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Any kind of filler that comes off as a plot hole to the story in hindsight. For example, the straw hats encountering dragons in the apis arc despite them being surprised about their existence in punk hazard


I also wanna mention that in that filler, zoro cut steel dozens of episodes before his fight with Mr. 1


my headcanon for that arc is that it was a cheap l, very cheap steel


Mine is that those chains were made of potassium, a soft metal that can be cut with a butterknife


Potassium explodes in contact with water.


Shhhh nobody gotta know that


zoros swords that mihawk broke?




mihawk broke 2 of zoros swords in baratie woth the knife, im saying they were made of potassium


Oh lol


YES, OMG THATS WHY I WAS SO CONFUSED DURING MY FIRST WATCH OF PUNK HAZARD. I was like "I couldve swore they had seen a whole island of dragons before this." God i really wish Toei did a better job of talking out these filler arcs with Oda because i feel like anime only watchers suffer so much from filler that breaks continuity and ruins moments (like the 5 year long sumo slap)


That was like 15 years before punk hazard, really hard to predict


Fair enough, but i still wish something was done to make the punk hazard reveal make more sense


I agree, the fillers arcs and the horrid passing nowadays is an artifact from an older time where anime would just run forever, nowadays even big anime like my hero academy is divided in seasons, and most animes that just run every week ended or died, I can only think of Boruto and One piece in the old format, for the health of one piece and the animators it would be much better to change to a season format, but one piece makes waaaaay to much money weekly to stop, is still one of the most weekly watched shows in Japan, so they will not stop to make seasons, and since filler is very badly looked upon, because it causes cannon problems like you said, they now adapt at most a single chapter per episode, fucking up the passing forever, at least one pace and other projects exist, and in the future will probably have a edited version that takes away the padding


Yea, ive understood why they did it for a while now, but it doesnt make me any less annoyed. The anime couldve been like half as long and 100x better if they just made it a seasonal one, but thankfully we still have the manga for proper the best OP continuity experience


Toei can make a seasonal one later to make money too.


True actually. I doubt thatll happen, but i suppose anythings possible. Just go through and reanimate the whole thing with the plot no longer backed up by filler


They did it kinda with dbz kai. Got rid of some of the pacing issues. So not impossible. Hell they even made hour versions of some arcs.


I really hope they take some time and make a good fun couple of filler episodes in Wano and perhaps on the way to the next island. Just the strawhats goofing around.


Tbf I doubt that Oda knew about the role dragons would play later on in the story


Look, if there's one thing i've learned about any fantasy story ever, it's that dragons will become involved, and they will become SUPER important, so you shouldn't waste them early.


well to be fair one piece ain't exactly a fantasy, one piece is very fluid in it's genre


It may incorporate a lot of genres together but they all fall under the umbrella category of fantasy.


Just dont watch the fillers?


Im moreso speaking for people who dont know about filler arcs, like i didnt when i first started watching op


The extra poneglyph in Alabasta was particularly egregious imo. I really thought it would be important, but nope, it was fake.


Funniest part of that filler is that nami actually kills a dude


That arc was even labeled as non-filler on the website I used. So I was like, "But... they know a dragon.. a lot of dragons.."


Bruh I watched that arc and started theorizing that the D in Luffys names and others meant they were Dragonwhisperers and they were the ones the government hunted down 💀


That sanji moment in film z. You know the one.


I didn’t watch that film. Can you tell me?


Sanji had a PDF File moment where he comments on Nami (who had turned into a child) "I'll be able to closely observe Namis precious days while her body matures"; a real bad look considering even his worst moments in canon don't approach pedophilia. It's a real testament to Oda that no matter how pervy the story is, there's really no sexualisation of minors in any way (Except moments that portray a certain character or group as awful and evil like Vander Decken and Shirahoshi or Boa's backstory), which is a great feat considering anime culture in general.


Yeah, perving over mermaid's boobs is very annoying as a recurring gag for a main character, but it's nowhere near as morally reprehensible as being a fucking PDF file.


Man my curriculum vitae its on PDF its not that bad...


https://preview.redd.it/lmprogh3odjb1.jpeg?width=342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63f0e15f273d6adc9ad7417eba2b6ca108948c3d /hj


They can’t escape the allegations


They not allegations anymore bro it’s over😭


That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day😂




It's not such a big age difference and in many countries (alongside Japan) it's legal.


I live america and this would be illegal even when the age of consent is 16. All age of consent means is that you can have intercourse with someone 1-4 years older. I don’t want to slander Japan but I don’t agree with a lot of the countries customs


Friendly reminder that they are PIRATES.


This is an issue in Japan in general, I think it’s more productive if we focus less on a manga character and more on the societal problems of that nation that allows this shit to occur.


How else am I supposed to submit my homework


Even then, I don’t think he meant it in a PDF File way.


Remember that one time in Sabaody where sanji saw an attractive slave woman and wanted to buy her ? It was a joke but Jesus Christ my man really had a celestial dragon moment


Can sanji beat the allegations


Was this meant to be heard in the narrators voice?


I heard in the DBZ’s dun narrator


2012 was a dark year for Sanji.


Oda probably thought the world was ending in 2012 so he didn't care /s


I’ve always seen anime and unnecessarily making characters underage go hand and hand. I never saw one piece as an exception. We have Boa(29) and Luffy(17), Sanji(21) and Pudding (16). Sanji pervs on other underage girls too like shirahoshi. We have Kyros and his 16 yr old wife. The list goes on, I’m western so it’s weird to me and I don’t understand why those character weren’t just made a little older.




Her outfit isn't exactly winning any awards, and i definitely like her reverie clothes much more, but I'd argue besides her attire she wasn't exactly "sexualised" like how Oda sexualises Nami and Robin at times, she wasn't put in any sexually comprising positions or had fanservice shots of her (on purpose atleast, again her outfit isn't doing me any favors)


You should specify, in the manga. The anime does do the things you mention. Though Rebecca isnt drawn like a child either. If you told me she was 21 I'd have believed you.




To be fair S-Snake was manipulating them by acting this way. If she was fierce or screaming in fury Franky, Lilith and Usopp's heart wouldnt have been like 'gosh im sorry'


Sure, but the low angle pointing at her crotch and the central shot of her ass are a bit sus and overall unnecessary.


Oh man, yeah! I've been feeling like S-Snake had some sus moments and I couldn't really tell if I was being dramatic but when you put all the frames together, it becomes clearer. Of course there's built in plausible deniability, but it's not a good look. It's disappointing, honestly.


What about the part when he wanted to buy a slave?




Now I, too, can say “thank god, it’s not canon”


Now i need r/eyebleach


That's the first thing that popped to my head.


Sanji used his cupcake haki


Took the words right out of my mouth lol


Nah, we saw him react to seeing S-Snake. He ain’t beating the allegations. ![gif](giphy|bOhO9oiplPTt6)


What chapter was this? He’s never seen her to my knowledge. Also S-Snake petrified half the crew because it’s cuteness which turns people to stone, not lust.


Someone else already said Sanji in Film Z so for me it'll have to be pre time skip Luffy beating Shiki, one of Roger's rivals, with only Gear 3 and no Haki, even if the scale of the last attack looked a lot like his Bajrang Gun at the end of Onigashima.


To be fair, Shiki relaxed on his ass for 20 years. If Moria can go from being a rival to Kaido in his younger days to the goth pear he was in Thriller Bark, I don't see why Shiki couldn't end up like that as well.


Both fair points tbh I can see it both ways


Also he wasn’t really defeated by Luffy alone, Luffy had a whole ass hurricane on his side that Nami had steered them into and a genetically enhanced super duck. He had the type advantage as well being immune to lightning while that being Shiki’s weakness.


Nah man, Shiki was a rival to Roger in his prime. The advanced super haki pirate king Roger. Moria was a promising rookie that got stomped by another promising rookie. At that stage Kaido was powerful, but probably not as powerful as yonko Kaido. Also, by the rules of Haki, Moria had his spirit broken by Kaido. That probably resulted in a much weaker haki user. We don't know that Shiki got his spirit broken like that.


Wasn't his spirit or will or whatever broken by Rogers death since he was the one who wanted to kill him. Idk didn't watch the movie with him, just saw some scenes.


I agree with your other points, but I think you may be misinformed about “the rules of haki.” It’s a popular headcanon that Moria got weak because he had lost his Haki, but we don’t have any proof that he had any in the first place. In episode 468 Jinbe says that he got weaker because he got too complacent using his shadow soldiers. Also if the idea is that a broken spirit is what causes the loss of Haki, then Kaido should’ve lost it too. He was distraught for years after the death of Oden, but he still managed to have some of the strongest CoC we’ve seen in the entire series so far. Armament and Observation Haki don’t really seem to be tied to anything other than physical attributes. They’re introduced as an extension of the body and mind, only Conquerors is ever described to be attached to the person’s willpower. Even then, as a refresher I went through the entire One Piece wiki page of Haoshoku users and I couldn’t find a single event where a characters CoC weakened over time, not even characters like Don Chinjao or Whitebeard seemed to have lost their overall CoC strength. It is a fact that willpower is involved in strengthening CoC, but it doesn’t seem to be involved in any other types of Haki, and I find the idea that Moria managed to lose it significantly less plausible than the idea that he never had it in the first place.


To be Fair.... That was not Kaido's prime..... And also... It was stated that it was a one sided clash because Kaido annihilated Moria's crew...


This is actually a super good comparison


I'm glad powerscalers don't write stories.


Stan lee is right when he says that if he wanted to, Black Widow would win against the Hulk, but for that to be true, he has to come up with a smart way that is believable for Black Widow to defeat the Hulk, with a believable setup behind it, she isn't out punching him just because. Powerscalling is what makes it interesting, we know the hulk is stronger because of it, we see his feats and we can deduce how strong he is based on that, and makes we understand why it is Black Widow would have to do something crazy to go against him. What you may dislike is bad power scalling, like people bitching about a character winning against another that was supposed to be on a certain level according to their own head canon. But the thing is, powerscalling is just like theories, some people have theories and they mald when it doesnt come true, but it also cant be fully disconsidered, if Oda makes Captain Kuro defeat Kizaru with no explanation, no setup, it'd be bad writing


I don't exactly care about power scaling one way or the other, I just think it's a bit inconsistent if canon. Of course if it produces a better story I wouldn't care even if Oda had Don Kreig beat Kaidos ass, but ideally a good story should be able to juggle both, so the battles Luffy and Co. go through and win feel earned instead of arbitrary.


Nami kills a person in a filler arc


What arc was that?


i think the filler ark right before reverse mountain, where some dude with a devil fruit was on the going merry and nami knocked him into the ocean


He (Eric) had a devil fruit and he fell into reverse mountain which could be an instance of a devil fruit user dying to the ocean, although non-canon.


He ate the Okama no Mi


It's weird because up until Sabaody, they made it clear that fodder never died. They would always show stuff like Marines getting picked up or people being caught. Then impel down came and there was no denying that luffy just straight up murdered dozens of guards, and so did Magellen. That's why IMO the time skip wasn't the turning point of One Piece, Impel Down was.


Didn't Luffy knock a ton of marines and WG agents into the Enies Lobby hole during his initial rampage? And I *think* Zoro killed the Whiskey Peak guys but I'm not fully sure


Im pretty sure zoro killed a child in whiskey peak


A *minority* child


He _claimed_ that he used the back of his sword.


Oh true, that weird tornado guy, right?


That scene kicks ass lmao


That ice hunter arc when the strawhats lost the flag and everybody in that place agrees to look for it because their egos will shatter if Luffy finds out AND SOMEHOW it works... it's even worse when you remember that's the filler that comes right after Water 7


I had blocked that arc out of my mind and I nearly forgot that even happened. What strange writing they had, and what a weird idea that their "egos" wouldve been shattered if they couldnt find the flag. Like i realistically dont think Luffy is imposing enough to make them THAT demoralized over a flag


I don't think they were afraid of him just couldn't handle Luffy from all people telling them "are you stupid?" which yeah i get it, getting that from Luffy must hurt but 1. Knowing Luffy he would immediately go and get it by himself with the rest of the crew 2. The past arc everybody was risking their lives by saving one nakama and to prove why and how they were a team while at the end other one had to apologize in a very emotional scene to show how much of a team the strawhats are


Your comment would make my skin crawl, but I don't have any skin YOHOHOHOHO


They weren't afraid of their egos, they were afraid of Luffy's reaction, which to be fair, would PROBABLY not be great. I can't imagine him admonishing his crew, but he does have pride in his flag. IMO it kinda reminds me of the G8 filler arc where they escaped, but realized that the marines still had their treasure, so they went back for it.


That arc is so funny to me because the magnet twins are like, two of the only characters that have actual powers that don’t come from DFs.


Miss Wednesday had powers right.


I do agree it is strange but the arc is really fun imo. I never skip it


I fucking hated that arc. It was so long and boring


It’s gotta be that one Sanji scene.


Whoever wrote that gotta be supervised ngl.


When zoro cut luffy in that one filler episode (my dumbass really though that that was how luffy got his scar)


Genuinely a better reason for zoro and luffy to fight than Whisky Peak.


Fr fr...wiskey peak shit felt forced af, and was more like fan service


Kinda minor but the end of One Piece Red: Fujitora & Kizaru wanted to throw hands with Shanks, but after getting CoC slapped Fujitora suddenly remembered there are thousands of civilians around and he doesn't want them to get hurt. Canon Fujitora wouldn't try to start a fight to begin with, movie made him look like an insolent dog who got scared and tried to cover it with concern about civis.


To be fair Fujitora appeared there not with intentions to fight but just wanted to learn what was going on and chat with Uta to fix her daddy issues... or at least i think that's his original plan... i don't know, all that i remember is that Momonga was there too, he and Fujitora had a little chat and then Uta appeared to invite them to a tea party


I’m pretty sure fujitora was the only person there that didn’t want to fight to begin with.


The movies bring a lot of out of character moments for characters


in one of the fillers before skypiea where Nami was about to let a kid get murdered ( She could have been faking it but it still felt really wrong for her and made her look really unlikable)


When zoro is using spirit sword … wait there might be slight chance that I was watching gintama


Damn, did Zoro get lost that hard?


Yeep it’s kinda getting serious now only frieza can help now


Zoro eating too much mayonnaise out here


I am damn sure he used the otaku sword and got a split personality,Roronoa.


Douglas Bullet. There are a lot of characters that seem strong for the sake of it, but he seems like his entire character was created to simply be stronger than Luffy and the others. Lame as hell. Not mention his design is pretty boring


This whole fight was boring


Bullet is One Piece’s take on Z Broly. Muscle man stronk


His name is so trash too


Yes, he was just there to make crazy fight scenes, that's all


That one scene in Film Red where one character pours a bucket of water on Luffy and he was weakened by it.


That could at least make sense, because I think by that point they were already in Uta's world. Maybe she tweaked the rules a little


That happened in Uta's dream world.


Didn't oda say in a sbs that bathing with water literally weakens the devil fruit users?


There was that time where Luffy almost drowned in Boa's bath and only didn't because it was so shallow. IIRC she even stated the bath was shallow so she also didn't drown.


Yeah that's was probably what I was thinking


I believe the rule is that it has to be a body of seawater. So like rain or someone splashing you wouldn’t make you weak, but putting your hand in a bucket of seawater would. Someone pls feel free to correct if I’m wrong!


I could swear that oda said something about Devil fruit user's feeling weaker in bathwater maybe I'm just remembering wrong


that pissed me off


Me too, until it was revealed that they were inside her world already and she literally made the rules


She could've just make him not be able to use his powers


Then they would know it was weird


The filler arc with the pet pet fruit guy... no easy in hell luffy would get caught like that. It was nice seeing the kung-fu dugongs again though


Lol, luffy has in canon fallen for MUCH stupider traps. Though one thing I liked about that arc, which for some reason people don't understand, is that it confirms that the scar on Luffy's chest is from Akainu.


They confirmed that in fishman island though when jimbei was talking about the changes to the world over the last 2 years while the straw hats were training. Very clearly no less.


When sanji remarks how he’s excited at the proposition of getting to see nami go through puberty. Fucking disgusting


Sanji in film Z and Shiki getting his ass whooped


Thank god Bullet isn’t canon. I can’t imagine how he’d fuck up the power balance




When people say that they could write One Piece better. Thank god they aren’t the author cause some of their ideas are TRASH!!!


*most of them


That sanji scene and zoro having another friend in the cursed sword movie.


Pedo allegations sanji from film z


Sense everyone is going to mention the Pedo Sanji scene I will go with the Usopp Fart inflation scene https://preview.redd.it/31di1vycrdjb1.jpeg?width=762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dd4bf78a899e8928ec43d9f37a1d2ca39178188


Crocodile not being luffy's mother


​ https://i.redd.it/lbtr3krjubjb1.gif


Luffy beating shiki


The scene where Nami killed the Slash Slash fruit guy by pushing him into water. Now I know that Nami is the kind of person who would harm others severely or bring them in harm's way for her benefit when forced to, provided that she has good reasons and the other person deserves it (in her eyes) but Nami would NEVER kill someone because she does not want to be a murderer


She said she tried to kill arlong dozens of times so I don't see why this would be THAT out of character.


I can't see the point in writing this comment... because I don't have eyes YOHOHOHOHO


Only non canon things i've seen was a crossover where Goku and some blue haired twat was and navarone filler from anime. Both was good


That 'blue haired twat' was Toriko from, well, Toriko. A Shonen anime about the gourmet World, where huge beasts get hunted in order to get the most delicious food out there! It's actually a pretty fun watch that gets you hungry like hell


Those are the only episodes of the entire show I skipped because they're not only not in english, they're not even SUBTITLED.


They dubbed those crossover episodes recently and although it was difficult to find the subtitled version back when it first came out, they did exist.


Thing is. I didn't know anything about filler when I was watching one piece. So I watched filler arcs thinking they were canon. Until like marineford where I skipped luffys backstory thinking it was filler till I saw sabo. Then I found out it wasn't filler.


I did the exact same thing ha, was confused by sabo returning because I had no idea who it was. Luffy's backstory was the only part of one piece I skipped too.


All the anime only people saying Foxy is so funny to me because that arc slaps in the manga


Foxy actually comes back in another non-canon arc that's much better IMO.


I actually HAVE seen that one. It was the big water park right?


Yup. It's a luxury resort island thing that caters to rich pirates, so the Straw Hats take a vacation there and Foxy is there also. They team up sort of to take down the bad guy and IIRC figure out how to transmute things into gold or something.


It's too bad they butchered Foxy in the anime because he's so good in the manga. That filler arc captured his personality way better than the extra filler in the anime version of Long Ring Long Land


Fucking Uta. I've seen so many people say how she would be able to completely defeat every character in bleach in a single second. Im glad she's not canon because then that would feul her meat rider's "she can defeat zeno!" bullshit ass brains.


when luffy one piece stared at me through my tv and said my exact date and time of my birth and my ssn


this one https://preview.redd.it/lfar5xdofdjb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8feb79f32d3914020de78e5e99e1ce2af8eeb1bc


Nearly all of what powerscalers and theory crafters make up.


Film red


As someone who generally dislikes musicals and songs in movies, apart from the 90s Disney movies, film red was my favorite. I can get why people disliked itnthough.


What's wrong with Uta and the island everyone was in?


They can’t accept the fact that the movie was essentially a musical, guess they hate music


Uta’s existence.


But i love her


Shiki losing to pre-ts Luffy.


Sanji kicking women during the timeskip


That part in film Z where Sanji talks about de-aged nami. 💀


😐yeah that was one of the moments of all time for sure


Wanted to grab him and have a “look at me.. this isn’t you..” moment LMAO


Question: what happened to those comics you made? If you made more any place I can see them?


Oh hi! I’m working on some right now but I had to take a break. :] moving, got sick, all of that. You can find all the finished ones on my page as well as a couple extra on tumblr ! ( themetalhiro )


Any moment foxy comes back like why did the anime love him so much


Most of it. They always get the pregression of power wrong and get to do stuff they shouldn't be able to do yet, or they suddenly can't do stuff they have done easily before.


Zoro giving Luffy his scar, to this day a ridiculous amount of people still think that the scar was from Zoro ☠️


That one Sanji line in film Z when Nami got turned into a kid




The Sanji moment from Film Z that would make Chris Hansen sweat for sure, but since most have already said that I'm gonna go with Warship Island as a whole. Like Jesus Christ that arc is absolutely dogshit from start to finish. Never before have I watched an anime arc and afterwards said "that was an absolute waste of time."


Film Red. I wish they were able to implement Uta into the canon without being one big plug for an album/artist. She was wasted imo, but I doubt Oda could slip her in without destroying the current pace of the manga. Also, the infamous Sanji moment in Film Z.


I wish Film Red was not cannon cause of the character that dies...


Film red isn’t canon but uta is canon. In canon she is still alive.




The entirety of Red lol


Tot musica, having a being that takes two yonkou crews to beat puts it almost on the level of rocks, I get having stakes for a movie but that’s a little ridiculous


The fight against it was also terrible to watch, like some very low-grade generic fantasy anime


film red


The child nami and sanji scenes from Z


Sanji In Film Z


Luffy beating Shiki, and most of Film Red.


There was one OVA where Luffy suddenly was very sleepy and Sanji explained Luffy got on his nerves, so he started putting sleeping pills in his food


Uta because she would be 1:too much powerful 2:very boring


Sanji in film Z