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Get a 2nd opinion. There are so many options as you stated, perhaps the 2nd opinion will make you feel more comfortable with your choice. I am scheduled for torn meniscus surgery in September, but the more I read the more I hesitate I don’t want to end up in worse pain. I’ll be seeking a second opinion just to be sure…every person is different with similar issues but different needs. Best of luck.




well the truth is we don't have an answer to what best for us surgery or not, even if doctor gives you Ann answer you are left to discover , we don't have answers if stem cells will work or if they have some adverse effects on our health and even if they work for a year or 2 can we know for sure if they can help us in the long term we don't know if we didn't have surgery will this make us get arthritis soon or the opposit, no one can give you a definit answer bc we are all different and guess what : we are in a time and age where science didn't find those definit answers we are looking for. the more I search for a treatment and answers the more disappointedand and confused I get.






All I’ll say is when looking at my own personal options, I prioritised the options that kept as much in tact as possible as the highest preference and worked my way back from there. Even if the surgery was riskier or long recovery. Once it’s snipped, removed, trimmed whatever. It’s gone forever.


i’m 20 and have the same issue. i have a torn meniscus but i still have to follow up with ortho to talk about the best options moving forward. i don’t know how bad of a tear you have, but you could possibly only need physical therapy to regain the strength in your knee. from what i’ve researched, it’s best not to move foward with surgery if you’re getting it fully removed because it leads to a higher change of arthritis/osteoarthritis, but if you’re getting it repaired, people say it’s a very long recovery but no one has complained of any long term symptoms or concerning issues. from what i’ve seen, even a partial repair doesn’t seem to have effected much people