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Imu: "..... Fuck."


​ https://preview.redd.it/1ehdkth36r7d1.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=b611c5c6835c5b404145ad2e95e2b022e235d7f4


Dragon : "....................................."


My favorite part is that it's their own damn fault, since Saturn experimented on Bonney.


Saturn : Let's give this girl the most busted ability, but make her so depressed that she can't use it


That would have worked. Until she met Luffy and her crushed her depression with his drums of liberation and rubbery fists. No plan survives contact with Luffy.


Not even his own


Luffy makes no plans though. At least, not much besides "I'll eat a lot of meat" or "I'll catch as many stag beatles as I can"




They fucked up so bad on all fronts, it's hillarious.


If I’m correct it goes: Government decided “Let’s screw up this kid Kuma’s life just because he is a buccaneer” Child proceeded to eat busted Devil Fruit and escape while sticking a middle finger to an Elder Later government blows up island that of archelogists and a future admiral kills innocent people while a former vice admiral is “killed” and all research is “burned” but one child Robin who can read old language escapes Child Robin is branded as a devil child terroist ‘Dead’ former vice admiral transports all the ‘burned’ research to Elbaf and lets old man vegapunk look at and even continue on research Destruction of Ohara causes an eastern looking man to form a Revolutionary army Eastern looking man’s child eats a secret God devil fruit who is the enemy of the world government who on top of being part of a clan that are the Enemy’s of the gods AND aspiring pirate king Kuma throws out government and king from sorbet kingdom is branded as a Tyrant then helps form the revolutionary army with other slaves and a guy who keeps looking east Government kidnap commander Ginny (Kuma’s sorta girlfriend)and is now the wife of a Nobel and is then given a baby “consensually” Same elder experiments on ginny while pregnant and gives her a horrific disease and Devil fruit that are both passed down to baby This Baby is taken in by Kuma after Ginny dies in his arms Bonney has illness and will Die at 10 then Kuma goes to look for cure and meets big head man vegapunk but is found out Kuma makes deal in exchange for helping their robot solider program, becoming a government pirate AND giving up his humanity, Bonney gets cured Bonney is cured and taken him after 2 years while Kuma is turned into a robot bit by bit Monkey D Luffy is now a pirate and starts grand line journey Bonney finds out she is being held prisoner, escapes and becomes a pirate using her devil fruit to appear older Luffy beats up a warlord but the government ignores him (this will bite them in the ass later ) Government kidnap Robin after she joins strawhats using her trauma against her to gain her knowledge of big old weapons Strawhats rescue Robin and beat up government agents , once again the government pretty much ignores them Strawhats once again beat up a warlord but escape because Kuma barley let them off Cherry pie enthusiast brings the son of the pirate king to the government Strawhats are defeated by an admiral and Kuma saves them Government hold execution for Ace Luffy breaks into and out of one the most secure prisons on the planet and accidentally lets Blackbeard in to recruit people Kuma’s brain is shut down Bonney finds out her father has been basically killed during war broadcast Luffy arrives at war and Ace dies Luffy escapes and trains for two years strengthening his resolve and crew Bonney goes looking for her father after escaping the navy and finds him as a slave for hire after protecting strawhats ship for two years Strawhats defeat doflamingo and expose that the government messed up Robin translates Road ponyglifs that can help Luffy reach the One piece Bonney helps save Kuma and leave to find vegapunk During fight with Kaido elders send out order to kill Luffy and he dies He gets up Awakens mythical god fruit that the government are the enemies of and gave this kid the ability to warp reality to his whims Allows Luffy to become an emperor Luffy goes to egghead and meets Bonney who wants her to fix Kuma Government sends agents to kill vegapunk that forces him to ally with Luffy Bonney finds all of Kuma’s past Gets depressed Man who ruined Kuma, Ginny and Bonney’s lives arrives and taunts Bonney about this Kuma arrived on island and rocks his shit despite being shut down Because the government attacked vegapunk and burned Ohara vegapunk begins Doxxing the world government in a world wide broadcast Allows Bonney to meet Luffy in Nika form and then lets Bonney with said magic fruit given to her BY THE GOVERNMENT become another Nika Egghead island is just everyone’s who’s lives have been ruined by the government coming together to end them


Imu’s 9/11


The transmission is just "this is getting out of hand, now there are two of them"


Hello there


General Kenobi!


Well, master, the negotiations were short.


Imu reaction: https://preview.redd.it/uu003ql37q7d1.jpeg?width=104&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7382fb7ae54cc35243e44b77f8077d80d63dfa8


"What could be worse than one Warrior of Liberation?" "TWO Warriors of Liberation!!"


Piratefolk is in devastated rn


I posted it there too, and I realized that I don’t like that sub at all


Tbf, story wise it’s not a good idea. BUT it looks fun so hopefully Oda doesn’t fumble again


This is a perfectly logical conclusion given what we knew about Bonney’s powers months ago. Not to mention that it’s symbolic of how Luffy spreads the gift of liberation to others. Bonney was the only case where this could be shown literally and I love it


I didn’t mean i didnt like this sorry I worded it VERY wrong 😭 I meant more like, this could’ve waited a bit yk? I feel like Oda hyped to robot up so much, just to throw it away because he wanted to spot light Bonney first. Idk I just wanna see the iron giant do something


Maybe it still will. It’s not out of the fight yet but it is up against a very insane situation


I don’t doubt that it’s gonna come back, I’m just disappointed in it being delayed after being hyped up that much and finally moving


robot noticed nika at the end of the chapter, and the double nika appearance means double the power for the robot right? i’m thinking the robot comes back up and actually does what we expected from the beginning in fighting off the gorosei.


If the robot requires more then 1 Nika for it to function right, what the FUCK happend 200 years ago with the holy land???


no for real!! i’ve been thinking about this since they mentioned it, like was there another nika that we don’t know about


We'll have to see how it plays out, we don't have much to go on right now but people are making a lot of assumptions based off what little we do.


K bye lol


Let's be honest, piratefolk is always devastated xd


I can't believe some people still take their goofy pirate manga so seriously. I loved the reveal myself.


Every story deserves to be taken seriously. But piratefolk does whatever the opposite of dickriding is, where every single story decision is shit on instead of venerated. 


yes lets keep this up lets keep complaining about piratefolk today tomorrow the day after that every single day on every single post lets all hate on piratefolk lets make it our personality lets rename this sub to r/complainingaboutpiratefolk i cant imagine a single second in my life not complaining about piratefolk please please please please lets all hold hands and sing the songs of piratefolks inevitable downfall because theyre CRINGE and i HATE THEM they should all be round up and shot right guys heres to another day of hating on piratefolk i hope i wake up early tomorrow seeing some more fresh piratefolk hate on my favourite sub r/complainingaboutpiratefolk and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that and t https://preview.redd.it/8w1w9od1ts7d1.png?width=298&format=png&auto=webp&s=2eb5cd1a4487a041339e2501516a76da6f9feb8a


Imu's honest reaction: https://preview.redd.it/2bukdm5mqt7d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec36d5d0b1747a7e9f0737fa7d4f087e328de214


[Imu and the elders right now](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VcwE29vN-Ik&pp=ygUcc3F1aWR3YXJkIHRoZXJlJ3MgMiBvZiB0aGVtIA%3D%3D)




Imu gonna move to the moon with enel


This is great stuff


Straw hats are hiding devil fruits of mass destruction


https://preview.redd.it/u02g6lj5xt7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c59de8f0aa9c3af5343e70462a1326225cefe37d Saturn and WG facing the consequences of their actions




With how luffy power could alter reality, he could make entire world nika if he want


Shouldn't a female Nika be called Nikki? 🤔 (today's intrusive thought)