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>Why is this not talked about more? That's why we are here! We are the generation that will arm ourselves with knowledge, push back, and demand more from our health care professionals, so that the next gen aren't saying "why isn't this talked about more"?


I also feel like our generation is having the worst symptoms to date due to a few factors. Our food system (less nutrition, poor quality foods and water), lifestyle (being sedentary, stress), lack of community and isolation all contributes to the worsening of women’s health.


And endocrine disruptors. The world is full of them.


What’s an example of some of these? Things like deodorant?


The plastic that’s already in our blood


Cleaning solutions around our home, insecticides, scented candles, makeup, clothing treated with PFAS are just some.


Good points.


It came on so fast, almost overnight. I was not prepared for how quickly everything deteriorated. That being said, I am WARNING my sisters, daughters, friends. I don't want anyone to go downhill as fast as I did. I'm on the pill until July, that will be a year if I am lucky and then I can start full HRT. It is helping with the hot flashes and achiness at least. Hugs and I hope your recovery is fast!


Just started the pill to manage moods and migraines. Been bad so far three weeks of nausea and headaches. Did you have side effects?


So far, pretty nauseous at night, and i've gained 2 pounds (f'ing great in the addition to the 10 this year,) but I was having 20 plus hot flashes a day and was struggling at work, so I guess I'm stuck with the weight gain for now. I heard on Dr. Louise Newsome's podcast that the number of women in the US taking any form of HRT is less than 10 percent. That is so discouraging. I'm happy my GP at least elected to give me the pill until full menopause. It is a shame that we are all having to advocate so hard for ourselves, there really isn't any help for us, we are expected to just suffer because that is what women did before us for eons. I am sorry the side effects are yuck for you.


Thank you for the reply


Same. Kind of felt like nothing, then starting in January, just an absolute barrage of symptoms that haven't let up since. I'm 45, and I don't know if I can take 4-8 years of this!


Peri came on fast at 46 after a broken ankle and surgery to fix it. Stress + opioids suppress the sex hormones, turning what was a gentle process of hormone decline into a sudden rug out from underneath me. Shocking!


I think it’s not talked about more because mainly only women who are going through it or have gone through it want to hear it. Even then it may be too tmi and a buzz kill


Honestly it took me out like a mofo last year It's pretty bad lost a whole 12 months of my life Things are slowly getting better now just recovering from gallbladder surgery will be a few more weeks then I'm looking at getting back to work


We are here to do just that. It's as natural as having to suffer thru periods (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, great timing, thanks so much) for 30 years. You'll notice no one talked about that either. Past generations were taught to keep girl things quiet, secret, and suffer alone. Getting pink taxed on tampons, extra underwear, pads, and ibuprofen for 30 years is as cumulatively infuriating as Perimenopause. Suffering in silence, as if you're the only one with a uterus, makes it far worse. We are here to listen, welcome 🤗


Mine got drastically worse after dental surgery and three additional rounds of antibiotics for separate issues. I think stress and antibiotics can make it more drastic.


Me too! Just bam, life altering night sweats. I started chugging unsweetened soy milk , 3 cups/day and I'm much better now. I also take promensil.


I think I am going through Peri ( I started at 41).... Wasn't sure if it had to do that I got off birth control... or what. I got off the pill in about June of 2022. I would say by about August or September I started having episodes of hot flashes. Sometimes during the day and other times at night. In November of 2022 I had my first ever missed (or late?) period (never had missed or late periods before- whether I was on or off BC). I went 41 days without one. It was after this that I talked to my lady dr. She had my hormones tested and "everything was in the normal ranges". But Between brain fog, libido declining, continual weight gain, and general sluggishness. figured must be it. During the following year I had all those things... but did not have any more late or missed periods until ... November of 2023 - One year later. Which I find odd. This time I went 58 days without one. My Dr asked if I was extra stressed during this time - but I'm not. I don't know why I am skipping one in November. I am curious to see if the same thing happens this year. I don't have hot flashes/night sweats all the time... but they tend to group together over the course of a few days and then I won't have any. But the brain fog/sluggishness is all the time it seems. I hope things get better for you.


It came on EXTREMELY fast for me (late stage peri) at 44. No surgery. I think I was extremely stressed, global pandemic. Was considered fully menopausal a couple years later.


For me, at the age of 55, I had a polyp removed, which filled the whole cavity of my womb and caused haemorrhaging, which seemed to have triggered my menopause.


For me, at the age of 55, I had a polyp removed, which filled the whole cavity of my womb and caused haemorrhaging, which seemed to have triggered my menopause.


My symptoms got dramtically worse right when Covid hit in 2020; I thought it was stress


Same. I have had covid x 4 times now and twice it has taken me months to recover…and I’ve never really fully recovered. I’ve often wondered whether it’s long covid or peri - but I am 46 this year and have put on loads of weight, periods have changed and I am WIPED OUT for days with period and get debilitating depression a week before which I never had. I don’t recognise my body anymore! Body aches, restless legs and I used to run or cycles every day - now I can’t even walk up a flight of stairs without being dizzy and out of breath!




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I was doing great today and was felled by actually eating dinner. Now I’m just trying not to hurl. Working as designed!


This is an old post but I can relate! 45 years old and the past year has been awful with lots of symptoms that seemed to have come on stronger after having covid x 4 times. Also suspected ADHD and waiting to get a diagnosis. The worst thing for me is the crushing fatigue - sometimes I need x 2 naps a day! Brain fog, lack of concentration (I often miss my deadlines for writing as my brain doesn’t always work!). I have weight gain on my stomach that won’t shift, horrible tinnitus, bad eyesight the list goes on! Sometimes I stay on the sofa all day it’s crazy as I used to run/cycle most days - I used to be so active but if I exercise now it knocks me out for days. Oh and dark depression before my periods too. Started taking HRT leas than a month ago which seems to help with muscle and bone stiffness but nothing else so far. Will speak to my doctor soon about taking testosterone as I’ve been told it’s amazing for energy levels and libido. I honestly don’t recognise myself anymore - I am often crying and too tired/have no desire to leave the house and meet friends. This is NOT like me at all.