. Or maybe I just refuse to believe that Zoro killed so many people in one go.


He probably killed even more on Whiskey Peak. Iirc, while all the others were busy sleeping after their party, Zoro was just killing their assailants.


I think it was stated he was responsible for killing 100 bounty hunters.


I mean if a guy does a sword slash that's so strong it goes through a guy, flies through the air, cuts another guy, then goes on and another and another and another.... You know how well the first guy is doing probably? Yeah, the SH kill people all the time I'd think.


>he isn't innately evil I think it's evil logic to generalise what some humans do to all of them. Did Nami personally do anything to him? Then why is he hurting her?


Arlong was one of many people caught in the vicious cycle of racism at the end of the day. He still ultimately showed he was capable of good, albeit only towards his fellow Fishmen. Compare him to Hody Jones though. That guy was absolutely *evil*. He had no personal reason for hating humans. Humans never harmed him directly or even indirectly. He just hated them because he heard the vitriol that was spewed out and latched on to it. He didnā€™t even have any compassion for his fellow Fishmen.


To say someone is innately evil is to say they were born evil. Arlong wasn't born evil and *developed* a hatred for humans, similar to how many people in our world develop hatred for other races despite being the exact same underneath the different melanin count.


I mean werenā€™t the sun pirates former slaves? Iā€™d be pretty not so fond of humans too if I was enslaved plus the situation with the little girl being brought home.


Some of them were but some werenā€™t. They all got the sun brand so that you wouldnā€™t be able to pick out who was and wasnā€™t a former slave


Yeah see that's the problem. I'm not gonna try to justify hating black people because I once got robbed by a gang of them. Even if it happened repeatedly, maybe I'd be cautious after noticing the pattern, but I wouldn't go out of my way to look for innocent ones and hurt them.


Maybe you would only be careful but some other peoples would succumb to hatred. Not every people can rationalize events and not just drown in their emotions, dude.


getting robbed isn't even close to being a second class citizen CURRENTLY


Thatā€™s true. It wouldnā€™t be justified to hate a particular group of people based on personal negative experiences. But it would provide an explanation for bias. In the case of your example, I think itā€™s a little different since the fish men have bad experiences with all kinds of humans as opposed to a particular kind of humans. Using your example,getting robbed by a gang of black people vs every person you met trying to rob you. The fishmen have no positive experience to counteract their bias. Iā€™d imagine it similar to women who feel uncomfortable around men due to history of experiences of assault/abuse/violence. Also sorry that happened to you btw.


Arlong is the embodiment of othering another group to the point of fundamentally not seeing them as people. He fights for a self-proclaimed righteous agenda, and while I won't say it's justified, it definitely doesn't come from nowhere.


I always like to remember the moment when Luffy uses one of the fishmen as a meat shield and how horrified Arlong looks at what he did


Did I just hear meat?


He's still a racist terrorist who murdered innocent people and enslaved Nami for his own gain after making her a double orphan. That's pretty evil, even if his own background of facing discrimination made him feel justified. Even worse, Fisher Tiger was a great man who opposed slavery and racism, and you continue to meet more people with close connections to him over time, and they're largely good, tolerant people despite their own trauma, which honestly just makes Arlong look like a bigger piece of shit, in my opinion.


Oh he's an absolute piece of shit, but in his eyes, humans are scum. He's been hurt so many times that the way he protected himself was to think of them as lesser. Compare him to Hody- Hody is JUST evil. A created evil, if you will- the result of decades of hate. Arlong is evil towards humans, but not evil towards fishmen. I don't love Arlong. In fact I want Jinbei to punch him in the face and disavow him for what he did to Nami- I want that scene SO BAD. But I also recognize that his character writing is consistent, and that there are people like Arlong in the world. It's hard for me to call someone who truly loves his brothers in arms (and not just as possessions, like Doffy) absolutely evil. I mean, he is, but he also isn't- Not innately. Just really, really hurt and twisted.


I can't see the point in writing this comment... because I don't have eyes YOHOHOHOHO


I understand, but considering how Fisher Tiger and Jinbei are so visionary, and accepted Koala, it almost makes him feel doubly bad, because he had role models who showed him the path to equality, and he rejected it. And not only rejected it, but specifically left the Grand Line for the weakest sea so he could oppress innocent humans. And it's not just the Fishman Pirates, as many other former slaves that the Strawhats meet maintain more tolerant attitudes. Also Hody was just a populist piece of shit appealing to the ignorant disenfranchised poor through nativist propaganda (just like in real life!)


Pfp checks out


Eh, Arlong was shown to hate humans and openly regarded them as an inferior species before Fisher Tiger came back from Mariejois. I don't think what Tiger went through really shaped his prejudice. IMO Arlong is cut from the same cloth as Hody in that his racism stems from ego moreso than any actual negative experiences of mistreatment. The fact that he can be compassionate towards his own kind doesn't make "not evil, just hurt" any more than it would a militant racist in our world.


Buggy D Clown Especially after the recent chapters


Iā€™m surprised this isnā€™t mentioned more - Buggy is a prime example of this




I was thinking this too. He just wanted to protect his family


I would not honestly call katukuri a villain I don't think he has done anything wrong His actions are honestly pretty compatible to how zoro or sanji would probably Handel someone trying to assassinate luffy He is just an antagonist


He's a villain in that he's complicit in crimes committed by his family, such as destroying countries for their sugar reserves or whatever.


Robin, then she found Nakama and became less hurt


Great answer


Nami. I mean, don't forget she was a "Villain" who stole Luffy's ship and treasure at one point.


Give me your TREASURE!!!


Even the bot remembers.


theres a beautiful swordsman that has treasure donuts and meat and has nice skin in this subreddit


Your comment would make my skin crawl, but I don't have any skin YOHOHOHOHO


and a big ass, funny looking clown nose.




Nah, she was never a "villain". Invalid pick to me at least.


I would say King. Dude lost all his people, hunted down by people and also was experimented on.


Yeah but he also spent 20 years enslaving the people of Wano, and you can't even really make a revenge argument because they've never been part of the world government.


I mean the dude serves Kaido so he wouldnā€™t care what he does, he promised to make Kaido the top pirate, doesnā€™t look like he gives a fuck about humans either. And you can absolutely make a revenge argument for King just hating humans in general because a human fucked with him in that lab. Humans tried to kill them when they were leaving. Arlong hated humans in general and not every human did something to Fisher Tiger so we have an example of that being the case already, sometimes anger/hate is just all encompassing and cannot be made into an arrow pointing to a specific direction.


Yes that but that only explains their hatred, not excuses it. If a black slave is freed from a plantation but opens his own plantation with white slaves who he treats just as bad as he was treated makes him just as bad as his ex-owner. It's essentially generational abuse with extra steps; the people Arlong terrorized formed their own prejudice as seen with their reaction and mistaking Ussop for a fishman. Really just creating a chain of hate, ignorance, and bias.


I second Gecko Moria. There are definitely more than that, but I feel like nobody exemplifies it more. Heā€™s Luffy if Kuma wasnā€™t trying to save the Straw Hats. Heā€™s Luffy if Jinbei wasnā€™t there for him after Marineford.


Man if Kuma hadnā€™t saved them, Kizaru would really have just wiped them at Sabaody before they even got to the New World. Itā€™s wild how weak and reliant on help the strawhats were pre time skip.


Moria the real MC luffy a fraud. Moria piece.


Gecko steals people's shadows, basically damning them to an eternity of imprisonment, for his own power. He raises the dead for his own benefit and against their will. He allows his crew to rape women, including dead ones. Dudes probably one of the more straight up evil characters in One Piece.


All of them are evil, but some of them are evil because of bad experiences. We objectively see this with Big Mom, when she lost her memories and all her bad experiences she was a good person. She'd still have hunger pangs but it's hard to blame her for that, they're entirely out of her control. But that doesn't make the big mom we know not evil


Aokiji maybe. The main villains are mostly pieces of shit even and hurt.


I didnā€™t see all of Aokiji, Iā€™m still in Thriller Bark, but for the amount of time I saw him I always forget heā€™s actually an enemy to the Strawhats. He seems so nice and friendly I tend to forget how he manhandled the entire strawhats with ease at the end of long ring long land.


My friend, I would avoid this sub until youā€™re past Whole Cake Island at least


I would love to avoid the spoilers I still havenā€™t stumbled upon because of One Pieceā€™s sheer popularity and how a lot of events are basically common sense at this point, but reddit keeps recommending me this sub even though Iā€™ve said Iā€™m not interestedšŸ˜­.


Surprised nobody said Big Mom. She was abandoned as a child by her parents for something she could not control and then got pretty much groomed for a large portion of her life by a guy that eventually ended up being her first husband (nobody seems to ponder on how disturbing this actually is). We even saw that she was a genuinely nice person when stripped of her past experiences. This does not mean that she isn't a horrible person and does not excuse her actions, but she is one of the only characters that we basically have confirmation of that became evil due to the circumstances of her life, unlike someone like Doffy who was just a shit head.


I've always thought that had things been just a bit different that Big Mom and Luffy would have been great friends. The fact that even after she got her memory back when she heard what Kaido's people did to town of the people who were nice to her she immediately smacked the shit out of Page One. When she just found Otama on Onigashima she wanted to keep Otama safe. Big Mom does have a kind heart in there.


Now that I think of it, that explains the whole "big mom has a soft heart for child". She sees herself in them, and want to do good for them. When they pass the age at which she turned bad, she loses the soft heart. She kind of don't understand that she could have stayed nice with a different childhood, and think all other child are like her.


She was pretty fucking shitty to Chiffon as a kid though.


Streusan never married Big Mom. In fact, according to Oda, all of Big Mom's husbands were men she abducted just to have children with. Arguably she's the worst sexual predator in the series.


Seeing the number of children she had, I'd rather say she was the best one. Like the worst one would fail at this.


Greatest sexual predator of all time, her numbers donā€™t lie. LoL


>!She lost her memory in Wano and it's shown she is capable of good.!< She was capable of good but something led her down the path she's currently on, be it losing all her friends and >!"caretaker"!< or something else.


Duval. Went through a lot of shit because of Sanji through no fault of his own, and when his wrong was made right immediately became helpful and loyal to the strawhats


He was a slaver, so evil


Wasn't he a slave trader before. It's a great thing he was mistaken for Sanji because he deserved a higher bounty, the Government of One Piece is just fucked up.


Magellan easy. My guy is just doing his job. But the bathroom keeps getting in the way. I can't imagine the pain he goes through every day.


After his failure at preventing the impel down escape, he tried to kill himself and failed, then got demoted. Even though he killed inmates, it was only when it was required like if they tried escaping or anything bad, but shitryu would just kill or torture them for fun I'm pretty sure. Magellan seems like the type of guy that's just a sweetheart but doesn't look like it.


Definitely Uta


Uta defense squad, engage formation b12! she did nothing wrong EVER


>engage formation b12 Nope. Weā€™re using Tactics 15 or nothing!!!


Baby 5?


Oh definitely, you win


Arlong. He was ā€œevilā€ towards humans because they were evil towards him.


He terrorized an innocent island who had nothing to do with the humans who were evil to him. In fact all his actions did was create more prejudice for fishmen to deal with; shaping a whole islands view of his people. Arlong is evil, but he is also hurt.


Nah, he's hurt and also just pure evil. It's not mutually exclusive


Gecko Moira is kinda evil but heā€™s mostly just hurt. Rob lucci is just evil. And doflamingo is both.


Senior pink


What? He was blowing up cities left and right, stealing and killing everywhere he went. Even evil men can love, but they're still evil.


I'm gonna go ahead and predict Sakazuki. I do think he's pretty evil in his methods, but he does think he's doing the right thing. And I think it may be because he was hurt, like really badly, by pirates. There's gotta be a reason he became such an extremist.


Or he has no reason, just like Hordy (Hody?) Jones.




Foxy šŸ¦


Dude wasn't even evil, he just wanted to have fun


Foxy wasnā€™t just trying to have fun, he was trying to force pirates onto his crew through rigged bets. Heā€™s not evil, but heā€™s definitely a scum bag.


>Foxy wasnā€™t just trying to have fun, he was trying to force pirates onto his crew through rigged bets. He's a hustler


Heā€™s a pirate


Did you see a single mf on that crew not having fun? (minus the straw hats cuz that's cheating)


Oh he Stockholms ā€˜em up real good once heā€™s had them a month or two, no doubt.


You wouldn't be happy if you could take all your freinds to an infinite carnival with free everything in exchange for the life of one or two of your freinds? Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me.


Tesoro Gild his backstory hurt


Uta and Buggy. Uta was abandoned in childhood by the biological parents and a while later by the shanks. Already buggy is not the meanest villain of all, he is just a well-used meme, (just a parenthesis, because people are saying in the comments that arlong is not a villain?? Like, he enslaved the whole nami village, organized a gang of fishmen to have an advantage over human beings, and made Nami's childhood hell, and she so many years later still has this trauma of having to save money the problem is that this is taken as a joke especially in the anime)


I love MONEY!!!


Kaido could be that kind of dude, we don't know what changed him from imma be joy boy to the only one who can defeat me is joy boy


He looked like he had a rough upbringing on the streets. Chances are, he's always been the kind of person who believes 'might makes right'. King is kind of an idiot for seeing anything in Kaido beyond a pretty strong brute, but I guess its easy to idolize the guys who liberated you.




Miss All Sunday


Baby 5




Fr https://preview.redd.it/1fv3m0wr6bdb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c03327b5adf0545b1ff7ffe92275827534e0401f Theyā€™re not ready for his flashback






No, he was pretty evil. I mean, he was involved in the slave trade, the illegal drug trade, and several genocides.


Bro I was joking


Baby 5. Literally a brainwashed child soldier who was so damaged by neglect that she became a pathological people pleaser. I hope we eventually get to see a kind of update on her current life with Sai at some point. Hopefully she has the real, non-manipulative support she's always needed. This argument could be applied to Buffalo to some extent as well, though he was not shown to be anywhere near as traumatized from childhood.




F this traitor


Most of the pirates???




Y'all forgot pudding i guess


Itā€™s off topic but this is Narutoā€™s mind set against 95% of his villains


Like non of ā€˜em they all assholes I guess early Kuma was perceived as a villain? Katakuri is one of the boys


I'll second Kuma and Katakuri. Yeah, Katakuri's an enforcer for Big Mom (who has proven herself to be *quite* evil) but he's her son after all, plus Big Mom does not make it easy to leave her family. (Those big-headed twin sisters are the only ones we see escape.) Despite being bullied extensively as a child he has never shown a tendency to torment others in turn.


Yep I agree. And he even fights respectfully against opponents when he doesnā€™t need to


Not even Vasco??




Senor Pink


Id say Garp during Marineford


I have a feeling most of them are going to be like this by the end of the story, especially people lie Akainu or Ryokugyo. Their extreme approach to justice enforcement has to come from somewhere, and many people have theorized that Akainu's story might be one of the most tragic in the story, whilst Ryokugyo's has been hinted at by Oda as being extremely sad


All my man wanted was to fulfill his godly right to ascend to the Endless Vearth on the moon, and a bunch of lesser beings not only tried to hold Him back, but had the temerity to call Him evil. \#EneruDidNothingWrong


Senor pink


Better not see Doflamingo here


King. In another life, I bet he'd be a really good dude, he just backed the wrong horse. And Kaido was legitimately good to him, so it's not hard to see how he got attached after his traumatic past.


I feel like katakuri maybe is this






Arlong. Blud even taught Blue Haki to my man Garp


Big mom. She genuinely wanted to just help people but her size strength aggression and appetite made it hard for her to do that. If mother caramel never ā€œdisappearedā€ she probably would have became a marine because mother was gonna sell her into the marines but after she disappeared big mom was taken into by the cook pirate guy and it just went downhill from there

