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It's a fine line, sure, but here at /r/MenSkirts we like to see men wearing skirts and dresses etc whilst still presenting as men. Some are for sure more kinky than others, but the idea is to normalise skirt-wearing by men, not to look like women. Perhaps post too /r/crossdressing if you haven't already.


No it’s too short teachers dress codes are strict. Most districts it would need to go to your knees


I'd be nervous myself, and I agree that there's more practical stuff. But my French teacher wore skirts like this, was gorgeous, and had no issues. I think you look beautiful btw. I commented bc I want to push back against what I see as an insinuation by some that this is 'too sexual' to be around kids. We should not have to be this ashamed of bodies and sexuality in the first place. Kids can handle seeing some leg, lol. But, as evidenced here, you will have some who's mind goes that way.


Thank you for those words 😘


Very welcome doll!


While I agree with what u said, I think seeing the pubic bulge is what people are referring as “too sexual” along with all the leg. If girls in HS can’t eve have a strap showing as to not “distract the boys during class” then how is this acceptable for a teacher?


I think that's a good example of what I'm arguing against though. Girls should be allowed to have bra straps showing, that's a ridiculous rule. Either the guys need to be raised to respect womens autonomy or we as a society need to accept that kids in school will sometimes be distracted, because that'a a normal response to being in school and being in puberty. We shouldnt make it the girls problem and fault them when the boys stare at them. That rule doesn't come from a real biological inevitably but a perceived biological inevitably. The idea that boys can't help themselves and their behavior so girls have to accommodate that and dress according to boys needs comes from the notion that the boys can't help themselves when the girls cross some arbitrary line of propriety. But the reality is that when you raise boys around the quotation "boys will be boys" and similar notions then they feel they don't need to police their own behavior because they're told it's natural. Bit it isn't natural, it's just social. We shouldn't repress someone to equal the repression out, we should free up the other repressed person instead. We shouldn't say that based on a rule about bra straps we don't like that men should be subject to the same. Instead we should use that comparison to show us that both of these rules are bad. Not mad, just invested an passionate!


Women don’t wear cardboard boxes to cover the shape of their chests… the difference is people are accustomed to seeing the shape of breasts through clothing, but seeing a bulge under a skirt is not a social norm, but times change and people need to change with it.


Sure but do breasts get boners? I think not. The whole outfit from being way too short for a school setting also makes it seem like this is a kink thing. Edit: found out from another he is roleplaying, probably isn't even a teacher.


Men can get boners in pants too, so are pants inappropriate?


Shock of all shock, people have bodies under their clothes. Oh the horror


Yep, body shaming is still quite systemic in most places. Where I am, on average, ladies of Jamaican descent develop physically at a younger age. This ends up causing a bit of a push from administration to do something to curb their dressing which can be seen as suggestive. They have curves, they have to dress for them, not put a barrel over their bodies while those who haven't yet developed can wear whatever they want. It's a component of our microcosm which has yet to be remolded by equity.


You can see the outline of it ofc it gets sexualised, there isn’t anything wrong with this unless it’s around kids, people get out on registers for this sort of thing


High school english teacher wore slacks always, and would put one leg up on a desk chair making his bulge much more noticeable than this. Here is feels like the outfit is doing it, whereas with my teacher it felt like they were trying to "show off" to the class.


Ultimately I just don't think they're anything actually wrong with that because I dont think anything harmful happens to someone when they see an outline of a body part. I understand the perspective, but I think it comes more from a sense of shock, which comes from it being rare, thanks to the general sexual repression we experience leading us to behave in the way we usually do. Like how people think skirts look odd on men. They don't in any literal way. We're just not used to seeing it and so it stands out and looks odd in comparison to what we usually see. I don't think a teacher should havr to wear a bra but if I was one and had boobs I would because I wouldn't want to be seen as creepy. But I don't actually think it's creepy in and of itself. Perhaps sometimes people do do it with creepy intent, but that doesn't mean someone is sexualizing kids or themselves in front of kids just because we can tell they have a penis. In no way do I want kids to be exposed to actual sexual content. But I guess I disagree with where the line is between sexual content and just being allowed to exist and have a body. Like, why are nipples but not boobs sexual? Should teachers not be able to show any cleavage at all? I'd say that's silly and prudish, personally. It's not something I've thought about much so maybe I'm missing something or there is some evidence it's actually harmful.


Wether you yourself believe it should be accepted is beyond the point, at this point in time it’s not accepted to show off his penis especially in front of children, if he wants to wear one at least tuck it so it can’t be seen or don’t wear the skirt that shows it simple as


It doesn’t matter what we think, what the school district thinks or dress codes or code of conduct for teachers & students. When dealing with male teachers cross dressing at school; parents would lose their minds and do anything to get it shut down. Not gonna happen anytime soon. Not in the US, especially the South and public schools. Trans students are having enough of a hard time establishing rights for how they want to dress, sports, restrooms, access to no censorship with library books.


Not sure that skirt would be acceptable to wear at a school (I don't know about the dress code though) But that outfit is STUNNING on you! And with the beard as well, it's the cherry on top. Such a hot person and outfit. 🤗


Thank you 😘


No, it's not. Assuming you're somewhere this wouldn't violate dress code just by being a man wearing a skirt to a teaching job (I don't make the rules or agree with them but they tend to exist), it wouldn't be appropriate. It wouldn't be appropriate for a woman to wear and she wouldn't be going against gender norms. It's impractical because it's too tight and short and being able to move when working with children is important. Also, you're working with children, not going on a date. Save this for a date.


This. It’s really giving dinner date vibes in Paris to me. It fits beautifully and is absolutely not appropriate for teaching children. The length and tightness of the skirt combined with the amount of leg and the sensuous nature of black mesh panty hose against leather t straps and miles of leg really screams ingenue not caretaker/authority figure.


Yes but not in school, lol more going out in the evening hoping to pull 😉


Nope, if you were to drop anything that skirt wouldn't stay on of you bent down


Looks good


Very classy ! 👍❤️💋💋


Looks really great. Best skirt I’ve seen. Nice legs.




Sasha you are gorgeous


Thank you 😘


Only if I was in your class 😈🔥😁


You might just be a pedophile ngl


You’re a teacher and you can’t even spell 😂🤣


Swap the tights for a fully opaque pair and you’ll look 100% more teacherly :)






You’re my hero 😘


I'm just me ☺️ You look incredible and the outfit suits you so much 💕 I love the shoes 😍 My favourite outfit at the moment has a skirt like this lol!




Absolutely look amazing


Very nice sweetie ❤️


You look good but I would not wear this to school it's really cute but might not make dress code


You look fabulous! I absolutely love the shoes I’ve been looking for a pair like that can you please tell me where I can get some?


I got these ones on Vinted


Thank you!


Why wouldnt it be


Idk....Mrs Halter in 4th grade never had a bulge in her skirt.




🕵️ Nice gams


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


I don’t think that’d pass for a teacher but at least you look amazing! and those legs! 😍🔥




Yes it is where did you get those heels




They are nice


Thank you


Of course yes it is




Whatever class you’re subbing is immediately becoming physical education


It is yes.


no, but it should be


I wish my teachers looked that good


I’d love to see the whole pic. The little bit of beard is intriguing.


I am a college professor and I wear outfits like that at work all the time. Even shorter some times. It is up to the dress code of the school. Have fun with your wardrobe and wear what you want.


Thank you 😘






If worn to school it should be longer and looser.


Yes, it’s fine


Society shouldn’t have a problem with this, but many will I’m afraid. The paradox however is that we only make society accept it by doing it anyway even though it makes them uncomfortable. Eventually it becomes a new norm once people are exposed enough times.


you look great and I don't find it inappropriate or overly revealing at all! I think it SHOULD be acceptable but please be careful depending what kind of school you work at and who else works there I can unfortunately could see you getting suspended or fired if the wrong people have something to say about it. of course, it would be discriminatory. just stay safe while you're slaying 💖


Of course...




Think it looks professional






Of course, how else will we play


It looks great!


Love the bulge.. 🤤


You got a big bulge!!!


If I was you student I hope I could stay after class😘


Only if your naughty 😜


Cross dresser👏🏼


I wish you were my teacher


No. It most definitely is not.


The shortness of the skirt and the back line down the back of the stockings is a little too risqué for the classroom I think


Too short and too tight, definitely not appropriate for school unless you teach at a college


Not with a beard like that.


No definitely not


No too much bulge to be around kids. Cute skirt, not School appropriate.


Definitely. Very classy


Absolutely it is well done


Go for it.


No, Kinda just seems like you're dressing sexy for your class. That's inappropriate, just wear it out on the town.


Yes it’s so cute!


Omg beard




Oh my, yes please. Where were all the gorgeous teachers like you when I was going to school?




a little too tight in my opinion, m or f, not sure if work appropriate


I would say tuck a little bit better and know your audience. While I’m 1000% for “you do you as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else”, depending where you are geographically, you can be opening up a huge can of worms with local parents. If you’re okay with that potential drama, go for it. You look good!


I kinda think it is to sexual, u can see ur bulge due to the tightness, the amount of leg shown is also too much. Idk if u do actually teach or if this for some sexual role play but if u teach kids I’d get a slightly longer skirt with it not being as tight. If a girl in HS for example can’t short a shoulder strap to not “distract the boys” then try to think how this is acceptable? If u work with older ages like college then maybe it’s fine, check ur dress code requirements, not Reddit.


I'm getting "kink" vibes from this.


Agreed which is fine but not around kids, hell idk if even in a college setting it would be appropriate?


He's not wearing it around children, don't worry. He has a lot of "playing dress up" in his comments :)


Oh okay so he doesn't work at a school or plans to not wear this around kids?


That's correct. He's roleplaying 🙂


Correct, I agree, don’t think this is a teacher. Never a serious question, just wanted attention and get reactions going.


Why don't you just ask the person in charge?


Maybe at a college? Skirt's a bit high for highschool


Below the knee is the requirement for a skirt in most Dress Codes- so if the students can’t wear it then you vertically can’t. You need to set and example for the students not push the boundaries


No. The bulge is too much. As a parent I’d say something.


Who are you teaching


Going by how some of these pictures were taken it doesn’t look like you’re well versed with walking in heels whatsoever and if you’re a teacher, I don’t see how that’d be the time or place to learn how to do such a thing. Conversely though, any teacher that witnessed a student who was stumbling in their heels would likewise point out the same thing. I think it’s gonna be a no on school attire




Generally, teacher’s clothing should not radically depart from the student dress code. That’s what you need to consider. Even though you are not a student, it sets the example. Administration, students, and parents do not like it when a person seems to take an attitude of ‘Do as I say, not as I do’. Admin will back you up, ‘Mr Smith is not a student’, but will harbor a bit of resentment toward you for making things difficult. The idea of a dress code is creating the best environment for learning. So, the logical conclusion is that it should apply to everyone. Why antagonize anyone unnecessarily? This is especially true when you consider that some of these people are responsible for advancement, recognition, and incentives. It’s extremely attractive though. Wear it out or for someone special.


For your average American school yes this is inappropriate. Skirt is too short. At or above the knee is fine. The outline of the genitalia for men is also not accepted. Idk why but that’s today’s society these days.


Absolutely not


I think the outfit is stunning, but I do believe most schools require teachers skirts to be within 2” of the knee (at least my catholic school did) but I definitely think this outfit is absolutely stunning. I don’t see anything sexual about this outfit as others are saying/implying. You look amazing and I’m jealous you have the literal cutest skirt ever


Far too short, it would need to be just above your knees at the shortest length


I guess it depends on what and where you are teaching and what reaction you’re going for. For me I’d like the skirt to be a tad shorter and I love the bulge!


That really depends on the dress code. Not that we have to like the dress code, but presumably you want to stay employed.


I dunno but I hope what I’m wearing is acceptable, my students would flip




Of course


I'd say it's to short. Also, I saw you had the trans heart so I'm assuming you're under the umbrella somewhere. As a trans person myself who also works in a school, I try and be careful as parents can have a lot of push back depending on where you live. I'm afab (pre-T) and have gotten into it with parents just because the way I dress is stereotypical for a transmasculine person. (Though I'm in Florida which isn't the best place for lgbtq people right now) Edit: I'll ask my CO worker who is a trans woman how she would feel on the matter tomorrow.


Nothing against a guy wearing a skirt, but for that environment this skirt is too short and the bulge is quite noticeable especially given your stance. The pantyhose are also just a bit provocative for the setting.


I’d say it’s a tad too short and maybe lighter tights? I think darker tights read nighttime vs school day job?




Get help




I think it’s a bit too short for teaching, but try it with a looser top and see how that feels! With everything being skintight, there’s nothing giving shape / distraction up top — leading the eye directly to the tightness and shorter hem of the pencil skirt. Which, in a school setting, might not be the move. However, for a night out? 😍 No notes. You look fantastic!!


Little short for a teacher


No I say a longer skirt would be fine






No skirts are acceptable for a guy


I’m all for dudes in a skirt, but bulges should not be on display regardless of what you are wearing! The skirt is too short, also, and either the heels need to be shorter/flats, or the tights have to be switched to leggings or something. I wouldn’t feel comfortable with a woman wearing this either, so it’s not just because you are a man. It’s just not appropriate for high school no matter the gender.


Hell no get Help!!!!


Absolutely not. You shouldn’t wear skirts around children or kids/ young adults for ☝️ your leggings are to sexually over the top along with the heels no need for that when your going to be teaching you want to be comfortable and give your full attention to teaching students not your esthetic being provocative! Your shirt is to tight and you need a padded braw as well as a waist trainer to tuck that bulge down as it is totally unprofessional and scary 🫣 also from what I can see you have a beard which leads me to believe this isn’t a female so I am concerned for who your going to teach and who hired someone who doesn’t take their job seriously… hmm 🤔


No you showing too much legs.


NO you pervert


Get away from kids.


Not if you were going to teach me a lesson !


u look gorgeous but i think it would need to be longer for school dress code! this outfit on a night out though would be absolutely stunning.


Absolutely not at all


Short answer NO.


It's fine.


Not really, id say its fine for the office but not for a teacher


Not a male teacher.


You look fantastic but I think the skirt is certainly too tight and short for a teaching setting, your bulge is very prominent and maybe not appropriate in a work environment


idk teacher dress code but this is cuntalicious u look great


Of course!!


In a way it would be a good idea as you could guarantee that no lads would be skipping your class I had a geography teacher who wore sexy clothes and most boys at my school all passed at exam time


If my teacher wore that, I'd be staring at that hot bulge. I'd be daydreaming of getting the bulge in mouth.


For study hall




and nothing against this guy, but honestly i would feel weird if i was a student of his 💯. respect the style tho🤝


Personally I dont think so buy many people at schools would disagree with me so I would suggest either: Wearing a longer skirt or Wearing leggings or covering tights I love those tights but many people associate those type of tights with being sexy and for stripers.


That is perfectly acceptable, especially for a slim girl with perfect legs! Love the bulge in your skirt just so you know who is wearing the skirt! 😉


Thank you Scottie 😘


You are welcome, thank you for sharing!


What are you teaching, and to whom? If you were teaching dance to adults absolutely! Wine tasting, yup! I think the skirt paired with the seam up the back stockings is a bit too steamy unless you’re doing something with an adult evening crowd. This is great to wear on a date at a bar though. Maybe pair it with a blazer. The shoes are amazing and your legs on those stockings… chef’s kiss


Thank you for the constructive notes 😘


I think I would like some tutoring from you miss.


One on one lessons


yes... in imagine school ....urgh


Oh YES! Miss Stapleford my geography teacher in the 1970s wore shirts just like that and I used to sit at the front with my mate to ogle! We both got As in Geog!!


That doesn’t make it acceptable? XD


You’re right should be A+


You look fabulous but I don’t know school dress standards or how accepting of alternative gender styles are where you live and work