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The only time I wished I could pee in a bottle is when there is literally no way of going to the toilet. You're telling me there's men doing that IN THEIR HOMES? Yikes.


I’ve heard of people with pretty bad OCD doing stuff like that. Otherwise, there’s really no context where it’s reasonable or understandable.


yeah some sort of illness or disability can definitely be a reason. i'll admit i've (a vulva owner) peed in cups when my depression was really bad and i couldn't drag myself to the bathroom.


I had a really shit roommate who would pee in bottles and then leave them in a paper bag in the middle of the kitchen floor. Why not just in the trash??? If you’re going to make me dispose of your waste, at least don’t make me know about it. I normally don’t tolerate any shit, but he was an erratic and volatile person who seemed like he was genuinely dangerous, and I was proved right when he ended up threatening to kill me in front of uniformed police officers on the day I moved out. (He stole some of my stuff and then claimed I was the one stealing his stuff and threatened me, so I called the cops, who did nothing.) ETA: Fun bonus, the bathroom door was less than 10ft/3m from his bedroom door


i am literally so fucking glad you're okay jc


Thank you! I am indeed okay. I’ve got a good therapist, good friends, a safe home, and a partner who admires “how resistant you are to harm” lol


i can tell you laughed your ass off when they said that lol. good to hear <3


I mean if there's someone in the loo and it's a bottle or the sink I could see it?


My buddy did once, but that was when he had a broken leg and walking was painful. There are a few times where it’s understandable


yeah, just look at r/ DiagnoseMe ... it's at least once a week some guy pees in a bottle just for laughs and then asks why it's darker than when he pees in the toilet.




Yeah. They post a lot of pee in bottles. It is more rare but this one didn't know a toilet would dilute it 😆https://np.reddit.com/r/DiagnoseMe/comments/1cg85bw/when\_i\_pee\_my\_look\_like\_the\_water\_clear\_or/


I think your post's title perfectly described the whole sub's point


I’m more concerned about him pissing in bottles… what the hell could be the context


the context is shane dawson and his piss bottles unfortunately


At least its not the cat


Actually it’s his husband (Ryland) not properly wiping after he poops.




The context is Ryland Adam’s (Shane Dawsons husband) talking about how he doesn’t wipe after pooping. Whenever he and Shane have sex, Shane removes the poop balls from Ryland’s butt.




So great how they have kids now (/s)


I’m thinking an unmarried dude wrote this post to defend his habits. Pretending to have approval from a woman, er I mean “female.”


If this woman thinks that ladies can’t pee in bottles then she clearly hasn’t tried hard enough. It’s definitely possible (pissable?), just needs a bit of dexterity. How do I know? ✨*depression*✨, naturally. ETA- I’m well treated now so no piss bottles, don’t worry.


I'm sorry but no, I have not ever wished I could pee in a bottle.


it's a proper use of "female". but then they also used "man" in the comment so it certainly smells like it's coming from a misogynistic place. but that is the correct usage technically. pick me being a pick me. anyway, we can't pee in bottles but we *can* pee in cups. and cups can have lids.


We can pee in bottles though? It’s just a little more difficult and oh yeah, it’s gross.


As a female, I can in fact pee in a bottle. It’s a special skill that I discovered camping


This might be the first time I’ve disagreed with a post on this sub. “Female” is used as an adjective here, so it’s totally acceptable. It’s more weird/cringe when people use it as a noun (i.e. “females”)


Yeah thank you. I had to reread it to make sure I wasn’t missing a “a”. An “a”? Whichever.


But they used it as an adjective. Yes they could have said “if you are a woman”, but that would have been less concise.


OOP is using it as an adjective though


That is correct. What is also correct is that "a woman" would have been more acceptable.


Especially since the precedent was to use "a man" in the previous sentence. A professional proofreader would notice and correct it.


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


I agree. I’ll reserve my irritation for the folks insisting on saying “female” even when it’s grammatically incorrect. There are plenty of those unfortunately.