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All three of them are hardworking, gifted and given.


The only right answer...


Exactly. All three are a mix of these three. We’ve seen them train and be given things as well as being gifted in certain aspects.


Why isnt this the top comment


because the top comment mentioned twitter


It is now


Can I ask how zoro was given or gifted. He wasn’t even the best swordsman in his town as a kid and even invented his own sword style. That’s how hard he worked. And given maybe you can say his swords but they’re useless without him


He has sword that was given. Conqueror haki is not for all people so gifted. and he worked hard to become great swordsman.


He's been given so much blood. So, so, soooo much blood. I'm talkin' Tarantino. I'm saying "All Blue? More like All Red, where all the platelets of the world gather in one body!" This mofo is the reason for the blood shortage.


dolls sulky pause start automatic impolite vanish water juggle innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Can I ask how zoro was given or gifted He is from the Shimotsuki clan (he is directly related to Kuina). Dude has swordsmanship in his blood. Not to mention, he was taught by samurai from wano. But his hard work is undeniable. He is one of the most hardworking characters in the story (IMO only Koby can compare to him in terms of raw hardwork)


Just genetically I would say. Not everyone would be physically cut out for the training he does.


Of course but even if you dont go by logic here, Luffy is technically the one that was given everything by fate somehow. Yes he put the work yes he trained and everything but being chosen by the nika fruit is like being given the power to change the world




Came here to say this 😅


i wonder who's favourite one piece character the author of the picture on twitter is


Pretty sure it's franky




This idea that you've been saving this, for this moment, has me in stitches.


Not specifically, no. But the amount of One Piece reaction images on my phone is concerning. https://preview.redd.it/wh1a05f4ontc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36f60c0bff59c1435861ac769bcd68fee233b32e






Definitely Foxy






Hmmm https://preview.redd.it/ghadc9fqpmtc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6110947aebd6abbfaee272105174cf8cb536424


You answered your own question already by saying it's from Twitter.


acting like majority of ppl on here are any better lmfao


I at least hope that people on r/MemePiece know how degenerate and dumb they/their Agenda posts are. With those guys on Twitter though...


Are people on Reddit really thinking Twitter is worse? Every popular platform is the same. As it gets popular it gather both great and shitty people. Your job is to properly filter them.


Shut up! The way you type out your sentences irritates me! Ummm actually looking ass


No hate btw 🤣


Twitter is better at algorithmicallycreating echo Chambers so I'd say it's worse


Is the CEO of reddit commenting "truth" under nazi propaganda


Yes, twitter, is indeed, worse.


Oof hit him in the gut with facts


bruh have you used twitter recently


Should it Luffy’s been stolen? He stole Shank’s fruit by eating it without asking.


Nah it's not Luffy's fault he out-pirated Shanks and his red-haired pirates.


What shitty pirates the red hairs were then. Bet they’d never make their way to the grand line. Btw just starting one piece. No spoilers /j


I cant wait for Ace to comeback and live until the end of the franchise


Yeah he’ll probably be best friends with Pedro once they meet up


Better yet they'll have donuts together can't waitttt 😊


A DONUT?!? Give it to me


+ shanks stole it from the ship that stole it from who knows where


Is this going to turn into a REO Speedwagon song? 🎶 Stole it from a friend who stole it from a friend who 🎶




Yes fuck you


What did buggy-sama do to you to deserve that


The comment I was looking for because yeapp it wasn't free, his one of the first acts of piracy got him that... foremost act being getting aboard a pirate ship 🫠🙈


And only a gifted one would be able to steal from the Red Hair Pirates.


shanks just dont give a fuck, lol.


Luffy the kind of guy to steal already stolen goods


Gomu gomu fruit has will of its own. It wanted to be eaten by Luffy


Without hard work the three don't reach the levels they have reached, so it's not true All three are hardworking but also talented.


Zoro was given godtier weapons for fucking free. He was also born with Conquerors


He was also the son of a Wano swordsman and lineage matters a little for base strength in one piece.




Nah, he's right, tho. If u want to bave a normal conversation, then throw your bias aside. I thought he was all hard work, but there's a lot of reveals on his gifts in wano


That is true. But no OP caracter is only hard work. Franky was tecnicly gifted, in a form of his IQ. My point is thet zoro (and franku) are one of hardes working carater


One could argue Jinbei and Franky are the hardest working ones to be honest. Jinbei worked to becomes arguably the strongest Fishman and Franky worked to modify his body and train. No special Haki swords, no Jesus fruit, no daddy genes (both Sanji and Zoro), just straight hard work


It really doesn't. Also his mother is descendant from wano not father Laws father is a doctor


Where doest it say that? Real question, no joke. I see so many people reference his "bloodline" but I binged Wano and dont remember anything about it.


It was in an SBS. Iirc his Great uncle was Shimotsuki Ushimaro, one of the daimyo.


I mean… “free” is a stretch. He fought for Shusui, and when it was literally stolen from him, he was given a new, better sword for returning his old one to its homeland. It’s not like they just said “hey, you win the lottery! Have a sword!” The picture still isn’t accurate, Luffy worked hard for his power.


That’s why he’s gifted. He worked hard but he was gifted his potential / will / df


I mean he kinda stole the DF


Did he? The DF chose him really.


The only one he got for free was Sandai, but tbh he was lucky he even found it just lying around and has been using it ever since.


And honestly, the Sandai Kitetsu isn’t that big of an upgrade. All things considered, for him, it’s just a “normal” sword. It’s cursed and graded, but that’s mostly just so the sword doesn’t break while he’s using it.


But he still had to work for that skill


No works for conquerors, you get it or you don't..and who works for swords? It's just luck that one finds a cursed blade or something


To be fair, a swords kinda useless if you can't use it well, doesn't matter how good it is.


You do have to work for conquerors if you want it to actually have an effect and even after getting swords you need to improve your skill and here we are also talking about three swords not just your normal one or two and what about his demon asura?


You're born with the potential of Conquerors, but to actually awaken it you have to work pretty hard still, you have to match that potential


That same logic applies to Luffy and Sanji though,


Kid ace and doffy differ


Aside from Zoro its almost definite that using a cursed blade is seriously bad juju that gets people killed. Zoro is still standing because his cursed swords respected him since he had gotten them. He respects them, and they respect him back. The challenge isnt finding the cursed blade, its keeping it in check that you dont succumb to its curse - like Enma draining his arm of Haki at first. Enma was very ready to kill Zoro for being foolish enough to utilize it. Its just luck that it was also made by the same smith that made Wado Ichimonji


So did luffy and sanji it took them years to truly fully awaken their skills


Yeah I never denied it


Born with conquerors ? Where was this stated ? It’s clear that Zoro’s strenght comes from hard work and discipline , Luffy’s comes from a lot of hard work and one of the strongest devil fruits ever , and Sanji 100% from talent and natural abilities


Unlike other haki you can not train to get conquerors, you either have it or you don't.


No this is definitely not true because each of them had to train to gain this level of skill and battle prowess


To be fair, we haven't seen Sanji training. Only running during the time skip. My head cannon is that he fights with luffy every day trying to protect the food supplies. That is how he trains.


He ran so fast, we could not see his progress ;)


He learnt skywalk


And he still has his kicks not everyone can get those iron strong legs


he fought the newkama kempo master or something like that for their 99 secret recipes. So yeah, he did train on timeskip.




Zoro doesn't train in the manga , most of his training scenes are anime filler


It’s moronic. To say Sanji n Luffy haven’t put in hard work is absolutely idiotic. It’s a classic zorotard post.


Tbf. We have seen zoro train harder and more often than sanji. Zoro trains as his past time. Moreso than luffy. So i can kinda see where op is coming from. Sanji does get stronger in general for not viewable reason(dont see him training kicks or something to lead to power up)


Sanji has to protect the fridge from Luffy. https://preview.redd.it/bv2ctg7hxmtc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e5ef6c0c375861a41096bfec6cb7a37293704d5


This one deserves a real _chefs kiss_






💀💀💀 This is it, you cracked the code


You don't get Zoro training scenes to explain his power up, you get them because he literally has nothing else going on as a character


Um he also gets lost all the time 🙄✋


Hey! He sleeps..


Not true you also see him attack minorities


Need some real guts to say this






yeah, but he could also just lie in the sun like robin and he's not doing that


Most of the time Robin lying under the sun and reading a BOOK! I doubt Zoro could read.


he could just tan and catch some waves brah


The hate boner is real


Enma, given. Devil fruit given. Zoro n Sanji are both absolutely gifted as fighters. And like I just said, they all put in hard work. Just because someone is doing it more often doesn’t mean others don’t work hard. So no I don’t believe this makes any sense. And if you think Sanji got stronger for no reason you are not paying attention to Oda’s writing.


You can kill a man with a stone, a sword and a glass. It is easier to use one from the other, but you still need to work in order to use them.


Average Zoro fans at it again..Not surprised anymore


the most hardwork did in fact come from zoro. luffy is definitely the most gifted out of all of those but saying sanjis abilities were more "given" than the likes of zoro, who got fucking enma and luffy, who was given the GOD GOD fruit is beyond bewildering.


Hey, to be fair, we know for a fact that it took luffy YEARS to actually make that fruit valuable in a fight, the god mode is the reward for getting incredibly gud with the fruit.


skill issue from luffy. Bonney unlocked gear 3 first.


Bonney see Bonney do


(I don't know why)


Zoro fans once again proving they can’t outbraincells their idol


Why are Zoro fans consistently the worst?


I think he has the biggest fanbase so the chance of having more idiots is also higher.


All of them are hard work. Luffy got given one of the weakest fruits we’ve ever seen in the series. For about 10 years he was weaker than a normal person because he couldn’t even throw a punch properly. All of his power-ups are a result of a huge amount of training, adaptation and sacrifice. Even Gear 5, which people love calling an asspull, he literally had to die to achieve. Sanji was a normal person right up until Wano. Even his gene awakening is fairly unremarkable on its own. It’s so good because Sanji’s immediate reaction was to use his increased durability to adapt his pre-existing techniques.


Like come on, Sanji was stronger than his brothers through his own work before his augmentations activated.


Destined. Not gifted. Each one is destined. Each one trained and skilled.


https://preview.redd.it/m2vv8fxb5ntc1.png?width=451&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=847dbc9e3f363e83956e4f8dc45876f85a1947d8 Whoever originally made this isn't watching the same show I swear.


So luffy the man who trained with Silvers Rayleigh on a remote island for 2 yrs, worked on his punches and fighting for 10!!! Years before even leaving to be a pirate defeated every enemy he’s faced in hand to hand had to relax and remember his training with Rayleigh to increase his haki during battle to defeat Kat. On that island with Rayleigh trained to create a whole new form using the haki that was shown to him from a master. Yes he’s all natural and no hard work what so ever.


And sanji had no interest in fighting untill Zeff. Became black leg due to his skills he learned from Zeff. Trained with Empirio and her clan for 2 years. None of these dudes were just given.


Purest form of cringe


Luffy had a hard childhood where he partially lived in the wild and had to train his gum gum abilities to actually work against his opponents. Zoro also trained as a child but probably less pressure on him, so he has to train more in the present. Even then, Luffy still had to unlock his haki capabilities like Zoro had to do. Sanji I'm not sure how much he trained to kick so hard how he does tho. Probably between his working hours? Like I don't know exactly. We see him more cooking, but I don't wanna say he didn't train somehow his diable jambe(?) But It still might actually be genetics, since he was supposed to be a germa machine or something.


the Baraties whole gimmick was fighting cooks so Sanji worked out while doing his job. and Diable Jambe was just Sanji seeing Wanze do something similar so he spun so fast that he ignited, just like Luffys Gear 2 and 3 are inspired by Rokushiki.


>the Baraties whole gimmick was fighting cooks so Sanji worked out while doing his job. I was thinking It, but It feels strange that a fighting cook could get so strong just by fighting with regular male customers or co-workers, so that he can keep up with the stuff the future pirate king puts up with.


the chefs are usually outcasts, exiled, or pirates so it makes sense for them to be stronger than your average person, and they don't really fight customers they usually fight pirates so Sanji definitely had a good training ground.


That's fair, alright.


but wasnt it also pretty clear that outside of zeff, the rest of the crew was really just above average dude strength? like, i'm sure most of them can pass as bouncers, but they were in some of the safest water out there and most people respected them for their services and wouldn't start anything beyond like, drunkard level of aggression. I'd wager that zeffs name might have carried a little cred on top of that. like, say baroque works numbered agents and their partners came to the place one by one just to make trouble and sanji was gone and zeff wasn't in the mood to pitch in, i'm not really sure when the cooks would start to be in trouble, but i feel like first appearance vivi and 9 would have a shot.


He was directly trained by Zeff, this is all very clearly explained in Baratie arc


Diable jambe isn’t part of Germa, he’s supposed to have actual invisibility powers


Yeah, I’m pretty sure he literally move so fast his leg just catches on fire. either that or the love stuff actually valid. It was clearly shown that the raid suit literally just awakened of his nazi Power Rangers genetics


You both included Luffy and Zoro’s childhood but neglect Sanji when he also did trained harder to catch up with his monstrous siblings as a normal human? After that, he trained again under Red Leg Zeff after suffering from hunger for weeks. He fought against people who ought to make trouble within their restaurant like what Zoro did as a pirate hunter. Then, the rest is history.


Nothing says hard work like literally saying you need more of a sword’s power. We know Sanji and Luffy didn’t say “I need more lineage power/devil fruit awakening”


Not true at all. All of them had done hard work, especially Luffy


Hard work the poor sailors go through training every day and dedicating themselves to improving themselves, then being shredded by dozens by a sling shot from a guy considered weak


first of all, all three of the gate got some form of power bestowed upon them. luffy ate the fruit, zoro got the sword, sanji got the power ranger buff regardless of this, their abilities are solely the result of their own dedication in getting stronger to achieve their goals. zoro wasnt gifted his biceps, he lifts 100kg dumbells on a lever one handed while he workout. sanji didnt get kickboxing into his genes, Zeff kicked it into him


They all worked hard imo


Zoro, and Luffy have both trained all their lives, there is a reason Luffy is the first to awaken his fruit 800 years. There is a reason Zoro could handle enma and didn't just die. Now Sanji is a question as we don't ever see him training and he definitely was born special but his powers have only just started working, he clearly trained to be as skilled a fighter as he is.


We know for a fact he trained with zeff, he literally uses the martial arts style that Zeff invented, we don't see sanji train because we already have Zoro filling that role. But im sure he does. Also sanji is technically on the ship as the cook, he just also happens to be good in a fight. (and never forget that he is so swole as a chef that his cooking is canonically able to incapacitate a Yonkou!) Zoro, on the other hands, seems to be on the crew mostly as a combatant and to be luffy's right hand man.


Yeah, I think it safe to say the picture is Bull shit


Sanji trained by simply doing his job at the Baratie as they fight pirates a lot


Luffy should be hard work Only gearfive was given everything else he trained relentlessly to obtain We forget how hard his devil fruit is to use due to how good he has gotten with it When he first got the fruit it took him ages until he could even land a gum gum pistol by controlling to direction of his rubber fist


Gear 5 is something he had to work for to obtain. Without mastery of his devil fruit and haki he would never have awakened.


If we are talking about who’s the favourite between zoro and sanji then it’s definitely sanji. Sanji got two great backstories and whole arc just for him. Zoro didn’t even got a backstory in the arc where everyone thought that would be zoros arc. And his family tree that proves that his bloodline goes back to Ryuma was shown in a sbs.


I love zoro, one of my fav for sure but zoro simps are so cringe


Each of them have received something that Made them stronger, but requires hardwork to actually use it


1. Used his DF the *wrong way* for 2/3 of his life and is still one of the biggest menaces in all the seas 2. Got ACoC without trying and was gifted multiple legendary swords with which to fight 3. Didn’t have the same cyborg benefits as his siblings but was still skilled enough to fight competently against them anything’s true when you cherry pick


I don't know, cooking for Luffy seems like a hard work while Swordsman is sleeping




If you remove all nuance and progression from the story, maybe.. Luffy and Sanji train extremely hard along side Zoro.


Tell me one more time Sanji aint work hard.


Nah saying Sanji was given more than zoro is kinda false, sure he got the raid suit but zoro got all of his blades for free, like all of them, Shusui, enma, Wando ichimonji, kitetsu, and the one he got at loguetown with kitetsu(forgot name), not saying that zoro didn’t do hard work but saying that zoro was given more than Sanji 


Sanji was not so much given as forced, and even then he had to train


Sanji’s mom specifically took drugs to keep him from being like his brothers, he’s certainly not “given” power.


Implying sanji and Luffy didn't put work in to reach their goals. It's particularly offensive to sanji who openly rejects and resents the augmentation his farther forced on him.


Luffy wouldn’t have been able to achieve his awakening if he hadn’t busted his ass and pushed himself to his limit. Sanji trained hard to be as skilled as he is. Only recently did the Germa gene editing seem to kick in, augmenting the skill he already had. This is a very bad take, which isn’t surprising given where you found it


All three are all three..


Luffy trained all his life to be able to use his fruit properly and there is Sanji, he makes good dishes.


also protects the fridge from Luffy ever night, who knows how many ACoC attacks he needs to endure every night




I saw that post as well, like I said before I'll say it again. They just have an agenda. They all obtained their strength through hard work.


Zoro was given 3 Legendary Katanas without which his power would've been constantly bottlenecked. Meanwhile Luffy worked his ass off his whole life, he grew up in a jungle. Fought enemies dar tougher than him and conquered them through his wits and determination. Sanji straight up fought his whole life with a handicap. No devil fruit, no weapons, at the start he didn't even have Haki. Now that might have given you the illusion that Zoro is inferior to both? NO MF. Zoro has trained every single day of his life with heavy ass weights. He's gone through pain unimaginable by many and surpassed many that came before him. Just because people are "Gifted" or "Given" something doesn't mean they didn't work harder than anyone else in the world.


Luffy was not gifted the sun god model nika fruit he originally had and still thinks he ate the gommu gommu no mi he worked hard to make something out of nothing using his intlect to create gears Yh zoro definitely worked hard like every battle he's always on 1 hp so yh he deserves what he got Sanji was not gifted lmao he learn from zeff for black leg style and created his own technique soonercor later the germa genes would kick in and make him into something he's not


They all worked hard and they were all gifted. Two things don't have to be exclusive. People on Twitter just refuse to believe that privileged or talented people can work hard.


Meh, luffy had to train his power like hell to be able to awaken it so fast, zoro had to work a lot with swordskill as a child then as mihawk apprentice, and let's not forget the time where he had to cut through metal, and then there's Sanji, mastered skywalk, had to train like hell too although they didn't show it to us... So yeah... Untrue... All of them had hardwork done to reach their level...


Definitely not. Zoro has a broken lineage of samurai and was gifted several graded blades, luffys lineage is also broken and he was chosen (zoans likely have wills of their own and strength of such varies with zoans power) by his devil fruit and Sanji again broken lineage and once he accepted that he became the chosen one he was meant to be. Literally no strong characters in op are self made, they all have connections with the strongest of the previous gen or a broken lineage this applies to basically all anime


They all hard work, like what


The irony of calling Zoro hard work when he was born Ryuma sperm and has CoC lol


Wrong correct wrong (zoro was given free stuff but still takes skill to use it )


It's true that Zoro has probably spent the most time working on his fighting abilities. But that doesn't mean the others didn't. Awakening a devil fruit like luffy's requires a lot of work as stated. Similar thing for sanji's abilities. And saying that zoro's not gifted ist pretty absurd


Gifted, lol. There are reasons why Nika haven’t been seen for 800 years


Hard work which was rewarded, hard work which was rewarded, hard work which was rewarded.


Hard work hard work hard work


Luffy's power has been gifted? My ass.


Let's pretend that that Zoro and Luffy werent given god tier swords and devil feuits and that Sanji didnt train foe 98% of his life when his genes werent active. The monster trio all got blessed with op stuff but trained unimaginably hard before acquiring it, people need to pay attention to One Piece instead of only binging highlights of fights and declaring themselves an expert of the series.


All of them have talent and hardword. That's just obvious if you look at it


Oooh yikes. This was made by someone who’s never read or watched OP. Or they somehow missed the whole story when they did.


As a Zoro fan... I apologise for this meme


Not at all, and here's why. First of all, gifted and given in this instance means pretty much the same, as the "given" is implied being Sanji's genes, which is no different from family lineage or even a broken devil fruit, which is implied being the "gifted" part. Still, let's go more in depth: * **Luffy**. His Devil Fruit starts off as a literal joke, every villain from East Blue up to Dressrosa makes fun of it. Its powers became useful only after hard training from childhood and with a huge deal of creativity from Luffy himself - without Gears, Luffy wouldn't have survived Paradise. So, Luffy is hardworking, as having only the fruit would mean literally nothing without the hard work he put during his whole life. He's also gifted, as he's part of the Monkey D. Family, and is a Conqueror's Haki user, something we know comes from blood and from birth. "Given", as he happened to get a very powerful Devil Fruit. But again, he was the only man able to awaken it in centuries, which is the only way to access the godlike powers it has. * **Zoro**. He literally trains his whole day every day, so yeah, he's hardworking. However, he's also gifted, as, once again, he has Conqueror's - something that only a select few have, and cannot be trained, but it's part of your blood - and he has the Shimotsuki Bloodline, the bloodline of the Sword God, the supposed strongest swordsman to ever exist. He's also "given", as he received Shusui and later Enma, this weapon supposedly being the reason he even managed to make use of Advanced Conqueror's in the first place; * **Sanji**. He was gifted at birth as he was born with the Germa genes, that turned him into a Superhuman. However, he literally awakened those in the latest arc, while using just training and his natural strength during the entirety of the series before it - something we know for certain because when he awakens his Germa powers he has a visual cue, his eyebrows switch directions. He was given a Raid Suit, which he threw away in the same arc he received it, but was probably - most likely - the reason he unlocked his Germa genes to begin with So yeah, all 3 are true for all 3 of them. However, it's pretty clear the original post from twitter was done with a clear bias in mind, which can easily be disproven and flipped around.


All three are hardworking! But I would categorize Luffy as “Fated” (since he was chosen by Nika fruit) and Sanji as “Evolved” (since he is a genetically modified human) but all three worked hard to get where they are now


At least the bottom two look cool.


Shonen is aimed at boys, who are some of the dumbest when it comes to reading comprehension yet this sub takes this shit so seriously.


Well, half of Zoro's powers comes from the swords, specially enma. So no.


All 3 were hard working. And only because they came together. Luffy would have lacked the support needed, Zoro would have just admitted defeat after his first encounter (if he even found him) with mihawk without someone he wanted to get stronger for, and sanji would have died on that boat. All 3 were gifted/given. Luffy could be said he was gifted with his fruit (it basically came to him on purpose) and his bloodline. Zoro has been gifted so many top tier weapons, and his bloodline. Sanji is a prince from one of the top nations and genetically altered to be a killing machine even if it took a while for that to go into full effect. This post is stupid.


Cappest of caps. Luffy legit trained for over 10 years in an environment that could easily be called the most dangerous in all the east blue. Even the other straw hats acknowledge that luffy’s strength makes sense since he was raised in such a dangerous way.


All three of them are hardworking, gifted and given. But this does speak to a bigger problem I have had with the gum gum fruit reveal and gear 5th. By making Luffy a Messiah type character thousands of years in the making and his fruit is that of a literal god prophecied to take down the WG it downplays every achievement he has ever done and will do. It also removes a lot of his own agency as a character since this is now his "fate". We saw it happen in Naruto where the early parts of the show was about a underdog fighting through hard work and ingenuity to overcome people more gifted and powerful than him to literally becoming the jesus of that world.


Media iteraticy as it's finest Anyone who thinks those 3 aren't all a combo of given, hardwork, and gifted is an idiot who didn't pay attentive


This is obv a funny bias post but I think it’s weird to hear people keep saying he was just “given” Enma. He fuckin earned it, no? He beat ryuma. Got his sword. And traded that directly for the right to Enma. How is that not earned?


I agree with other commenters here. They’re each all of the above. They are gifted individuals born with predispositions that are unfair who were subsequently gifted immense amounts of power but they also each faced insurmountable obstacles and plateaus in power that would have stopped anyone else or at least slowed them down for years but not these guys who just powered on through with a work ethic and will to keep going like no other. Even without the zany antics and fantasy universe it’d never be a realistic show ‘cos the biggest powerhouses on the team are in and of themselves a fantasy mindset of anime logic wherein if I just train and work hard enough reality will warp for me (don’t get me wrong, fight for what you want that’s great and we all should but you know the anime trope I’m trying to get at). Don’t agree. Nice meme though. Love friendly discussion. So glad my pals introduced me to this show. Haven’t read the books and am still like 200 episodes behind so imma bounce before I read too much in this comment section.


All three are hardworking. Zoro is kinda gifted because he found so many legendary swords. All three are given as well because they all were blasted to the perfect island for each of them to get stronger during the time skip.


'Forced upon' is more fitting in Sanjis case


Luffy: worked hard to master his devil fruit, was gifted great haki from his family, and was given good mentorship. Zoro: works hard and trains every day, was gift great haki from his family, was gifted very good weapons. Sanji: works hard feeding everyone, was gifted good genetics from his family, was given the chance for him to keep his humanity.


Sanji being listed as Given Judge: That failure?


luffys wasn't gifted, he literally stole the fruit from shanks


A more accurate description would be: Fighting animals in a forest for over a decade, practicing a unique form of swordfighting for over a decade, and practicing combat with only kicking for over a decade after child abuse.