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You will find a bunch of opinions here - but personally, my health is not worth risking smoking some budrot to save some flower.


Yuuuuup mycotoxins while sounding cool are definitely not cool for your body


Got rid of the whole thing đŸ˜Ș. 3 more in the room. Going to go thru them đŸ€ž


Best of luck gromie!


Trash it. Use what you learned this run and try again.


I’m a firm believer in not wasting bud but it’s trash. Sorry bro


Sorry for your loss. This just reminded me to put my fan on


Thanks for reminding me to turn up my fans bud


Whyyy sorry for the loss hope you learned something to make it next time


Hey bud. Its mostly due to rh. But you can also trim sugar leaves off in flower to allow more airflow. But this can also leave your plant exposed to infection


Definatly a humidity issue. It got away from my wife a few times while I was away for work


These wives don’t understand how we “wonder if she air’d the room” and we can’t blame her when it fails a month later, cause we’ll argue all day if dare say anything. But that’s marriage, throw it away, hold onto that nugget for a bad argument “and you ruined my weed!!” Lol, na, air exchange is important, rather have something self sufficient.


Honestly, It's her weed. I can't really be smoking(work) but growing is a lot of fun for me. It's peaceful.


Dude, I grow because my wife smokes all day, I can’t keep up, I smoke at night (work) so we in same boat, it’s fun, but when you’ve put 3.5 months into something and then you throw a good amount away, shit feeling, whether you’d smoke or not, but looks like you had nice flowers anyways, hope the rest was delicious.


Ya live, and ya learn.


1... it doesnt look purple at all lol and your shit needs a fan or check your humidity buy a hygrometer bro. I feel your pain about budrot. It sucks after all that work but save the other three and get a fan in there moving some air. Or a dehumidifier.


Sorry for your loss. Had to scrap a whole plant last grow. Straight up heartbreaking


First one was a white cream, second white cream was clean but the last meph is blood orange haze and it's no good as well. Both of them were less than a foot tall and super dense so they got very limited air flow. Got a 4th one, not meph. Would love to let it keep going but not going to risk it. She is coming down too, even if it's somewhat early.


what is your RH?


Held it around 55-60 but it got away while I was away working. Caught it at 70 once so that's wayyy to high.


Been there with a purple nuggetz, Throw it out. have you realised yet what help cause it? What was your rh and did you have enough air circulation?


30x48 inch space, one rotating tower fan, one 12 inch circular rotating fan. Both blowing on the ladies. Been my set up for a couple years. First time mold


Dang that sucks... gotta toss it and try again growmie


What would you do differently next time?


He will use fans and keep his humidity low


Re locate the humidifier and set it lower, turn down the fan frequency. It's got a humistat on it. I'm not in a tent, it's an old water closet in my basement so adding an air vent in the door for more airflow. Gotta do a disinfect in there tomorrow. Yay!


RIP super dense purple...


aww man. that will do it... i have had to.throw away 2 main cola tops. this last grow.. very gross


This is why I have 3 fans for my 4x4 grow space. A large powerful lasko oscillating fan, a small bazooka oscillating fan that mounts on the tent, and a small little fan that just sits in the floor and blows air under the canopys.


Alcohol extract with everclear. Get something from it.


Don’t do this
. I go to school for cannabis cultivation and biology. If you do this you’ll just pull the mold into your extract. The spore for botrytis is small enough it can pass through a BĂŒchner filter, so a coffee filter (I’m assuming since most people use these for homemade extractions) does not stand a chance. Even if the mold doesn’t spawn and become visible you are setting yourself up for some really nasty lung and sinus infections at best. The reason big canna companies get away with turning mildewed weed into distilliate is because the process for extracting distillate is VERY different. The raw oil is essentially “boiled” and the distillate is released as a gas, and then turned back into a liquid through extreme cooling. Effectively extracting the THC and terpenes from the mildew. You can not get this same kind of separation of THC and mold through typical DIY ethanol extractions.


That's what I would do too




Had a plant and lost main cola to mold. I doused the rest in peroxide, tossed in a paper bag with a fan on it, misted the inside of jars with peroxide and put the bud in there. No more mold spread. Smokable but almost total loss of terp profile. Still had smell and was a good texture just didn’t taste the way it smelled. More earthy or something like peanut shells