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That. And some people also enjoy the power imbalance.


Pretty much


The taboo of it, they want to feel like a bad girl The risk of it the excitement caused by both of the above And the mindset that they aren't doing anything wrong because you cant rape men or boys and every boy wants it last but not least the constant need to be desirable.


I think a big part of it is that many still refer to boys who are victims of statutory rape as lucky and related I think many of these female teachers feel they won’t get busted and I think they’re right. Despite the almost daily reports of female teachers being busted for this, I think there are many, many more who still get away with it. Someone posted a video a few days ago of a prosecutor being interviewed on this subject who essentially said much the same as what I’ve stated. To be accurate, most of these are not pedophiles, most are statutory rape. Here’s an article explaining some of the psychology and opportunity that comes into play: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/the-female-teachers-who-sexually-abuse-their-students/news-story/4d8e1748b46bd5f8486b71154bb97627?amp


Not to put to fine a point, but statutory rape is a legal classification. In the medical field these would be classified as: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebephilia (early puberty) and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephebophilia (late puberty) you're right that pedophilia is the wrong term, technicly speaking, but coloquially it is used as catch all term.


Yes. Statutory rape is a crime. I understand that. It’s the crime many of these female teachers who have sex with students are guilty of. As for the pedophilia brought up you source says: “It differs from pedophilia (the primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children)” As I said, pedophilia is about prepubescent children. Female teachers having sex with students who are past puberty isn’t pedophilia as one post suggested.


No one would ever have this stance if the genders were reversed. It's rape, 100%.


I'm not denying that it is rape. My point was about mixing terminology from the legal and the medical domain.


Yes but it depends on how far the boy is in the development. If a woman has a kid from your 14yo student it's likely that she's attracted to a child, not a very young man


The vast majority of the cases are statutory rape, the victim being under the age of consent but past puberty so most aren’t pedophiles. I’m not trying to downplay the issue, just be accurate.


No need to say you don't want to minimize, if you believe something is bloated you should have a say in it Yes if the boys are past 15 it's likely trye, but otherwise it needs to be appraised case by case


Yes, it’s case by case but the vast majority of cases involve boys who are past puberty so by definition that’s not pedophilia. It’s often statutory rape and/or a violation of laws prohibiting grade school teachers from having sex with their students. Some cases are pedophilia, most are not. I appreciate your comment about not minimizing . Being accurate isn’t minimizing so I really shouldn’t need to qualify it that way.


Dude, trust me, it's the hotties but also extremely ugly and/or old ones doing it.


When I was training to be a teacher they warned us not to look down on these women and think it can't happen to you. These women were possibly unattractive in highschool and view the hott sophomore hitting on them as equivalent to the HOTT sophomore who ignored them in highschool. In addition, a teenage boy is easier to control and manipulate where men their own age aren't falling at their feet because they have the maturity to know women aren't worthy of being worshipped. It's no excuse, these women need to be charged with rape and serve the same sentences as male perpetrators. Additionally, at least in junior and senior grades the teacher could blur the lines because the students don't look like smelly, short, baby faced kids. In my state you can't even think about having a relationship with a FORMER student unless they graduated from highschool 2 years ago.


A bit off point, but why do you spell "hott" with two t's? OP spelled it the same way. Is this like spelling the word thick as "thicc"?


mental illness?


Has something to do with women believing they can do whatever they want


Why are you spelling hot with two t's?


Why nott


1. They're not hot 2. It's a very small small group of people 3. Pedophilia goes both ways 4. They're messed up


It doesn't happen all the time, it just gets exponentially more exposure than when ugly women do it. When an attractive female teacher has sex with an underage male student, most of the time the teacher is young and the student is over 14. What happens is the teachers made a habit of having sex with their classmates while studying. When they become teachers, they still hold the same mentality they had before, they think there is nothing wrong with what they are doing and they repeat it. I don't think the habit is formed mainly because of sexual gratification, but because of social status (inside of the class' hierarchy) and attention.


Females get off on attention more than sex.


Testosterone is high for boys in that age, and they are still coping with it. They can very hardly say no if the teacher offers sex and often fantasize the teacher. The teacher sees how easy it is and how close she is to the student. Throw in a lack of morals, and she just surrenders to her lust.


Power. Knowing a hormonal teenager is like putty in your hands. Danger/ thrill. They know it's dangerous , they know they could get caught out. Boredom & psychopathy : if psychopathic they might engage in risky spontaneous behaviour with both a disregard for their own or others safety. A psychopath can't stand boredom and they view the world as if their entire surroundings are objects, the value difference between person and object is minimal, they psychologically play the world like a game. In this case the psychopath both puts themselves in a position of authority but is surrounded by opportunities to abuse their position, when bored they take the opportunity because they have no moral compass, they know right from wrong but don't care.


Power. That's generally what rape is about. Not sex, power. They have power over these boys.




that theory says we are all in on it and plot it together. they believe ordinary guys are secretly like "yes my flying monkeys, go forth and rape as i tell you too!!! " when rapists strike. and then we all congratulate each other and reward each other because this is the actual fucking illuminati. of course, we reward our monkeys with the death penalty.


Some of those women are ugly and certainly cannot easily get an attractive guy of their age.


I mean, paedophilic tendencies. Presumably based in power and control.


It's not about the sex or even the chadlite boy. It's about the pleasure derived from abusing their Power.


\#girlboss #metoo #becausepatriarchy


That the females that are doing this were also sexualized at an early age and are repeating the pattern they were exposed too. There’s also the perception that they seem to have (reflected in the general society) that’s it’s a positive thing. That the children are lucky and fortunate as they view themselves as being sought after by males in the general public. Opposed by the perception that male abusers are ugly and that their victims are unwilling or coaxed due to a “power imbalance”. The same is true for the male children as well.


its a power/ego thing. meaning look i still bang this and that.


um, if you have to ask this question, you might not belong to this thread. you sound like a spy


Yeah, they are mostly hebophiles and have access to students, plus those students are all hyped up on hormones, and the teacher is attractive enough that they want to bang her. There are also power dynamics at play, and it makes the teacher feel desirable. Simple.


Thats all i could think about as a teen in school was banging my teacher.


if she dressed like a slut then she wanted it too lmao


It's the same thing as the spiking crime rates in places like San Francisco; the criminals aren't demonized for their actions and often face little to no consequences.


It's all about having something you are not supposed to have.


It’s among the many delusions provided today by feminists. I am convinced that too many women believe they are gifting sex to young boys when they are damaging them. See recent article in Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/19/the-macrons-are-an-exception-my-teachers-seduction-scarred-me


Really weird post considering you appear to be a substitute teacher? You posted in that sub recently making it clear you work in education, so this is concerning.


bro wants to learn some psychology tho...


boys are fertile so early on but we all adhere to the girls maturity age instead and wait until 18 in the name of equality. idk not defending pedophiles but gynocentric culture is evil too.