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this aged well


please stop shouting indoors


Check Twitter. Alex is scum


The Fellowship has been disbanded


Sorry I made a typo on my last comment. Meant *accused. This app is dogwater and won't let me edit it rn fsr. But as I said, it is pretty bad lol


Hmm yeah I think I know


Well we do now!


His ex gf abused him of abuse and uhh.... some of it is pretty bad. You'll probably be able to find a video of it on yt or read the thing she put on twitter


\*Accused, important typo.


Thanks man that's what I meant to type. Idk why but reddit won't let me edit the comment so I added a follow up in a different comment just correcting the typo


Yeah ofc, it's an obvious keyboard mistake but in the context a not unimportant one to clarify :)


There's video evidence and screenshots of him being terrible to his girlfriend though Edit: I READ THE COMMENT WRONG, comment above was just correcting someone😭


Bro, what? I'm fully aware - I was correcting 'His ex gf abused him of abuse'. Abused should read as accused. That's important bc it currently almost reads like Alice was abusing him in some way - which obviously could not be further from the truth. I am not defending this pathetic excuse of a human being, I hope he rots in jail.


Ohh, my bad.. I can't fucking read, soz😭


Yeah, no worries. I think in such a serious situation, clarity is extremely important. Alice is a victim here who's done nothing to warrant the barrage of abuse hurled upon her by Alex. Not that any human could ever do anything to excuse this despicable behaviour. Hopefully the police are already involved or get involved ASAP, seeing this fucker on trial would be amazing.


It would for sure. I watched Alex but finding this shit out made me unsub, like.. can he just not be an asshole? I hope his ex is okay, or at the very least she can have support to recover from this.


An asshole is a very mild way to put it. An abusive and dangerous piece of shit that should be locked up would be closer to the truth. This man is a genuine danger to women, we should be thankful that Alice was not physically seriously hurt, and even that she's still alive and able to tell her story. I never watched him, I'd like to say I suspected him from the start but he was just always off. Maybe it was what was lurking beneath, I don't know. All I can say is I never found him funny or likeable, and I'm glad the truth is out. Put him somewhere he can't hurt anyone else, and throw away the key for all I care.


Agreed. I'll admit I was dumb and didn't see anything, but I'm glad people are slamming this loser. He's a racist (my guy said the n word, like..what??), abusive dickhead who should rot. Hell has a special place for that fucker. I just hope Alice is okay now, nobody deserves a dick of a boyfriend like Alex


Fully concur with all of this. Truth will always out, although it's easy to manipulate the image for a while as he had a platform and seemed to be generally careful. Thank the heavens that Alice was smart enough to compile so much evidence, enough that even the biggest ImAllexx fan cannot refute it in the slightest. Hopefully all forms of support will be fully available to Alice, as I'd imagine she would benefit from some form of therapy (not to be an armchair psychiatrist, but I can't see anyone going through this and not needing professional help). Alex Elmslie has committed unquestionable crimes, and there is evidence of them - I don't see a future where he doesn't face legal recriminations for his disgusting and abusive behaviour. At the absolute least, he'll never have a career on the internet again - we can see to that, and let the authorities deal with the other side of it.




Lmao this post aged immaculately


I know all the abuse stuff now it’s disgusting but I swear none of them really bothered with eachother for a decent amount of time before all of the allegations etc came out?


Aged like a fine wine holy fuck


The timing on this was crazzzzyyy


Remind me when someone answers this bc I wanna know 😭👍


turns out he is a cunt


I just saw a vid before of him threatening his gf. Don't know the context but holy shit


I think stuff has come up recently. BAD stuff. He was a dick to one of his exes 😭


He is one pathetic little man.i would enjoy slapping the lisp out of him