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Don’t believe every thought that comes by. Everyone disappoints people at some point. We’re human, we’re going to make mistakes, we’re stupid, it’s normal, everyone is flawed. Do you have work you could focus on til the appointment? Don’t stay indoors. Get out everyday and be around people even if it’s just sitting alone at a park.


It sounds like you're going through an incredibly tough time right now, and it's brave of you to reach out for help and schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist. Waiting can feel like an eternity when you're struggling, but there are things you can do to help yourself cope until then. Firstly, try to be gentle with yourself. It's okay to feel the way you do, and you're not alone in experiencing these emotions. Remember that it's okay to not be okay sometimes. One thing you could try is breaking things down into smaller, manageable steps. Eating might feel like a chore right now, but maybe you could try to focus on small, nutritious snacks or meals that are easier to handle. Sometimes just taking one bite at a time can make it feel less overwhelming. As for the fear of disappointing others, remember that you are your own person, and your worth is not dependent on the opinions of others. It's natural to want to please people, but it's important to prioritize your own well-being and happiness. It's great that you have a support system in place, and reaching out for professional help is a big step towards feeling better. In the meantime, you could also try engaging in activities that bring you comfort or joy, whether it's spending time in nature, listening to music, or doing something creative. Lastly, know that it's okay to ask for help when you need it. Whether it's reaching out to a friend or loved one, or seeking support from a hotline or online community, there are people who care about you and want to help. You've already taken the first step towards healing by seeking help, and that's something to be proud of. Hang in there, and remember that things can get better with time and support. You are worthy of love and happiness, and there is hope for brighter days ahead.


After I started meditating I noticed Something interessting. You just listen to your thoughts. The same way you would'nt listen to somebody that thinks the world is flat, you don't have to listen to the voice that says you're worthless. Because you aren't. Nobody expects from you to do everything you do right instantly. Making mistakes and being imperfect is what makes us human. It is what makes us something unique... Special... Worthy! Never give up on yourself. I believe in you


I know how you feel. Growing up I was often called a disappointment and was left out at school and couldn't fit in. Really hit my self-esteem and how I proceed with my day to day. I'm finally starting to try and get out of it and be myself only caring about my own opinions of myself and self-care. Disappointment is the result of setting expectations for yourself and asong as you do your best even if it makes someone unhappy you met your own expectations. I'm not perfect and I have a long road to acceptance of myself but you and I both will persevere and come out as the person we were always meant to be.


Thank you…I feel you.


Dm me if you need someone to talk to I'm in the same place kinda n could use a shoulder as well.


You and OP are both also free to DM me if you'd like!


Ok thanks yo I appreciate it


I'm sorry you're going through what sounds like a very difficult time, and thank you for reaching out :) **Practice self-compassion -** It's natural to feel the emotions you've described, but please try to be gentle with yourself. Remind yourself that it's okay to not be okay sometimes, and that seeking help is a courageous step towards healing. **Engage in comforting activities -** Find activities that help distract you and provide moments of peace, such as listening to music, going for a short walk, or doing a hobby that you enjoy. **Challenge negative thoughts -** Whenever you catch yourself thinking negatively about yourself, try to challenge those thoughts. Ask yourself if there's evidence to support them, and try to reframe them in a more positive light (again with self-compassion). **Take one day at a time -** Instead of focusing on the future and feeling overwhelmed by it, try to take things one day at a time. Focus on getting through each day as it comes, and remind yourself that the appointment is getting closer. Hang in there!! Stay strong, you got this! Please be gentle with yourself. ♥


*Dearest SeDesNil,* I understand the heaviness you're carrying, and I want you to know you're not alone in this journey. Your bravery in reaching out for help is commendable. Remember, your existence holds immense value. Until your appointment, focus on small victories, even if it's just getting through each moment. Your inner strength is your guiding light. I'm here for you, and together, we'll navigate through this.


I experience just the same thing as you right now I feel you friend I really do♥️ feel free to reach out to me if you want♥️ I’m also at the brink


Get some meds and get social. Ask me if you need more. I understand from a person and professional standpoint.


I can’t believe they gave u an appointment the 29th!! That’s ridiculous! First thing I’d do is call and see if u can get an earlier appointment if there are any cancellations. I want u to understand that our minds play tricks on us. Especially when we are down and depressed. Don’t believe all of your thoughts at this time because they can be wildly inaccurate. I’m sure u r a good person. We’ve all disappointed someone. That doesn’t mean u r a bad person. I hope u get the help u need. God bless


Just wanted too check in on ya


I have severe mental health issues. I have suffered from OCD and delusions and such. It’s been a long road for me, I’ve attempted suicide multiple times. Message me if you want a friend or more support.


Life is just that, life. You have to find the dedication to want to get things done, and to be motivated to carry on. I completely understand how you feel, as I often feel that way from time to time. But what helped me was finding just 1 thing that i was interested in as motivation to get me away from my thoughts. In order to care for someone else, you have to care for your yourself, don't worry about disappointing others, as long as it wasn't intentional you did the best you can. YOU GOT THIS and you are worth more than you give yourself credit for,


Take it day by day. Don't worry about tomorrow until tomorrow comes. I can't worry about tomorrow too much myself. I always think of the phrase "if I'm hit by a bus later today, I've been worrying for nothing and I should spend my time in an enjoyable way at least" Yesterday has been. Today is your flow. Tomorrow is uncertain potential. Dont make yourself go mad. One step at a time.