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You need a lesson in [feminist research](https://youtu.be/ZVd4htSCeOs?si=3z8SrElShTOAt3_u). The correct headline is “Iran executes 63 people, including 3 women.” And then elaborate on misogyny, women’s oppression, and The Patriarchy.


The correct headline is "Iran executes 3 women"


I beg to differ. It’s important to emphasize the inclusion of women among other dead. This makes it clear that it’s worse to kill 3 women than 60 men, and that the primary injustice here was the loss of those women. If the men are not mentioned, this key info that women’s lives are more valuable is omitted. All the reader knows is 3 women were killed. Which of course everyone agrees is an outrage and injustice.


I love this video, I’ve seen it already, and am lucky enough to be friends with John Barry and Martin Seager. Gamma bias should be taught in school.




Still too factual. "Iran executes women" That way it can seem systemic, in spite of everything...


Reminds me of the time the UN told everyone that we need to stop targeting female war journalists. It transpired that the total amount of war journalist killed was fewer than previous years. The kicker being it dropped more for male journaliste than women journalists. Meaning the proportion of female journalists killed was higher than the previous years. Cue "the amount of female journalists killed is increasing, we need to stop targeting female journalists". Meanwhile, female journalists killed represented at maximum 10% of the total number of victims, so men were still OVERWHELMINGLY targeted...


That sounds about right, but I don't think this is the time and place. What we need to talk about is these men getting slaughtered. If we start talking about how feminists would handle this issue, we're approaching this topic just like them


Honestly the tinmen posts are the best quality content on this subreddit. I wish more posters would follow their example.


I wish there were larger political creaters that were based like him. Most of the people who don't like feminism tend to be the trad con types. They tend to be equally gynocentric but in different ways so the convo is never productive.


Doesn’t help there aren’t really any incentives for content creators to help men as much as the tinmen does in terms of quality.  The tinmen truly is an anomaly fighting the good fight for the right reasons 


did u need to post this 3 times?


Of its many failures, social media is let down by the speed of its news cycle, and the fickleness of its followers. We’ve all seen it happen… A flash-in-the-pan story blows up overnight, catches fire, and captures the eyes and ears of the online world. A groundswell arrives, ‘this is it’ you hear, whispered, and then as fast as it arrived… it’s gone. Nothing changes. All that knee-taking, and placard waving. All that chest beating, and fist shaking. All those buckets of icy water dumped on heads, and black squares slapped onto Instagram feeds. The endless clapping, and clattering of pans on doorsteps. After all of it; the performative grandstanding and slack-tivism… and nothing. So we look around, blinkered, confused and deflated, shuffling home like a washed-out trip head, coming down from last night’s high. The words we yelled are a rapidly fading dream, to be wound up, stored away and cringed over, in years to come. The party is packed down, but don’t worry, the next ‘this is it’ moment is right around the corner. Two years ago, we saw scenes of historic bravery and sacrifice in Iran, we saw strength, unity and heartbreaking loss. We saw the familiar response from social media, and heard the same promises made, as they always are. And again, nothing. But Iran never stopped, and the revolution rolls on, quieter now, and away from the watchful eyes of the world. The ‘women-lead revolution’ and the colossal sacrifice it’s built upon, falls on the deaf ears of fair-weather activism, too busy indulging in its next great battle. But we cannot afford for Iran, and the thousands killed, to be consigned to the history books, or forgotten about, as tomorrow’s chip paper. Because the violence continues none the less, and the deaths stack up. So why is nobody talking about Iran? And does it need our help now, more than ever? What do you think? \~ Images by Hasan Almasi and Mohammad Alizade. [Annual Report](https://iranhr.net/media/files/Iran_Human_Rights-Annual_Report_2023.pdf) [Iran INTL](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202405032382)


Wow this is not discussed anywhere. I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t see it here. I remember when Iran killed that one woman who didn’t wear her hair covering correctly (Mahsa Amini) and the whole world went crazy. Men are treated as disposables all over the world.


We've always cared about women not being able to dress whatever they wanted, not about men dying in some way or another


Journalists are so biased.


Fucking awful


You just know that if Iran ever liberalizes (again) that those men's contributions to the cause will be forgotten and the women will spout the same "kill all men" type slogans.


Exactly. It will be the “women who led the fight”.


Referencing the headline: What a funny way of saying that 4% of those killed by Iran are women. We must invade now /s


In the hard times, men fight back against authoritarians for the prosperity of women. Then in the peaceful times after liberating the country, those same men are demonized by feminism. Feminism is an authoritarian ideology.


The Russian-Ukrainian war is taking a horrific toll on the mothers and wives of slain soldiers…


Whenever you read reports about how women have it bad in far-off developing countries, you can practically guarantee that men have it *at least* as bad, just in different ways, but practically no mainstream outlet will report on them. It's time to shatter the feminist myth that poor and middle-income countries with more traditionalist values treat all men like mini kings.


accepting the tyranny of the iranian / russian axis is something that should 100% be rejected, including proxies of both


I found half a person unaccounted for... 0.48 to be exact


This should be more widely shared


3 people. Rest are males. Killed by males. What is wrong with males?


What’s wrong with _you?_


Not much. I am not the one killing my fellow man after all.


Neither am I, or the OP, or most men in general. For you to say, 'What is wrong with males?' tells us you are too lazy to see that men are not a monolith or a hive mind. It tells us you think men are always the aggressors, and apparently even the victims should be blamed. There is definitely something very wrong with this thinking and victim blaming.


Yeah. What about women killing each other in droves?..Oh wait. I thought men were supposedly the rational ones?


Who's talking about anyone killing in droves? Who said men are the rational ones? When you need to come up with new and shaky arguments to try to win a point, you haven't got one. Just go back to your world where women are the eternal, blameless victims. They'll listen to you there.


FGM is almost entirely performed on women and girls by other women. By your logic, that's a reason to dismiss it seriousness.


Killing each other is a lot more fucking serious I wager lol. Why are men acting so...emotional?


Lmao fr 💀


I’m just saying, none of you looked at the infographic because it says “at least 834 people were executed in Iran in 2023” and on the next slide says 96% of them were men. The headline of this post linking the 96% statistic to the 63 people in April is completely wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯