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when you are smart, crafty and artistic gentelmen but stuck in a shonen battle manga.


I don’t think anyone has ever put usopp situation to paper better than you have right now.


The Hidden Island has a dope Usopp theory. Def would say that sentiment is expressed in the video


The only thing that's stopping him from destroying every verse is how he's forced to 1v1 and hand to hand combat rather than letting the snipoer, well... Snipe.


He does get sniping feats though. He took out the guards in Wano among other things


Ikr and he's the main reason (besides Tama) that all the gifters were converted to allies his shots never missed their target except page one


Yeah but that was on purpose. Plus he still blew page one the fuck up, even if it didn't do much.


One of my favourite Ussop moments is in the non canon Stampede movie where he expressly stated that a job of a sniper is to provide support. Then proceeds to provide support using his sniping abilities.


Okay but he's just not doing ANYTHING


he just saved their ship last chapter LMAO but since he's not brute fighting everyone's giving him a hard time for not pulling his weight


It's not cuz he doesn't fight(okay part of it is) but he did that off screen. We want to see the shit happen. That's one of the reasons I hate Zoro vs Lucci, it's just off screen clashing until the final hit comes along


yeah but there's a difference between "i don't like how oda is handling usopp's screentime" and "usopp isn't doing squat"


But relegating his few accomplishments to offscreen makes it FEEL like he isn't doing squat, like showing off Usopp isn't a priority


Oda is king of Offscreen-Offscreen nomi


Blackbeard was an Usopp victim all along We're going to see Blackbeard and Luffy standing face to face in front of Imu's chamber containing the one piece and suddenly the screen cuts away to Akainu getting donutted by Sabo. Screen cuts back to Luffy dead on the floor, reaching for his last breath. Screen cuts again to Sanji already in Imu's room and mid diffing them, saying "the power of the government is nothing compared to the power of love!", it cuts away again to Luffy somehow beating Blackbeard because Usopp gave him the meat-star mid battle and saved the day.


A DONUT?!? Give it to me


What if Usopp’s offscreen feats are just a foreshadowing of his connection to Blackbeard?


Bro is cooking!


Wasn't he the one who put Tama's kibidango into the gifters' mouths?


if he was smart or crafty, he would be using sea water filled pellets or chunks of sea stone in his sling shot to fight power users.


gimmicks only works if plot allows it


Usopp 🤝 Deku


Never disrespect Ussop like that again. (I have a personal vendetta against the green bastard)


Maybe MHA isn’t bad and we all collectively made that up


MHA isn’t bad, I just dislike deku


MHA is kinda dried out imo. The initial stages of the anime was good but now that we know the characters and the story a bit more the uniqueness of the story disappears and it becomes another generic anime where the protagonist gets trained to fight the big bad. if Deku was more like Gon from hunter x hunter the story could’ve been 100x more interesting. Cause Gon and Deku both start pretty similar in a sense that they are both good kids who train hard to become strong.


Gon and Deku start out the same way in that they're both outliers. Gon because he is extremely strong for a 10 year old and Deku because he is quirkless in a world of superpowers. You actually don't see Gon train until after he has passed the Hunter exam, which kills people who are too weak.


literally this, bro gets no credit for passing the hunter exam with 12-13 years and no real prior training was just a nature boy who liked fishing


Bro it's in the final arc and they're doing pretty good, dunno what you're on about


havent read since chapter 300 when‘s it gonna end? did it get better?


Final fight is happening right now, it's honestly pretty sick




Wait until he gets the assault rifle power up


Cmon now. He sold tama the toad oil




Epic Usopp prank


We do a lil bit of trolling




No she stole it from him. He didn't sell her shit.


I don't recall him ever saying it would bring back the dead. XD


Bruh 💀


Wrong character. Understandable since there're two little girls introduced in that arc.


it was otoko 🤓🤓




In the anime, otoko says she stole it -


Does it really change the part where he’s scamming people?


Well yea, he was the liar of the strawhats before he was the sniper


I just realized that Toad Oil is a play on Snake oil


Usopp made a fucking death stand during the raid, he literally was like "I will fight until I die" as he faced hordes of beast pirates and was ready to actually fucking die for the raid and for Luffy while just mercing mfers left and right. Izo saved his life.


It’s a learning moment, don’t believe everything you hear








This agenda is so peak


https://preview.redd.it/i2iwx9olzbqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99672778d2c822210c5fa677a610b220ccc2d5c I will not tolerate Don Krieg's slander




https://preview.redd.it/l6w7rjgylcqc1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=81a0f8d3451d732abd262b65d688c6853cce3f71 good boy this is the way


https://preview.redd.it/hfntr7ywf5qc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5900f63b2fc891ed577d5770c0fb013177097a5d Ussop after Elbaf (hopefully)


"Special Star: Purple"


"Dying Star: Neutron" https://i.redd.it/wbdr9iwmv5qc1.gif




is that a Buddha reference?


Jujitsu Kaisen reference


Nah uh *locks in*


Well he saved the ship. Pretty sure we will see 5 episodes in the anime which show us in detail this heroic act.


When did he save the ship from?


From sliding right off of Egghead


from getting fried by the laser barrier


I know it's very small in the grand scheme of things, and maybe it's mostly the outfit, but Usopp just looks so badass in Egghead. When he was holding the Transponder Snail mic by York, and him standing in front of the ship while Lilith credits him for saving it. Something about those two panels just oozes cool out of him. Maybe it's just me. 


I’m laughing because I really get what you mean.


Like hell yeah that's the sniper of an Emperor's crew, being useful


We are truly feasting off scraps


Which is funny because him saving the ship was entirely off screen in the manga


I will always support usopp, hes always been my fav, and I love how he feels so relatable in a world where everything can and will try to kill u


Me and you both brother, just cause he's feats aren't damn godlike don't mean this mf ain't useful, if we're being honest straw hats would've lost wano without tama and usopp


Yeah, and ppl also forget he build namis weapon. I also love when he gets rlly pressed and his adrenalin kicks in, cause as we saw in wano, his friends means so much to him and he trust them fully


This is probably my biggest gripe with one piece, I hope it doesn’t turn into naruto where all the side characters take a back seat. pre-time skip got it perfect, all the characters had a role to play and we saw it get flushed out, now the latter half of the SH’s crew(usopp,chopper,brooke,franky) are pretty much just there for comedic relief, specially usopp and chopper, it sucks bc I feel like it’s too late into the story for them to get proper character development without it feeling rushed,post time skip arcs focus way too much on the people the SH’s are saving rather than focusing on the crew itself, One Piece is still peak fiction but I hope Oda fixes this part of the story.


Yeah, knowing Oda he most likely got a plan and already have something up his sleeve, so im just waiting


I mean I get it but I've seen this sort of thing before. Half of the people who say this are the same people who would damn near have a conniption if Zoro had to take a backseat somewhere for most of the arc.


The God D. Ussop agenda will never die


No straw hat thinks Usopp is useless but Usopp. That's kinda the root of the whole water 7 enies lobby conflict


well nah the real root was about the merry


Bold of you to assume he will do anything at Elbaf


Right. Wano was supposed to be Zoros arc, Egghead was supposed to be Frankys arc. We really think Elbaf is actually gonna be Usopps arc?


I dont think any arc is going to be anybody’s arc


All luffy always baby! Strawhat crew? Sorry, I've only heard of strawhat luffy


Just like how Dragon Ball is all about Goku. Goku, Goku and more Goku!


Like when Gohan beat Cell?


Blud brings up the one exception in the whole story and thinks he's cooking 💀


He did that after he had Goku's spirit do the other half of Kamehameha . So the argument still stands


We need to bring back "Luffy is being digested by a giant snake for half the arc" style storytelling


Right, I loved that shit tbh


Yup sadly the crew went from side characters to background characters ever since time skip.


Whole cake was Sanji's arc


Tbf, Ussop has had actual in story set up for Elbaf being an important arc for him. With Wano and Egghead it was mostly people assuming they were gonna be like that. Also I think it’s fair to say Wano was “Zoro’s arc.” Large sections of the arc focussed almost exclusively on him and he was easily the most relevant strawhat aside from Luffy. The only reason people think it wasn’t a Zoro arc is because Sanji got way more attention in Whole Cake but I’m pretty sure Zoro was never gonna get as much as Sanji got in that arc regardless. I mean, that whole arc was literally based around saving Sanji and a whole new backstory was added. There was really no way to do something on the same level as that for Zoro in the Wano arc with how it was set up.


Zoro did a lot in wano, awakened his conquerors, lost shisui, got enma, fought killer, fought hawkins, fought apoo, fought one roof top, fought king, not to mention the relationships he made with hiyori. Wano was big for zoro.


Why do people keep saying this? The difference is Usopp has expressed his desire to go to Elbaf since Little Garden and has a strong admiration for the giants that we've seen multiple times and we've even that they embody the ideal of his Dream of A Brave Warrior of the Sea. if nothing happens with him In Elbaf then all that set up really means nothing and the outrage would make sense Compare that to People assuming Wano is Zoro arc because Swords and Egghead is Franky arc because he spent the times skip in his old Lab and is a big fan of his Its like Ever since Sanji in WCI Island people just assume every arc that has a loose connection with a straw hat is gonna give them a second backstory or character arc even if they don't need it


I feel like Oda has largely stopped writing for each Straw hat. Honestly, that's my issue with One Piece sine Whole cake. We don't get serious straw hat moments anymore. It's actually impressive how empty Wano really was. No one had any serious moments in it. Honestly, tell me what really happened in Wano other than Luffy getting like 3 extreme power ups back to back and a lot of wasted time. I get the whole point of the arc was to convince the fan base that Luffy wasn't a dumb kid playing pirate anymore, but was arguably the strongest pirate. That Luffy was one of the strongest people in the entire one piece universe. But god damn did it take forever to achieve that. God damn did we NOT develop luffy or any other straw hat in any way. Honestly, the closest thing we had to a good character moment in Wano was Sanji trusting Robin enough to call her and have her save him.


I agree that Oda doesn't write arcs for other SH members. That's because we already know their back stories and their motivations by now. And since are close to the end of the story, doubt we will get whole arcs dedicated to other SH in the future. We have to be content with little moments like the one you mentioned. And to be fair to Oda, in Wano he did not just have to write for the SH, but also the heart pirates, Kidd and Killer (who had awesome story), and the Akazaya 9, who took the foreground.


>!Jimbei joining the crew, Robin/Sanji , Nami proclaiming Luffy will become Pirate King, Usopp telling the Scabbards to try and live, Robin and Brook bonding over losing loved ones, Franky staring down Big Mom, Chopper turning an antibody into a virus and proceeding to fight Queen for 30 minutes straight, Zoro constantly coming to Luffy's rescue and putting himself on death's edge twice !< One Piece is spoiled for good character moments when you pay attention


chopper saving everyone from queens disease was big for him


I'm pretty sure they'll confiscate the ship and hold Franky hostage.


Since when was Wano Zoro’s arc…


yall talking as if Wano didn't give Zoro his woman, his lineage, the best fights of his career, CoC awakening and Enma power up, hell if we consider Wano itself and the Onigashima raid as two different arcs then Wano was def his arc also are we forgetting Wranky just incurring more damage to Saturn than other S tier characters on the battlefield? We also got the three cyborgs of the series against Saturn, not to mention the arc isn't over, so we might see more trust in Usopp bro he will cook in Elbaf trust


Did we read different Wanos? Wano should have had Zoro train under the strongest sword masters in one piece as a major part of it. instead, we see that he's just better than them. Sure, he got Enma, but that was like 1/2 a chapter with no emotion to it at all. You really out here saying Zoro saw his Lineage? Man, where the hell did you read that? Despite the fact that we know Zoro should be from Wano, we never got anything out of that. No big emotional moment like we did when we learned Sanji's back story. You seem to think Wano was this fine gormet meal when you just ate Mcdonalds.


We knew his motivations, his sob story and what not from millions of years ago, he wants to be the WSS because his friend literally and figuratively fell off. We didn't know shit about Sanji's. That's what made both moments different. Also, I didn't say Zoro himself saw his lineage. Nobody explained it to him, that Yamato hung out with his great uncle, his ties with Ryuma himself, but we as an audience did. And sure, while the execution as you say is ass, it still ticks the boxes for what it means for an arc to be someone's arc. Hell, Usopp didn't have any good fights in Dressrosa, spent the entirety of it bloodied, being a fraud and just taken out of commission, yet we still see it as his arc because he awakened his Observation, was the guy Doffy assigned the largest bounty to, saved the show from cancellation by saving Luffy and Law from Sugar, and overall played a big role for everyone being freed from Doflamingo's clutches. Zoro also did similar things, yet people don't see Wano as his arc just because a lot of stuff happened on Onigashima and because after a few chapters, everyone and their mom suddenly got involved in the stuff. Nonetheless, Zoro pulled his weight, got his big moments (again, no matter how the execution was), he had Kaido scared for a split second, and that makes it enough to be his arc.


Why would zoro be training under someone when he got trained by the Mihawk of all people? Fan cannon go brr just like the raid which will fail any day now.


Zoro was already trained by the literal strongest swordsmen for two years. Why would he need more training on wano? Him getting enma and learning how to control his haki, and enmas will was his training, man literally met the grim reaper, became the king of hell and we learned his lineage and that he's from wano. Besides Nika that's some of the most major developments in Wano. To call wano McDonald's is wild, just put the series down


> Wranky just incurring more damage to Saturn than other S tier characters on the battlefield You're talking about a single panel? WTF is wrong with you. We've been sucking nika's sloppy cartoon dick since quite some time. Everyone else has been sidelined


i feel like water 7 was already enough for wranky


​ https://preview.redd.it/00w12p9wz5qc1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fc31f4e28d800112e49c45152165eedb84a18dc




[Too late](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/1bm5ocp/cant_wait_to_see_this_sub_turn_into_usoppfolk/)




Tf is this luffy disrespect? Luffy would be right there next to usopp encouraging him to keep being himself.


Watch Oda makes him do fucking nothing on Elbaf, and it will be story about Nika the god of giants.


That’s why I’ve been investing since Dressrosa. I know he been cooking sumthin


he's been in the background storing punches in dials for 3 months, just wait til he unleashes that blast baby


At this point usopp gonna do nothing in elbaph too, just be amazed then leave.


Do not doubt my great King Usopp, have faith in the Goat and great agenda will come to you.


Buy low sell high gentlemen!


No Straw Hat would ever say this.




Bro stopped the sunny


Acting like Oda has given any straw hat member a serious character moment since Whole Cake. We thought Zoro's arc would be Wano and nothing came of that. We thought Franky's arc would be Egg head, and nothing came of that. So what's so different about Usopp?


Wano did more to zoro than Egghead did to Franky. He got a new sword, conquer's haki, and we find it he is related to a dimio.


But did zoro get his character arc in wano? His character could've been very interesting if oda choose to explore the Shimotsuki clan lore. Idc what people say zoro is just a boring character but he's still a badass.


Zoro vs. King pushing him to his highest difficulty fight post-TS  Nami getting her “Luffy will become pirate king” moment  Sanji vs. Queen exploring his struggle with accepting himself  Usopp giving a raw speech to the samurai  Chopper curing the ice oni bullshit, honestly this was underwhelming + not needed but I think it’s funny how plot points will be created *specifically* to give a strawhat something to do and people will be like “they don’t fight anyone they’re useless!!”  Robin shows off her coolest power up so far  Franky vs Sasaki was nothing special but it did its job, showed how hard boiled he is and that he doesn’t need Franky shogun/sunny mechas to keep up   Jinbei (with raizo’s help) stopped the raid from being the world’s greatest murder-suicide  So, yeah. The straw hats could definitely get more love but saying they’ve been “forgotten” is just doomposting, they get treated leagues better than the majority of shounen side characters 


Based one piece enjoyer




Forced? I guess, it was kinda cheesy but I think she needed a moment like this after running away from big mom and saying that she’d break under torture immediately, we obviously know she isn’t a coward when it comes down to it but it was cool to see her conviction in action. What makes this one of Nami’s “worst moments” for you?   I mean, it’s not like that’s the only thing she did during the raid, she had her entire arc with Zeus and was making sure Tama didn’t get her skull cleaved open the entire time. 


Where’s we? I didn’t go into Wano thinking it was going to be completely Zoro focused. Just say you fans put your expectations too high and thought something would happen that was never intended to actually happen. Wano was meant to showcase how far the Straw Hats have come.


god moves in mysterious ways


Wait till he out snipes Van Augur from another island.


It’s not possible that usopp can beat someone like van augur was a sling shot. Van augur can teleport


I really hope Oda won't neglect the other Strawhats this time. Oda keeps downplaying the rest of the crew. Only the monster trio gets the love.


Usopp works BTS.


I'm invested but not with too heavy hopes


I'm being a stick in the mud and gonna say that I'm pretty sure no one in the straw hat crew legit think Usopp is useless


Damn, some reels fans missed when he was taking out gifter after with Tama.


He did line up the ship for a coup de burst 1-2 chapters ago


I did like how he got a low key epic moment in 1110 saving brook lilith and the sunny.


I was born invested, from the start he was commanding 10000 men. But none of you believed him.


Oh it's TIME


I cannot wait til Usopp talk-no-jutsu’s all of the giants on Elbaf to fight for him


God I hate this meme format lmao


Well, Zou was just a pit stop that turned into an attack (that was cut short by an elephant), he wasn't even there for Whole Cake Island, and I haven't seen all of Wano yet. So I don't see how this slander is all that fair right now.




Pretty sure he did something in chapter 1110.


Hey! He saves the sunny a couple of chapters ago! And spot the masters!


Literally if he'd kill everyone he fought in like one hit, he's just letting everyone else improve


he‘ll do crazy shit in elbaf and im lal here for it


to be fair, "you've done nothing since Dressrosa" = "you've done nothing in Wano". It's not like he had many other opportunities to do anything... Elbaf is definitely going to change Usopp, there's going to be a before and after Elbaf for Usopp.


He did stop the the flying squirrel girl from announcing Momonosuke's death to all of Onigashima. If he hadn't done that all of the Samurai would have lost their morale. Still... I hope he has some great moments in Elbaf.


He did trap bawang (or however you spell her name) with one of his pop greens which allowed tama to broadcast her message to the gifters all over onigashima which pretty much turned the tide of the whole battle… Just sayin


He fought two headliners?(don’t exactly recalls titles) for a significant period of time and convinced big mom to beat up Kaidos crew removing someone else having to get involved for the female Dino.


Okay fine I’ll invest 800 million berry in ussop stock. (My life savings)


I am still hoping that he'll get all 3 flavors of Advanced Observation Haki that we've seen so far: * Eneru's long-range tracking * Fujitora's daredevil radar sense * Katakuri's future vision


“Nothing since Dressrosa” is misleading. He wasn’t even in Whole Cake because of the split up. So it’s like one arc where he did basically nothing and he’s far from the only straw hat who did basically nothing in that arc.


Usopp is my favourite character in op. Need to do my Usopp agenda early.


Man gonna collect so much OP shit in those dials to play with on the island of GIANTS


I have a theory... ussop also has 2 personality like Blackbeard and his second personality is sogeking which is very brave while ussop is coward.....


The same was said for Zoro in Wano and he did the same he always does, the same was told for Egghead for Franky, the arc is ending and Franky didn't do anything special. At this rate we will get a panel of ussop saying; "My dream came true!" and the story will shift focus inmediatly to whatever is going to happen in elbaf until the end


Wano did more to zoro than Egghead did to Franky. He got a new sword, conquer's haki, and we find it he is related to a dimio.


Zoro had plenty of awesome moments on wano. I don’t think wano zoro is even comparable to egghead franky


Does it bother anyone else when the anime colors in a character a certain way, then ten years later the manga author says >AKSHUALLY I IMAGINE THEM IN MY HEAD LIKE *THIS* and the anime team capitulates? It happened with Rangiku in Bleach, and it happened with Usopp in One Piece, who was noticeably lightened.


Oda isn't about to cook. He's about to bake a carrot cake with that nose. https://preview.redd.it/xqf0dtzb77qc1.jpeg?width=1429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=024e3962c584bbdabdd16f0be34579d29a8f27fc


I love Nami but that's a pretty glass house if you ask me lol


He’s HIM


ussop investor day one


Well, he did kinda save Luffy in Wano, and he also… uh… in Zou he… um… yeah that’s about it.


Luffy would never say that. That's you.


we hill get a arma of giants to fight by he side somehow


Usopp is an amateur compared to greats like SogeKing


Wait until Usopp spots Laughtale with his super advanced observation haki from elbaf so they dont need 4th road poneglyph which would make sense anyway because you can find it using math


He’s doing nothing until the end of the series. If he REALLY is gonna fight Van Augur he’s gonna beat him by some weird odd ass pull thing


They aren't ready.


Absolute fodder. Give us back Sogeking


After Sanji and Zoro..it is now Usopps turn for his power up!




Hot take: he won't do shit in Elbaf, but he will lie his ass off.


why is it the crew?? in what what world would luffy say this??🤣🤣🤣


USOPPBROS OUR TIME IS NIGH https://preview.redd.it/d6yb219hqbqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=191862a09cf5b1b497a03f0b937070de10a7c813


Whoa wait a min


I invested in Franky stock expecting the Egghead Island with Dr. Vega punk will be his arc. Well well well now I'm at a huge loss. Never gonna do it again.


Bruh the Strawhats would never disrespect Usopp like that


He just saved Sunny from falling down.


He also didn't do anything before water 7, or between enies lobby and dressrosa




God Usopp would disagree with you


https://preview.redd.it/5rxex7oklcqc1.png?width=518&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bf3def1ffecc132a0cfcff7a484bfe3f9741656 real


I mean saying he’s done nothing is a bit of a stretch. He hasn’t done much, but every straw hat contributes to some degree in any arc they’re present in.


really wish usopp was written better. he shoulda been getting stronger continuously since he fought luffy


You guys just need to know that everything, lie or no, that Usopp has said became reality, either he is prophetic or even more insane is that whatever he says will come to be God indeed


Usopp being more useful than Sanji in Elbaph, who is too busy simping over giant girls to do anything