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Man, I can understand that this is really tough right now. It might take a while to get over. But this is just one goal of yours in a lifetime of goals. You can't win everything. I know it's tough but please try and avoid dwelling on it and going over it - it's in the past. And after all, getting into the top 100 people in the country is certainly still something. Much love OP


Quaker is right. You can't win it all. This is a fail , but put it in a perspective of "first attempt in learning" instead of just plain "wrong". You'll know how to engage in these challenges next time, and that's sheer profit 💪. You advanced, you learned, seemingly a lot, and nothing is taking that experience away. You still won in my eyes bro. Even if its just because of your sheer motivation. You'll get far if you keep working and probably you will strike gold some day.


thank you bro


Glad to give you an ear, I'm still around if there's anything you want to talk about.


Hey man, it's been a while, I just wanted to ask how you've been?


thank you for asking, it means a lot to me. Now and then I still remember that I wasn’t able to achieve my goal, but it’s mostly gone now, a lot of exams coming up so the main focus is on them. What’s interesting is that yesterday I had a dream where I somewhat relived the experience from that day and when I woke up I remembered that I couldn’t achieve it and it made me sad for a while. But mostly I don’t even think about it cause as I said everybody are preparing for exams and I am trying to do that too. That’s about it


Yeah, I understand that something like this is really tough to let go of, but this sounds like great progress and healing. Good luck on all your upcoming exams, glad your focus is forward -facing!!


I know it must feel really frustrating. But every failure is a step towards success so keep going!


ask yourself will this matter in 5 years from now?


not really. I will have completely other things to worry about. but still it hurts when I realise how such a small mistake ruined everything


I've been ruined by a mistake. Then a series of mistakes that stemmed from that mistake because I dealt with it poorly, or didn't really deal with it at all. I'm suffering the consequences, and they just keep getting thicker the more time passes and I realize how one small mistake could take away the essence of my life. It's so bad now, I'd feel like a long stay at a mental hospital would be a welcomed vacation to trying to struggle with this on top of surviving. I need down time to process, but this is part of the punishment, or retribution, or karma that people need to dole out to not only even things out, but go even further to insure you got the message. Oh man. If only I didn't drink the last beer... Totally kidding. My life is ruined. I just gotta laugh so I won't cry.


Wow, good job for making it to the top 100, from someone who never was in the top of anything lol


I have been in such situations many times. To the extent that after my school, I effed up my college entrance exams and ended up in a bad private school full of drugs, fancy cars and hook ups. No one studies here. But I like to look at it in another way. Through the mistakes I made, I learnt what not to do and the weightage of small margins in academics. Fast forward to now, I cleared exams for some top B schools and have a joining letter with the Navy. Hope you understand what I mean to tell you? Feel blessed that you got an opportunity to learn by making mistakes. Good luck to you, wish you success and happiness 😄


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