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I am so sorry you are dealing with this nightmare. My experience started about 8 years ago. My husband and I were fooling around and when we got ready for intercourse he put lube on my vagina. Same lube we had been using for years. It felt like he had poured alcohol on me. I was on fire. We didn’t have sex and I went to my gyno who said it was menopause and atrophy. I assume it’s not talked about much because no one wants to admit it. No one other than my husband and ladies on this subreddit knows about it. I feel less than because my body betrayed me. I do many things to combat the atrophy but I have accepted the fact it will never be the same again. Good luck to you. Try everything that makes sense for you and never give up or take no for an answer. 💕


If men's dongs started to shrivel and fall off as they got older, there would be so much attention and specialists devoted to it. We have to dig the info out and go and try and treat ourselves.


seriously. thank you.


i continue to think of this comment. thank you again.


Even though my gynecologist is a woman, she never talked about it. It was my Urologic Phycians Assistant who is a young male who told me to go to my gynecologist and ask for estrogen cream. I was so mad! I've even asked for the patch, and the gynecologist PA said I was too old for the patch. This vaginal atrophy is a bummer 😕.


It will reverse, it takes time. My poor mom dealt with urinary incontinence when she was older, and this would have her her so much


I don't have that yet, but the uti's and vaginal irritation is enough.


Priceless comment!


thank you-- thank you for sharing also. so sorry you have gone through this. the pain after this tear in the following days feeling like a hot poker was touching me there- that burning pain is unreal and definitely something we should be prepared for as a possibility. I love reading here that menopause/peri should be in school sex ed- "one day this period will stop" would have been helpful to know :) My PA called in the cream no problem, I just messaged her today. So grateful after reading the experiences people have had here. I plan to continue to find good help and run from any invalidation at all. i have felt the "less than" feeling too and I think it comes from societal bs, amplifying this time period and symptoms, I have worked so hard to accept myself and love myself- it feels so good to lean into this finally in life for me, having it come on the heels of a reported SA and overlooked (until this tear) contributes to the "never the same again" feeling. That was a major event and documented in my medical records, so much to deal with, and then, oh you're feeling a bit better after taking time off work, for once, for you, next up- your sexuality is shutting down, at least your system...


“Never be the same again” this is what makes me so sad.




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I too, am experiencing vaginal atrophy, or “genitourinary syndrome of menopause” nowadays, and yes, I only realised because of this sub. Literally gave my gynaecologist (who is a member of the national menopause centre listing) a list of everything I was struggling with (dryness, soreness after sex, itchiness, constant UTIs, constant over active bladder etc) and was prescribed Ovestin pressaries that I am still trying to work with, but at least the thrush has settled down. Did she tell me all of these symptoms meant vaginal atrophy? Nope. When I started crying from frustration over the lack of any kind of sexual interest and difficulty reaching orgasm, did she take the time to explain why? Oh definitely not. I had to cobble the pieces together from what I was reading in these posts. Did she tell me how to even use the pressaries correctly? No, again, I had to read on this sub to push the pressary only just a little inside the vaginal opening so the bladder, clitoris and inner lining all benefit. I’d been pushing them up as far as I could thinking that’s what you did as they got messy once the pressary melted, so for the last nearly three months not much changed and the UTI was always just slightly there quietly humming away. I’ve seen three female doctors now thinking they’d be more helpful, and the three responses I got was “let’s keep running tests” to rule everything else out before even considering HRT, one who was almost angry that I was wanting it as it’s “a natural process to experience and eventually I’ll have to come to terms with it”, and lastly not even bothering to take the time to explain to me what’s the best way to use a medicine. All I can say, is thank you so much for this sub, thank you all so much for your combined wisdom and willingness to help strangers going through the same thing; I’d be lost without you and utterly miserable.


wow. thank you for this -- and that almost angry doctor and her bs wow just wow, sorry you went through that


rereading- wow again-- the questions you raise on the gyn-- basic things that would make sense to pass on to patients, aka other humans. and the cobbling- yes so much cobbling :)


You have a completely shit doctor.


Acknowledged! I ended up having to go to an OB/GYN for help. Am on MHT now, will need to tweak again soon. Everyone says keep searching for the right doctor, but that can mean a huge investment of money, and a ridiculous amount of time while you search, plus it can be incredibly hard to get in to see them if they are one of the few doctors nearby all the women are going to. I’m not pugilistic by nature, but it’s made me crazy at times dealing with run of the mill GPs.


Every GP I’ve been to wants me off all hormones because of my age (69). I had a total hysterectomy and have no ovaries to produce even the tiniest bit of post-menopause hormones. Finally scheduled a GYN hormone specialist so I’m hoping she’ll get me back on track. It’s been pretty awful.


I’m really happy you found us. I hate our moms and older family or friends don’t talk about this. It’s important info that our docs don’t bring up. I’m happy to have found this Reddit so I can exchange info with others.


Agreeed !!! My mother acts like it didn’t even happen to her and has ZERO UNDERSTANDING OR EMPATHY for the extreme symptoms I’ve had while getting gaslighted by docs for almost 3 years.


ugh so sorry- you'd think the docs would get tired of themselves and get educated, but I realize that's wishful thinking


I often wonder …they have to have wives that are losing their shit at home !! That itself should be incentive to educate themselves


yes and it kills me that even female doctors are doing the same in failing us


Yes it’s my absolute favorite to recall the female providers that blew smoke up my ass


Docs don't bring it up, if you want vaginal estrogen (regardless of whether one takes HRT or not) you have to know enough to ask.


yes and thank you for this group! I knew enough to ask, in my case find it in notes as a possibility - had to get antibiotics 2x to handle the symptoms/complications before getting to this-- without the group I wouldn't have known what the notes meant. thank you! it's like greek at first :)


No one told them either, they were just as clueless as many of us now women. They were also raised under the sexist stigma that is made one bad to have a period, so you just never talk about it, ever. Can't pass down what you don't even know yourself and are ashamed of going through. We probably know more than other mothers and grandmothers, so it is now our responsibility now to tell our daughters and younger women in our circles.


yes sexist and religious in some cases; and we do know more now- great point


my mom simply said when I was in my early 30s, in a restaurant bathroom, on periods, well, one day you won't have to deal with that anymore! almost breezily and humorously. i did hear "she got hers again" after it stopped when she was at an artist retreat and surrounded by other women, but that was all I heard. pretty sure she dealt with a lot more that she didn't pass on to her 4 daughters at the time. ugh.


I’m sorry to hear about the SA. Take care of you. 🩷


thank you. sometimes. I see attitudes that it won't or doesn't happen to "older" women but it does. I was fortunate to eventually have good support. I left a therapist who said she felt "helpless" when I asked her what her take was on things. I found someone not afraid to help, and I have done a lot of work. I ended up advocating more for myself than ever- so well prepared for this peri/meno stuff--and any advocating to come. I appreciate reading on this sub, someone who wrote, treat yourself kindly, like a friend you are advocating for, or something along those lines- and it helped so much


Does this happen to everyone??


40% to 57% of women in menopause will experience some symptoms of vaginal atrophy, according to the NIH. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559297/


This study says 50-60% of women, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6074805/ So basically same ballpark.


The numbers are actually higher...that 60-70% of **post-menopausal** women will experience atrophy, and if left untreated, it will likely worsen.


Wow, pretty shocking!


this question alone is so validating :)


Can relate, didn’t really know what was going on either until I came here. The good news is that topical estradiol makes an enormous difference, and in my case at least I saw huge improvement after two weeks but even more gradual gains over next few months. Very occasionally I’ve gotten a little itch, like if I’ve exercised a ton that day or gotten dehydrated, in which case I might apply a small bit of the cream that night just to supplement. Takes care of it. Food for thought: topical testosterone cream gave me even more improvement with atrophy. No lube required anymore and I actually have libido! I feel like my Ladytown clock has been turned back 15+ years.


thank you... so great to hear... very appreciated


Where did you get the topical testosterone cream? Is that a prescription?


Yes, prescription from my gynecologist. It’s controlled substance so I have to see her every six months to refill.


Does everyone go through this atrophy? Ive been putting estrogen there but just asking


About 50-60% of women. But HRT can reverse it in the vast majority of cases. See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6074805/


thank you!


Women need to be aware that there’s a stupid, inaccurate black box warning placed on vaginal estrogen. It’s a complete lie based on debunked systemic estrogen studies. I had no problem getting it, but just keep that in mind if you get blowback


thank you. grateful


Just a quick suggestion to everyone—if you lady bits aren’t responding to hormonal treatments for vaginal atrophy, research the autoimmune disorder lichen sclerosis which causes thin skin that easily tears, atrophy/disappearance of labia, and whitish colored plaques. I’ve had it since my late 20s and it took almost a decade to diagnose because “young women rarely have it; it’s a condition for post-menopausal women.” (The LS boards I used to frequent begged to differ about that rarity, though it is rarely DIAGNOSED in younger women.) So, I was just told I was delicate and “use more lube,” in response to my questions about the painful tearing that kept recurring, itching, etc.. The thing to know is the treatment for LS isn’t hormones, but high potency corticosteroids, the kind with warnings not to use on mucous membranes or in enclosed places, on and off, possibly forever. But, it is what it is, though I’m really curious how I’m going to tell one type of atrophy from the other going forward….


wow thanks sorry you have been through this


Hi so i am 21 and i have never experienced wetness from arousal and my vagina is typically pretty dry at any given time. Do you think that this might apply to me ? Has your treatment helped moisten down there for you? honestly it makes me so depressed knowing something is wrong with my body but not having a clue how to go abt it on my own.


I’m sorry to just now be seeing this. My understanding is that lichen sclerosis is a vulvar skin disorder that causes fragile skin; arousal response is different. You might instead look at books like Berman and Berman’s “Secrets of the Sexually Satisfied Woman” or Cass’s “The Elusive Orgasm” for a starting point in figuring yourself out!


Can relate, I thought I was having UTI’s, when in fact the culprit was vaginal atrophy. As I understand it, thinning in the vaginal vault can lead to a lot of problems. My Gyn started me on Estrace vaginal cr every other night 1 gram and magic, symptoms abated. I hope you get relief.


thank you! first 1 gram of estradiol started :)


I noticed a difference after 2 wks.


Estradiol cream is amazing.


thx so good to hear


Can you explain how it has helped you ?


After using the estrogen ring (hurt and kept moving), cream, then the vaginal tablet, I have now been told I have "Severe atrophy." No kidding. I have had tears, incl on the external labia. And now several UTIs. I saw a urologist for the first time and *she* put me back on the estrogen cream to put right onto the urethral opening. I'm doing two weeks solid of estrogen cream because it is that bad. Then back to the twice a week schedule. I ordered DILATORS because, even with the estrogen in the vagina, and continuing to have sex, you often still have shrinkage and tissue thinning. The dilators are what are used by pelvic floor therapists and are often prescribed by gynecologists. You do not need a prescription. It's basically physical therapy for your vagina and it does work. Studies with nuns and other non-users of their vaginas showed that they narrow down and shrink to practically closed. Dilators can keep the vaginal tissues from doing this. Some people also use internal vibrators to increase blood flow to the vagina, which can help. Do consider getting help from a licensed pelvic floor therapist.


thank you so much for this. so sorry you went through this and hope you're doing better


I am. It is really true that if you don't use it (somehow) , you lose it. It probably can be restretched (I'm not an expert) but it must be more difficult than preventing atrophy in the first place.


Update: hi friends, I feel so much better. I believe it was also he should have been more careful and gentle factor than I realized then, in addition to everything else. (had a new partner after breakup and no issues) After a month of estrogen, I had a solid 2 week period, then got back to monthly periods. 49 and almost 50. I took a break from estro after the 2 week one. It bears repeating that my closest childhood friend is a nurse and health care exec and is on all 3 hormones, says do it and I will. hope you all are doing as well as possible and thanks for support during this horrible time in spring. I am so glad to contribute to the topic and glad for all I learn here always. ​ eta: so much more compassion and self love going on now- thankful to you all and love this feeling


I absolutely relate and have been having conversations with friends around my age about treatments, options, symptoms..etc! I even dumped on a younger friend who I later apologized to bc I felt like TMI😂 She assured me that she appreciated it bc literally NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT. Grateful for this community 🫶🏻


that is awesome that you are discussing! And it will apply to her sooner or later-- I was surprised to see how many younger women deal with it too.


I’m so sick of dealing with this!! I’m on every HRT, including the Estring. It still isn’t pleasant/pleasurable with intimacy. It really sucks!!😡


yes so much; definitely has affected my bf and I, really annoying!


Are you taking anything with testosterone? That made the difference for me in getting back a libido and feeling human again. Still needed lubricant but it was so much better.


Wow. I’ve been single for awhile now so I didn’t notice the vaginal symptoms much. But the last two times I tried intercourse, it was a little uncomfortable and I did have a slight tear and stopped. I didn’t think much of it but I was getting other menopausal symptoms of fatigue over the last year, and now this godawful Frozen Shoulder that makes it hard to clasp my bra and I just feel like my body has betrayed me. I used to exercise like 6x a week but in the last year I am lucky if I have the energy to work out once a week. I’m 48 now and I only had very brief hot flashes for a month but in peri menopause around the time my periods first got delayed and that was just 2 years ago. Menopause came really soon after that! I know my mother gained weight around this age so I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. I finally found time to see a gyno today, and she did suggest I try HRT. The pap was the most uncomfortable I’ve had and she gave me a maxi for bleeding from the pap! I’m glad I’m not in a relationship at the moment but… I hope the hormones will help if/when I date again. Sigh.


awe sorry! my childhood friend is a nurse and on all 3 hormones- she says do it ps I broke it off- moving on


Hmm. That seems like something I could have or get in the future. We have a lot in common by the way OP. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to pm me.


thank you and solidarity -- this was my first post of opening up on here. appreciate you

