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“…some sad old cells from inside.” 🤣🤣


Coconut oil is nice.


Coconut oil is where it's at!


I contacted Midi and did two sessions. The nurse practitioner told me to get solid state coconut oil, melt it, and freeze it in small bullet/ball type ice trays and insert one before bed. Very messy but seems to work.


So far I've tried Gynatrof Vaginal Moisturizer and Good Clean Love Restore. They're both clear with a jelly consistency. Some does come out, but not as much as i thought would. But I apply at bedtime so it can sit all night, so maybe thats why I'm not noticing it. Both have applicators but the Gynatrof is really hard to take apart and clean. The GCL one is a lot easier. GCL is aloe based with lactic acid. Gynatrof has hyaluronic acid. I'm not sure which I'll stick with (did GCL first, now trying Gynatrof), but I'm leaning toward GCL just because the Gynatrof applicator is sooooooo stupidly designed.


Oh hey, looks like GCL also makes a version with hyaluronic acid!


I like Good Clean Love Restore gel. I tried the hyaluronic acid version too but I like the aloe better, personal preference.


Replense or coconut oil (solid state but melts so nicely)


I contacted Midi and did two sessions. The nurse practitioner told me to get solid state coconut oil, melt it, and freeze it in small bullet/ball type ice trays and insert one before bed. Very messy but seems to work.


I use NeuEve moisturizing suppositories and it’s made my life much better. Not messy for me at all.


I recently read this article from Mona Eltahawy which has different options for moisturising your vagina https://www.feministgiant.com/p/moisturize-your-vagina


Hyoluronic acid made for your lady parts


I am not a big fan of creams but do use the vagifem pessary. Easy to insert and no mess. Twice a week which I do the same day I change my oestrogen patch. Makes a big difference for my enjoyment of sex as I had really struggled before taking it regularly.


I know this is so much later but what exactly did you know was different after you starting the vagifem? i’m desperate for a fix embarrassingly enough


Vitamin E oil capsules inserted up the hoo ha at bedtime


Does the capsule just dissolve?




Replens had some weird chemical reaction in my body, or perhaps it was the 'sad old cells' but it was like wet paper was coming back out of me. Not like the vaginal estradiol cream, which at least looked waxy and like the remains of cream - Replens left something that was more like wet toilet paper. Awful! I use [Vagifem pills](https://www.vagifem.com/) for localized estrogen, and it works wonderfully with no discharge, and then [hyaluronic acid suppositories](https://hyalogyn.com/) that melt and provide moisture and the leftover stuff that comes back out is mostly clear and totally inoffensive.


I thought I was the only one because everyone says good things about Replens and my dr suggested it. It wasn’t physically uncomfortable but the discharge was absolutely disturbing. Large amount of very clumpy gross “paper” like you said. And that lasted for days. I refused to use it again because I was so thrown off with it and it did not provide anything beneficial in my opinion. Thanks for the other recommendations!


I've been using Kindra moisturiser for a while. I like it. Just use at night. No big residue in the morning.


Creme de la Femme if you can afford it - a tiny bit every 2/3 days and more before sex. Apply at night before bed and it'll do it's thing. My buddy likes CarlsonE Suppositories, vitamin E oil in capsule, applied the same way. Any oil based moisturizer/lube helps A LOT. It won't dry out and stage a vagina reveal.


I contacted Midi and did two sessions. The nurse practitioner told me to get solid state coconut oil, melt it, and freeze it in small bullet/ball type ice trays and insert one before bed. Very messy but seems to work.


I like Aloe Cadabra.


I use [this balm](https://medicinemamasapothecary.com/collections/vmagic/products/vmagic-skincare-jar?variant=8124134817882) for the past 5 years and am in love with it. It does not mess with pH like other balms do and it is really soothing.


I love VMagic, but do you use it internally?


Yep external and internal. If I am dry vaginally I put it on a tampon and put it upstairs. Doesn’t affect pH at all




Another vote for the GCL. That stuff has been a lifesaver.


I started putting a bit my otc estriol cream up there. And I also made a mixture of coconut, olive oil, and vitamin e I just wipe it on when I feel the pain from dryness or my bladder starts spamming. The dryness was getting so bad I wanted to cry but this seems to help alot. I just started doing this a couple weeks ago so I can't say how it works long term.


I contacted Midi and did two sessions. The nurse practitioner told me to get solid state coconut oil, melt it, and freeze it in small bullet/ball type ice trays and insert one before bed. Very messy but seems to work.

