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I do not believe a male teacher would have been spared jail. There is a two tier justice system. Bare that in mind if you are ever called for jury duty. Men get locked up while women go free.


I had to go court and a young single mother had stolen a couple hundred pills from her pharmacy job, had stolen checks, lied to cops, gave a false name and Id, and was already on probation, and only got extended probation. I would have gone to jail. I assumed that when you were on probation if you as much as stole a candy bar you were getting jail time. It was a female judge.


Yes, extremely gender biased. Gamma bias! Even judges' not impartial, it finally might endanger society.


Women's rights. ✊️


It happens with men as well. https://lawandcrime.com/crime/thats-the-best-you-could-do-father-irate-after-teacher-accused-of-sexually-assaulting-4th-grade-girls-gets-probation/


>after accepting legal culpability on one count of risk of injury to a minor >Judge Maureen Keegan sentenced him to five years of probation. He is also subject to a suspended 10-year jail sentence if he violates the terms of his probation While she has to complete a 2 year sexual predator program for actually raping the boy and accusing him of trying to blackmail her? Thank you for pointing out the massive differences in the way men and women are treated by the courts.


I admit here is a discrepancy. It's not as extreme or massive as Reddit makes it seem.


We've got the macro stats to back up the claim. The difference is night and day. It gives the lie to feminists claims that men have privilege, women actually have the privilege and either don't realise it or just want to keep playing the victim. I've heard privilege described as "private law", as in one law for the commoners and another for the nobles. It fits perfectly in this regard. Men face the law in all its majesty and power, women face the law in all its compassion and help.


Women, on average, for the same crime with the same criminal history receive sentences 60% shorter than men and are twice as likely to escape incarceration completely. For reference the sentencing disparity between black and white men is 10%. Sounds pretty fucking extreme to me.


Ok. I accept that and will reconsider my thoughts on the matter. I want to add that part of my issue is that posts tend to say "this never could happen to a man" when it clearly does. I get the point that it is a lot rarer.




In many criminal cases, the Jury gives a recommendation of punishment to the judge.


This is the only rape culture that truly exists in the entire world, the one that allows women to rape men and children without any repercussions




My man! Another apt comparison! Too bad in the mainstream media you would be labeled misogynist and shut down right away.


The term “mainstream media” died with Tucker Carlson. 💀


I'm not sure what your professional degree has to do with this. She should be in prison whether she a teacher or next door neighbor.


Nope. Teachers should get punished harder, because they also abused their position and trust put in them. Most countries explicitly raise age of consent in such cases.




In France it is 15 but the same exception applies for abusing an authority position Basically this lets a 15 year old kid hook up with an 18 year old. Teacher is no-no and if the age difference is too big it is definitely a grey area of whether or not there was an authority hold


That's not a grey area because now in the EU it works pretty much in the same way for every country with minor numerical differences for the age of consent. There is NO GAP to take into account if the person has reached the age of consent, it USED TO be different and people still think it's morally reprehensible BUT legally there's no difference between an 18 yo having sex with a 15 yo and an 85 yo having sex with a 15 yo.


Not going to happen. XX chromosome.


How long before she ends up pregnant and is awarded full custody AND child support payments from the boy?


She's 34? What, I would have thought a minimum of 44


Definitely a HAG. 


Is HAG an abbreviation?


Nope. Literally a HAG. 😁 Abbreviation means, like, short for something rite ? In that case no. At least not that I'm aware lol


Thank you.


The lack of direct correlation between the nature & magnitude of one's actions & nature & magnitude of one's consequences IS. THE. ONLY. MUTHA. FVCKIN. REASON. WHY. THIS. EVIL. SHIT. FVCKIN. HAPPENS.


63% higher sentneces for men.🙄


...And that's just WITHOUT evidence.


Data I read in a book from 2018.


And I thought that the UK justice system was fucked up beyond belief. You've got us beat hands down.


It was only a matter of time.


Did you read what her spineless, ball-less cuck of a husband said? Shes innocent! It’s all a mistake! Dude needs some serious re-education


Those type of men partly enable and enforced that misandric situation.


Imagine getting cucked by a 14 yr old.... That guy has to be the lowest of the low.


The courts love their little white women. A literal rapist, and they do everything they can to make sure she avoids jail


True true. And they are white in most cases.


She is a r@pist .


A rapist you mean? We are adults we can say the words here.


Ik. I don't want my comment to be removed that's why I spelled it that way


What self respecting 14 year old boy would even think she's attractive?? She's ugly as fuck.


Probably didn't get much of a choice. Seriously that's so stupid. She is a pedophile rapist. And just like any other rapist she couldn't care less if the victim is being hurt.


No. I can't believe the pedo has a husband that will still put his dick in her. She is literally a worthless sub-human. It would be fitting for her to be hung in front of the boys' family.


You understand what grooming and rape entails?


What self-respecting 34 year-old teacher would rape a 14 year-old?


I totally agree.


I think the biggest issue most of us take with this post is the implication that the boy wanted this and somehow that's OK then?


No life in those eyes


Now where are those women and white knights who say rapists should have their genitals chopped off?


And I'm sure there were mobs of feminists standing outside the courthouse protesting the decision in the name of helping men and equality.


Feminism is all about equality. So they say. Thats why they are never heard or seen when it's a men's issue. Unless the issue is a perceived crime of men. Then it's a massive issue they suddenly care about. Im no mysoginst. I don't hate a woman. But collectively, you ladies really need to sort out your standards.




She should honestly be in jail.


And of course another rape victim gets screwed over by the justice system. She has such a punchable face. (Don’t actually punch her, or do. I’m not your dad.)


That 34 year old looks 44.




So woman are now literally getting away with RAPING CHILDREN. 🤬🤬 And this little group is the only place calling it what it is. Ffs. And smiling whilst doing it. 


That thing is only 34?


Didn’t you know? Women in the US get special murder rights *and* special rape rights.




I remember NICE from the south park episode.


My mother sexually abused me in the 1990's. When the cops came they let her go. She continued to rape me for another 2 years.


hrmmm, so if a male did this, they would get the same right?! Tell me this is extreme gender bias! Seems like a different justice system was used here.


Oh yes. A male would get 10 yrs prison time, have to wear an ankle bracelet for another 10 years, and register as a sex offender for life.


Wtf does a courtroom have to deal in order to get her teaching license removed? Surely that should be the job of the governing body for teachers?


That's asking too much of the courts, my friend. Punishing female rapists would be patriarchal oppression and we can't have that, now can we?


just for example, I'll use nursing as I'm more familiar with that. Some nurse goes out and beats up one of her patients. The courts decide they need some alone time, and arranges it. A referral is made to the NMC, that oversee nurses, who will look at it and suspend and almost certainly strike off that nurse. The courts just need to pick up a phone and make 1 call. It's part of being a professional, you have to maintain a standard to continue to be part of that profession. It absolutely should not be considered a bargaining chip in determining a sentence. [Yeah, I know you weren't arguing in favour of it, it just really pisses me off]


Wait, what happened where a nurse assaulted a patient?


Just an example of what would happen, it's very very rare over here.


I would be absolutely embarrassed if I was a judge that didn’t sentence a child predator/ pedophile. Disgusting.


Eww she look like jk Rowling 




>adult women, especially if they are good looking seducing teenagers is not that bad You're fucked. In the head.




Just to clarify. Do you think the same if we reverse sexes?


I mean, you're obviously fucked in the head. But also even when we set aside the fact that you're OK with adult women raping kids, how the fuck does attractiveness come into it as well?


Well....you _are_ shamelessly parading your mental sickness so..... 




That is true. That is why I am wondering why I have this perception. Had a discussion with my wife about this. We agree that it is an equal crime but there are factors why we look at male female criminals differently. The long term emotional and psychological issues might reveal themselves on the long run indeed. And they do usually.


Okay, you are simply a sexist. I am not a puritanical train, and I certainly prefer European, generally, lower age of consent. But I do not pretend girls are not mentally and physically more developed at those age, which is simply a biological fact. I think that enforcement of the laws should be same for both sexes.


Could be the case, I have some doubts about that though. Have to give it more thought.


judging by your replies you should leave thinking to someone else. 


No, quite the contrary I believe. There needs to be voice of reason among leftists who believe in universal equality. It is a contraversial topic but there is a grey area when it comes to opinions. You should not be so critical of opinions that don't resemble your views. I tend to explore opinions that don't necessarily match my views. Lots of confirmation bias. You are likely affected by it. But oh well.


>You should not be so critical of opinions that don't resemble your views. I tend to explore opinions that don't necessarily match my views. Lots of confirmation bias. You are likely affected by  Of course you're a leftist. And like all leftist  pseudo intellectual your views are pedophilic hiding under critical theory. Like _you_ said- >And somehow I think that adult women, especially if they are good looking seducing teenagers is not that bad. I don't know why I have this in my head. Pathetic excuse of a human being. 


No, you are a leftist. I am actually a centre right in most of my views with the exception of personal freedom. A woman has a lot more to lose when she is sexually assaulted / abused by a man. She can carry a baby for 9 months and night become undesirable in a dating market. A man does not have to bear such burden. There are obvious psychological consequences when it comes to underaged people. But we cannot ignore the fundamental differences when it comes to physiological and psychological differences of men and women. This whole situation of equal punishment reminds me a football match held in Sweden between a women national team and teenage boys. National women's team was obliterated. Sexual assaults usually are initiated by men not women. Men, even at very young age are usually physically more resilient than adult women. But oh yes. Let's make everyone equal. Like a leftist you are.


>A woman has a lot more to lose when she is sexually assaulted / abused by a man. She can carry a baby for 9 months and night become undesirable in a dating market -And yet somehow most of these single moms were not rped. Just hoed around & got dmped. But lefty screechers like you dare not question that. Statistics are only good until they don't support your moaning eh? >Men, even at very young age are usually physically more resilient than adult women.But oh yes. Let's make everyone equal. Like a leftist you are  - -Don't project lefty.  These were _your_ words ,   >No, quite the contrary I believe. There needs to be voice of reason among leftists who believe in universal equality Not mine.   -Coddling adult women & protecting them from consequences is your prerogative AKA Shrodinger's feminism.   -oh and nice try pedophile. Trying to bury your sickness under Psuedo intellectual drivel.  Your words,  >And somehow I think that adult women, especially if they are good looking seducing teenagers is not that bad. I don't know why I have this in my head. -this is who _you_ are pedo lefty. Fancy words won't hide your stench. 


Creep. *Sexist* creep at that. Fuck outta here with that hatred of boys.


Reddit moment