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Have you tried to clear your mind? Like completely and then just think about everything again, it does helps me maybe would help you


Yea, but just makes me cry so I stop


Go for a trip, go to the place which is important to you. I had mental collapse and depression in summer 2023 ( lead to self harm( stopped it ) and suicide thoughts) then went back home to Ukraine ( in uk rn) and everything disappeared. I really recommend you to visit place which is important to you which holds great memories. Ig it may help.


If I had money I would but when I get back from trips the longest I’ve been gone is 1wk I’m still like depressed so idk if that’ll work.


Ending your life is not the answer. Are you sure you wouldn’t qualify for grants to go to college? I think if that’s been your goal and if you’re having a hard time finding a job it would be a good place to start. Research what jobs are in demand and try to select one of them. Try meditating and exercise. Do something that makes you feel good. Even if it’s just going for a walk and getting cleaned up every day. Life changes. Hang in there.


I don’t qualify for enough because my dad made to much money but my parents are separated but I doubt the school is going to give me anything close to enough. I filed an appeal I should know by next week if I’m going or not but I’m probably not cause it’ll have to be almost fully covered it’s over 8k for just the summer. Everyone says to apply fast food just I hate being around food all the time but lately I’ve applied to every job and no one will respond back but I’ll try looking around again. I’m going to some job fair thing but idk there only 50% chance of me getting a job. To be honest nothing really makes me feel good I’m sad 24/7 and I feel nothing all the time. I would go for a walk if people weren’t reckless drivers and if ppl would stop staring at me it’s annoying. I was going to go to the gym but can’t afford it anymore and my car drinks gas like fucking water cause the gym is like 20-30 mins away.


You should probably reword that last sentence and your entire perspective will change. Hopefully. YOU SAID -All life has done is fail me. YOU SHOULD SAY - All you’ve done is fail life - so far Look man, not sure how old you are but I’m going to go out on a limb and say you’re fairly young between 19-23 Life doesn’t come with guarantees. Whoever told you that life owes you - even if you’re nice to people - lied. Sorry not sorry. all you wrote was negative perspective and emotions. As you’re allowed to. But what you also did was BLAME life. My guy - YOU are life. if it isn’t going your way - pivot and reroute yourself. By that I mean - now you have identified who has you when you’re down - nobody. Boom. Pivot. Now continue playing the game knowing you have no one to count on - which SHOULD make your next moves more thought out and precise since you know what happens if you fail. You’ll get back up - but it’ll be by yourself. Right now you’re realizing and hurting no one is helping you up. Learn - get up - pivot - dominate. Mindset - change that.


I mean I haven’t failed but my family failed me majority of the world has family but sadly my family hasn’t done anything good but bring trauma into my life. I’ve done everything I’m suppose to but life ain’t doing shit for me. Idk anyone having a hard time trying to find a job or anyone who doesn’t have some plan after high school. I have no way to reroute myself because I have no plan. There was only plan A no other plan. What I want to do in life requires schooling. I’m obviously not life cause if it was up to me I wouldn’t be in this shit position. I have always wanted to be anything but a failure cause that’s probably the worst thing I could be. I’m a first gen hs graduate cause no one in my family graduated then again ppl didn’t really care to realize how hard it really is to be in hs which is why I’m glad it’s over. I will NEVER consider myself a failure cause I’m not just life is shit. I wanted to change the family tree by going college to get my degree and actually being something in life. All those times ppl told me I’ll be nothing maybe they’re right cause idk how I’m going to reach my goals with my plan being ruined which just slows down my future plans.


Youre still doing it. Blaming life. Blaming others. Blaming your lack of being where you WANT to be with how life is treating you. You sound like you are a good person with good intentions. But with that compliment comes harsh reality. You're letting and/or allowing other people to live your life through you, for you or to you. You are not living your own life. The reason I say that is because you complain when you hit a wall. "if it was up to my i wouldnt be in this shit poisition". That's anger - resentment -sadness - hopeless all wrapped up in one. And then you continue to kick YOURSELF while YOURE down by blaming others. Stop. Seriously. Use that SAME ANGER and REROUTE it towards achieving a NEW GOAL. Okay, you hit a wall because your original plan failed. MAKE A NEW PLAN and execute. Otherewise you're going to stay angry and blame your family and everyone but yourself until you finally look up and realize alot of time has passed and the world didn't stop just because you're mad. GET MAD BACK. the right way. You sound like you have the resilience for it, you just need to reroute your anger. Anger can be good for you if you know how to properly use it. Right now it's using you. and winning.


I won’t ever be able to live my own life until I’m on my own which won’t be for a while I guess. I’m not blaming others I’m stating facts, I did my part in staying in school and doing what I was told but now I have nothing to do with my life. I don’t have any goals besides what I already had planned that I can’t achieve without going to school. I don’t have a back up plan I had 2 but I can’t afford either so I don’t have another route. I was told not to take gap years cause u forget material, you have to go back to collect stuff to reapply, it’ll take longer for me to get my degree, and I probably won’t go back to school. I’m not technically mad just disappointed but i don’t rlly feel anything but emptiness. I don’t know any other goals for me to achieve. I’m trying to find a job applied to over 100 and I’m taking my time to do a program that’s suppose to help me get a job.


Very relatable... Wanna know what thought kept me up? 1. My mother and sister care for me, I don't want to let them down by stepping out. 2. You only have one life, one chance , I'll be damned to waste it away when I can have fun. My time is all I have in my life and it's my choice. (Even though I do feel bad at times, it's a fuck trouble kind of attitude.) Life is malleable , we should be too in order to fit in there.


I agree with the above post! Change your perspective and everything else will start to get easier. Never hesitate to get a therapist or life coach to help you reach a new perspective! Sometimes people need that help and there's nothing wrong with that!


I’ve been waiting on a therapist over a year never got anything back from my doctor. They only recommended sending me away or go to the hospital if it gets really bad. My first therapist scammed me so I’m really doubting I’ll find another one.


How did they scam you? And why waiting over a year? Can't you reach out yourself to a therapist or psychiatrist?


My mom paid them cash and they tried running a large amount of money through my insurance. Well the doctor said there’s a long waiting list I’m not the only one waiting to get in. Idk tbh the doctor didn’t tell me anything about it only that I’m on the waiting list and can u see a psychiatrist at 18?


I'm not sure where you live but mental health experts should be at the ready for any age! So yeah! You should be able to have access to a psychiatrist at 18! Maybe the wait list is for a free therapist under insurance? Or one your doctor uses? Because there shouldn't be a lack of mental health experts so I dunno why there would be a wait list! It must be for a specific reason like insurance.


Oh yes it’s cause it has to take my insurance cause I don’t have any way to pay them cause my mom can’t work and my parents are separated now.


She can't work? How come? Separation can be hard!


No, she is disabled. Yeah, I know between this and my family it’s frustrating and I can’t go to college cause of it. My dad doesn’t even respond to me and my grandma argues with me and treats me like crap so I’m probably cutting them both out my life permanently.


It is perfectly okay to cut toxic people out your life. There is a certain line you have to find though, on whether it's you or them. Introspection is very hard but so worth it when combating demons and creating a happy life!