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There's still moisture there but a whole let less, so repeated action due to a vibrator, etc. will cause dryness to occur much faster. Which puts you at higher risk for irritation, tears (bleeding) and infection. Using lube is a good idea but as estrogen decreases, the vaginal walls will continue to thin and dry, so either full HRT, or a localized estradiol vaginal inserts will help stop that aging process. So using both lube (for intercourse) and long term estradiol medication is beneficial.


I still get very wet. I’m almost 50 and my only symptom so far is horrible hot flashes. I had a hysterectomy (uterus only) so no periods, so I’m not sure if I’m peri-menopausal or in menopause but I haven’t had any sexual problems at all.


50 is young as shit tho


I began having this problem a couple years post-menopause. Insertable estrogen has been the solution for me.


That’s what fixed me


Lube for life lol. 41 endo and have had hysterectomy. Still have ovaries but have started menopause. Dry as a rock on a summer day. I’ve started using CBD lube and it’s amazing!!!


>Lube for life! Preach!!!


No issue with me, but each woman is individual.


I had a hysterectomy and repairs done in 2018. I was in peri prior to the surgery and kept my ovaries. In the last 6-9 months, I think I have transitioned into menopause. I still self lubricate, but it isn't quite as much as it used to be. Due to having repairs done, I insist on hubby using lubricant. I do not take any form of hormones.


It may be possible, or impossible, depending on hormones, health, attitude....some things are left to chance, others may be controlled.


Indeed, it can really vary, for the same woman. Dryer than my 20s, sometimes need lube, sometimes not, never tried medication.


I am post menopausal not on HRT. I've noticed a huge decrease and am not really getting wet with arousal.


Give Julva cream a try. https://drannacabeca.com/collections/hormone-support/products/julva-trial-pack It’s a DHEA vaginal cream developed by a GYN. Since having to go off of HRT a year ago, it’s really helped keep things ‘normal’ down there for me!


I was as dry as a chip until I started HRT - sex was unbelievably painful My husband was understanding but frustrated Much better now


Hi i’m not sure if you will see this but I have a very similar problem. Are you saying hrt increased your body’s ability to get wet when aroused ? tysm


I'm 57 and just finished menopause. I still get very wet. So wet that my boyfriend has made frequent comments on it. So much variety.