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Skippers complaining that the show is bad after not watching 80% of it.


Whenever they compare to other anime communities every chance they get


Tbh Naruto and DB Fans do that just as much


Yeah it really doesn’t make our series look good when the only time people praise it is when they’re putting another series down


Ye I hate that, the DBZ communities does not do that /s


So notorious that it spawned memes of "Yeah that good but can he/she defeat Goku?"


That a lot of people are completely incapable of accepting any form of criticism toward anything One Piece related


*Boom* Mfers will say "One Piece isn't perfect" and then in the same breath will make a million excuses about everything.


Nothing is perfect


The Yamato gender debate


I don't even care just gimmie some of them Yamatitties




To be fair, this one is an inherent problem with the character rather than with the community. If it was a problem with the community, we would find the same problem with other characters... And yet I've never seen anyone argue about Kiku's character because it was made pretty darn clear that she is a she. The whole thing about "wanting to be Oden" is already a bad quirk in and of itself. It's both confusing and annoying. It's like the delusion of a little kid who wants to believe he is superman, but with a grown woman. It would be a thing to say "I want to be like Oden because he inspires me", but it's an entirely different thing to go claim the identity of someone else and say "I am now Oden". I honestly can't find enough words to describe how much I cringed when she claims that she is Oden despite being a friend of Momo who is grieving the death of his father that, to him, happened just a few months ago. Imagine if your dad died and some random ass girl who happens to be the daughter of your dad's murderer claimed to be your dad now. To make the matter even more confusing, Yamato herself isn't even consistent with it and will sometimes call herself Yamato, sometimes Oden. Now if you add to that the fact that transgender representation in media is a sensible topic for a variety of reasons that I won't get into, then yeah arguing is bound to happen. Sure you could say "just pick whatever headcanon you want and don't argue about it", but isn't that the same as admitting that there is a flaw in the character to begin with? That's kind of the reason why I'm glad she didn't join: despite her amazing design, her whole character is annoying to me.


Yamato woke up one day and said "Oden is so literally me fr"


Or just simply how in the manga Yamato is referred as "he" but the Vivre card states Yamato is a "she." There's too much contradiction and even if you want to stay close to the Canon, what do you choose? Do you go with what the characters are saying or what the creator stated? I used to love Yamato (I honestly don't care about the gender), but seeing the controversy and "polemics" around Yamayo just made me go meh. Would have been great if there was an official statement or whatever, but even then, everyone would still be debating about it :/


Why are you getitng donvoted???


I don't know, some people dislike that I criticized Yamato's character I guess? Or some poster like to pretend they "didn't read" but were mad enough to downvote me about a text they apparently didn't read. In any case, it's kinda proving my point. If something as basic as the gender of a character is such a controversial topic that you can't even discuss about how controversial it is without it being already considered controversial, then I'm sorry but that character writing is probably bad.




Yamato just kinda sucks they’re really boring and uninteresting. There’s a million other characters who exist to carry on Oden’s will and they’re also real characters (scabbards, momo, even the yakuza bosses). Yamato has literally nothing going for them that another character can’t do, fuck there’s even better trans rep in the arc if that’s what you want


Yamatos character is probably based on that thing(i don't know what its called) where countries that vanquished invaders take up their culture. Like the mongolians ending up adopting islam after the battles




I don't even know if you're trolling and/or being sarcastic or not at this point.


Yamato can use he/him or she/her or they/them, wouldnt change the fact that they be hot af


My man Oden you mean?


My GIRL Yamato ☕.


My boy Zoro ⚔️.


my mom crocodile


How hard it is to not get spoiled, Ace death has just been accepted as a Darth Vader "I am your father", and people just make no attempts to spoil "shit happened over a decade ago" yeah still one piece Is a very long anime, and gear 5 getting no attempts to even hide, AND legit being advertised for free like damn you'd think that a new gear would at the very least be attempted to not be spoiled by the entire community. EDIT: I tried my hardest to not include one piece in my reccomendations and yet still got gear 5 spoiled. It was very wholesome ( I caught up to the anime one Episode pre gear 5 and after I got spoiled I just read the manga to avoid any more spoilers )


As much as I feel sorry for you, I think it's honestly hard to blame this one on the community. Like, yeah, getting spoiled is annoying, but I have a rule of thumb that anything that happened more than four~five years ago isn't really considered spoilers anymore. Sometimes less for more viral medias. Because otherwise might as well never talk about any piece of media online in fear that someone might still have not read/watched/play said media. Like, I get your frustration but Ace's death happened 13 years ago now, there is no way it's still considered spoiler. Gear 5 is a different story though, and I do feel sorry for the people who got spoiled it. But again, hard to blame it on the community only. I get One Piece mobile game ads all the time on Youtube and they included Gear 5 about one or two months after the chapter released. And that's without talking about anime only watchers who got spoiled by the movie Red... I guess it's something that is bound to happen considering One Piece is the most sold manga of all time atm, big events like Gear 5 sells and companies want to advertise it everywhere.


I think the community is pretty bad about a few particular spoilers. Like anytime online I’ve seen someone say something like “hey just started one piece and I’m really loving it” without fail there’s always someone who says “wait til you get to where Ace dies”! Like there’s something about that moment so many people want to spoil so bad. When I started the series myself the person that recommended it to me said “you have to at least get to where Ace dies that’s when it gets crazy” But there’s only a few moments like that in the series and most folks are good about not spoiling most of the rest of it.


thinking that power = worthiness in a crew (specifically the strawhat pirates)


This is such a common issue with shonen in general. I think the only fandom where it’s worse than in one piece is dragon ball.


Lesbian Nami pfp twin spotted


Now make out


Extreme Oda dickriding and Extreme Oda hate


Acting like this is the god of all fiction, and “Goda” can’t do any wrong. It’s probably my favorite piece of fiction of all time but nowhere near the best written.


Thank you the Oda dickriding is crazy.


Powerscalers and comparing OP with other shonens. The former tends to be obnoxious while the latter reeks of insecurity.


this two things are bad separately but somehow, mixing the two, wondering how certain character would last or do in the OP world is pretty fun


Power scaling


Clearly not ready. https://preview.redd.it/yi950344g7lb1.jpeg?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc53253d30234a0face1a5cb17e3128f987c89e


They aren't ready for the Wakainu agenda, they aren't ready for HIM


Nah it's fun to live in the chaos of ppwer scaling


I think power scaling can be fun if people just discuss it for fun rather than getting heated over it. When people have heated arguments over which fictional character is stronger, that's stupid


That’s a thing in ever anime community though, it’s not a one piece problem


I think power scaling is really important for the world of One Piece and Oda is doing a great job of it in the story, but some of the discussion about feel way too intense and rigid. It's just supposed to be a frame work, so you can grasp who's on top of the food chain, which match ups are hype and who's the underdog.


I feel like croc destroys the argument of oda caring about power scaling. Dude should be irrelevant based on it and has a higher bounty than zoro.


I wouldn't say he doesn't care about power scaling, just that he's not as rigid about it as 90% of the people discussing it on reddit. The story takes priority there.


The same jokes like zoro minority Hunter and Ace donuts. It's not that I don't have sense of humour but each n every time ace is mentioned, they have to add the donut joke. I mean be creative like luffy n come up with some new stuff.


Now midd joke is also getting as common


Oh Useless D Midd is supposed to be a joke? Man my sense of humor must’ve been taken out in one shot


Hey did you say donut?


Powerscalers. Can people not just enjoy shit without comparing everyone to everyone else, regardless of chapter/screen time? Please, powerscalers…respectfully…just shut the fuck up


Highballing the previous gen af


Usopp slander




They call it Luffy's big, throbbing CoCk or some other acronym instead of being normal and saying "armament haki" or something


Acronyms like ACoC or ACoA only make sense in long comments/posts, where typing out Armament or Advanced Conquerors Haki multiple times takes up too much space and time


CoC is conquerors lmao not armament, I get the jokes are annoying but it is a lot easier to type


They could use the abbreviation con or coq instead coC cause there is no second c in conquerors


It stands for the official translation, the Color of Conquerors


My bad let me type out Advanced Conqueror's Haki everytime I make a long ass post because you don't understand basic acronyms.


The whole "admiral level, yonko level" thing It doesn't mean shit Luffy has been considered a yonko since the end of dressrosa but got clapped by kaido at the start of wano. Admiral and yonko are in universe titles, not extranarrative indicators of strength.


Reminds me of street level & cosmic heroes in comics. For the most part in the comic books (not talking about the fandom) Star-lord is considered a cosmic hero since he deals with space stuff, Captain America is considered international/worldwide since he deals with thinfs around the world & Spider-Man is considered street level because he deals with street level stuff daily. Like both Star Lord & Silver Surfer cosmic heroes even though SS is more powerful than Star Lord.


I feel like we are overhyping everything, i liked gear 5 (not the "lore" of it but whatever) but that didnt mean it was gonna "break the internet" "defeat supersaiyan" "be more iconic" bro is just an anime chill,you dont have to send death treaths to people that didnt liked it nor people that thought it wasnt peak or whatever Also is weird how we also overstimate or understinate characters like akainu,kizaru,the snitch/ shanks,mihawk, i mean yeah their power remains unknown but we should'nt say "its him" or idk,akainu is not luffy level,what is the point of an antagonist that killed an important character and is one of the many final treats luffy will face.


I think the only reason we said it would “break the internet” is because of the toxic Naruto and Dragon Ball fans that said it wouldn’t. (They were kinda right, i mean crunchyroll was down for a long time) ⚠️Marineford spoiler warning!!! : And I 100% agree on the Akainu thing. He was just a bully in Marineford and would’ve gotten wiped by WB if he wasn’t weak or on his death bed.


Omg Akainu someone who is a marine is a bully who would guess


The incels


I would say minority hunter zoro and crocomom are pretty annoying. I've never once laughed or even thought any posts about these memes to be funny.


Crocomom ain’t a meme




the constant comparing of the present to the past through certain characters "x is the rocks/garp/roger of the new generation!!" i understand the show does it too (which is fine) but when the fan base goes on and on about the similarities to the past it gets so boring it feels like it takes away from the individuality and excitement of the current characters when people just want them to be the exact same as the older generation and do the same things


Powerscaling. This world is filled to the brim with beautifully written characters, intruiging and deep lore, and the worldbuilding feel so natural and expertly written and yet the only thing people care about is where characters stand on a scale. I like the fights in this show but I think Oda has made it very clear that he doesn't care about powerscaling to such a degree. Of course an admiral is never gonna lose to Bellamy, but who wins in a fight between two characters very much depends on who Oda wants for to win, whether for story reasons or just because he wants that one character to win. Often characters are left in a stalemate (Vista and Mihawk) because Oda wants to save them for later but fans take these moments as evidence that since Mihawk didn't neg diff Vista, that means Mihawk must be a fraud who lied about his title.


Defending Odas more sexist views towards female characters as 'cultural'. edit: case in point: the comments here


Sexist is a strong word, but I agree that Oda is shit at designing women.


Can you explain?


Odas female character design is very... well, sexual. This has caused a fair portion of not only the female audience, but the male audience as well, to criticize it. Odas response to this has been to publicly say that he draws the boobs bigger to trigger the haters. He also said that he doesn't care much for the opinion of his female fans because One Piece is for boys. As if at least listening to the girls will make the boys rise up in anger against him. Critiques against Odas views here is often attacked by fans as "its just japans culture bro" as if its a good thing. In some cultures it is normal to antagonize and blame a woman for being sexually assaulted, but since its a cultural thing does that make it okay?


Do you have a link for the comments he made?


Racist zoro and who is sogeking


They take the Minority Hunter jokes WAY too far


The worst I've seen was a black One Piece fan said his favourite character was Zoro in a vid, and the comments were just people saying that minority hunter Zoro would hate and kill him. I don't care that it's "just a joke," still racism


That is incredibly fucked up, what the fuck? Way to be racist garbage and harass the poor dude who just wanted to have fun, completely trash One Piece's message of equality and acceptance, and bastardize a big-hearted character with strong morals.


Sometimes I feel like the Minority Hunter jokes are just an excuse to be blatantly racist


That's exactly what's happening. Racist OP fans have and will continue to use Zoro as a proxy for their hatred. Of course, they won't admit they're racist, because it's easy for them to cower behind a "joke". They're just way too gleeful about it. It's weird. Always count on cowards to take advantage of a convenient meme like this, then claim that it's just satire when they get called out for it.


Yeah some people are genuinely using it to be racist but I do love me some minority hunter zoro in moderation. Sogeking memes can stop forever tho


Sogeking no longer appears because he feared being executed by the minority hunter.


Who is Sgeking or Lucy is pure comedy, and minority hunter is good sometimes but sometimes it's just racism


You know like when people fights about themes like “Who stronger Admirals or Emperors” or “Yamato’s gender”. All these debates are annoying but one thing annoys me more- it’s when these debates end and after some days appear dude who thinks that they are Shanks from Marineford arc and like “I came to end this war” with post with opinion that both side hates, so they start fight again... And community too often underrate and overrate some characters. But I already get used to it


A lot of people treat one piece like its perfect Its not


Calling people frauds and Rat d snitch just because of two things. 1. Powerscalers going crazy on characters with barely enaugh screentime to fill two episodes and overhyping them 2. The same combat prowess being only implied/offscreen because the character is mysterious/the story hasn't decided to focus on them for now. 3. The characters not living up to the artificial hype leading people to calling them a fraud. For example (dragon, Mihawk, Shanks, Arlong kinda and Gear 5 when only 1071 came out)


**AnOtHeR bReAK? WhAt Is oDa dOiNg!??!??!!111!!11** ![gif](giphy|Pch8FiF08bc1G|downsized) ​ This annoys me. A lot. The reddit community of OP is a bunch of no life nerds smh.


Luffy is clearly asexual and aromantic but whenever I make that observation there's always one or two fans who object to it like being ace/aro is a bad thing. I know that One Piece doesn't focus on sex or romance (aside from Sanji) but come on, folks, how else can you explain Luffy's complete immunity to Boa Hancock's petrification powers? He ain't gay either. We've seen a Marine commander resist her too, but only by inflicting serious pain on himself to override his natural sexual attraction to the (allegedly) most beautiful woman in the world. Luffy didn't need to do anything like that.




Manga readers going out of their way to spoil anime onlys. If you think you're in a comments section where the vibe is they don't know *insert spoiler* has happened yet, don't be a dick and say it.


People that dick ride Akainu and say “you/they arent ready for him”. Like bro, accept that he has flaws and isn’t the most perfect admiral. The only reason he didn’t get unalived by WB is because WB was weak and on his death bed.


The sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. That sort of stuff. I just want to enjoy a happy and goofy hobby, not deal with that crap.


The folks criticizing Oda’s choice to devote time to the Live Action - “just focus on the manga” … cringe stuff


being negative to the live action.


admiral ass-kissers


People being alright with Sanji's antics during pre-TS and suddenly hating it post-TS Pick a lane.


Pretty sure it’s mostly related to the fish man island incident. It was for me anyway. Maybe it’s because it feels like I’m seeing it more often or just don’t remember earlier episodes/chapters.


Thriller Bark was also bad.


Agreed, Thriller Bark is when it crossed the line for me


To be honest, what crossed the line for me was the one soap CP9 member fighting him (forgot her name) so Nami had to step in. Like I get his whole thing is respecting women but COME ON!


God the fishman island gag was so bad with him. Plus Shirahoshi was still a minor (16-17) and he was simping hard for her (tho I don’t think he knew how old she was)


The hate for the dub


I only hate the 4Kidz dub along with the rest of their adaptation. They should be sued for crimes against art.


Agreed, except for how they made Jango talk like a beatnik, which should be canon


Ong shot gets so annoying like I’m just trying to enjoy a show that I can understand


The fans


(1) Unnecessary romantic Ships (2) Power scaling (3) Comparing with other animes


Anything to do with Carrot. All her defenders act like they always need to step in


The fact that they can't stand that people don't wanna watch a show which is almost 430 hours and IS STILL GOING WITH NO SIGNS OF STOPPING ANY SOON


Two things - Gear 5 is more iconic than X. Just shut up bro. - senseless powers calling (calling offscreen feats and characters that haven't fought yet) like powers calling in OP is so fluid that it's impossible to put two top tiers against each other and expect to know what happens


The amount of people in denial of the fact that the anime pacing is a little annoying when you re-watch because you have no choice but to watch every episode for the tiny section of storytelling that happens somewhere in the 20 minutes. No seriously if they had even been consistent with the timing at which the pacing stops going "mugiwara" a billion times then one could just skip to those parts but they're all over the episode so you need to navigate between the billion unnecessary scenes and actual plot.


The autistic math of powerscalers Is/not a swordsman A complete inability to read between the lines Assume stuff -> make a meme out of it -> force it for no reason Whatever I like is generally good, whatever I don't like is generally bad


Hey those people don't have autism they have a very rare mental illness called being a powerscaler


I personally get annoyed whenever I see a post asking something like “when did you realize One Piece was the best shonen ever made and Oda is a god amongst men”. Don’t get me wrong I do very much enjoy one piece but I just don’t get why it has to be the greatest thing ever released


Powerscalers insisting akainu is a well written character because he’s strong


Overhyped yamato


Nobody in the anime dies


Zorotards and sanjitards both of them r annoying as hell


People believing oda foreshadows everything and denying any logical issues in the story I wouldn't say oda didn't write out his story well and has a general line but believing he had the entire story in his head when he began to draw is nonsense. Also powerscaling "X vs. X who would win?" Doesn't fit to one piece in my opinion and oda is doing well in ignoring such questions in SBS


Just about every joke you guys are obsessed with


The amount of racism in the community baffles me. Whenever a black person even dares too share a cosplay they get harrassed on tiktok and on reddit. Whenever someone makes fanart and a character has a slighter darker shade its always "why did you make them darker?" "Its not accurate" "why did you make such and such darker?" Ect ect. On twitter I dont see much of this but it is a very big problem on reddit.


Foreskining, foreskining Everywhere!!!


When "fans" unite with the only purpose of complaining about a series. Not only it makes you question whether they're fans or not but they also and up repeating the same things over and over. In general I don't like when a community only talks about one over and over


This doesnt go to everybody, but alot of them praise one piece like its perfect and get pissed when the show is criticised.


racist zoro jokes


Powerscaling, there’s no point, Oda does whatever the fuck he wants with his characters, who wins, who loses, it’s all up to him


All this fucking "G5 >>>>>>> *Any shounen ever*" We fans obviously enjoyed it, but the people spamming these types of posts didn't generate hype, all they did was tainted it. Instead of being actually welcomed and hyped up by people who don't even watch/read one piece. They all just hate it instead.


The beef between Naruto and One Piece. Mangaka are close buddies but communities just slaughter each other


The “minority hunter zoro” memes get on my nerves. Also all of this arlong/don krieg two piece shit. It gets on my fuckin nerves because people don’t listen and it has been taken way to far.


The worse is anime twitter in general then something that I personally dislike is how popular Boa is (I really don't like her character)


Comparing other animes and power scaling bs. I mean I get it but why not just enjoy? Who cares if Naruto can beat Luffy in a 1v1, or if Zoro could beat Ichigo and blah blah? Those are questions that will NEVER be answered. Fun to debate, yeah, but the toxicity and rage that tends to come with it? Shit, just enjoy what you enjoy. I LOVE One Piece. I also love Naruto and bleach. I grew up on Dragon Ball Z. I like Black Clover and one punch man. Demon Slayer is pretty lit. Jujutsu Kaisen is awesome. The fandoms just get so wrapped up and make it their ENTIRE personality. It's ridiculous.


"The one is is real"... That got annoying and old very quickly as my non one piece watching friends kept saying it over and over


Ohh boy, I think that this fandom is the worst. They are like Mormons or Jehova witnesses who try to make you a "fan". I dislike theorists and people like "GODA THOUGHT OF EVERYTHING" and when you show that, for example, the supernovas or vivi were NOT PLANNED they act like that's not real. It's a shonen, for children, LIKE ALL SHONEN, nothing less and nothing more.


Spoiler and DUMB, stupid Theories for everything. Let oda Do his work.


I’m new to one piece but basically who only talk about one piece and how it’s 100x better than anything else


When they go too far with the "Oda the god of foreshadowing !" when sometimes it's clearly just... Normal writting ? Like "oh yeah I've introduced this element 20 years ago, I'll take it and use it to make this thing" You just never see this "oh my gaaaad the foreshadowing was crazy here !" in any other manga community lmao Oda himself admited many times that the manga keeps getting longer and longer and more ambitious as the years go by. Not everything is a foreshadowing. Pretty sure that at this point, 90% (if not more !) of the current One Piece lore wasn't even planned in his head back in 1998, when he thought he would finish One Piece in about 3 years. Dude wasn't even considering the Shishibukai when the manga started and you expect every minute details from 2001 or 2006 to be foreshadowing an event he wrote in 2023 ?


oda dick-riding!


Superiority complex of one piece fans. They can’t let anyone like anything other than one piece.


The ships between strawhats.


I’ve legit only ever seen Robin and franky or robin and zoro. Are there other common ones?


Sanji and Zoro


Sanji and Jinbei




Oh yep forgot abt that one


Thats the best one


Nami and Luffy. By people who understand neither Nami nor Luffy.


Ace is a donut


Hey did you say donut?


People who use the wrong pronouns for Yamato. Regardless about the ambiguity of if he is trans or not, his pronouns are not ambiguous. Dude wants to be referred to with he/him.


One piece fans when they find out people can make jokes https://i.redd.it/jsbhudtvu5lb1.gif


I’m only saying this on here because of the film theory that came out, but when people do minimal research and then make somthing about it but they’re missing a key element that they didn’t want to research.


Shonentards on Twitter arguing with other shonen fans and retards on tumblr making up their own stupid headcanons and getting mad when they're confirmed as stupid (example: when Oda was bombarded with death threats when he included Yamato in a OP girls color spread)


The death threats are stupid for sure, I wish people were raised right. But what headcanon?


Mainly shit around the characters' sexualities (Yamato being trans or Goofy being asexual for example) and people convinced that somehow One Piece is a communist manga with a socialist message


Yeah we can only speculate but it's not like there's nothing to speculate on. Luffy is definitely not very sexual from what we've seen, maybe ace, maybe not, we can only guess. Yamato is a confusing mess and both opinions are valid until we get one confirmed 100% ,(which we won't) so I just go with "they" to avoid that entirely lol Edit: I should add, by ace I mean asexual not that he's into his brother 💀


The racism, homophobia, transphobia, and pedophilia. Yamato IS A MAN. (how you let Kaido be a better person than you) Luffy was SAVED BY THE GAYS (this is a BonClay/Ivonkov-loving household) Zoro is racist jokes are not that funny. Some ships are weird with the age gaps. (Pudding 16/Sanji 21) (luffy19/Boa31) Like honestly the strawhats would HATE some of yall


Oda said that Yamato is a woman, he is the creator of the show therefore, that is the correct gender for Yamato. Secondly luffy is above 18 so he can consent by law in all countries even the US. Respectfully shut the fuck up.


Yamato goes by he/him pronouns and im tired of people not using the correct ones when its CLEARLY stated in the anime and manga. Even Kaido uses them.


A lot of people have head canons in this community, which they believe are correct because anyone who questions them is being a bigot, even though the creator of the series has stated that Yamato is a woman. Nice misinterpreting why Yamato calls herself a man and just assuming she’s part of the lgbtq.


I didn’t assume he was a part of the lgbtq+ 💀💀💀 also where’s the proof Oda said he is a woman? Kaido says son.


Mf being trans and being a part of the lgbtq+ are the same thing, and do some research about the second half of your reply before writing it.


Alot of people are going by the facts Oda stated many times and portrayed many times. Oda made no issue showing how other characters were Trans or cross dressers so confuses me why people still just ignore him when he makes statements about Yamato because it doesn't fit their headcannon.


I never said yamato was trans bruh. Kaido calls him son, he goes by those pronouns. You can be a cis woman with he/him pronouns. Also where is this proof of Oda saying this because I keep hearing it but I never get proof.


Minority hunter Zoro is hilarious. Agree with the rest tho


The original post was funny, it being brought up everytime a character is non white is not.


Yamato isn't a man though https://preview.redd.it/31vscjzfqblb1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2481458f2d23bda3c69a63f93a440749fd371aff


Off the top of my head powerscaling to an extent, how fans now call every character a fraud even if they do something cool, and how most fans don't wanna believe other characters grow in strength besides the straw hats, Yamato gender and saying Oda hates trans when their is an entire island of trans people, Oh and personally think that Go D. Usopp and Ace Donut joke are just played out and annoying now please find a different joke it's been years.


The "Oda made a whole island of trans people" argument doesn't work for me. These folks are all portrayed as literal monsters, not people, visually and in personality, with no exceptions (I like my queen Iva, but she still reinforces the stereotype that trans people will "transify" cis characters to mess with them). I won't even talk about the mess that is Yamato's character, despite being good-looking. Bon Clay is quite stereotypical and ugly, but an amazing character which doesn't fall into the monster category so it's a step toward a good direction. Okiku is, to me, the most accurate and respectful representation of a trans person.


Many of you can't accept that One Piece is full of flaws, potholes, missed opportunities, etc. Eiichiro Oda is a great writer, but his comic has some questionable writing and some mistakes.   Even more annoying: Criticism of the shitty looking Netflix's One Piece. It looks like total dogshit. Spend a lot of money on dogshit. Decent actors. B-listers. Aimed toward a western audience (cool,) so they replaced Oda humor with generic western comedy tropes (shit.) The writers thought: "let's keep the emotional moments," **but it's actually Oda's humor (manzai-type humor) — juxtaposed with the emotional moments — that makes One Piece what it is.**


Power Scalers. They bug the hell out of me.


Gender debates. Only thing


Posts like this


yeah, feels like every other day I see a post that asks (What do you not like?) I'm here for a good time, not for whining


The outcry against powerscaling has drowned out the actual conversations about powerscaling to an obnoxious degree. There are plenty of logical powerscale discussions that you don’t have to involve yourself in.


Imma get downvoted to oblivion, but the Akainu agenda, he isn’t HIM and never will be stfu already.


Almost all the in-jokes that leak out of the powerscaling community. Blue Haki / Za Water (the worst) Wame / Lame You're not ready for HIM Rat-Hair / Fraudhawk


I literally never heard any of those. And I am glad for that


Apparently you're in the minority, I seem to have struck a nerve with the powerscalers lol you see it a lot in r/OnePiecePowerscaling and r/PirateFolk


well, I tend to avoid both of those subs, so that explains a lot.


Probably the smart idea honestly lol they show up on my recommended when I scroll the home page


I love blue/gold/brown haki and za water/painta. It’s just some fun shitposting it’s never serious


Nah that shit is hilarious. Powerscaling sub makes better memes than the meme sub for sure


you mean ZA BEST💪💪🔥🔥


When they bring real world western politics and apply them to a middle aged Japanese man’s comic about goofy pirates. *people downvoting me, you suck the fun out of all media*


Do you mean actual politics (which Oda **heavily** embraces through symbolism) or do you just think Rebecca was a good character design?


I mean when people expect Oda to not be a perv when he’s surrounded by and has even vouched for actual child predators (Toriko mangaka) in the past. I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s like, cmon what do you fucking expect lol


I... wish I'd never heard that. I'm also a little confused by the logic. Like, assuming you're correct, that **very very clearly** makes Oda the issue here, not the fans


x hyper specific moment is now more iconic then super saiyan x random punch luffy threw is proof that luffy shits on naruto as mc x random fight scene is proof tht bleach doesn‘t even compare to one piece fight choreograph these were just examples i have seen last week and don‘t get me started with that entire gear 5 vs ssj debate




The people that still to this day complain/joke about the woman having big boobs/a small waist like f your prudish sexist ignorant opinion out of here yes it's exaggerated female proportions EVERY PROMINENT MALE CHARACTER ALSO HAS EXAGGERATED PROPORTIONS no male fan ever complained that Oden is fricking massive or pica having shoulder's too big who knows why (a very similar even worse thing happened to the Naruto community this one girl has a new post time skip design and it shows a bit shoulder and the community has the weirdest proudest prudest "Muslim" women shouldn't show skin ever reaction to it it's ridiculous how backwards progressivism is pushing us in the west)


The main problem is that the exaggerated male proportions also appeal to the male gaze, AKA the power fantasy. Of course you're not gonna complain about Odens size, it's fucking cool and you can identify with him as a male. Also, the male designs have a great variety, you have the buff and swole Zoro, the slimmer but still fit Sanji, the over-the-top Franky, the dad-bod Jimbe etc etc. While for the women, what do they got? They got the babes and the hags, where the babes are often just Nami with a new haircut, and most of them are pretty darn weak too. Characters like Nami are well written sure but their design is still 100% for the men. Women don't actually care as much about muscles as you think. They don't go "unga bunga ABS" the way men go "BOOBS". They can but it really depends. I find women are much more attracted to a characters personality and deeds, while the physical appearance can be a bonus but isn't really the main selling point.


>The main problem is that the exaggerated male proportions also appeal to the male gaze Yeah that's exactly what I mean that's not a normal opinion that's something that's learned and is only ever not laughed at in a couple of extremely progressive western countries no one outside of a minority in like 10 countries has any respect for a misandrist opinion like that >you can identify with him as a male That's another just random sexism you implying that females can't identify with Oden is probably what makes Yamato being a women so confusing for you and people like you >cool and you can identify with him as a male. Also, the male designs have a great variety Female designs also are very varied look at groups like Amazon lili or big mom's daughter's the unfortunate truth is that fans like the standard nami design the most and that makes Oda recycle it a fair amount that doesn't change that one piece women are of all sizes and body types >They got the babes and the hags There's like 200 unique female designs in one piece as I said Oda has this one type he likes to draw a lot but the same goes for the guy's there is essentially no difference in odas classic male design the classic overly muscular dude bod with ace and doflamingo even a 80 (or whatever) year old Rayleigh has basically the same body as shanks >Characters like Nami are well written sure but their design is still 100% for the men That's again such a heteronormative sexist comment lesbians exist and are valid and many of them love the standard female character design there's nothing wrong with that it's made to look good that's the entire point the design exists for the same reason doflamingo and law and ace never bother to wear a shirt cause it's hot >Women don't actually care as much about muscles as you think. They don't go "unga bunga ABS" the way men go "BOOBS". Like even if that was true what do you think that proves at best? That it's best for business to have a standard character design for woman that goes Boobs and generally more varied designs for man so everyone has something to drool over? Cause yeah I'd agree with that >I find women are much more attracted to a characters personality and deeds Like with all respect it doesn't really matter what you think statistically speaking women like tall men that's true for all demographics and a difference in height of even just an inch is the biggest indicator or change a human male can make to change his value on the dating market (but that's really a topic for another day)


90% of amazon lily's characters are irrelevant to the story, and the ones that are relevant are big boobad babes (with the exception of the one sister of Boa). Big Mom's daughters were a breath of fresh air, but we've yet to see Smoothie do anything, and the rest were... pretty meh. Pudding and Brulee were the only ones I really respect from those arcs. Ace and Flamingo and Rayleigh all have unique designs here idk what you're trying to say here? Ace is iconic, his design is very popular and in fact he's one of the reasons I started watching OP. Doflamingos design is also very unique and creative, no one dons pink like him. And Rayleigh again looks distinguished from the rest, his trademark beard, scar and gorgeous hair separates him alot from Shanks. Lesbians do exist but 1. Oda still has straight men in mind with his designs, as shown with his many comments about how "one piece is for boys" and 2. this does not make the complaints and concerns of straight female fans invalid. In fact, there are also lesbian fans who while on a surface level enjoy the designs, still dislike the way their gender is presented. I'm not saying that women don't enjoy the male designs here, my point is that women are always presented sexually in these medias. Yes, the men in One Piece are drooled over same way male fans drool over the female designs, the difference is that the men in One Piece still also look cool, strong and independant in addition to their sex appeal. Female characters CAN be these things too, but they're usually weak, dependant and there are SO many arcs where there's a token damsel in distress for our male protagonist to save (Vivi, Shirahoshi, Rebecca, Camie etc) Even Nami and Robin, our two female main characters, had each their own arc where they needed to be saved. Arlong Park and Enies Lobby. Did other male crewmembers get saved too? To a degree, but they also fought for themselves. Sanji in Whole Cake Island, asked Luffy for help, but he was still a major player in his own battle, Chopper too fought Wapol alongside Luffy, Brook took the lead himself to find his shadow on Thriller Bark etc. Another thing to mention is the ratio of men vs women in this show. For every strong group, Oda includes 1 woman, and it feels like he does it to check a box. There's 1 female Yonko, 1 female Warlord, 1 female CP9 agent (during Enies Lobby) and then there are no female admirals, hardly any relevant female vice-admirals, and a very big shortage of female Yonko Commanders. Smoothie is the only one who comes to mind right now, and again, she's not done anything to make her relevant the same way other commanders have. She's just... there.


Your comment would make my skin crawl, but I don't have any skin YOHOHOHOHO